How to get Zoho CRM free trial

How to get Zoho CRM (Sales & Marketing) for Free (Without risks)

Published by Zoho Corporation
Last updated: 2024-01-02

Getting Started with Zoho CRM Free Trial

Launched in 2005, Zoho is a web-based, office-aligned app. With Zoho, problems relating to the smooth running of office businesses are solved. It contains word processing, presentations, office databases, customer relationship management (CRM), and project management features.



It also has features that cover invoicing, web conferencing, note-taking, spreadsheets, and other applications. It is developed by Zoho Corporation, a firm chiefly operating out of India. As a website builder, it provides web hosting, unlimited storage, bandwidth, and web pages. It also contains a wide range of website and mobile templates. As a CRM app, it boasts features like procurement, inventory, and other accounting functions. In a bid to expand its services and reach new markets, Zoho took a bold step.

This saw Zoho integrate some of its applications with the Google Apps online suite. With this move, users were allowed to access both suites with one login click.

However, Zoho and Google have retained their autonomy, existing as separate, competing companies. 


Does Zoho CRM have a Free Trial? 

Zoho CRM offers a free trial, which single users and brands can use.

Though the features that are available on the free trial are quite limited, it affords users an opportunity to see what they can get when they buy a paid plan on Zoho CRM. The trial period lasts for 15 days. Within that period, you should have an idea of how it works, and how to best leverage it for profit. 

Official Screenshots


Zoho CRM Pricing Plans

Zoho CRM has a certain range of service packages with pricing which is fair. The paid plans listed below are:

  • Zoho Standard Plan: This is the least of the paid plans on offer by Zoho CRM. It has more helpful features than the free trial version. This plan costs $18 per month if you're paying on a month-to-month basis but if you're paying on an annual basis, the plan only costs $12.  It's quite important to note that this price is just per user, which means that you have to pay a separate fee for every user.
  • Zoho Professional Plan: This plan offers more advanced features that are unavailable to users under the Standard plan. Such cool features like inventory management, process management and Google Ads integration are some of the tools that subscribers to this plan get to enjoy. The Professional plan is priced at $20 every month per user for the annual plan while the monthly plan costs $30 per user.
  • Zoho Enterprise Plan: This plan was tailor-made for businesses that are scaling up from small to medium. It has all the perks of the Professional plan and more like a Command Center that lets you make customized settings. It also offers an AI assistant and multiple users portals for vendors, partners and customers. The annual plan is priced at $35 per user for every month while the monthly plan costs $45 per user.
  • Zoho Ultimate Plan: This plan is for businesses who want to get the best out of the Zoho CRM service. This plan is truly the ultimate because it encompasses all the other plans and offers even more tools and resources. Subscribers to the Ultimate plan gain access to features like Zoho Analytics, larger storage space and more advanced options when it comes to customization. The annual plan is priced at $45 every month per user and the monthly plan costs $55 per user.


Which Plan Is Best For Me?

Deciding on the plan which is best for you heavily depends on your needs and budget. Users of Zoho CRM must take the stage of their business into consideration as the more extensive and expensive plans are designed for bigger businesses.

The lower plans like the Standard and Professional plans are best suited for small and medium sized businesses. So, put these factors into consideration when picking a plan and you are more likely to get better value for your money.


How to Get a Free Trial for ZOHO CRM

To get started on the free trial for the app, you have to take the following steps:

  • Go to Zoho CRM free trial page.
  • Log in or Sign up
  • A page will appear, showing all the options for Zoho CRM. Choose "Free Trial".
  • Click on the “Access Zoho CRM” at the center of the page.
  • At this point, you have gained access to a 15 day free trial on Zoho CRM

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a Zoho CRM - Sales & Marketing free trial credit card to signup for Zoho CRM without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

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  1. Our Virtual Cards are Bank-issued
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  4. Will pass all authorizations (cvc/cvv, address, proof of funds) by Zoho CRM.
  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust Zoho CRM - Sales & Marketing and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
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How to Cancel Zoho Free Trial 

Unlike the process of choosing the free trial, canceling it is pretty straightforward. Once your trial period is over, you will be moved to the free package. If you prefer the free package, then you're good.

If you want to move to another package, follow these steps.

  • Go to your Zoho profile
  • Click on the " Try other editions" option on your profile.
  • A new page will appear, showing you the other options. Choose the option that you like. 

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