Acapella from PicPlayPost app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with Acapella from PicPlayPost

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Summary of Acapella from PicPlayPost Problems 🔥

- High monthly cost to get full access

- No monitor feature to hear what is currently being recorded through your headphones

- Cannot input two previously recorded videos

- No way to turn off the sound of the first video that was already there

📋 3 Reported Issues:

Stephen Billups 2023-03-22

I just downloaded the acapella app on my iPhone. I am trying to sign up, but I get an Error message: "Service currently unavailable". I have tried 3 days in a row.

Alejandra Farfan 2023-03-22

This app is not working ! And I’m still on the free trial , I was planning to buy the whole year but not sure it’s worth it anymore , it keeps getting me trouble , first the app keeps shutting down , 2nd I wouldn’t let me save any of my video progress , and when I was finally able record a whole thing it didn’t let me save it to my phone , or upload it to Acapella either ! What am I supposed to do ? It keeps saying “Error, service currently unavailable “ very frustrating.

Nan Simpson 2022-10-04

I have tried contacting you....this is another try. Today the metronome on the Acapella app doesn't work. Although I set it to a new tempo, and the click track sounds fine on that page, when I go to record, the click track that plays is from the previously recorded song. Please, I need help! Thanks Nan

Showing 1-3 of 3 reported issues:

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