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Summary of Pharos Print Problems 😠👌🔥

• Login issues

• No QR scan available

• Buggy

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Common Pharos Print Problems & Solutions. Troubleshooting Guide


  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Pharos Systems International, developers of Pharos Print.

About this app

To use PharosPrint, Pharos MobilePrint and a Pharos secure print solution must be in place within your organization. • Easily submit content from your phone or tablet into a Pharos secure print queue. • Delete a print job from your Pharos secure print queue. • View all documents in your Pharos secure print queue. • View your Available Funds and job cost (when applicable). • Release print jobs to the printer (if configured). • Select printers for release by scanning QR code (if configured). • Supports iOS 14. 0 and newer iPhone and iPad models. • Supports Pharos MobilePrint 2. 0+ with Pharos Uniprint 9. • Supports Pharos MobilePrint 2. 0+ with Pharos Blueprint 5. • QR Print Release requires MobilePrint 2. 4 and Uniprint 9.  The Pharos Print app, part of the Pharos MobilePrint solution, allows you to easily submit content from your iOS device to a Pharos secure print queue.  Uploading or opening files from other apps via “Open In” and "Sharing", or via the "Upload" button in PharosPrint supports the following file formats: Microsoft Office® documents, Microsoft Outlook®, PDF, images (JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP), text files (CSV, RTF & TXT), and OpenOffice documents. A.  Connect Pharos Print to your organization’s Pharos MobilePrint server. b.  Files can be submitted either via the Upload icon in PharosPrint or by using the native iOS “Open In” or the "Sharing" command to submit your print job. a.  The Pharos Print app will connect to the Pharos server and display a User Authentication Screen. a.  Download and install the Pharos Print app to your iOS device. B.  Contact your organization’s IT administrator to obtain the Pharos MobilePrint server information (URL). c.  Or use the “QR Code” icon at the top right of PharosPrint (if available) to enable the camera and point it at the QR code on the printer you want to print to. G.  Enter the Pharos Server Name and Server Port (both are required). e.  Enter the credentials that you normally use to print (your username and password). D.  To upload supported documents from PharosPrint , simply log in and use the "Upload" button.  To delete documents, select a document and use the "Delete" button. F. b. c.  Select content in any app that supports “Open In" or "Sharing". E. b. c.  To preview documents, select a document and use the "Preview" button. d.  To view available funds you have for printing, use the “Payment method” tab at the bottom of PharosPrint . a.