I purchased Parallels Access about a year ago in search of a better remote access to a Windows machine from my iPad. I had tried several competing products, many of which worked but had some flakey performance or connection issues.
Parallels Access was simply fantastic. It worked smoothly, elegantly, without a problem. It connected quickly and was a joy to use. Then they “improved” it.
The latest version is total crap. After connecting easily dozens and dozens of times in the past, it will no longer do so.
I have just spent 45 minutes in endless loops trying to sign in with my old login, sign in with my Apple login, change the password and sign in, etc., etc. It acknowledges the account, then sends an email confirming the login [I follow the instructions in the email], then sends a two factor authentication number, and then another email [I follow the instructions in the email], (to each of the multiple emails and texts I’ve responded), then acknowledges these prior steps and sends ANOTHER email for me to confirm, then RESTARTS the entire log in process!!
There is a link to request technical support BUT THEN IT REQUIRES YOU TO SIGN IN TO GET TECHNICAL SUPPORT!
If I could sign in I wouldn’t need technical support! Duh.
Who has time for this nonsense?
The latest version of Parallels Access is a mess.