Reeder. Reviews

Reeder. Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-05

About: Reeder is your all-in-one inbox for reading, watching and listening to content
from various sources. From Unread Counts to Timeline Syncing Say goodbye to
unread counts! With Reeder, your timeline position is synced across all your
devices, letting you pick up right where you left off.

About Reeder

Reeder only syncs what’s important — your subscriptions, timeline position and tagged items (including Links, Favorites, Bookmarks and Later) — across all your devices using iCloud, making syncing faster and more efficient, with changes pushed to your other devices within seconds.

While it’s not meant to replace full-featured clients, Reeder offers a centralized way to keep track of everything you follow, with the option to open content in other apps (if supported) when you want to dive deeper.

Turn any tag into a public, auto-updating feed that can be viewed in any browser or added to any RSS reader that supports JSON feeds, making it simple to share your curated content.

Easily save links from Safari or any other app to Reeder using its share extension, keeping everything organized and easy to find.

Say goodbye to unread counts! With Reeder, your timeline position is synced across all your devices, letting you pick up right where you left off.

Reeder is your all-in-one inbox for reading, watching and listening to content from various sources.

Reeder supports more than just RSS feeds.

Content is fetched directly from the sources, ensuring you always have the latest updates.

It integrates videos, podcasts and social media posts into a single, streamlined view.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 25 combined software reviews.

80 Reeder Reviews

3.5 out of 5


Needs a read/unread visual cue. Sorry, it does!

This is a neat idea that plays into the notion that we can’t 100% our feeds anymore and thus don’t need to see that we have thousands of unread RSS feed entries (and videos, and Reddit posts, and so on and on) we’ll never get to. As a complement to this app Classic (but, personally, not a replacement for it), I can easily see a use case that has me using both daily.

But I won’t pick this up again until there’s some visual indication of which posts I’ve read/seen/watched/heard. A syncing timeline isn’t enough (and, so far in my testing, not very reliable in terms of where it lands after a sync). I don’t need unread item counts or empty feed folders, but please just dim the items I’ve interacted with (or, better, give us an option to automatically hide those from the main feed once they’ve been interacted with). Without that option, this feels way more unwieldy than a large list of unread feeds in Classic, and I’ve only loaded up about four feeds so far.

A small fix, even if it’s off by default but available as an option, will go a long way.


Confusing? Needs More Options

The home feed displays oldest first, but then not all in the correct order. Sometimes it’s right then other times it displays a huge chunk from a single feed going back over 5 years. Makes it unusable. There are no options currently to change the ordering - which seems odd. And then… how do you clear your home feed? There is no option to do so and there doesn’t seem to be a read / not read option. It just saves your scroll position in the feed. Maybe that’s a purposeful decision to make something that’s ‘not an RSS reader’ and I can respect that. Maybe it’s just not for me. Or maybe I need a few more quality of life type features to use it.


Great take on reading from the best

I like this new version of this app. It just came out, so I don’t have a ton to say, but I’m enjoying the design a lot and also it was easy to get set up with my feeds from this app Classic - just export the OPML file and then I was good to go (some feeds were dead or changed so I double checked those to add them back if the site hadn’t died or moved - not the apps fault). Looks like an app I’ll be working to get settled into.

Only thing it’s taking me a while to absorb (it’s day one) is the read statuses on articles. I know I’ll get it, but that’s a big change.


This is not an RSS App

Just for anyone wondering what's going on, seems the developer changed the entire design or purpose of Reeder to now make it just a feed of your news and stuff, as opposed to a true RSS Reader App. WOuld have ben MUCH beeter if they just named the old one this app RSS or something to clarify. Again, This is NOT an RSS Reader app. It looks to be nearly identicle to Tapestry, although with different UI & customization options. I do like being able to open links directly in an In-App Browser, but that would be useful in the actual this app RSS app. I mean, I still LIKE Reeder? But it's just not a replacement for this app. this app is dead. Long live this app.


These is some kind of BIG change

Ok. That four stars is really for me. Reeder is completely solid, super fast. Makes me eager to cancel a subscription to a feed service, in fact, it's so fast in syncing with iCloud. It's just great. It's everything I could ask for in a reading multitool...

I wish there were keyboard shortcuts for Later and Favorite. I haven't been able to figure that out. And....

Good God do I miss read/unread. This is a massive mental shift and changes the way I interact with my incoming sources. This mentality of just syncing timeline location has been incredibly difficult.

I'm far from giving up on it and I subscribed annually right away. But... whew... this is a big ask for a heavy feed reader!



Reeder is beautiful. I also completely understand why the developer left the old this app app fully functioning. Reeder is nothing like that one. Which is fine. But not for me. I’m gonna stick to the Classic app for the foreseeable future. At the very least i want to be able to sort my RSS feeds in folders like in the past apps. Don’t seem to be able to do any kind of sorting here past alphabetical. Maybe Reeder will get better in time.


It's a Big Swing

As a long time this app user, I was eager to see the new version of one of my most used programs, and right now, I think this app 5 (or this app Classic) is a better fit for me as I use it for RSS only. The new version however, may be a great solution for those that follow content in a variety of formats or services.

The developer has already shared that there are features coming that will greatly add to the expierence, like folders.

The unified timeline approach is interesting, but I really wish it had a setting or way to hide or visually dim old or previously viewed content.

While I'm not a fan of subscriptions, I really hope that the change to a subscription model means that we'll see active development on this version.


I want to love it

I want to love it. I'm a long long time this app user. I like the pattern of [un]read stories, even though I often just mark a large swath of them as read. But I'd try the new paradigm if and only if I could still organize my feeds into folders for things like News, Tech, Local, etc. If you can ship this feature, I'll resubscribe and give it a real try. Dipping back over to this app Classic for now.


Critical functionality removed

Unlike the previous this app, it does not support integration with third party RSS servers. I’m unable to use my FreshRSS instance without exporting/importing OPML(renders FreshRSS useless, paywalled feature) or generating a RSS link for every category on my own server, but this means I can’t subscribe to new feeds from this app. I love the idea, being able to read a bunch of sources inside one app, but I’m not dumping my centralized RSS server for this. No sell.


Long time user

Been using this app for almost as long as it’s been available. Happy to pay the sub and support the dev but not going to stop using classic for now, too many missing features, some of which are critical to my expectations for a feed app.

To list a few:
- Mark as read is missing, this alone makes Reeder almost unusable
- folders or any manual organization options
- option to display more compact list views, in fact there are almost no view options

Really excited for the future of this app but doesn’t feel right to give a more positive recommendation as it is now.


Like The New Features

Like the new features. Please Please bring back mark as read so I can only see the articles I haven't read. Filtering by tag instead of feed type would be nice too. Looking forward to more regular updates.


Poor - a step back

This is a huge step back from this app Classic. If you like this app Classic, you should stay with the classic. Just my opinion. When I started using classic, it just worked, easy to organize feeds and set the reader view on all the feeds. The in app viewing of feed items immediately failed for the first few feed items I checked.


I'm lost

So how do Feedbin users set this up? OPML is not an answer. Want to support, but this is a non-starter.

Update: having read posts about this new release, I understand the changes. Honestly, not for me. Really hope the now Classic app remains updated. Otherwise I'll have to migrate.


A terrible new direction for Reeder

I’ve been a fan of this app for years, as the obvious best app for RSS on iOS. Now the developer has decided to archive that app as this app Classic and pursue a completely different idea that isn’t even about reading RSS. Not to mention that it’s a utility that does not provide its own service, yet for some reason charges a subscription to use it. Ridiculous.


Don’t waste your time if you like the old Reeder and RSS

I’ve been an outspoken fan and purchaser of every version of this app. This newest this app is absolute garbage as an RSS reader. Worse, the developer follows the trend of subscription model greed. If you’ve been a loyal customer needing a great Google Reader replacement for your RSS feed collection, save time and disappointment by skipping Reeder.


Font size

I am a long time subscriber, but the lack of settings to increase font size is a deal breaker for me. Apps focused on reading should include accessibility options by default.

Hopefully this is a temporary oversight, but I am happily using the old version until then.


Very goooooood

Very goooooood👍


From hero to zero

Preface: I am Silvio's biggest fan and have purchased every piece of software he's made.

That said, I tried a 1 month sub for Reeder and thoroughly dislike it. It's trying to create a problem that doesn't exist with this app classic.

I get this app 5 is not going anywhere, but it's absolutely heartbreaking to know my precious app I use every day will not be in focus anymore :(

Too many problems with Reeder (new this app) to list, but here's some:

1. No external RSS support - this actually doesn't bother me as much as others. I was hoping to move to iCloud sync in the future.

2. No folder

3. No feeds management

4. No unread number on folders

5. No unread markers? Silvio you're driving me lazy! This adds a tremendous amount of mental friction to my day!

6. Uses this app's title even though it's nothing like the previous this app classic app.

7. A fraction of the old settings and features I came to rely on in the old this app classic app.

So many more. I am canceling the sub for now, but will be watching Reeder closely.

In my opinion, the better direction would have been adding these features like youtube & audio to the EXISTING this app Classic app!


Takes away more than it gives

The new this app (I’m all for new) adds the ability to track a number of sources like YouTube. It takes away the ability to see what particular source has been updated (no counts on what has changed). That’s a feature (it is claimed) so that you just go through your timeline. But I follow specific RSS sites to keep up with THEM, and I don’t want to have to scroll through everything. I would give this app. five stars if it brought back counts AND allowed the creation of groups to arrange feeds. I’m staying with this app Classic.



I’m a LONG time this app user. This version seems to be a step BACKWARDS. While I think the idea of having everything in one place is a great idea, like your YouTube channels, Mastodon, BlueSky, whatever. BUT the CORE functionality, RSS reading, is pretty much gutted. Where is the support for RSS Aggregate services like NewsBlur? I don’t see it. Since that is 99% of what I need this app to do, I’m going to skip this until it gets that support.


What I’ve been waiting for

I’ve been looking for a universal hub for all my media, and this app delivers exactly that. I love how quickly I was able to import my feeds from this app Classic, and connecting to my Mastodon and Bluesky accounts was a breeze. Adding podcasts and subreddits is just as easy. The sync across devices works flawlessly. What’s even better is that if this version isn’t for you, this app Classic is still available. But this isn’t just another sequel—it’s something new, offering more than its predecessor ever did.


Media System

It seems that everything is close to perfect. Except for the video media system, there is currently only the YouTube platform. Using feed to add other video platforms will not be recognized in the video media. Really look forward to supporting more video platforms in the future, or automatically identifying the media types of feed streams.


Game changer

I’ve tried a number of RSS apps over the years and none have ever gotten me to feel the need to switch from Feedly…until this one. I love the comics and YouTube feeds. It’s missing a few things like display options, so hopefully those will come in future updates, but for now, this has immediately become my default RSS reader.


Ambitious but Early

I love the idea and the execution. Please, please bring back CMD-Click to load stories into your default browser in the background like this app 5 does. Looking forward to the updates.


A wonderful unified experience

New paradigms are often difficult to get right but this app presents a great experience out of the gate. It goes far beyond the scope of a canonical reader app while retaining a level of craft and polish that is delightful.



Unread counts, mark as read on scroll, and feed sorting options (oldest to newest) seem like important things that are not in this new version of this app. The new UI is nice though


Not the Reeder you've expected

App feels polished and smooth, but leaves a lot to be desired. Folders are missing, and there are no Pocket, Instapaper, Inoreader clients...

It is reasonably priced, but without these features it's a step back from classic to me


A New Approach

When I heard about the changes to Reeder , I wasn’t sure, but after giving it an honest shot, I’m sold. I love not worrying about if a post is unread or read, the social style feed works so well. The syncing it rock solid and pretty fast, what’s there just works and works well.

There are feature missing though that keep me from giving it 5 stars. Thankfully most of the missing features are on the coming soon list. Once I have text options and keyboard shortcuts, this becomes a 5 star review.


Fantastic new release, amazing attention to detail

Such a great way to stay up-to-date with your favorite publications in a beautiful and easy-to-use interface. Love that there are still people creating boutique apps with attention to detail, including great UX and beautiful animations.

To power users of old this app leaving negative reviews: just use the old version and stop complaining about something that wasn't built for you. It's still supported by the dev.

Also, I'm more than happy to pay a subscription fee for an app that continues to receive love and attention from the dev. It's incredibly generous that the dev even shipped improvements for the old app that was a one-time purchase. How would you like it if you were paid a salary for one year, and then we all got mad that you didn't work for free for the next 10 years?

But seriously, if you care about good apps from developers who care, this is an essential utility for consuming content on the increasingly fragmented and messy internet.


Missing … everything

Let’s get one thing out of the way: the subscription model is fine. Let’s reward great developers with a real living and with enough revenue to continue building great things.

This new this app is not a great thing. It’s half-baked and solves problems that don’t exist while creating new ones. Take a step back and look at what this app was (and this app Classic continues to be): a beautiful, smart, simple way to organize and consume news in almost any form.

Now this this app rolls along, and … just chucks that out the window. If you use something other than Apple products sometimes, too bad. The new this app forces your backend to be Apple-only, so no more common newsfeed with your other devices. If you’ve spent years curating a newsfeed with a service you trust (or self-host), too bad. Everything goes into this app now and you’re going to lose all your organization. If you like to scroll your content to see what you want to read, too bad. this app’s read state is tied to scrolling now, so no more perusing.

This is, collectively, a baffling miss from a developer who made (and continues to support) one of the finest, most user-friendly pieces of software I’ve had the pleasure of using.


Long time user

The new this app app is great, and I appreciate you still supporting the old, now this app Classic app. I have purchased every version of this app and appreciate all the work put into Reeder . The only thing I’m hoping you could add is for those of us who don’t care for subscriptions, can you add a lifetime onetime purchase? I’m not trying to be a jerk, but subscription fatigue is real. A lifetime onetime purchase option would make this a 5 star app. Other then that awesome job on Reeder .


Novel take on a reader app

I’ve long used what is now this app Classic as my RSS feed app due to its beautiful design and focus on simplicity. This new iteration of this app is really intriguing with its support for various media formats and social feeds, as well as its tracking of scroll position instead of read status. Cool ideas!

I look forward to future features, particularly personalization of content presentation — type size, type faces, contrast level, etc.



I'm a long-time user of this app and have paid for every version of Reeder . I think the new version looks great and is useful, but it's far from perfect. For example, I really need the ability to change the font and adjust the font size, especially on the Mac, where the text is too small! Also, it would be great if the new version could incorporate the features of the old version so I wouldn't have to keep both apps.


Wrong direction

I write this with nothing but love for this developer. I have bought and used daily every version of this app that has ever existed.

The opinionated experiments in this new version are thoughtfully implemented, well designed, and well built. But I just deleted Reeder . This new approach completely breaks 15 years of workflow and muscle memory for me. I will continue using this app Classic for as long as it works, and I would even pay good money for a major update to the this app Classic approach.

But this just isn’t working for me.


I’m falling in love with this app

It took me a few days to get past the differences from this app Classic (which I’ve been using for years!) but then it suddenly clicked, not having read/unread states is liberating. I can still “mark something unread” by saving it in Later. Being able to follow different media types and have my own personal internet feed is excellent!


App can be both your doom or your relief

Being an All-In-One app for your most used sources of content (rss,podcast,Mastodon,YouTube,Reddit, BlueSky…), plus your Links/ReadLater hub… Is like putting all your eggs in a single basket.
Great for consuming, bad for your time! LoL
In a serious note, it’s great. UI is simple and clean. Once it is setup, is a bless! Hope to see more customization related to background colors (I would love white). Keep it up!


Almost there

Like some of the other reviewers, I really wanted to like the new this app. And I think it’s almost there. I LOVE the ability to have many other feeds collected, however I really need the ability to remove them from my queue, I don’t care about unread counts. If we had that ability this would be a 4 star app, if we had more customization options; 5 stars. Hoping for these improvements.

Is Reeder Safe?

Yes. Reeder. is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 25 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Reeder Is 58.0/100.

Is Reeder Legit?

Yes. Reeder. is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 25 Reeder. User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Reeder Is 77.4/100..

Is Reeder. not working?

Reeder. works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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