Reeder. Avis

Reeder. Avis

Publié par on 2024-09-05

À propos: Reeder is your all-in-one inbox for reading, watching and listening to content
from various sources. From Unread Counts to Timeline Syncing Say goodbye to
unread counts! With Reeder, your timeline position is synced across all your
devices, letting you pick up right where you left off.

À propos Reeder

Reeder only syncs what’s important — your subscriptions, timeline position and tagged items (including Links, Favorites, Bookmarks and Later) — across all your devices using iCloud, making syncing faster and more efficient, with changes pushed to your other devices within seconds.

While it’s not meant to replace full-featured clients, Reeder offers a centralized way to keep track of everything you follow, with the option to open content in other apps (if supported) when you want to dive deeper.

Turn any tag into a public, auto-updating feed that can be viewed in any browser or added to any RSS reader that supports JSON feeds, making it simple to share your curated content.

Easily save links from Safari or any other app to Reeder using its share extension, keeping everything organized and easy to find.

Say goodbye to unread counts! With Reeder, your timeline position is synced across all your devices, letting you pick up right where you left off.

Reeder is your all-in-one inbox for reading, watching and listening to content from various sources.

Reeder supports more than just RSS feeds.

Content is fetched directly from the sources, ensuring you always have the latest updates.

It integrates videos, podcasts and social media posts into a single, streamlined view.


Satisfaction globale des utilisateurs

26 Reeder Avis

4.8 out of 5


YouTube ne marche pas

L'application a l'air prometteuse, et je fais une confiance aveugle à Silvio Rizzi pour produire une app de qualité. J'ai eu tous les cette application (classic) et Mela. C'est d'ailleurs bien le seul développeur à qui j'accepterais de payer un abonnement (surtout à ce prix là)

Malheureusement pour le moment il est impossible de lire une video YouTube dans l'application. J'espère que ce bug sera vite corrigé

NB: J'ai simplement ajouté la chaine YouTube Kurzgesagt à mon flux après avoir ajouté TheVerge


Very cool !

Very good new kind of cette application. I am a cette application user from a long time and I love this new way of feed.
I’m just disappointed to not see a lifetime subscription option.


This is a mess!

Why on earth did you remove everything that make an RSS reader? I can live with timeline thingy and the fact that you think that cette application can manage audio and video. I just don't have to use it as such.
But WHY ON EARTH did you remove shortcuts, external browser support and everything that makes RSS Reader useful? We are loosing so much time now! Sylvio, stop thinking that you are Steve Jobs and that you can reinvent everything. You can't. And you know it, otherwise cette application Classic won't be here.


A really nice update but...

I think the Timeline concept might be a bit too much, going against what makes cette application Classic so effective, which is using it like a to-do list (read an article and mark it as read to remove it from the list). It feels like getting back to the same experience as social networks, an endless feed where you waste time. I'm crossing my fingers that Silvio Rizzi will tweak the concept because this version of cette application has a lot of great ideas! 🤞👏


Novatrice !

Entirèrement novatrice dans sa conception, l'application peut être déroutante dans sa prise en main ; l'absence de badge et de décompte lu/non lu suprend au début ; une fois passée la surprise, et ayant bien paramétré les tags (later, à lire, urgent, thématiques, etc.), l'application s'avère beaucoup plus agréable et utile que n'importe quel autre lecteur de flux RSS (Ino, cette application Classic, etc.).

La centralisation RSS-podcasts-Youtube-Mastodon-Bluesky est super.

Manque la gestion des dossiers pour s'y retrouver dans les feeds.

Thanks Sivlio !


Bonne première impression

Bonne première impression pour Reeder remplaçant cette application Classic.
En revanche, la synchronisation de la timeline ne semble pas fonctionner.


Nice but not for everyone

Beautiful app from Silvio, as always, but it’s not for everyone. As someone who has been using cette application for more than 10 years, I of course tried this one from the beta but won’t be switching to it and will stick with the combo: cette application Classic + Feedbin. Still, it’s a very nice app.


Love the new reader

I first I was skeptical but after a few minutes, I totally bought the new way of consuming my feeds.

Still, I would love to have a shared RSS feeds database on iCloud between cette application and cette application Classic so I can consume the same feeds in two different ways depending on what I want to do at the moment.


Lacking of the minimum expected feature

Usually, I'm fond of Silvio Rizzi cette application app (I used all the previou versions)… but this time… I'm disappointed. I paid to help the dev… but I expect some missing features before really using the app. The main one being “clearing what is already read”. So… wait and see…



Not having the capacity to mark what we have already read is making the app very unusable. Hope it will be had very soon as an option..


Endless payments

Subscription model : no way for me. This app is not bringing new content or anything that requires recurring costs.

The previous model was great : a single payment for major versions.

I will not enter slavery with tons of micro- subscriptions everywhere. Sorry



Beaucoup plus fluide, et j'adore ce lecteur vidéo natif. J'ai abandonné l'ancien cette application. Vous nous feriez un petit Widget? :)

Est Reeder Sûr?

Oui. Reeder. est très sûr à utiliser. Ceci est basé sur notre analyse NLP (Traitement du langage naturel) de plus de 4 avis d'utilisateurs provenant de l'Appstore et la note cumulative de l"Aappstore de 4.8/5 . Score de sécurité Justuseapp pour Reeder Est 58.0/100.

Est Reeder Légitime?

Oui. Reeder. est une application totalement légitime. Cette conclusion a été obtenue en passant 4 Reeder. avis d'utilisateurs via notre processus d'apprentissage automatique NLP pour déterminer si les utilisateurs croient que l'application est légitime ou non. Sur cette base, Justuseapp Score de légitimité pour Reeder Est 77.4/100..

Est Reeder. ne fonctionne pas?

Reeder. fonctionne la plupart du temps. Si cela ne fonctionne pas pour vous, nous vous recommandons de faire preuve de patience et de réessayer plus tard ou Contacter le support.

Quelle a été votre expérience avec Reeder. ? Poster un avis

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