Family Tree! - Logic Puzzles Reviews

Family Tree! - Logic Puzzles Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-01

About: Family Tree is a puzzle game where you complete families by placing them in the
respective slots according to the hint Complete towns by putting people inside
the buildings and fulfill all the requirements Play challenge and story mode
levels to get more coins and progress further.

About Family Tree Logic Puzzles

Family Tree is a puzzle game where you complete families by placing them in the respective slots according to the hint Complete towns by putting people inside the buildings and fulfill all the requirements Play challenge and story mode levels to get more coins and progress further.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 27,874 combined software reviews.

983 Family Tree Logic Puzzles Reviews

4.6 out of 5






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Surprisingly good

This game is surprisingly good and more fun than I expected! I love that playing the levels allows you to build up towns. My only critique is that the levels don’t seem to get much harder. The lack of challenge doesn’t keep me engaged as much


Just nasty!

Only on level 5 and “Donald is ALSO married to Dorothy” ALSOOOO?!?!? Deleting immediately!


Semi- Inappropriate

This game is very fun altogether. I don’t actually build anything, just do the family tree part and it’s pretty fun. However some of the scenarios are slightly inappropriate. Level 113 actually has a scenario where a brother and sister get married and have children…. Not sure that’s appropriate for children to be reading.


Great, but I have suggestions (I know, you sighed)

I had a great time playing the Family Tree portion. Can you expand this by any chance? Whether it be by adding more families, or expanding the trees? Huge trees would be so much fun and keep the player going forever. Especially the Royal family one if you start with William the Conquerer. Just an idea. Loved that part of the game though!


Fun, but went too quick

Game was so much fun, but it was over too quickly with only 2-4 generations per level and only 8 “towns” to build. Please include larger family trees to increase difficulty levels and add more of the extra games so we can keep playing!


Pretty good game

This game is good. I like that the levels get harder but are different every time. I like that I can build multiple towns along the way. There isn’t that many ads at all. Overall a good game.



For certain levels and segments of other levels, the game isn’t registering my attempts to drag the portraits into the slots. It’s not an with my phone itself, with the game specifically. Please fix this, because I don’t want to have to keep buying hints to finish levels.


Not bad but…

I now enjoy the game but I wish more guys loved other guys and more girls loved other girls. I hope more changes can be made to the game.


Inappropriate due to AI

I’m pretty sure the puzzles in this game are AI generated. They definitely weren’t written manually, by a human, considering there are scenarios within the game where siblings are marrying eachother & having children. There’s also polyamory without actually using the word


Unoriginal and underdeveloped

The game is a clear knock off format for many popular games, there are also many glitches and levels that are unresponsive when you try to play. Definitely not worth the amount of forced ads and there is no way to play offline which makes no sense for a game like this. Don’t waste your time with this one.


Good Game but….

While I do agree even larger trees would be more fun; I quickly noticed that clues gave things such as “Tom’s wife is Japanese” but for all of the AA characters, it was described as “dark skinned…” While the Caucasian characters just had their role in the family described.

I’m not a sensitive person but during times were cultural sensitivity is heightened just be consistent.



The ADS are a bit much but THANK YOU, THANK YOU for keeping the game simple and NOT mixing the sexes. I’m not homophobic but I DON’T appreciate society pushing the sex mixing agenda. Thx again developers, for that 5 stars.


Very interesting game

Interesting logic game with many different challenges and stories, make me feel so smart and relax hahah


Fun Fun Fun

This game is fun and also challenges one to think and exercise common sense.


Rating pop up

I’ve not even gotten to ads being an issue but the requirement to vote on the game won’t select so can’t continue pass level 5. Came to rate and comment but will delete afterward.


So many ads

There are way too many ads. Even if you opt to fail a level, instead of watching an ad for more lives, you’re still watching an ad.



I can’t find how to change to spanish, can someone help?


Mostly good

I really love the game and find it interesting although why are siblings getting married and having kids and then them doing the same thing I find it weird


Family tree review

I feel as if the game is not up to date and I should be able to match a guy with a guy in a house. A little homophobic for me.





Read before downloading

This game is good in one sense it’s got fun game mechanic. The pro is it is exactly like advertisement. The negatives: you can not play this without wifi, you can’t get pass the ads, you will have to suffer ads, or pay for no ads, the game is ran on ads, the games ads are ridiculous in some are far too long I had the pleasure of sitting through 3 ads back to back, you can’t exit out of FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles either to skip those ads, you will come back to the same puzzle just different words no progression unless you watch the ads longest ad is 1 minute shortest ad is 15seconds and the challenge games the ads are very different as the can be up to 3 minutes and to purchase no ads is $9.99 this is because they give you a bundle of items to progress to the next town 😂😂😂😂😂


Game is not finished

I purchased ad free- not sure why! I have to watch ads still to progress in the game. Also I’m finished - there are no more towns to build—- it’s been 2 days🤦🏻‍♀️. It’s a good concept but it needs work. What are the hints for? If someone can’t figure this out they must be very young. Maybe that’s your demographic. I personally love the gender specific roles. We don’t have to guess pronouns - refreshing! But the polygamy and siblings getting married ummm no.


Good but needs more variety

It’s fun but it’s not very LGBTQ+ friendly. I would definitely recommend a more broad range of sexuality or gender roles for this game because I’ve only seen guy and girl get married and to build the houses so specifically ask for a guy and a girl or else you can’t build the house. And in the family trees only guys and girls get married and have children who marry the opposite gender.


Sneaky way to have to watch ads

This is not a bad game. Like it so far. It doesn’t force ads in the middle of the game. However, if you need the people required to build, you have to watch an ad. I would pay to get ad free but not $9.99.


annoying bug

it’s a fun game but it won’t let me get past lvl 5

it asks me to rate the game and no matter what i click on it just stays there. I tried closing the game out but it makes me redo the lvl and it’s very annoying


Not as advertised as usual!

Thus far, this game has nothing to do with celebrity family trees as was advertised. They creators of the game don’t even spell correctly! Example: Joe and Sarah “has” a child. Really?! Should be: Joe and Sarah “have” a child.


the ads ruin it for me

i would love this game if i wasn’t forced to watch ads because i’ll always be willing to watch an ad for a reward. but when you force me to watch a full length ad and THEN offer me an ad for a reward, it turns me off from the game. which is unfortunate because i have really been enjoying it but the forced ads honestly make me not wanna play


Money Hungry

I purchased the no add plan just for me to still have to watch adds which makes absolutely no sense to me. Usually I don’t purchase the no ads but you have to watch them to do the stories. If they were going to have that option it should’ve took away all ads.


Fun, As Advertised BUT TOO MANY ADS

Super fun game. The addition of the daily challenges is really fun but having to watch an ad before EACH one is ridiculous. These are not short ads either. 30-45 secs every single one. The no ads purchase does not completely erase ads and FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles says so. It is only to skip ads that pop up as you progress through the game. So read carefully first if you’re going to purchase. Reduce the ads and/or reduce the steep fee of 9.99 for “no ads”. It should be noted that I am not against watching ads to progress through a game for free but this game wears down my patience and creates lull in gameplay which is a sure fire way for me to delete an app. Also some other reviewers mentioned the storylines. The storylines are pretty rough. The pronouns are wrong “Julie is married and ‘his’ husband…”, marrying cousins, etc needs some work but let’s be honest it does reflect today’s modern family as far as same sex marriages. I gave 3 stars specifically because of the ads.


Challenging, but Needs a Major Update

It’s 2023 guys, let’s see a more inclusive view on families. Yes, adopted children are in there, but what about step-children? Same sex couples? Adopted siblings with birth siblings? The possibilities are endless because the definition of a family has expanded tremendously! I quit playing because I couldn’t get over how this game wasn’t inclusive to all the different families we see today.

ALSO the ads. SO MANY ADS.


Great game but can you please add more towns to build?

I built all 8 towns a while ago. Town 9 is “coming soon” but I’m getting bored of waiting and now I have enough points to probably buy a town or two. When are the next few towns coming?


Scam Due To Ads

They’ve deliberately chosen the most disgusting ads possible to force you to buy the no ad pack. Happy Cafe ASMR ads assault you at random with the most disgusting sounds and images possible. They will play several times over a play session, and the only way to stop it is to pay ten dollars. Don’t trust them. Will amend when this is fixed.


Ads won’t go away! I paid for them to!

I just paid $9.99 to remove the ads because these 30 second ads run way longer than 30 seconds by the time you click on the 2nd and 3rd x and wait for the timer to run out around the x and let you click on it. So why are they still there when I click on the calendar to play days I missed? It said NO ads, not some ads.



The game itself is a fun concept, but the love puzzles are way too easy and there is an ad after every individual level. Not to mention that almost every time I close FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles the level I’ve already finished decides to undo and make me solve it all over again. Mobile games need to go back to how they used to be.


2.5 or 3 Stars

I downloaded this game to my phone about 2 to 3 days ago. At first things were fine, they had adoptive children, interracial couples, which was great. However I would've liked to see more same sex maraiges, adopted kids in married couples, ect. There are also a lot of ads which can be annoying. After looking through other peoples reveiws it seems the 'No Ads' Pack doesn't actually get rid of ads. It seems to only allow you to skip through the ads. Then as you get to higher levels, inbreeding is deffinetly an issue in this game. If you like mini games it's great game because they have a town thing for you to do. However, they only have eight towns, others may come soon, I don't know. They have daily challenges and chllenge modes you buy with coins you recieve in the game. It's mostly good because it gives you other things to do, than the main levels. While the game has it's AI issues like the incestual relations, the no same sex marraige, ect, it isnt the worst mindless game to play. Sorry for the impropper grammar and incorrect spelling.


I love this game!

I love puzzles like this. I am happy to see more logic puzzles being developed. Please keep it going. I gave it four stars because there are a few things I think the can improve.

1. I get the ads. I know it’s there to keep your business to make something out of the hard work put into the game, but when the “No Ad” is bought by customers, then that should be honored. That isn’t cool that people pay for that and they are not getting what they pay for.

2. What is with the coins? I have about 9.46K and I don’t know what they are for. Is it just for skins?

3. Some of the levels are unnecessary. Like being on level 150 and the next game is only three people “James dad is John.” Then the puzzle is done. Bigger family trees, the better.

4. It would be nice to be able to move around the people that are in still in the strip around. Some of us like to sort.


Needs a Native English Speaker to Edit

Fun game concept. It’s a unique take on logic puzzles. It is a little buggy and sometimes closes on me while in use. It would also greatly benefit from a native English speaker proofing the written content. There are lots of verb tense issues and personal pronoun errors (based on graphics). I’m enjoying it right now, but, if that changes, it would be due to the grammatical errors.


More lands?

Love this game. However I’m a little disappointed that they are no more lands to build after the Oasys one. When will there be more lands?


No diversity and too many ads

No LGBTQ couples or disabled characters. It’s 2023…have a game that reflects people and the world as it actually is.

Also the Ads are insane. 30 second ads every couple of moves doesn’t even allow for game progression to the point of feeling invested in it. Without a sense of game investment, there is no reason to pay for no ads. Easier to delete FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles and move on.


Not difficult enough - too many ads

I typically like games like this that require thought and strategy, I initially decided to purchase not having ads (not the best idea) for $10 - which is insane honestly, and you still have to go through ads to get access to some of the levels. I also was relatively disappointed with just how easy each level was (the daily challenges are more difficult). I thought it was going to get harder as your progressed but it simply doesn’t. There is a lot that could be done to make this game better.


Redundancy is boring

I like this game. It’s interesting. My issues, however, are (1) the text is so small. I’m playing on a phone and I can barely see the words and (2) I keep repeating puzzles, the only thing that changes are the names. I just completed today’s daily puzzle and I didn’t have to read or think about it because I’d just completed it a few hours ago. Now it’s starting to getting boring. They also repeat through the levels not just the daily puzzles. Too many more repeat puzzles and I’m deleting. This is awful for a cool game.


Cute but…

I really like this game, it’s a cute family tree logic puzzle. My small complaint is that the coins seem useless (you can use them to change the background and to get a different frame around your icons, but not to advance the game so.. who cares). My big complaint is that there are definitely family trees in this game that do not branch- siblings marrying and having children, cousins marrying and having children. I know it’s a game but…. Ewww…


Useless Coins?

The game is fun and can be challenging. You gain hammers slowly to build towns and coins more rapidly. I don’t know what the coins do. You can spend a few on challenge levels for a chance to earn more coins, but for the most part they just seem to accumulate in the coin bank, burning a hole in my pocket with nothing much to spend them on.

The ad free pack doesn’t really get rid of ads. You still get lots of ads.


Sudden increase in ads

The game is interesting. Some of the levels are challenging. When I first started playing there was an ad every 2-3 levels. Now that I’m over level 160, there is a 30-45 second ad at every level. Almost $10 to get rid of ads and a few boosters? The game is interesting, but most other games have a $2-3 opt out for ads.


Really fun until wrong pronouns got in the way

To the reviewer who wanted to see lesbian couples sprinkled throughout the game, check out the daily challenges. 😁 Where I started in April 2023, just about every daily challenge includes a gay or lesbian couple, a single parent or adoption, sometimes an unmarried couple, people with multiple marriages, people with no permanent partner, and lots of mixed race relationships. (All of these permutations happen to match the reality of my family tree.)

So, the daily challenge part of this game was my absolute favorite until I ran across sentences with things like a daughter referred to as “he” and a brother as “them”. If this is unintentional poor English, the puzzle descriptions are confusing and need to be corrected. If this is woke pronoun usage, I’m not interested. I deleted the game.


More variety.

I really like the daily game. Everything else is way too short/easy. But it bugs me that every time a character is listed as autistic or disabled they are single. People with disabilities and people who are on the spectrum can get married and procreate. They can also adopt.

Also half siblings exist. In multiple games I’ve read something like David and Christina share the same father but Christina is an only child. No. No she’d not. She has at least sibling David. Your Christina and David have the same father they are siblings!

Hire somebody to clean up the grammar.

It is a good game but be inclusive and realize that not just heterosexual, neurotypical people have families.



I downloaded this game almost 2 weeks ago and the first couple of days I was impressed, I liked it so much I downloaded it on my tablet as well. But the ads became just way too much, I even took the plunge and purchased the ad free version(overpriced btw) for my tablet thinking that would get rid of the ads and it did not what so ever so a waste of my $10. The daily challenges are better/harder than the regular game which I prefer. The regular game itself became very repetitive has you move up in level so that was beginning to turn me off as well. The matches in between I found unnecessary because matching couples together is just not that interesting to me. Overall it’s a great game, just needs some tweaks with the language and the ads maybe one or two per every couple of games just not after ever game you play or if you want to replay the daily challenges that you missed. I am beginning to lose interest with the game just because of the ads and the repetitiveness.



I LOVE this game. It’s the perfect balance of fun and challenging. I hate games that are too easy and i equally hate games that are so difficult they’re not fun. But this game is challenging enough that it makes me think, but not overly complicated and difficult where you aren’t stuck for hours. PLEASE don’t fix what’s not broken and change anything in your updates. The game is perfect as it is. I didn’t even mind paying $9.99 or no ads (that price includes a bunch of extras as well as no ads).


I play this a lot …great but one thing…

This is currently the main game I’m playing right now. The pronoun errors are not so difficult but the one error that keeps popping up is regarding in laws. For example, there will be just 2 women left and it says “Sara is Carol’s sister in law”. Well that can go either way! I am My husband’s sister is my sister in law and I am her sister in law. You’re forced to risk an error and as someone who challenges themselves to be error free, this bugs me. Otherwise this is my go to game for time wasting. Also it was a bit slimy to say pay $10 for no ads but leave them for the previous days’ puzzles and timed challenges.


Repetitive game and no information on how to spend the coins I’m amassing

I like the game but many of the families are repetitive. There are errors here and there, like calling a female “him” or putting a wrong name into the clue, which can be a bit confusing. I don’t like the homosexual “marriages” and why do I earn coins when I can’t spend them in the game? I sent the company an email about that several days ago and have gotten no response. I’ve looked all over and only found where I can use the hammers to build towns. I’ve reached the maximum and am waiting for more towns to be added. I’m also annoyed that paying for ad removal doesn’t eliminate them all.


Love this game

I’ve been wanting to find a game just like this for such a long time and am so excited to finally have found one; I love family trees and looking at how things connect, and picking out people to move into the towns is fun too. My one note is that, at least so far, I haven’t seen any gay or lesbian couples in any of the family trees, and as a lesbian myself, I’d love to see a little some of us sprinkled in here and there lol. Hope you keep updating!


This game cheated

This game is cool and all, however there has to be some kind of glitch. I got a person wrong. I knew I hadn’t gotten them wrong because I followed instructions. I lost my hearts and had to watch a video. So I decided to use the light bulb and see who the person was that was supposed to be on that spot. Low and behold they put the SAME person I put and it counted it as correct! That’s not fair at all because I wasted my time watching a stupid ad when I didn’t even have to because I had gotten that right. Makes me wonder if it does that a lot just to get you to watch the ads🤔🤔



I love logic puzzles and genealogy so this is the perfect game for me. My preference is the daily games as they are more complicated and therefore interesting. It is obvious that English is a second language for the developers however, they constantly mix up the male and female pronouns him & her. As that is the worst problem I have found, I will continue playing.


An obsessive amount of ads

I get ads after completing a level. Or even ads for unlocking old dailies. But I don’t get why after watching an ad, if you take too long, the game is “downloading” something and you get another ad. If you want to unlock an old daily, an ad, another ad when that’s done (before you start), another ad after you finish and one more ad after the third one because you took too long to close it. Pass. I’ve honestly watched more ads than playing the game at this point so I think I’ll find a different game.



I was all about this game at the start. But after a while, i started realizing that the daily challenges are just repeating. Played the same challenge today that i played 2 days ago. And on top of that, the ads are just out of hand. An ad after EVERY game. AND having to watch ads to play old daily challenges/stories.. I would have bought the “no ads” but it doesn’t count for any “reward” or “challenge/stories”. $9.99 for no ads after every game is absolutely ridiculous.
Do not download this game. Not worth it at all.


Fun Game!

This game is fun, but so far seems quite simple. I haven’t been playing it for very long so maybe it gets harder/more complex on higher levels.
It is pretty much exactly like it is shown in all the ads I have seen for it, which I am pleased about. It’s very annoying when a game is nothing like the ads.
I recommend if you enjoy logic games.


Interesting, but the ads kill it.

I don’t know what that reviewer saying there are no intrusive ads is on, but I can literally open FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles and an ad plays right away, lol. Seems pretty intrusive if I can’t even open the game without seeing an ad.
The first few rounds, there was just the little ad banner at the bottom, which is rarely an issue. I think we’d all be fine if that was how all the ads were. However, after I played round 5, ads started popping up nearly every minute. Yes, it’s usually after a round, but if you click around too much in the game, you’ll also get an ad. Now, I can barely go 5 clicks without an ad being thrown at me. Once, I literally closed the game because someone called me. I came back into the game and an ad played right away. That’s a first and I’ve been playing mobile games for some time.
The game is a bit weird when you read the “clues”, such as a clue saying someone became “a gay” because his mother abused him. I didn’t know being gay worked that way, but okay. Like, are people only straight because their parents don’t abuse them? Like, what? 😂
Anyway, I don’t know how this game has such high ratings considering all the ads, but it’s interesting, I’ll give it that. Would be better without so many ads, but we can say that about 90% of mobile games.


Too dependent on Ads

The latest update has made everything too dependent on ads. It takes forever to collect hammers to add people to your new city. And the coins are now almost completely useless. Want to revive hearts? Watch an ad. Play an old daily puzzle? Watch an ad. Play a story? Watch an ad. Need a specific person in your city? Watch an ad. Double your rewards? Watch an ad. Do a timed challenge? You guessed it, watch an ad. I have THOUSANDS of coins and they do nothing. Wait— that’s a lie, they do do something. You can buy backgrounds and circular frames for your family trees. This is a feature NO ONE asked for and adds nothing to the game play. And now since the update, they’ve switched the location to skip ads. So if you’re trying to quickly get to the next level, sometimes, you’ll press the wrong button cause you got use to it being on the left. Now it’s on the right AND delayed appears. Mind you I paid the $10 for ad free. The ads are loud and obnoxious and even disgusting. They won’t stop using an ad with grotesque pimples and other body growth. I normally don’t write ads, but I use to really enjoy this game and the new update has ruined it.


Too many ads, but otherwise good

If you don’t pay to be ad free, then there are a lot of ads. Complete a level? Full length ad. Sometimes two because ‘we may show an ad while we load’. I didn’t generally do the ads as perks. Only ads to get people for roles in the town building. Which I don’t care about. Ads for coins? I had to hunt to figure out what coins were actually useful for. I think hints, but also skins and such. I am not one that needs the decorative frills. I liked the daily challenges more than the levels I was on. The ads just got too much for me to bother continuing the game. If you want to pay for ad free or the ads don’t bother you, then cool. Enjoy! But not my jam.


Great game, but…

So I, along with a bunch of other people, do not like the long ads you guys have. I paid to have the ads removed but if I want to play the older daily challenges, I have to watch an ad for every single one. They’re like 45 to a minute long ads are always the same ones over and over again and they’re awful. The other thing is, what in breeding country do you guys live in where I come from? It’s against the law to marry your first cousin. And a lot of your puzzles you have first cousins getting married. So you might want to do a little bit of changing on that because it’s kind of weird.


Literally the best game ever

First of all, this game has no ads even if you have Internet. I’ve never found a game that has no ads but this one doesn’t. Second of all, it’s a fun family friendly game. Me or my kid can both play this without worrying about it being inappropriate. Third, you can play it even if you don’t have Internet. Fourth, it’s a fun puzzle game for the minds so it takes mind challenging puzzles them into fun games. These are the reasons why this is my favorite game I’ve ever played.



I used to like this game, but October 24th’s daily puzzle totally changed that. I always thought some of the descriptions they used were kind of silly, but today’s are over the top. This is supposed to be a silly, fun relaxing game and now the developers have brought child abuse and domestic abuse into the mix. No. Just no. That is unacceptable, not funny, totally uncalled for and inappropriate. Then to top it off, one person’s abusive mother made him “turn gay”. WHAT THE ACTUAL F*$)? No. People don’t turn gay and if you believe that you are an idiot. When did you turn straight developer? Be better. And just so you know, I’m actually straight, trying to be a better ally and a decent human being.


The clues are gross

The game itself is fine- as in the mechanism, the idea behind it, the progression, the no ads thing is great.

But the clues- they’re gross: for one thing, the pronouns are often wrong for the name listed. But what really made me go, well, deleting this game is that there was a clue that said “Donald was abused by his mother, which made him a gay, and so he married Harold.”

That’s on top of the ones that are like “X didn’t want kids even though his mom, Y, wanted grandkids,” and “Z divorced A because she was barren,” and the ones that make it sound like adopting a kid with autism is some kind of like… heroic task? There’s also the ones where “B doesn’t like her brother who was adopted by their mom, C, because he’s autistic and takes up a lot of her time.”

I’ll be deleting this game because I don’t want to support that kind of gross clue. This game acts like it’s pro-LGBT+ cause it includes gay couples, which I liked, but this is awful.


Okay but too sweet home alabama

The game is pretty okay and can be challenging at times but the level I just played got real sweet home alabama real fast. I know some characters are adopted but it still doesn’t change the fact that cousins are getting married or people who get married share a parent or grandparents. Like without context, it looks really bad so I wish developers would pay attention to this detail to make sure family members aren’t marrying cousins and so forth…


No intrusive ads, game is as advertised

I have not gotten a single intrusive ad the entire time I played this game. I don’t know what all the other reviews are talking about. The only ads I’ve gotten our ones have willingly clicked on for in-game perks. Other than that, the only ads are at the bottom of the screen, and they do not interrupt my gameplay. The game runs just as advertised, which is a nice thing. I think the building the town part is quite enjoyable as well.

Overall, I can’t say this game deserves anything less than a five star because it is not lying about the game play, interrupting my game play with ads, or anything of the lake.


Ads ads ads

I liked this game. I played a bit and then paid the $10 for no ads, because I hate ads and am happy to support the developers.

That $10 was basically worthless. You can play several of the main levels without an ad, but those are easy. The daily challenges are better, but you have to watch an ad before each one of its an older challenge. I have other games that have daily challenges that don’t penalize you for playing an older one. The ads are often longer than it takes to solve the puzzle.

I really wish developers would just offer a game that you can buy and play, without suffering through endless ads. There are other logic puzzles out there. Deleting this and asking for my money back.


Too many flipping ads

Idk who one of these reviewers are, but this game is laden with ad after ad after ad. It’s ridiculous and makes you not want to play anymore. Then the ads are so flipping long. You will literally have an ad after each game you play. If you did want to go for the double rewards, you have to watch an ad first (after completing the round) before you can select to watch another ad to get double rewards. It’s frustrating. Some of the clues are confusing and used the wrong pronouns. ‘Sharon watched his daughter get married….’ What’s the purpose of the coins if you’re just going to have to watch an ad for everything??


Advertising is miserable

I enjoy this game, and if I were rating it only on the game itself, I would probably give it five stars.

However, the advertising is annoying to the extreme. The ads run a minute or more and there’s no way to escape from them. If you want to play the game, you have to endure their nonsense, and they are repeated; you have to watch several between game instances.

What gets me is that I don’t understand the logic of those behind the scenes. If I am not interested in something, what makes you think that by forcing me to watch an extra minute of your ad I will change my mind? If anything, it makes me less likely to change my mind. I am disgusted and angry and resentful of what you are doing.

What’s interesting is that I found Family Tree through the same kind of in-game advertising that I am complaining about, but I didn’t have to be subjected to interminable ads to click on it. It seemed interesting and I went forward.

The other thing is that it is annoying enough that I am seriously considering uninstalling the game. I am offended that you keep on forcing me to deal with crap that I am not interested in. If I see that idiot king one more time getting drowned, I’m going to uninstall.

Stop treating your subscribers like idiots. We know what we want and being forced to endure extra advertising is not productive for you. It is annoying and it’s likely to lose you customers


Interesting app, a suggestion to improve

I truly enjoy playing this game. I usually play daily challenges and they are always interesting for me. And I totally agree that it shows a lot of ads, but this is what gaming apps are doing right now and it is not just for this game.

I also have a suggestion for better user experience. As I mentioned I usually play daily challenges and since the number of people that I should find their correct place is a lot, it bugs me to find each person and drag it to the right place. My suggestion is if possible sort the people alphabetically, in this case it takes less time from user to find the person and it won’t be frustrating. Thanks for the awesome app!


Good game could be better

I like this game but honestly the reward system doesn’t make sense. Besides daily challenges and following the fill map levels, it doesn’t make sense to earn coins and not be able to unlock timed levels or passed calendar days. The games are so easy and mostly recycled stories/maps; the huts could be harder, there’s no use for the eraser because if you make any mistake you lose a heart. The hints are useless. You can’t go anywhere without an add, in between each turn, to replay, to unlock any levels. Also some of these hints are super conservative or tipping the moral scale and some times unnecessary.
This games could be better and more difficult.


Would love to keep playing, but…

This game is starting to get boring. I’ve finished all of the levels and now just playing to build up so I can build when new “coming soon” towns pop up. Feels like it’s not going to be a challenge to build for awhile if it ever gets updated. I’ve never had to deal with a lot of ads which is good. Not like some other games I play. But the game has you build up your coin but still haven’t figured out for what except for new backgrounds (which are bland) and the ring around people heads. Some of the clues should be phrased differently. I’m loosing my interest.


Strangely addicting 🤔

THIS GAME IS AWESOME 👏 It’s so addicting when an ad pops up I almost screamed 😅 I love this game so much. It is NOT for 17+ it is safe for all ages. You should download FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles if your looking for 2 games in one because you collect hammers to get people to make villages. But you should not download if you want an ad every level 🙄 Please fix that because it’s sooooo annoying 😭 Like, I just want to enjoy my game 😔 but I can’t do that when an ad pops up every second!??? So yeah FIX THAT PLEASE. 🙏🏻 It’s an incredible game I love it so much I play it everyday it’s so addicting and I have no suggestions except make it so an ad doesn’t pop up every level pleeease.



It is quite aggravating constantly seeing the couples are children of siblings or first cousins who marry each other. They need more adversity. It would be better to have them spaced further away in relation if you want to wed relatives. So instead of wedding first cousins wed third or fourth cousins. Same with half siblings. Unless the families live in Alabama, it is illegal and frowned upon in most places.
Not to mention all the ads. You don’t need to put a forced ad after EVERY SINGLE GAME LEVEL! Most games let you play five levels then put an ad. Quite aggravating, and if I try to exit and reopen it I have to play the exact same level.


So frustrating

I just played a hard level twice for no fricking reason. First time I finished it just as the timer ran out and it said I lost. Fine, I’ll watch the ad for extra time and win right? Nope. Watch the ad and then it freezes and won’t do anything. Fine, I’ll play it again. So I restart the level but I get the usual glitch where it won’t let me move the pictures and I lose it again. It’s one thing for me to lose because of my own failings but it’s another when I lose because the game doesn’t function. I don’t enjoy playing the same level repeatedly, it’s frustrating and boring. Then there’s the lack of proofreading. “Aaron often took her aunt, Danielle, out for a walk on her wheelchair on his day off”. What? “Aaron often took HIS aunt, Danielle, out for a walk IN her wheelchair on his day off”. You ride in a wheelchair not on one, and Aaron I’d presume is a dude.


Starting to get repetitive

I’ve played over 450 levels and they’re all starting to sound the same. Maybe because there’s only like 50 names that get used over and over in the trees. But I swear I saw the exact same trees before. And all these people marrying their cousins or step siblings… Could use some gay couples. All those adopted kids with only one parent could use some changing up. I paid for no ads but I end up seeing a bunch of ads anyway when I try to staff my towns. Can’t be helped but I wish there was a way out of it. It really is a fun game.


Ads Are Disruptive to Gameplay

I’ve enjoyed about 75% of this game. There are bugs here and there that are pretty easy to navigate (such as in game glitches that go away with a scroll), but the biggest game issue I’ve had so far is the ad that plays after every completed game. If you don’t close out of it manually in time, it will freeze and you can’t click the X at the top right off the ad. It forces you to exit FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles and refresh, but that means the game you just finished isn’t saved. I’ve had to replay the same level at least 7 times because of this glitch and it’s making me want to stop playing for a while. If this glitch was fixed, it would make a huge improvement for customer experience in game play. Update: They implemented a “bug fix” that made my issue worse. Now when it goes to commercial it just loads a blank blank page. I can’t play play the level I’m on, now. I submitted an email last week and never heard back from them. Maybe it’s time for me to just quit playing and find another game.


A fun game but is it worth the headache?

This game is a lot of fun. I love trying to figure out these crazy family trees, and putting together you’re own townspeople is a cute side game.
However, there are SO many adds. Every time you finish a level there’s 2 adds. One just automatically plays no matter what then the other plays if you want bonus points. While that is frustrating when you just want to move on to the next level. I think it might be more tolerable if the game also didn’t repeatedly crash. Mine crashes a lot. After watching one of the many adds, it’ll crash. After finishing a level, It’ll crash. And it’s not like I can just reopen FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles and try again, I’ll have to shut my iPhone down and restart it in order to play it again. Usually resulting in replaying the save level, sometimes multiple times.
If they would fix these bugs I think this would one of my favorite games. But right now it just gets my so frustrated.


Ads are freezing program ! Get rid of them !

This was a nice app to play until the ads started freezing up the program. Please advance to the next level BEFORE we have to watch the ads. It’s frustrating to have to play the same level over and over because the ad freezes the program before you advance of get your rewards, especially if your trying to race to a level. Get rid of these ads, please! It’s worse today. Every ad is locking up the program. You can’t even finish a level. If I could give zero stars i would.
When you reach level 611, no matter how many times you play it, it goes straight to the black screen of death and freezes the program without even showing an ad.


Gets repetitive, Lots of ADS

I absolutely love this game. It is so much fun and some levels definitely get your brain working. But, I am now on level 704 and I’ve been noticing A LOT of repeat levels. They only change the names, so it is extremely easy to remember the answers from previous levels. I wish they had more challenging levels. Also, the ADS;they are more tolerable compared to other apps but definitely annoying. It is after every other level. You can’t purchase no ads without buying a $10 coin pack. So that is really aggravating because i would pay for no ads if I didn’t need to spend unnecessary extra money. If the levels didn’t repeat so much this would easily be 4 stars. I would still recommend FamilyTreeLogicPuzzles to others.


Great games with too many ads after paying to remove them

I love the premise of this game but the coins you earn are useless. It's just annoying currently to fill in the towns that have no additional function. You should, at minimum, have the option to use the coins to buy more hearts. Paying $9.99 to "remove ads" is shouldn't require me to watch more ads to get more lives. Especially when there are times the grid reads the correct answer incorrectly because of the order in which I answered the clues. Additionally, there should be five lives instead of three due to the level of specificity for most clues.

It'd also be nice to have examples you could pull up to reference how the grid lays out different type of relationships.

Is Family Tree Logic Puzzles Safe?

Yes. Family Tree! - Logic Puzzles is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 27,874 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Family Tree Logic Puzzles Is 77.3/100.

Is Family Tree Logic Puzzles Legit?

Yes. Family Tree! - Logic Puzzles is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 27,874 Family Tree! - Logic Puzzles User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Family Tree Logic Puzzles Is 91/100..

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