Mooch: Budget, Shop, Save Reviews

Mooch: Budget, Shop, Save Reviews

Published by on 2023-12-30

About: Live Financially Free with the Mooch Wallet! Link your bank to Mooch and you'll
unlock a personalized fortune growth plan designed to help you live your best
financial life. Say goodbye to worries about future expenses as you effortlessly
set aside money inside your Mooch Wallet.

About Mooch

8) Cashback Rewards: Earn cash back when you successfully budget with envelopes using Mooch, your favorite free wallet app.

9) Flexible Envelope Transfers: Adjust your fortune growth plan as needed by transferring money between envelopes anytime using our adaptable wallet app.

+ Goal Tracking: Set financial goals, like saving for a vacation or building an emergency fund, and track your progress with Mooch's user-friendly wallet app interface.

Our support team is always ready to help you maximize your money experience with Mooch, the best free wallet app.

3) Monthly Cash Rewards: Earn cash rewards every month for successfully filling your envelopes inside your Mooch Wallet.

+ Budgeting Insights: Gain valuable insights into your spending habits and identify areas to save more money with our Mooch wallet app.

4) Automatic Bill Payment: Never miss a payment again! Mooch, the reliable Wallet, sends full envelopes back to your bank before bills are due, ensuring timely payments.

Download Mooch – the ultimate free wallet app – today and take the first step towards financial freedom.

2) Secure Money Storage: Protect your funds from impulsive shopping sprees with the Mooch Wallet.

Say goodbye to worries about future expenses as you effortlessly set aside money inside your Mooch Wallet.

1) Envelope Budgeting Made Easy: Simplify your finances with automated envelopes in Mooch.

Link your bank to Mooch and you'll unlock a personalized fortune growth plan designed to help you live your best financial life.

Our fee-free wallet app offers a secure way to store your money, with deposit accounts FDIC insured up to $250,000 offered through our partner banks.

10) Automated Savings: Reach your financial goals effortlessly with Mooch's automatic savings feature.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 262 combined software reviews.

580 Mooch Reviews

4.0 out of 5


Great App that Continues to Improve

With each paycheck I have this app automatically take the money out an allocate it to a certain expense or savings goal and then I know that whatever I have left in my checkings is left for me to spend. When a certain bill comes up I’m confident that this app will have that money back in my account in time for me to make my payment. It makes it easy to budget and make sure that every dollar I own is being allocated and keeping up with savings goals. For me it works because the money is out of site and out of mind. I joined this app almost immediately after app release and have seen it come a long way. I used to be frustrated by some of the limitations but I see that Mooch developers are actively listening to their users and am confident they will only make Mooch better with time. Some functionality I hope to see added with time is recurring expenses that are not on a standard monthly basis. (I have my dogs food autoshipped every 10 weeks and would like this app to manage that money). I would also like to see more flexibility with savings goals by having the ability to add a lump sum of money when the folder is created and throughout its savings period. Sometimes people have cash already allocated to a savings goal that isn’t in this app’s system yet and sometimes people get bonuses and other surprise money they would like to allocate. Nonetheless, I am optimistic these features may be added with time and I can work around this in the mean time.


Amazing app that helps me stay on track

I loved the idea of cash envelopes for keeping track of expenses, but the thought of having to take out cash after every pay period and organize into envelopes seemed like a lot of work, and I’d have a lot of anxiety over losing the envelopes. this app app allows me to have virtual cash envelopes, where they auto draft funds each time I have a paycheck, and then return the funds to me a day before the bill is do. It works really well. They also give you a day by day breakdown on how much you are able to spend to stay within your goals. My only downside is that most of my bills are due on the 1st of the month, but this app has a cap limit on deposits, so I have had to offset the dates of a few of my bills so they don’t try to transfer on the same date. I also recommend users making their bill due date a day or two early as sometimes the money isn’t returned by the due date you set. Other than that, it’s a great app!


Helpful but could improve!

Mooch is extremely helpful since you are incentivized to not take the money out early. A few things i would love to see that would improve Mooch in my opinion:
1. Allowing users to start an envelope with money. I have already saved some money towards certain goals of mine outside of the this app app and would prefer to be able to transfer that into the this app envelope to decrease my amount per paycheck and have a more accurate balance.
2. Changing envelope dates. Goals can shift over time and it’s sad to potentially lose all interest because you need the money a week early.


Amazing concept and great customer support!

Mooch is so helpful! I always loved the concept of money envelopes for all of my bills and savings, but thought it was too much upkeep to do. Here all those same concepts are made digital and comes right out of your account each week with the math done for you so it’s easy and convenient. There has been little issues and bugs here and there, but the customer service is always super helpful in fixing the problem in a short amount of time. I definitely recommend this for anyone who’s looking for a convenient way to digitally budget!


Great Concept with a Few Glitches

Let me start by saying I love the concept of Mooch. I love that it takes my current way of budgeting and makes it digital.

With that being said, I have several envelopes set up (savings & monthly bills). When trying to fine-tune & adjust withdrawal dates from my bank, Mooch either loads extremely slowly or glitches to where I have to force close Mooch and reboot.

I know there are frequent updates that come out, so I will stick it out until it gets better, but I hope these things get addressed on future updates.



I love using Mooch as it takes money out the first day of getting paid. I am able to take my bills and set them aside so I don’t touch that money.
My money has always arrived in my account before I need to spend it.
Bonus money is a little delayed but ends up showing eventually. Small downsizes but nothing to much to stop using. I am able to put money away and plan far ahead starting now.


Reliable and user friendly budgeting!

I started using this app 5 months ago and it’s the only budgeting app that WORKS for me! Once I had my expenses set up, I never had to worry about it again. I was a little hesitant about giving access to my bank, but the deposits and withdrawals always come on time! You can set up the money transfers for specific days and it so reliable. Plus… BONUSES! If anyone has trouble sticking to a budget or can get overwhelmed trying to figure one out, this is app is a great place to start.


Helpful and Simple

I have been searching a decent budgeting app and this one IS IT. I appreciate how Mooch allows you to gage what money can be set aside for savings as well as provides useful information on how much your emergency funds should be according to your designated income. It could be just a little more helpful in the sense that dates should be able to be changed cause life is uncertain and goals change. However, other than that, this app has definitely improved my financial mindset!


Love this app

Mooch is great! I love the way it allows me to setup all my expenses and have it take out the right amount for them every Friday so that I never over spend and my bills always stay paid and on time without having to worry because it’s all completely automatic. Plus it’s nice to get a little bonus every now and then. I plan on sharing this with my mom to help her get her finances back in order, I think it’s gonna work out for her👍🏼👍🏼


Exactly what I’ve been looking for!!!

I’m not an app gal. In fact, I’ve always written things down on paper and have been terrible at keeping track. All other apps have way too much going on and overwhelm me. Mooch is simple, easy to use, and EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for!! I am SO excited, I think Mooch will really help me get my finances in order and I am SO excited to share it with all my friends. Great idea guys, keep it going!!!


Great app, small flaws

Great app.
However there’s some flaws- you can’t adjust your pay date unless you delete all your budget envelopes. Also, not all the pay types are presented- example i work in a semi monthly pay period not bi weekly. And pick a date won’t work because the pay period could landed on a weekend and the money won’t get deposited or cleared until the next working day.


Great app, worst CS

2 stars ONLY because Mooch itself is great.

So unfortunately, I had to contact this app for questions twice. That two times “Linda” would respond to the first message, then proceeds to ignore me??? Why even respond if she’s going to ignore my messages? I have screenshots of me texting them multiple times, eventually restarting the conversation so that I can ask for someone else.
They are doing this bank transfer now, which is a big hassle for the users but I’m doing it because I still would like to use Mooch . Again, Linda responded to my first few messages, crickets now. I definitely am not texting my friend for a favor lol

I expect an answer when I inquire about their own app, with a resourceful answer in a decent time frame. With the time, I don’t mean within 2 minutes, I mean within 3-4 hours. But Linda failed to do so resulting in this review.


Not Well Executed

I understand giving bank information but if possible should allow to not have to give it. Even so “Plaid” doesn’t support my bank getting connected so I cant even use Mooch because its the only bank account i have and cant use Mooch without connecting a bank account.

I love the easy budgeting idea and would’ve loved to play around with it especially since its nice having a free budgeting app but so much error already. Im fine with manually entering budgeting info and income stuff but cant :/


Better Payday Options

Hi! I’m a new user and one thing that I would like to see updated is the payday option. I get paid monthly on the last business day of each month, so the actual date changes each month. I would love to see it added as one of the frequency rate options.


Helps me out so much!!!

I’m a pretty financially-responsible person, but this app takes me to the next level with budgeting! It’s a great feeling to know when a bill is scheduled to be paid, this app has already thought ahead for me and budgeted for it. Also great that my money isn’t just sitting there, but that I earn bonuses! Thank you, this app! 10/10


New and upcoming!

Mooch has been awesome to try out and use! The concept is awesome and love the various perks it brings. I am excited to see future updates to Mooch but overall is user friendly and a great way to save money. Couldn’t recommend Mooch enough to people, especially those attending college.


Seems great but I have annual expenses too, not just monthly

I wish there was a way to set up annual expenses so a little bit of money can be tucked away throughout the year and then returned to my account just in time for the payment.


Link to bank

If you want to have an app to keep track of expenses, income, etc. Mooch is not it. Mooch requests to have you link your bank account. I simply wanted to set up an overview of my income and expenses to help me budget. I thought Mooch could do that since it has been so helpful on tik tok but I was wrong. Also this is kinda sketchy because how do you get money back when you do envelopes when the company has no way of generating income(free app w free services).


Not a review but please help.

It won’t allow me to log in at all. I’ve had Mooch
Download for a week now and it’s still not letting me log in. Please fix! I’m super interested in Mooch and I could most definitely use the help. Thank you!


Awesome app! I love it

Mooch works amazing, honestly I kinda of forget about it every time, I have my envelopes set up and I don’t have to worry one bit about making sure my money is right in the bank! Best thing ever!


Love this app

Honestly Mooch is amazing. It’s helping me save money while also rewarding me. It’s easy to keep the money there because it’s a out of sight out of mind thing so I never feel the need to touch that money!


Beware if you save a large amount of money here

I had debated posting this because small companies have a hard time in general. August 10th I reached out to support for a general issue I thought. It took a decently long time to get a response( few hours)
Alex said he would look into it, here’s where I went wrong i let these guys take all the way till the 25th of august to reach back out to them. They didn’t respond once during this. Only to get a thanks for you’re patience……. Tuesday rolls around finally get more than one response when I reached out again.
Turns out they realized the issue! Yay right?
No unfortunately this is what led me to posting. It’s currently September 1st 2023 and my money and account have yet to be sent to my back and account deactivated….. be extremely cautious on where you put large sums of money if you need them asap. Mooch can’t handle instant requests so be cautious you could be left high and dry while you get no support and your money sits with them.


A loyal user!!

As someone who struggles to save money, discovering this app has changed the game for me. I’m a heavy spender, and this app allows me to allocate that money away into a savings so I don’t feel the urge to spend it. It’s just the perfect app for me and it continues to grow frequently. I’ve had amazing conversations and experiences with support when I needed help and just when they wanted feedback on Mooch . You can really tell that this team really cares about Mooch and it’s community and it’s hard to find companies and other apps who care to that extent.
I’m excited to watch Mooch grow over the years!


Good but has flaws

Mooch has a great concept, and the actual execution of the idea isn’t half bad but since they are new there are definitely flaws to it. They say the money will come out the day you set as payday but there is ALWAYS a 2-3 day delay which can be frustrating as I have had it error out and not complete the withdrawal. It could definitely be more efficient but they are still growing so I hope it comes with time. Also as someone who has multiple accounts I wish Mooch could support connections to more than 1 bank account


Great budgeting app!

I was so excited when this app became available to me. I love that it helps me budget monthly for my bills and gives bonuses for doing so. It’s equivalent to any other big bank savings account, except, I don’t have to maintain a balance. It’s helped me see how much money I truly have every month once the money is taken out. It allows me to actually budget for savings and “fun money”. Overall a great app and highly recommend!


Huge leap in financial management

Mooch has changed my financial life. I’ve never been able to budget and I also tend to spend more when there is any amount of excess money sitting in my bank account. this app has given me the tools to properly budget and it keeps my spending in check.

For the first time in my life, I have savings goals set up that I am working toward every month.

It was brilliant of them to not charge a subscription for this service, instead flipping that on its head and paying users bonuses. It makes sense and seems very fair, seeing as they will earn a little interest on money sitting in envelopes.

I have recommended Mooch to several friends and here I am writing a review. You can say I’m a big fan.



I have been using Mooch to help manage my money and save. It’s super easy to use and I have been enjoying the “safe to spend” feature as I am one to loose track of where I am within my budget day to day. One thing I would like to see is maybe a shared savings/expenses envelope that two or more users can add to for shared expenses or to collaboratively save for vacations.


Amazing Savings App!!

I love Mooch! Being able to set budget goals for bills and future needs is very convenient. I used to use a different budgeting app, but they were lacking greatly. But as soon as this app was available, I signed up immediately. I like being able to access/view my envelopes no matter where I am. I also like that I can put money away and it be out of sight out of mind. Although there are a few issues, they seem to be resolved fairly quickly. I would love to be able to manipulate envelopes. Because sometimes you may want to save more aggressively towards one envelope vs another. I also wish that you could skip a payment and move it to another day whenever life throws you a curveball. Sometimes you are put in a position where you have to cancel your whole envelope, and now you have lost that interest that you have gained. But as I mentioned before, I know that this app is constantly evolving, so I am patiently waiting for all the improvements! And highly suggest Mooch for your budgeting needs!


Incredibly frustrating app

When I first downloaded Mooch everything was going great. I think it’s a very cool concept and it would’ve helped me manage my money and budget but it’s been more than a month since I contacted this app customer support about their app crashing. I can’t edit or delete any envelope without the whole app crashing so this app weekly is trying to take money out of my account and I can’t do anything about it and I can’t delete my account because I still have envelopes open. When I spoke to customer support all they said is they’ve escalated it to their engineering team and that was more that a month ago and I haven’t heard anything back and Mooch is still not working. It would be great if I can just delete my account and delete this app. I wouldn’t recommend this to anybody.

Is Mooch Safe?

Yes. Mooch: Budget, Shop, Save is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 262 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.0/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Mooch Is 56.9/100.

Is Mooch Legit?

Yes. Mooch: Budget, Shop, Save is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 262 Mooch: Budget, Shop, Save User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Mooch Is 72.8/100..

Is Mooch: Budget, Shop, Save not working?

Mooch: Budget, Shop, Save works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Mooch: Budget, Shop, Save? Post a Review

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