GALATEA: Novels & Audiobooks Reviews

GALATEA: Novels & Audiobooks Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-28

About: Relax and dive into a great story! Enjoy our bestselling series for free.
Millions of readers can’t get enough of our library of unputdownable novels.


What is GALATEA?

Galatea is an immersive reading app that offers an extensive collection of audiobooks, ebook novels, and interactive fiction stories. The app features addictive stories that span multiple seasons, with new chapters released daily. It offers a library of epic romance novels, unlimited fiction series, and other genres such as shifter romance, vampire, fantasy, paranormal, thriller, contemporary love story, motorcycle club, bad boy billionaires, forbidden loves, arranged marriages, fantasy, sci-fi, and more. The app provides a revolutionary reading experience that is more immersive, interactive, and engaging than a traditional book. It also offers a book club community, dark mode/night reading, and support for independent writers.



- Addictive stories that span multiple seasons, with new chapters released daily

- 15-minutes per chapter, read at your own pace, whenever wherever you are, any time you want

- A library of epic romance novels, unlimited fiction series, and other genres

- 400 ebooks to choose from, featuring chat fiction and other immersive elements

- Exclusive online novels from best selling authors

- More immersive, interactive, and engaging than a traditional book

- Turn on/off music, ambience and sound effects

- Watch your favourite characters' conversation unfold in text messages

- Offline reading any time, anywhere

- Stories in both book/audiobook formats

- Join into the discussion online with our vibrant Book Club community

- Dark Mode / Night Reading

- Read our books for free, or support Galatea writers by purchasing chapters

- Subscription packages for unlimited access to all stories

- Available in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese

- Sneak peek into some of the top stories, including The Millennium Wolves, The Lycan’s Queen, Mason, The Arrangement, Faiy Godmother Inc, and Caged.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 114,118 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of GALATEA

- Immersive part of story reading

- Sound effects while reading each story

- Stories are short

- Unlimited month subscription

- Additional sounds to give more depth

47 GALATEA Reviews

4.5 out of 5


Some great books!

I’ve read about 20 (give or take) books now and I must say, as long as you’re picking genre of books that will interest you, there are some great reads! A few have been too boring for me and I couldn’t finish them, but definitely more that were great and captured me right to the end. A couple of them are so good that I still wish I never finished them and I was still reading more, like there’s more story continuing from where they ended at. The only thing I absolutely hate with GALATEA is the points system. Either you unlock chapters with 10 points if you have them, or else you have to wait 6 hours to unlock and read the next chapter. Every chapter this is happens. You can spend money for buying more points, which I did a lot of and I’m now beyond broke from too many times doing that. I wish they would lessen the wait time considerably, or did something better then only 5 adds worth 2 points each a day. More points per add, or no limit to the adds in a day would be great. I’m willing to watch a couple adds berween every chapter instead of the 6 hour wait if that was an option instead. I wanna be able to binge read so badly, and I can’t do that with GALATEA. I end up starting to read 2-3 books at one time because of this and it kills me. Otherwise, GALATEA is a pretty good one if you love to read, in my opinion.


Great Stories!! I LOVE having such a variety to choose from!!

I love the stories, but there’s some glitches on this update!! I’ve been setting a 6 hour timer on my phone so that I know when it’s time for a new chapter, however there’s been more times now than I can count on my hand that instead of unlocking the next chapter I’ve waited on there’s just a black box that says try to unlock and it never works.. GALATEA freezes up and I have to log out of my account on GALATEA and log back in to get it back on track so my 6 hour wait turns into 12 hours.. after the first of the year I’ll be buying a year subscription and I won’t have the problem I hope.. other than that I love listening to these stories!! Very entertaining and u can ALWAYS find something that peaks your interest to begin reading!! I love that there’s such a variety to choose to read or listen to!! Oh last suggestion.. when someone either reads or listens to a book for free by waiting the 6 hours between chapters, earns points (which I do a lot), and/or buys points which is something else I also do, it should unlock both versions.. you should have the reading version and audible version both unlocked, because alot of times I like to read along while listening to it to insure that I don’t miss out on anything!! Still love GALATEA ! ❤️❤️❤️


Life changing

Not even going to lie. This changed my life. I went from sleeping while reading the first few words on a book to reading 9 different stories from books at a time.
GALATEA is the best. Maybe it’s the immersive part of story reading I like or the sound effects while reading each story or even the fact that the stories are short so your anticipation is high when the short stories end, but this is the best app ever. I used to try to read actual books, or the kindle app, or even iBooks, all of which I felt were uninterested for. But once I heard of GALATEA, I downloaded it, started reading and I AM HOOKED! I love the fact that you read each line at a time and that the stories are short leaving a sort of cliff hanger because it makes you want to read more. Books lack this with all its words on one page which makes it overwhelming, (mostly when your reading a bit book like Harry Potter and see not only a whole bunch of words on one page, but a whole lot of pages). I like that even though these books are long, we get a little at a time. Right now I’m reading 9 stories: (The Millennium Wolves, The Alpha’s Call, Her Possessive Guard, Savage, Reaper’s Claim, The Arrangement, Colt, The Price Possession, and Devil vs Alpha). ALL ARE GREAT! Much Thanks to the inventor of GALATEA and to the authors of these immersive stories !!!


Alpha of the millennium

I love reading Galactica novels and I would love to continue my reading but she won’t allow me to put my new credit card in my bank card and I don’t understand that it’s on my old one I need to make sure you have my new account so that in the future I decide I want to continue on with chapters which I would like to do that seriously I just love your books and the only book I have on my phone and so far it is the best book I’ve read yeah I love the suspense and I love the characters but that Michelle and Josh are really getting on my nerves and I can’t wait for the revenge part is that good enough for my review you will not allow me to put a new password in so that I can buy the chapters that I need to go on I only want to read to a certain point and save a little bit for later so please let me put my new password and bank card numbers in there I would appreciate it very much I love to read and these are the kind of books I like mystical and magical and love and bow which is awesomeSo please let me put my new bank card number in and a different password my bank card I don’t know how else to explain this I would like to continue to read the millennium thank you if I have to wait another day I might as well just wait for the five hours and I have done that many times


Great App needs some improvement

First of all, if I could give GALATEA a 4.5 stars instead of 4 I would. I love all of the books that I am reading thus far. I love how captivating they are with the sound and even some haptic stuff as well.
I think it makes GALATEA really original that way. My only issue with GALATEA would have the be the point system. I’m an avid reader and while I enjoy a chapter a day because it gives me a little break from school monotony. Sometimes the story is just too good and I have to read on! But in order to see the next chapter you need 10 points. And in order to get to 10 points you need to comment. Well you can comment as much as you want but you can only get a point a day. And while I understand where GALATEA developers are coming from so people don’t just comment and get all the points, binge and then stop reading. I believe there needs to be a balance. Maybe have some sponsors where you can watch some ads and in return you get a point. And then limit that?? I’m not app developer, but I think something in the middle from what they are doing now to constantly getting free points is the way to go.
Another thing that I have a question about is: are those the only stories you have? If so, when will more come? Anywho, overall it’s a great app with great reads. Just a few tweaks and it’ll be perfect.


Trying something new......

I’m an avid reader and love a good paperback and my kindle but wanted to try something different. Chose GALATEA at random from a pop up advertisement on Facebook. Sometimes you just need a quick easy read and I thought that this would provide that. The book that caught my attention is good, exactly what I was looking for. Should have done more research as to how GALATEA actually works before getting attached to the book. Once I start something I like to finish it 🤪 I certainly don’t mind paying to read someone’s work but at this point I think I’ve spent as much on GALATEA as I have for hard back books in the past. It would be nice to have more options to gain points rather than buying them all or get rewarded with more for buying so many at a time. The wait time between chapters is entirely too long, especially when you only reveal one short chapter after the first several you get when first starting GALATEA . If trying to target an audience that are really into reading and read a lot, GALATEA isn’t conducive for those types of readers. Overall I have enjoyed the book I’m reading but I may not
start another simply because of cost. I can spend $10 a month and read as many books as I want on my kindle. With that being said maybe offer a version of GALATEA that can paid monthly and offer unlimited reading. Thanks for listening🙂


Great App ~ Some Horrible Things

When I first started reading on GALATEA, I thought it was going to be something a bit boring, but I was wrong! I love all the books that this app has. From their werewolf novels to the human life! There’s some things, though, about GALATEA that I don’t really enjoy. For example, the point system is a bit overrated. I liked how you could get one point from one comment on a story. Sure, it might’ve been a bit overpowered, but when you’re and avid reader and have the time, you want to actually READ. The new point system isn’t that bad, but it takes so much time to just get up to that 10 point meter. Maybe if it somehow took less than a week to get to the 10 points, I’d be happier or if it even took 5 days, things would be way better!
My second horrible thing is how long it takes for seasons to come out. When I first started some books, it turned out they weren’t finished. They only had three chapters in them. I feel like if they do this to almost all their books, people will lose interest in the book because of the lack of enjoyment from it. I think, maybe, this app team could put like a flag on the covers of unfinished books that tell you that they are not finished. It would be very helpful!! Thank you for your time! GALATEA is a really good one, it just has some downs that every app has.


You got me hooked

You got me hooked with the story in your ad … The Millennium Wolves. I decided to download GALATEA and was pleasantly surprised. I checked out your other books and picked 5 more from different genres to start reading. They all are great stories. I’ve finished one already. I do have a problem with the waiting time to read the next chapter, especially with chapters being very short. If the wait time has to be 6 hours you could at least make available a few chapters at a time. The point systems is nice, but earning more points at a time should be available. I bought some points but it’s too expensive for me to do so often especially after realizing once you buy a chapter the timer starts over to waiting 6 hours. If you buy points to read another chapter the timer should continue from where it was. The bought chapters should not change the wait time to read free chapters. I’ve also had too many instances where chapters repeated themselves. After waiting 6 hours I was reading the same chapter over again. That glitch needs to get fixed. Overall I’m enjoying GALATEA so far. The stories are good and keep me wanting to read more. I’ll see how I feel after finishing the 5 stories I’m currently reading if I’ll pick more to read or not.


Good Concept, But Getting Annoying

Let me just say, I love that the wait times have been shortened from 24 hrs to 6 hrs, and I’ve had GALATEA for 2 years. However, I have a few issues: First, the grammar. The past few stories I have read have had awful grammar and spelling errors. Even a story I read a while back and lost (because the stupid thing kicked me off and when I signed back in the story was lost and I PAID FOR MORE THAN HALF OF IT) has errors in it that it didn’t have before. I don’t mind paying for books I get to keep, but why would I pay for books that have terrible grammar and spelling errors? If I wanted to read books with all this, I’d go back to Inkitt. Which brings me to my next issue; if they are going to bring over stories that are FREE AND I CAN BINGE READ WITHOUT HAVING TO WAIT, bad grammar or not, then why bring them over and take them away from being free and make me wait or pay for it? If this app owns Inkitt, why take stories off Inkitt that are free and already done to make me wait? It’s annoying and about to the point that it isn’t worth it. I’m not one to leave a lot of reviews, especially negative ones, but I am an avid reader that reads during my breaks and on the weekends to get away from the stress of my job. If they allowed more chances to gain more points more quickly so I don’t have to pay for them, then maybe.


At a loss…

Not sure what I got myself into when I purchased the unlimited month subscription but it’s only been great with the first story where I read Millennium Wolves. The only completed book I could go through and it was great, loved the work. But after that, every other story I checked out had a cliffhanger in the middle of the story. When I tried to check out my account, no details of what I purchased. Went to FAQ, nothing really informative about how the points work. The more I read in the comments from other users the more confused I am…or I must be so tired from work I just have no energy to figure out something that should have been basic. Supposedly I earned points everyday for consecutive reading per notifications when I open GALATEA everyday but I’ve only seen the 10 from when I made an account. Unfortunately, GALATEA is becoming more of a headache where I find teaser stories that aren’t completed and have to wait to read something I don’t how much further down the line. If there are no instructions on when the chapters are going to be released, I don’t even feel this is worth my time to come back and read. There needs to be transparency on the costs, what is limited and unlimited for reading, when the next chapters are being released, and better explanation for how points work. I see comments in the community section from people struggling to understand how to navigate GALATEA and I share that frustration.


Room for improvement

I think most people here hit spot on the annoyance of waiting until the next day for access to the next episodes. Overall, the concept is great. I enjoy the stories, though they vary from what the authors published, if previously published. The interactive concept is neat, helps set the tone of the reading. However, I can’t give it a 5 stars because there is room for improvement. The creator of GALATEA focus of audience is for those who don’t have time to read, however for most people who enjoy reading will set aside more than 5-10 minutes to read. I’d suggest providing longer sets of episodes, like 20-30 minute read just like a tv show episode. We live in an era where people enjoy binge reading/watching tv episodes. I also think this would make people more willing to pay to skip the waiting. Secondly, i think there should be an option to purchase the entire series or purchase by seasons. Again, id be more inclined to buy in-app purchases this way. But 4 episodes is $2, that’s not really a bargain. $18 is 55 episodes, that’s more than the cost of an ebook and won’t even cover entire series. Just food for thoughts for the creators because I would spend money, just not worth it at the time because even quality of the novels aren’t worth that much, these aren’t best sellers novels.



I used to love GALATEA. I got to read a ton of interactive stories at once. Very addictive. I could leave a comment after each one. It’s 10 points to move on to another chapter. I MIGHT get 20 points in a day which means I can only move on two times in a story. Which isn’t enough because when you’re addictively reading a lot of good stories and each one has reasons for me to use the points, it’s not enough. Now I can only earn 1 point per day. So I have to wait 10 days before I can skip to the next chapter. I have no problem purchasing points to skip ahead but the price has to be within reason. If I were to try and buy the story fully. It’s 30+ chapters. I typically spend no more that $5 or less, (sometimes $10) in increments so it spreads out over paychecks and my husband won’t throw a fit. But it doesn’t give me enough to read a whole book. Upside is, I can get 50 points if I can get someone to signup, but i only have so many people that would. I’d like to spend a little less like $.99 for 50 points vs. $1.99 for only 40. if they increased it to 100 or even 80. I’d be spend that a whole lot more because a couple dollars doesn’t seem like a lot but it adds up. I found a couple of these stories on kindle for $3.00. It may not be interactive but and story isn’t modified but it still generally goes in the same direction. I get the plot. I still enjoy it.


Every app has its cons👎🏻❣️and pros👍🏻🥰

The reason i downloaded this app app was that I fell in love with the “the millenuam wolves” while it was played as an add. After, I found many more interesting story’s like “alphas call” or “the werewolf chronicles” and many more. Another reason I fell in love with GALATEA is that it’s free even though you can read only one episode a day it’s perfectly fine for somebody that doesn’t like to spend too much money on reading(reason I like to read books from apps like this app) And if you want to read more there is nothing to stop you from buying more episodes with earned points or the ones you actually bought with money. This is the reasons l really like the this app app. The only thing that could be adjusted is points. For example people like me don’t really like to spend money on any apps. I try to avoid as much as possible.(I don’t even use Apple Music even though I love to listen to music and yes I have an iPhone) S on it would be really helpful if you could give us more points to read the stories. Like if you had been logging in this app app for a month or something they would give you like 10-20 points for that. This is my opinion. And I really recommend this app app if you love to read . I hope I helped somebody with my review



I was playing a game on my phone when an ad for this app’s “The Millennium Wolves” popped up. It showed a quick preview of the story, and I was immediately hooked. This was two or three days ago. Fast forward to today, I’ve finished about thirty chapters and cannot get enough. This story is so beautifully written, especially compared to other story apps. This is the first story app that I’ve joined that makes me feel like I’m reading a popular, five star published novel. Once I finish flying through Millennium Wolves, I can’t wait to check out the other stories. Another great thing about this app is the sound effects and music that are personalized for each chapter. It really makes you feel like you’re inside the same world as the characters that you’re reading about. Then to top it off, they don’t try to make you pay an arm and a leg for points to read chapters. I think I got between 7-10 of the first chapters for MW for free, which was crazy to me because I was expecting only the first couple chapters to be free to read. Then you get a lot of opportunities to earn points for free, and if you decide to purchase points with your own money, the prices are more than reasonable. Thanks to this app for my new favorite obsession!!!


Love the app, just needs some tweaks

I would give GALATEA a 4.5 because of the way it captivates you how GALATEA has the music in the background that makes the reader feel engaged with what they are reading, and have the reader also feel apart of the story. The stories themselves are very interesting, detailed, and exciting to the point where the reader wants more of the story, but with that in mind the point system is a little off. Like 10 points to skip just one chapter. And I understand as an app developer that you need to find ways in order for the reader to still come back to GALATEA , but I feel like if you set up GALATEA in a way where you could trade in points for the amount of time you take away( there would be a limit ) that would be better or you could lessen the amount of points you need ( let’s say 5 ), or have a flash pass that you can purchase with the amount of points that you have. I would also say that you could increase the amount of time that you give the reader to read, so instead of 5-10 minutes you can have 10-15 minutes of the story. This is just me personally, but I feel this would make GALATEA even more enjoyable. Still love how captivating the stories are though.


Cool idea! Buggy app though.

I discovered GALATEA yesterday and thought it was such a cool idea that I bought the unlimited subscription today, but I’ve had to reinstall GALATEA several times because it’ll freeze when trying to open new chapters. I also had an issue where some of the “points” I bought to try GALATEA never loaded to my account. It’s cool that you can get books that aren’t available elsewhere, but another bug is that sections of the book will randomly repeat, so you’ll have to tap, tap, tap to get back to where you were. The points system is wonky. At the level of my initial points purchase, it was costing me about $0.50 per chapter to read. The chapters weren’t long, so you pretty much have to drop the $60 for an unlimited subscription for GALATEA to make sense. If you use the points method, they do give you 1 free chapter a day, but who reads books that way? It would take too long and take all the fun out of it. Now that I paid for unlimited access, I really hope they fix the bugs soon! I’m reading 2 books that I can’t progress in because the next chapters won’t load, which is super frustrating when you’re looking forward to chilling out with a book on the weekend. Fix the bugs!!! GALATEA is a really cool idea that would be lots of fun if it worked properly.


Wanted to Love it

I do like GALATEA but its flaws have become glaringly obvious to the point I might delete. The stories are good and the additional sounds to give more depth is nice. Then unfortunately a lot of the books I have enjoyed are unfinished or waiting to continue the next book. Which I have multiple reading app that have updated as they go books so not a problem. However it been over a month with no update and no way to know when it will be updated. They recommended a Facebook group to know more about updates on books but it is not helpful for that. The navigation of GALATEA is messy outside of reading a book. They have a coming soon portion but there no easy way to look for a specific book you have to scroll threw the whole thing. I love the books I have found on GALATEA but I am losing interest fast since I have no idea when anything I have enjoyed is getting updated. I have five books like this and it really starting to seem like only the good books are unfinished. I am tired of wait and wondering if I should move on from GALATEA . I really don’t want to cuz I paid the subscription but I haven’t touched it besides to check for updates now. I would even settle for when u get to the point in the book that it’s unfinished have an notification option populate so I can automatically get notifications on it but I digress.


Some improvement

This is an update:
When I began using GALATEA , to gain points without paying was a little ridiculous. We only got 1 point for comments and 2 points for viewing their ads- Of course you were only allowed one chapter every 24hr. Truthfully speaking this was the reason why I gave myself a break from reading GALATEA . Since my return, I’ve noticed there has been changes. And I’m impressed that this app is taking into consideration their reader’s opinions. Unfortunately there are only a few issues as to why I won’t give this a 5 star. If I could give it 3.5 I would. GALATEA is a good idea especially on the go and one who doesn’t want to carry their books. Downfall is when viewing the ads now (September 2021) there seems to be a bug issue? It won’t allow me to exit the ad when it’s over. I’ve had to close GALATEA multiple times in order to view the ads and exit to get those 2 points. Then there are the grammatical mistakes. It’s a turn off. Some books chapters are extremely short and that is just not worth it to me. Then there are books that ended and it’s hard to know if there new chapters in the future or not. But I will say this, the verification of email to gain ten points is a good feature ~~and wait time for a new chapter is 6 hours so that is a huge plus..


Greedy.. but decent app

The music that you can’t regulate is so frustrating and frankly bad, and completely unfitting of the situation. I think that GALATEA could make so much money, even more than they already are, if they weren’t so greedy. By making people wait six hours, people lose interest and move on with their life, as you’re making people wait for almost a full workday to read another (ever-shortening) chapter.

So basically you are gambling with 50% of your customers, because half are going to walk away and forget about you within an hour and might interact with your app a week later, or they’re going to be one of the Insta gratification parts of your audience that will go ahead and purchase. But can you imagine if everyone purchased a little rather than half your audience purchasing a little?

However, if you make people wait 30 minutes or an hour, then they will be counting the time until they interact with your app again. A little less greed will make a better customer journey which will get you more revenue. You either need a better marketer or less greedy management…. Plus, you’re disappointing the people that you have asked to follow you on social which is akin to social death. Also, having a way to either respond and or report disgusting reviews in-app will help you to pull in a more ‘refined’ crowd


Good app overall!😁

I want to start off by saying that I think GALATEA is really entertaining. The story that I am reading is fun to read and I look forward to reading everyday. But, there is one thing that I don’t like. Personally, I like to read these like of stories and get lost in them and read to the very end. But, there is a problem. GALATEA runs of a currency called “points”. When you first get GALATEA , you get 10 points. In order to read another chapter of the story right away, without having to wait another day when the time ends, you have to spend 10 points. Once you use the 10 points that you got once for free, you have to start buying the points. For me, sometimes I don’t really lot like to spend money in apps, and I understand that GALATEA has to get money somehow, but sometimes it’s hard to get really into a chapter of the story and then realize that you have to wait the next day for the next chapter to be available. But on the contrary, this can help people to not loose themselves in stories or on their phones. Having one story a day available means that you won’t be spending a long time on your phone. So, long story short, I'm torn of GALATEA. This is just a heads up to the people who are considering to get GALATEA.


Wanting more

So to titles this “wanting more” for a couple of reasons. First, I do enjoy the stories available (at least the ones I have read). Some are certainly better than others, but that’s like any book out there. So, when reading and you reach the end of the chapter, you want more! I like that there are not ads on GALATEA . It’s almost like Patreon when it comes to content. You want more content now? You pay. Otherwise, you wait for tomorrow. I would like a more user friendly home page. You can only “sign in” when first opening GALATEA . I haven’t been able to link my google or Facebook in GALATEA yet since I skipped it at first. There’s no way to see how many points you have unless you open up a chapter and your at the end of it. You can’t purchase additional point unless you are on the last page. That app is just lacking in a few places that I’m sure they are still developing. I would like to be able to interact with other readers on GALATEA , as opposed to social media. I also would like additional opportunities for earning points. One point per day by commenting on ANY story? Something has got to change there. I get it. You need to make money... but let’s figure something else. Like subscribing. Something.


Money Hungry

Okay first of all, I love the stories I’m reading. I also think this is a great set up and a really good idea however GALATEA has not been executed well. The amount of money you have to pay (if you don’t want to wait) for the next chapters, can equal the price of a whole book and yet you still only get a few chapters?? Also it takes FOREVER to accumulate points. I think there should be easier ways to get them or maybe like 3 points for commenting, 2 points for something or a similar point system. Also, I recently got a new phone, didn’t think it would affect GALATEA. However I open it up today to read the new chapters and...I can’t. I have to wait ANOTHER 24 hours before I’m able to read the next chapter. Which is completely ridiculous! I also for whatever reason lost all of the points I had accumulated. This just doesn’t make sense to me. And with how short the chapters are, I’m starting to not really want to use GALATEA anymore. I have to wait 24 hours for 5 minutes of reading or spend $20 to read like 6 chapters. There has to be a better way to run GALATEA unless the creators only care about making money.

I waited the 24 hours, opened it today, ready to read the next chapter and guess what. I was back at the beginning of the story 🙄 all the chapters were locked so I lost all my progress and all my points. This is ridiculous. Deleting GALATEA. Thank you for nothing.


My opinion

I like GALATEA , I think it has great potential because I love the idea that you can hear music or nature while reading. It makes you feel more connected to the story. I don’t like that we have to wait so long for the next chapter though. Who stops reading a good book after a single chapter? If we do have to wait, it shouldn’t have to be for 24 hours. Maybe 10 hours from the time you read it, instead of having to wait until 7 am the next day. Also, I definitely don’t agree with the prices of points. Way too overcharged in my opinion. The option to earn free points is great, but “become an ambassador?” Or “refer a friend who has to spend money for you to get any points?” What about the people that don’t have many followers on social media? And if I’m getting you another reader there should be some kind of reward regardless of whether they spend money or not. Maybe offer a few points for recommending GALATEA to someone, and if they spend money you get a few more. I really do think this could be a good app, but there’s definitely a lot of work to be done.
Edit: Also, I just went to try and schedule a call to earn more points, and there are literally NO SLOTS open for the next year! So the only way to get points is to make you money whether it be from my pocket or someone I know?? This really needs to be checked out.


Beckoned, persuaded, and converted!!!

I downloaded GALATEA quite begrudgingly. Advertising on Instagram for the story on GALATEA led me to the story on Wattpad (which pointed me to GALATEA ), but then I scrounged for it on the Inkitt website (which pointed me to GALATEA ). Good job!

After I painstakingly read the story I was looking for for a couple of days, my eyes wandered to the other stories. One episode a day was never intended to give me my reading fix, so now I read a few stories at a time. I think the ones I’ve settled on are pretty high quality, and the timing of the immersive elements are impeccable!

I think my main suggestion, aside from the tired “more free points, more story” sentiment, is about the chat/comment system. I think this app might have something there. I think that there is opportunity for a social aspect, where people on the same chapter can talk about the story if they wanted. One way to facilitate that is to simply load the timer chat from the “bottom” or most recent messages, instead of making people scroll through about 4 months worth of comments. You could make the chat a larger part of the screen, so more can be seen. I would still like the free point for participation though, haha.


Great Reading Material, with a few issues.

The books have amazing context, and are extremely well written. I love GALATEA overall, and like other reviews that I have read the only issue I have lies within the point system. I understand the idea behind it, and the reason why it isn’t easy to obtain points. However, I wish there was an option to maybe just buy the book outright as well. When I read a book I like to be able to binge read, and the fact that you have to wait 24 hours for the next chapter is almost a deal breaker for me. If someone were to not have money to buy points they would have to go through the hassle of scheduling a feedback call (which are backed up by a month at the moment) or leave a review here. Which is a great tactic on the developers part but one these options are done and gone I hope they are replaced with something a little easier. Leaving a comment a day is extremely easy, especially when you get a new chapter every day, but it will take ten days to unlock one new chapter. The wait is too long, even just changing it to 12 hours rather than 24 would make it a great deal better in my opinion.


Great selection of books

I like reading books using GALATEA. I think it’s a genius idea. There’s a wide selection of genres and I like that. However, I don’t like reading little increments of the story each day. When I start reading a book, I like to read at a rapid pace. There has to be another way to hook your readers besides the point system. It’s almost a turnoff for me. Maybe have the first book in the series totally free. After that, you’ll have the reader hooked. Offer the reminding books in the series at a price (kind of like Kindle does) or points.
Another turnoff is the number of incomplete books. Maybe you should consider displaying the word “incomplete” next to the titles of books that are not complete. I would be furious if I wasted my points on a book that’s incomplete. That would be a deal breaker for me. I’d probably delete GALATEA .
Lastly, there should be some kind of time limit for authors to update if they want to continue using GALATEA. There’s nothing like waiting 3-4 months to find out what happens in a story. Sometimes, the stories are never completed. In situations like this, points should be added back to the readers account.



Hello, I gave my feedback earlier on April 12 and why I do like that you have ideas for more ways to get points, I feel that if you have a subscription more people might not do it and have to wait and then eventually lose interest in waiting even though your amazing stories are totally worth it I still don’t think I would pay a subscription so maybe you could do a little more brainstorming with your team and rethink your pay. Thank you

I love what you have done with this app I feels as though if you would provide more ways to get free point like watching videos I would use it even more than I already do especially since school/wok will be starting soon and it would be fantastic if you could give updates on story’s still in progress like Need, Sinclair, The Mafia Saved Me, and The Price Possession. The first episodes of these stories where released quite a long time ago but it looks like your team still has not made in progress in it with the time you’ve had but you are still able to come with a new story with a whole season in about a month or less.


Love but difficult

I kept see this add on Wattpad for the werewolf store so I downloaded it to test it out, read the first chapter and immediately feel in love, GALATEA has music and vibration and stuff to match what your reading. The only thing I hate is the point system, on Wattpad I can read a book till it’s finished, I don’t mind paying for booked but if I needed to pay for a book on here it would be by points and the current book I’m reading that would total out to over $40 which I think is crazy! You have to wait till 7 am the next morning to even read the next chapter if you have no points and to get some point you have to do crazy things which the point you do gain you still have to wait on. I think they need to rethink this whole point system like I get you want ppl on GALATEA everyday but this is crazy and just over the top. By time I can read the next part I done forgot about the last thing I read and have to go back no one wants to read a book a little chapter by little chapter at least make 5 available at a time then I can bare the wait!


Interesting Concept, but honestly annoying

So I get it, I really do. An app designed to allow short daily reads to fit into a busy schedule. Maybe this concept appeals to a younger generation, one where they want a quick 10 minute break and then to get back to their busy life, and maybe don’t like to read a lot. I do too; but the difference is that I want several 10 minute breaks throughout to help me reset. So I would want the option to have more chapters available. For someone who reads every day and has been known to finish a 400 page novel in a matter of 2 days - I want access to the chapters.
Another negative is that there are about 30 books in my library and only 5 that have ongoing chapters now. 2 of those 5 are ones that I’m into (completely hooked). The rest that I love either had 3 intro chapters or 6 - literally just enough to be hooked on it like heroine and I can’t get my fix!!!
At this point, the ONLY reason why I’m sticking with GALATEA is because I’m hooked on more than one story, and every time I open GALATEA I’m hoping that new chapters are released on the stories that I’m stuck on the 3 or 6 part introduction. Honestly it is beyond frustrating!!!!


Great stories but a few problems

I just recently downloaded GALATEA. I was very excited to read but I am not satisfied with how it works. The wait for new episode I believe, is too long. People are not going to want to wait for the amount of time that you have given. I for one, like to binge read and waiting an hour olor two is okay but, waiting a whole day is not. I also think that the pricing is way too high. The points will only get you so far and you will have to keep buying more and more. You will be able to get through a couple of chapters but then you have to buy more points. If you want to keep people coming I would recommend lowering your pricing and making the wait a shorter amount of time. Some people won’t buy points at all so the will have to read the first chapter of multiple stories and it will get confusing and they might possibly mix up which one is which. Lastly the chapters seem to be very short. I don’t think that it is worth spending that amount of money for a couple of short chapters when I could go somewhere else for a better deal. I do like the idea but it might not be worth it. Thank you for your time. 😄



I’ve had lots of story type apps (mostly the game versions), but I was especially hopeful with this one because of how interactive it is. Of course like everyone else, I’m not a big fan of the long wait times, especially considering each chapter is so short on top of that. The point system is ok too but I think either the wait should be shorter, the chapters should be longer, the cost to skip the wait should be less, and/or there should be more opportunities to earn more points (like a daily login reward each day). But speaking of daily logins, my app has not been able to start back up no matter what I do for maybe a day or two. I’ve deleted it and redownloaded it. Deleted it, restarted my phone and then redownloaded it. I even tried to delete other apps in case they were interfering with the apps ability to start up. Just kept trying to open it but it won’t open no matter what I do. I had 8 points too and I’m really disappointed that GALATEA is broken for me now. ****SPOILER***** I was on the part when Sienna got home and Alpha Aiden was at her house. I was looking forward to seeing what he wanted but now I can’t :(. I know I most likely won’t get a reply, but any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Erin   1 year ago

I used this app for around 2 years.... loved it. When I needed to cancel my annual subscription for financial reasons it was difficult to do as directions didnt always lead to what they should... (THERE WAS no 'unsubscribe button where directions said there should be!). I submitted a help ticket requesting they end my auto renewal. I finally thought I had succeeded as my unlimited access disappeared. Success right?? Nope. Months later (July) I see I was again charged the yearly unlimited access fee that I didn't want, my account SHOWS "No active subscriptions" and who knows how long it will take to fix. Not ok...

Iva   1 year ago

I installed the app, bought year subscription read one book in two days and the app will not open. What’s going on and can I get my money back ?

Lorena   2 years ago

My iPhone update now the app isn’t working. I paid for the annual subscription. Fix it!!!

Dee   2 years ago

First this is totally great app, Thank you for that. But I’m somewhat disappointed with the customer service and promises. We purchased the app basically because of the audio, for someone with a vision impairment, my aunt she’s listening to a lot of the stories and then there’s nothing left. New stories and updated chapters it seems to only be in the section to read. When will new books become Available based on your profile. Of what you prefer to listen to. Thank you

Carolyn Savino   2 years ago

My Galatea App will not open for the last 24 hours. When I tried to contact Supply, they tried to charge me $49. This is unacceptable. Please just open the App. Thank you.

Carolyn Savino   2 years ago

Your Galatea App is completely frozen and your Support will not help me unless I pay them $49. What a ripoff!

Oluwafunto   2 years ago

Great app but lately the app seems to be very slow expecially when trying to get to the next chapter even with my unlimited access.

Renee   2 years ago

Hey, was just wondering when you purchase a yearly subscription, can you just read straight through? Or is there waiting period after each chapter? Thanks

Parmila   2 years ago

I’ve purchased some points but it won’t let me get to the right chapter! I should be reading from chapter 11 but it keeps getting stuck at chapter 5 and not moving me in!! So frustrating I’ve free up my storage but no change! If I’ve paid for the points surely this should show and have me into the correct chapter that I’ve paid for to move in in this book!?! As a new customer this is such bad service.

Julie Ozbun   2 years ago

I wouldn't mind purchasing a book but buying by chapter is absolutely absurd. One book purchasing by chapter could cost more than $50-$60 dollars, again absolutely absurd. I'm not interested in purchasing a subscription AND waiting hours for downloads. Also read that subscriptions are difficult to get out of VERY SHADY!

Georgina   2 years ago

When I first started reading on this app, I thought it was going to be something a bit boring, but I was wrong! I love all the books that Galatea has. From their werewolf novels to the human life! There’s some things, though, about the app that I don’t really enjoy. For example, the point system is a bit overrated. I liked how you could get one point from one comment on a story. Sure, it might’ve been a bit overpowered, but when you’re and avid reader and have the time, you want to actually READ.

Elizabeth Pitonyak   2 years ago

Yes I have been waiting three days for the book to load. I would love to read the whole book without tapping. What is going on? Read a word TAP read another word TAP it is a dumb idea!!

Kilowatt97   2 years ago

Here’s the gist: -the “chapters” on this app are barely a page of a real book. -Nearly every chapter leaves on a “cliff hanger” and most of which aren’t even addressed in the following chapter. -you must wait 6 hours to read a “chapter” unless you want to pay to skip the wait. -the subscription of $59.99 USD/year is glitchy and only works when it wants to according to many sources. -the stories are extremely drama filled for a cheap way of getting people interested in the books. There’s just way too many plot lines in most of their #1 rated stories. -many people have reported their coins they buy end up not working or disappearing -the comments and the community board are not in chronological order from when they’re posted so you’ll never see a reply to your community post unless you want to spend 10 minutes sifting through posts. Also no notifications as to whether someone replies or not. -some books have “ghost writers” which contributes to the confusing storylines -the “free” ways of earning points are flawed. One option is to write a review and send them a screenshot, which I did and I never received my coins for my review. Many others have said their other options such as calling them and leaving a review over the phone is a scam as well. All in all I would not recommend this app for an avid reader or anyone who values their money or time.

Aminah   2 years ago

Am just wondering why the waiting time is sometimes 14 minutes and sometimes 6 hours

Judy Gollehon   2 years ago

I have been using Inkitt & now Galatea, for about a year as many Inkitt stories have notices that writers are moving their stories to Galatea. I began sending feedback on grammar, plot & general concerns as the app requested. The last story had 65 chapters & most covered anywhere from 10 min to a couple hrs of plot. Having to purchase coins to progress, or the alternative is having to wait 6 hrs for a new chapter to be avail, I voiced my concerns & other readers spoke up as well. My comments were removed & I am now unable to retrieve my books or points & their ZenHelp Support will not respond to my issue. I have entered 10-15 comments within those 65 chapters, which happens to be a cliffhanger & is incomplete. If Galatea, or their parent company only want positive comments & no constructive criticism, they shouldn’t ask for feedback. They might just receive the truth from native English speakers who make suggestions on writing.

Mel   2 years ago

This is absurd. I have no problem paying for books, none at all. You want me to buy a book? No problem. However you want me to pay absurd amounts of money to read a chapter? Nope. It’s either that or buy a year subscription? Offer it by the month, or offer it by the book. But not by chapter. Would love to read this book but I am not spending $60 for a year subscription for one book. And I’m not spending $20-$30 to read one book charged per chapter. I’ll stick to kindle unlimited.

Luticia   2 years ago

I purchased points for book #7 but I was locked out of my account. I tried to download the app again it kept saying my email and password is incorrect, I could not get retrieve my account!

Crazyh   3 years ago

It like the stories but it is frustrating to read one chapter a day unless u buy.

Debra   3 years ago

I have joined Galatea and bought some points. More than enough for the book. I then downloaded the book. I can’t access it. Keeps going back to the beginning. I am use to Amazon where I get the book instantly. Why can’t I access the book? Have I done something wrong?

Jane   3 years ago

{"userId":"tc1GtwBNUkW07HIunQsEG5gYEBI3","version":" (codepush:v71)","visitorId":"fa4e5b1e-b12e-4069-8b49-24e9b7ebad8a"}

Sabrina   3 years ago

App not working says something went wrong during app initialization. Please try again or contact support.

HEM   3 years ago

I love all the variety of stories, I do not like having to wait for the next chapter, wish there were other options to get points.

Ginny Grandinetti   3 years ago

I paid for a year but they are asking me to wait 6hrs in between each chapter?

Chris   3 years ago

I paid but application not downloading

shauna   3 years ago

If I pay for a year can I listen to all the chapters without waiting the 6hrs in between each chapter?

Joleen   3 years ago

I am very upset, I’m in the middle of a story and it says it’s loading but it’s not, it’s doing nothing, frozen is what it’s doing! Can you please fix this?

Kyndall Reinson   3 years ago

Loveee this app! Free chapters daily with a chance to win coins to keep reading. I am only on one story but it’s so good and captivating I will continue to use this app for further stories


Yes. GALATEA: Novels & Audiobooks is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 114,118 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for GALATEA Is 74.2/100.


Yes. GALATEA: Novels & Audiobooks is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 114,118 GALATEA: Novels & Audiobooks User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for GALATEA Is 89/100..

Is GALATEA: Novels & Audiobooks not working?

GALATEA: Novels & Audiobooks works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

- Free: Access to a limited selection of stories and features.

- Premium: $9.99/month or $49.99/year. Unlimited access to all stories and features, including offline reading, dark mode, and the ability to support independent writers by purchasing chapters.

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