I seriously love Wattpad so much! It organizes your stories, and you get to import pictures for you cover and chapters. It is really easy to control, and you can pick hashtags for your book, genres, etc. In Wattpad not only you can publish a book, but you can also find a book you want to read. About anything you search, results will pop up for it. And, the best part is, it’s free!
Also, I just hope you get Wattpad. Considering it isn’t even enough, you should definitely try it out. There may be some flaws that you don’t like, but overall this is really worth it!
Maybe if you do want something else, you could try google docs. The only things that I don’t suggest doing on google docs if you were to get Wattpad , is that you can’t keep your stories in folders, but in watt pad you can! It sorts it by stories, and it’s just so easy!
By the way, I’m not just hating on google docs because it does and has some things I don’t like, I genuinely love that app too. I just like watt pad a lot, and I think you should get it.
And finally, I just want to conclude that watt pad is a great app. It’s worth checking out, even if you don’t prefer it. I hope you enjoyed reading this and this review wasn't for nothing! 👌✌️❤️😁😄