hoopla Digital Reviews

hoopla Digital Reviews

Published by on 2024-03-15

About: Tap into Discovery. Instantly Read, Listen, and Watch with Your Library card.

About hoopla Digital

What is hoopla Digital?

hoopla is an all-in-one digital library app that offers more than 1,000,000 titles, including best-selling novels, blockbuster movies, niche content, and hard-to-find titles. With hoopla, you can read, listen, and watch without ads, for free with your Library card. The app is available 24/7, and thousands of new titles are added every month. You can instantly stream or download content for offline reading, watching, and listening. The app works with Apple Carplay, and your borrowed content synchronizes across a wide range of devices. hoopla also offers a Kids Mode to show only family-friendly content, a Shuffle feature to randomly play songs from one album or all albums currently borrowed, hoopla Magazines, and a hoopla BingePass that gives unlimited streaming of popular content for 7 days with a one borrow.



- Access to more than 1,000,000 titles

- Read, listen, and watch without ads

- Available 24/7

- No late fees

- Instantly stream or download content for offline reading, watching, and listening

- Works with Apple Carplay

- Borrowed content synchronizes across a wide range of devices

- Kids Mode to show only family-friendly content

- Shuffle feature to randomly play songs from one album or all albums currently borrowed

- hoopla Magazines

- hoopla BingePass that gives unlimited streaming of popular content for 7 days with a one borrow

- eBook reader with digital bookmark, highlighting, note-taking, text size and formatting adjustment, and page color change features

- Audiobook experience with distinct chapters, digital bookmark, note-taking, speed options, car and activity mode, and sleep timer

- Digital graphic novel/comic experience with ground-breaking action view, panel-by-panel guided reading experience, and magnifier tool.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 997,016 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of hoopla Digital

- Has more audiobook selections than Libby

- Helped the narrator make progress with her reading and reading comprehension

- Has a nice app to easily borrow books from the library

23 hoopla Digital Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Mostly good

Hoopla was recommended by my public library and I’ve mostly liked it. It’s frustrating that unlike other audiobook apps, there isn’t a way on Hoopla to listen to a preview of a book before borrowing it. So a few times I’ve gone ahead and borrowed but have been disappointed. I’ve sometimes given the book as much as a 20 or 30 minute chance, but a couple times I had to stop much sooner, largely due to the narrator or the production quality. Sometimes, while the book is probably good and the story or characters are appealing, the person chosen to be the narrator is simply bad or inappropriately cast. Sometimes the audio levels are all over the place, varying in volume and quality. I know no audiobook is read all in one recording session, but most manage to maintain consistent levels and some sound like there’s suddenly a different microphone or sound engineer or he narrator was having a bad day.

In any case, I wish Hoopla allowed a short preview. The way it is, I have to borrow the book, thereby using up one of my monthly allotment of books and then have returned it within a few minutes because I was disappointed in some way with the book. I’m glad I discovered the option to give the book a rating, but it would also be extremely helpful to be able to write a review. That way I could tell prospective readers which books (and narrators) I really like enjoyed a lot and caution readers about the books (or narrators) I found to be not worth my time.



Originally I liked the Hoopla app. Now not so much. It seems to be having what I consider insurmountable annoyances. It first started with hooplaDigital freezing right in the middle of a book. I switched from using hooplaDigital to read a book to just clicking on read now without using hooplaDigital . That worked for a while but is now doing the same thing. Very frustrating when you have only so much time to read and then it freezes and you can’t. It isn’t my device at fault either since it happens not only on both tablets I use but also on my phone.
I’ve written to them twice with no response about this problem. I was sure they would fix it but no such luck.
Also it doesn’t sync between devices. The other library apps like Overdrive will pick up whatever page you’re on when you change devices. Not Hoopla. I’m sorry to say. This means endless scrolling page by page in order to get to your current page.
Oh and the latest annoyance is after reading maybe 10 pages a banner pops up and you have to click out of the book, it comes up with the download page and you then have to click on resume in order to keep reading. It’s almost enough to quit using hooplaDigital. The only reason I come back to it occasionally is they have some books that the other services do not..if you want to try an app that works the way it should try Libby. They’ve got their act together.
Merry Christmas one and all. Hope the powers that be read this and fix these basic problems.


Very good app

Hoopla is a very useful app and I’ve gotten a lot of books out of it: mostly audiobooks, quite a few ebooks, plus some music and graphic novels. It’s biggest problem is the very limited number of checkouts you have per months; occasionally I’ve run into limits on how many checkouts that my *library* is allowed. Because of this, I use Hoopla after I’ve exhausted all other options because, when ripping through a series of ebooks, it is very frustrating to have to wait for the next month to finish a set. I recall no standout problems with quality (every software can have bad moments) but for some silly reason Hoopla’s audiobook skip-backward function does not work with my vehicle’s sound system controls. It’s a long standing problem and very frustrating when you’ve missed something and, as you’re driving, there is nothing safe or legal to do about it but stop listening. Hoopla is one of five audiobook apps in my phone and it’s the only one with this problem, which suggests it should be a fairly easy fix

On the plus side, it has a standout smart Lookup feature. It has the usual dictionaries but also connects into Wikipedia and if it finds a reference it shows a snapshot with pictures right up front. I’ve not noticed whether it’s good at language translations or not but perhaps I’ve not read that type of book yet on Hoopla.


Used to love it a lot

I used to enjoy hoopla a lot and only wished I could check out more than 8 books/audiobooks a month. I even liked it better than Libby because it had more audiobook selections. But lately, I keep having difficulty with it. Sometimes it won’t download or open an audiobook. Today it won’t let me borrow an audiobook even though I have four more books available. I don’t know if it’s because I recently discovered Karen Kingsbury and enjoy listening to her books or what. I even tried to download a different author and it wouldn’t let me. It keeps telling me there’s an error and I can’t borrow more books until tomorrow because the collective daily borrows have been reached. I didn’t even borrow any books today or in almost a week. When I first signed up for hoopla a year ago I borrowed my limit in less than a week when I discovered audiobooks.
Last week when I had problems I just deleted hooplaDigital and reinstalled it but it didn’t work this time. I’m so disappointed because I took the week off to clean for an open house so I have all the time to listen while I clean but I can’t. Leaving later this month on a trip and hopefully can download stuff for the drive and plane ride. I hope they fix hooplaDigital soon.


Loses my place when I close the app

I have to use this because my old library account with a library that uses Overdrive expired, which is the only reason I bother reviewing this.
My place in ebooks and audiobooks keeps resetting every time I close hooplaDigital out and I have to actually place a bookmark to mark the spot. I don't think this is supposed to happen. And it doesn't ever in overdrive. Also the ebook format is irritating. I want to be able to see the time, cell service, and battery percentage at the top of the screen. Maybe they could switch out the unnecessarily wide band at the bottom reserved for the 'percentage left' or whatever, make that smaller, and let us see the top indicators on phones. And the way the pages flip in the ebooks is jerky and annoying sometimes. But really my biggest beef with Hoopla is losing my place in ebooks/audiobooks and not showing the time/battery percentage/cell service indicators at the top of the screen when reading an ebook. I need to know what time it is when I am reading because I like to read during my lunch break at work and I don't want to have to set an alarm or check my watch every few seconds to make sure I am staying within the allotted time. And I raise these issues knowing full well they could fix them because Overdrive has everything down perfectly basically. I wish my current library used their platform. Sad times.


Good but buggy, with one major annoyance

I like hoopla’s selection a lot, but hooplaDigital (on iOS and on Roku) can be a bit buggy. Sometimes the iOS app will crash/show only a white screen while I’m browsing for items. hooplaDigital on Roku has crashed a few times in the middle of a movie and will refuse to reopen if I try to open hooplaDigital again immediately. In a few minutes, it’ll load normally, and thankfully so far it’s started back at the time it crashed at when it does finally re-load) I also wish I could send books to my Kindle (similar to Overdrive/Libby) because otherwise I’m usually reading on my phone, which isn’t ideal, especially for comics.

My biggest issue with hoopla is that, unlike Libby, I am not allowed to add multiple cards on hooplaDigital . We have two cards for the same library in my household, but only one compatible tablet and one Roku. I don’t even think I can sign in with my card on the tablet (every time I try I get an error message that the card is already registered). And on the Roku, depending on who rented a movie/show, we have to logout and log back in constantly. It gets annoying. If we could store both cards/checkouts on the apps, it would make things much easier for everyone (as I doubt we’re the only ones with this issue). Please consider adding this functionality in a future update.


Get hoopla now!

I have always like audio books. I am a young girl, and I am dyslexic. I have always struggled with reading despite my best efforts. I eventually found out about audiobooks, and convinced my parents to get me a radio so that I could listen to the cds at the library. It helped so much, and I started making progress with my reading and reading comprehension. However, a radio would always lose my spot when I unplugged it to bring around the house with me, and I eventually ran out of books I liked to listen to. I can still recite most of the lines from Harry Potter from how often I listened to them. Anyways, one day, I was at the library, and I say a sing for hoopla. It was exactly what I needed. I downloaded it onto my phone, and fell in love with it. Hoopla’s free and easy to use. I listen to hoopla daily, and it’s a perfect way to read books while getting dressed, driving, or even just so you can follow along. You can even adjust the speed of the book depending on your reading level. If you are looking to have this for a child, you can put restrictions on. Since I got hoopla, I have also gotten Overdrive. I am so happy to have a site that has free audiobooks, and doesn’t even require WiFi.😁


It’s getting ridiculous...

I’ve had hooplaDigital for a few years now. It has been slightly irritating at times. Sometimes it won’t play so I’ll have to restart it. Sometimes it randomly pauses so I’ll have to restart it again. But the past few days have been way worse. It keeps telling me I’m using my account on another device. I have never logged into another device. So I change the password to my account just in case. Twice. Then it won’t load. My books won’t show up under borrowed. So I keep killing hooplaDigital and restarting it and half the time (I’d say I did it over 35 times) it would show my books on the home screen. But if I click on any of them to listen to them or return them it freezes and shows a blank screen. Of the very very few times it actually showed the page with the book it hardly ever started playing. And if it did, it made an awful squeaking, stuttering noise. I have restarted my phone, deleted and reinstalled hooplaDigital , used different wifi’s, and reported the problem. I’ve noticed other people have said the same thing since the last update and the response is that it was fixed. It is not so. I have been having the problem for the past 3 hours. I am still - right now - trying to play my audiobook and as I write this review I am hearing squeaking. The problem is most certainly not fixed. It seems to me it shouldn’t be this hard to play an audiobook.


Too many limitations.

First off I really enjoyed hooplaDigital and how I can read any books I want. I have read most of the Avatar the last airbender series but I want to read more. That is the problem. I can’t. Only 10 books a month is kind of ridiculous. Especially all the Atla comics are split into three parts! So they each count as a book which is dumb since there only 80 pages each. Also just having a 10 book limitation is dumb since real libraries don’t have that limitation so why should a online library have it? If you can’t change it for free I suggest charging 5-10 dollars for unlimited books a month. So I can at least finish my series and avid book readers can read when ever they want to. Also hooplaDigital has weird book availability. So your telling me hooplaDigital has every Atla book series and book but not the series straight in the middle of the plot line. Why is smoke and shadow not in hooplaDigital? I’m seriously dumbfounded as to why they have every other series but this one. I’m not spending 20 bucks on Apple Books to get this so I guess I’m just gonna have so skip it. By the way its says suggest titles in the settings and it’s says “coming soon” and it’s said that for like a month. So get that fixed. This really great app could be 5 stars if it fixed these three problems.


The Henna Artist

This was a very enjoyable, albeit long audiobook. I would not cut it because all the details are relevant. Her early life her marriage, her escape, her reinventing herself to be able to create a lucrative business. Her ability to pamper the wealthy women she has as customers, in her quiet submissive fashion is just noteworthy. I do not know how I would have dealt with the overbearing snobby rich women. The ones who could ruin your business with just a few seconds.
I loved the gentle care Lakshmi gave the young queen when her son was sent to England at the tender age. Her ability is a gift of compassion. Later when she goes to the Himalayas, what an interesting time. It speaks of her ability and compassion which turns into her next chapter.
The young man she “adopts” as her ward, the streetwise imp who is in a way her guardian as well. When her sister shows up totally out of the blue since Lakshmi did not even know Rada existed.
(Please excuse the possible errors in spelling names, since the audiobook did not have correct spelling included).
All in all, the audiobook was 10 hours, but excellent story, wonderful book. The ending is such that we can add our own final chapter. I know I have!


Getting worse

While on the whole, hoopla is a nice app to have, to easily borrow books from your library, constant glitches make it frustrating to use. Consistently it zonks out-after a couple of pages and especially after the end of a chapter, hooplaDigital just stops. One has to click done, go back to menu and reopen the book. Updating hooplaDigital has not helped. I am also not a fan of the 10 books per month limit. I prefer the “five books at a time” limits posed by other digital reader apps like Overdrive and Axis 360.
Update: Borrowing e-books and videos is easy. But videos have an extremely short check out time. On the negative side, the book selection tends to be too heavily leaning on the romance/family genre, and most bestselling authors will not be found here. I had previously given hooplaDigital three stars, but the glitches have become too annoying to use hooplaDigital . You have to read the book in portrait mode. Landscape is not available. The page will not reorient itself nor can you set it in one mode over another. They updated hooplaDigital to give you a page turning experience, but after once or twice, you will not be able to proceed to another page. You will need to shut down hooplaDigital and restart it. Additionally, it will also shut down on its own while you are reading. There are many readers on the market now. I find overdrive and cloud work best with my library. Hoopla—give it a miss.


Convenient but borrowing limit & PAGES STICK

Pros: I don't have to go out to the library (spending time and gas) to get a book. I don't have to worry about damaging the book, losing it, or late fees. It also saves my place in a book with roughly 80-90% accuracy. And, it offers books I otherwise would not be able to get from my library.
Cons: It's not easy to check different pages for something because you swipe to turn a single page at a time. (I can't find a menu or "how to" section to see if there's another way.) Sometimes pages stick (pages stick way too often), have a black spot, go halfway off the screen, etc. so text is unreadable. I would hit the X to go out and back in, but that is often missing too. To fix, I have to power my device off and back on. It's a real pain, but it ultimately works. Finally, there is also a monthly borrowing limit unlike the limitless books I can check out from my library per month. (My Hoopla limit is 10/month.)
Honestly though, I would rather have a physical book in my hand for the ease of checking different pages and not having to be tied to a charger, but I am glad to have access to titles that my library doesn't physically have (even if the pages do stick infuriatingly so). (Seriously though, please fix the page sticking. Thanks.)


Barrow Audiobooks

I understand that you’re allowed to check out so many per month, but I don’t understand why you can’t check out other books when I have return them with in a day to a week at the most. But I’m not allowed to check out any other audiobooks when I don’t even have any because I was responsible In returning them for other people to listen to. It’s like your punished for returning what you downloaded way before the return date. And with not a single audiobook waiting for me to listen to on my account, I’m still not able to download any. So being a truck driver and having the time to listen daily and nightly I’m unable to listen or download. I know before audiobooks I was able to take a certain amount and when I returned them I was able to take more, just as long as I returned them. Now with the automatic download and with them being able to take them back at there time I’m having a hard time understanding returning before the due date and not allowed to check out any other, and with all this technology they can’t see that but the old time returning work better.


It Works so well for Me

I had to jump through a few hoops but I got it to work. I even found a book online that I really wanted to read but was always reluctant to buy it. Fortunately, that book was available to listen to for free which was a real joy considering there are so many words use I could not pronounce much less understand. But hearing the book being read was a much better experience. And, it is not just another unread book on my bookshelf. Kudos to the reading app and those who actually do the reading. It makes some of the most difficult language easier to understand being read to me. There were so many words I didn’t know and pronounce were better understood in context when the whole sentence was spoken. This is a very rich tool for me when I find reading the book much more difficult than hearing the words being spoken to me. I really appreciate this tool that lets me hear what I would have struggled to complete by reading. It gives better meaning to “Thanks for Listening”.


The worst piece of crap

A much improved app. Many of the problems I’d had with it - and, as you can see below, they were numerous - have been fixed. Time will tell whether it’s more stable, but for the moment, it no longer gets in the way of my enjoying my books.

What I originally said: It’s a shame, because what it does - give people access to ebooks - is fantastic, but everything about how it does it is stupid. The formatting of the books is wrong. It counts page number incorrectly. Navigation within the book is unreliable. The books don’t rotate with my ipad even though hooplaDigital does. There’s apparently no way to get to a complete list of genres. WhenI list books from a genre, and I inspect one, returning to the listing always takes me to the top of the listing, no matter how many pages I’ve traversed. It’s as if the person who designed hooplaDigital has never been in an actual library, or possibly doesn’t know what a book is. My library subscribes to both Overdrive and Hoopla, and I avoid Hoopla like the plague because of its terrible app. The new Libby app from Overdrive beats the pants off it in every conceivable way. I would give hooplaDigital negative stars if it were possible. Just set it on fire and start over. Bleagh.


Used to love this app

I’m not sure if this is a problem with Hoopla or the library’s it works with but using Hoopla has become almost impossible. I used to listen to audiobooks all the time & was very grateful that I could borrow 8 per month as if I were going to my local library & borrowing from them. Then a few months ago I started getting the message “The daily limit has been reached & will reset at midnight”. It turns out that libraries didn’t like so many books being loaned out & set a limit. This means that
A) when I’m ready for a book I usually can’t get one because the limit has been reached (turns out there are a lot of us who like to read or listen-who knew?)
B) if I want to be sure to get a book I have to get it at midnight because I’ve tried at all hours of the day & the limit gets reached pretty quickly
C) if I do manage to borrow books before that daily limit gets hit I tend to want to borrow my monthly limit of 8 & I hoard books. Which is probably why the limit keeps getting reached so quickly. Others are also hoarding.
All this to say I’m extremely frustrated & have stopped using a site I used to love & encourage others to use. I hope someone figures out a way to fix this problem. Otherwise I’ll continue staying away & tell others not to bother. Too much frustration.


Worst audiobook app

Hoopla is the most frustrating audiobook app I have used (and I use several). It is much worse than overdrive for several reasons. For some reason it takes forever to download titles, and it downloads all as one big file. Plus sometimes the download doesn’t work and you don’t realize until it’s too late and you’re already on your road trip, etc. overdrive is superior in this regard. It downloads individual files that save faster, plus you can delete them one by one to free up space on your device. On hoopla it is also difficult to navigate between chapters/sections (once again, one huge file for whole book). As far as I know hoopla doesn’t let you listen to a sample of the book before borrowing. The 15 seconds back/forward feature seems to have a multiplicative effect if you hit it several times, which can sometimes send up far backward/forward in the book when really you just wanted to listen to the last minute or so again. Finally, I tried hoopla on another device and on this one, despite downloading titles, it doesn’t let me access them unless I’m logged in... which requires WiFi. For me, this defeats the entire purpose of hooplaDigital . I hate hooplaDigital and only use it through my library when I can’t find specific titles on overdrive.


Great concept, terrible ebook reader

I love being able to borrow ebooks and audiobooks, but hooplaDigital is painful to use. I am a voracious reader but I seldom have the time to read for hours at a stretch, so I like to sneak in a few minutes here and there throughout the day when I can. And hoopla is TERRIBLE for this purpose. If I close hooplaDigital mid chapter and open it again, I am randomly sent to the beginning of the chapter, or the beginning of the LAST chapter, or the beginning of the book. If I forget to lock the screen and accidentally rotate it, the same thing happens. This would be annoying regardless, but if you try to use the scrolling feature at the bottom of the screen to jump back to the page you were on, it simply doesn’t work. Similarly you can bookmark a page, but from your bookmarks there is no way to automatically jump to the bookmarked page so you have to manually flip back through the pages to get there. I’m currently reading Snuff by Terry Pratchett which has no chapter divisions so it’s one 700+ page chapter, and anytime I close hooplaDigital or rotate the screen or let enough time pass, I have to flip back to the page I’m on FROM PAGE ONE. hooplaDigital makes ebooks less convenient than checking out physical books in a brick and mortar library and carrying then everywhere I go.


Glitchiness dropped the rating

Please note that I have only used hooplaDigital for reading e-books, so my rating is based on that. hooplaDigital is fussy when it comes to turning the page. If you don’t do it just right, you either end up several pages ahead of where you were, or it freezes and crashes. I also don’t like that you can’t adjust the screen brightness. I read in bed a lot, and even using the low light filter on my iPad doesn’t dim things enough. I’ve used the gray background color, but it does not extend the full width of the screen, so there’s an annoying white frame around the gray page. (There is a white-on-black setting, but that bothers my eyes.) The search feature is okay, but it would be helpful if you could filter by language; some of the books I read have French, Italian or German translations, and it’s a pain to have to slog through those. Also, searching by author is somewhat hit or miss. With all the complaints, why do I still give this four stars? Because I can read books by some of my favorite authors, without having to purchase their books. So it’s worth that.


Excellent resource!

We are a reading family and use Hoopla daily. Very happy with our library’s partnership with Hoopla to offer excellent selection of audiobooks and other media.

I only have one bone to pick with the latest version. When I do a search and look through results or browse through genres, I should be able to click a title and read the description and info, and then go back to where I left off. Instead, I could be browsing through, say, the entire genre of fiction audiobooks (which is huge) to make it to the S titles, find something interesting looking and click on it, decide it’s not for me and go back, only to find that it doesn’t hold my spot but refreshes and goes all the way back to the beginning.

This is so frustrating! Please consider fixing this! It didn’t used to be this way! I love browsing Hoopla and adding books to my favorites to read later! Would also love if Hoopla added the ability to create “shelves” and separate favorites into different categories! Thank you for all of your hard work! Hoopla really enriches our reading lives!


Too bad if you don’t like your (free) choices

Hoopla permits four checkouts per month, for members of the library system to which I belong (your library’s contract with Hoopla may have a different number of permitted monthly checkouts). If, after checking out an item you decide you don’t like it, that’s too bad. You don’t get a credit for an early return. Even if you’d only read one page of an ebook, or merely listened to one minute of an audiobook, Hoopla still counts it as one of your monthly borrowings. This is unlike Amazon’s Audible, which will permit returns with credits back. Audible, however, has a monthly charge. So free Hoopla comes at a price, of sorts.

The moral of my review? Try to find free excerpts elsewhere before borrowing from Hoopla- or know that regretted choices will mean you’ll find yourself with one less book, audiobook, or audiovisual item to enjoy for the month. So don’t think Hoopla will replace your brick and mortar library, with the opportunity to peruse before checking out.

One more complaint. Unlike RBDigital, Hoopla doesn’t offer the capability to enlarge the text of an ebook.



I'm not much of a TV viewer, therefore Hoopla is a great venue for me. I read on a Kindle so the ease of obtaining an ebook is so convenient. I also love knitting so I download audiobooks which is super for listening while doing my projects. All in all, Hoopla is easy to use and a well thought out app for those who aren't tech savvy. I love it! One minor complaint after using Hoopla for a while - when an author writes a series, I wish Hoopla would provide them by number. Example, Sometimes a title interests me but when I look it’s #3 in a series, but the first 2 aren’t offered! I like reading from the beginning.
I’m back....I still enjoy Hoopla and since the first part of my review I read books rather than listen. That said, I agree with another reviewer. The page turning can be annoying! Also, the page number system doesn’t make sense. Give the exact continued number page that you’re on. Example page 12 of 450 and continue throughout - page 13, page 14 etc. etc.


Great selection but quirky app

I love the selection of books available. Often books that have very long waits on other library apps are available here. I also love the three week checkout. Unfortunately, the books and audio are quirky. The books do not show page numbers only how
Many pages left in the chapters. The audio does not show chapters at all so if you are reading and listening, which I often do, I have to search for a long time to find where I am in the audio after having read a few chapters. I finally gave up reading and listening because I was spending too
much time finding my spot. It would be great if the books and audio worked together.
Also, the book pages don’t fit great when I read on my iPad because there is a bottom bar showing how many pages left in the chapter. It often covers up the last line on the page and it does not seem to go away.
These are minor issues for a free lending service so don’t be deterred by them but it would be excellent if they were fixed! Enjoy reading!


No Audiobook Preview

Recently started using Hoopla for my audiobooks (previously using Libby). While the selection is plentiful and hooplaDigital is easy to use, there are several issues that will most likely send me back to using the Libby app. The first issue is the inability to listen to a brief preview before borrowing the audiobook. If the narrator is someone I am unfamiliar with, I need to hear them read a bit first ... there have been audiobooks I have returned to both Libby and Audible because, to me, the narrator was unlistenable. If I borrow an audiobook from Hoopla and find the narrator not to my taste, if I return it then I assume that counts against the number of “borrows” I am allowed for the month. Can we get a preview button? Also, it would be great is hooplaDigital would allow the user to adjust the jump forward/jump back times. 15 seconds isn’t much (especially if you fall asleep while listening in bed). Audible lets you adjust in increments and Libby lets you swipe for longer jump back times. Both of those things would be great, but for me —/a preview before borrowing is essential! Thanks much. Otherwise a very nice app


Wish I Could Love It

I use hooplaDigital primarily for ebooks. That all titles are free (via local library membership)and easily downloaded is a great benefit. However, the reader app leaves much to be desired. Constantly, I find that I cannot multitask on my iPad without losing my place. I have to relaunch hooplaDigital , reselect the book, and hit resume reading, only to find that hooplaDigital has gone back to a seemingly random location. There are no page numbers or location identifiers. So, even if there were a “go-to” function, I wouldn’t have anything to enter. I have had to resort to constantly entering bookmarks and then selecting the latest one to get back to where I was. A recent revision has overcome a flaw in the text readability; so this is no longer a problem. Have only used audiobooks aspect one time a couple months ago and found that file downloaded quickly, but here also, we would lose our place for no apparent reason and have to hunt for where we left off. In summary, this is an app with great potential, but is no Kindle Reader.


Hoopla review

I have literally fallen in love with hooplaDigital! I just wish there were more barrows for the month. They limit you to only 5. I work ALOT 6 days a week 15-18 hours a day (during summer 7 days) and my fiancé and I love watching movies on our down time while spending time with each other. She works just as much as me so we barley have time to physically check out movies from library and return them. So it’s a luxury to just log into the phone or computer and see the movies we want especially with No late fees. There are a ton of tiles including ones I have tried to rent, but and check out and can never find them anywhere. But they have them in hoopla! I wish hooplaDigital was able to run on my PlayStation 4 pro or Xbox one s but it doesn’t. Not even on browser. I can only surf the site not stream. I wish they would change the software to accommodate more hoopla users but other than that I love. We love it


I Live On This App

I can't believe how much I use hooplaDigital. I'm on it all the time. Be it listening to audiobooks in my car, reading graphic novels on lunch breaks, taking ebooks on vacation, streaming videos at home, it's probably my most used app. It's not without bugs. I've had it lose my place a couple times when listening to audiobooks, though that problem seems to have been fixed with recent updates. It's also been inconsistent when it comes to syncing graphic novels across my devices. Sometimes I can be reading a graphic novel on my iPhone and then pick up my iPad and it will remember where I left off. Other times I can read a graphic novel on one device but it won't let me even download, let alone sync, the item to another device. Bugs aside hooplaDigital has an intuitive interface, offers a great selection, and items are always available. What's not to love? My main real complaint is that I hardly ever make it into my physical library anymore because hooplaDigital makes so much available at my fingertip. Great app!


For being free, it’s awesome!

I recently became a member of my local library and found out about Hoopla. What I love about it the most is being able to listen to the audio book of some of the books I’ve been wanting to read, it makes it so much easier!! Sometimes I am confused by their library assortment, some popular or recent titles are in here but a large amount of books that are on my bucket list are not available making it a hit or miss for me. I cannot complain for this being included in my membership at my library and me not paying a cent BUT I might as well share some of the titles that I wish were in Hoopla’s library(in audio versions I might add): Tony Robbins’ books, 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson, The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman and a surplus of Modern American Literature(Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, Williams etc) I would be so grateful for!! However, I am currently listening to a book on my bucket list- Adventures for your Soul by Shannon Kaiser- so thank you for all you do Hoopla!


Amazing, but one thing

I love hooplaDigital. I can read all my favorite books wherever I go, and hoopla has a lot of reading choices. But the one thing that downgrades the whole experience by a ton. The borrowing limit. It usually doesn’t bother me when I use apps like overdrive, since I can just finish and return a book, then I can get another one because I have a open space now. But in hoopla, when you return a book, you don’t get an open space to borrow another book. This is a problem for me, since I am a fast and vivid reader. It makes it so that I can see all the books I really want to read in the search engine once I finish the ones I already borrowed but have to wait a month to read them. I mean, if you can somehow avoid copyright lawsuits from book publishers, making the book you want available to you at the second you tap borrow giving you a giant advantage over competitors, how can you not have a return and get another book feature like very other public library ebook borrower! Please remove the limit.

Carol W   2 years ago

Pros: Quick and easy to download audiobooks, much better selection than Libby, love the ability to bookmark. Cons: Incomplete series- Sometimes a particular book in a series is unavailable. It is very frustrating to want to keep going on a storyline then not be able to! Also, I hate the monthly limit. I go through 4-6 books a week but am limited on Hoopla to only 6 a month. I’d be willing to pay a monthly fee for unlimited borrows but it is not offered.

Anita Oglesby   3 years ago

I read that Hoopla no longer works on laptops only cell phones and tablets. Apparently the computer's browser no longer supports the Hoopla app. If so, what be done?

Lynne Tilley   3 years ago

Got a new ipod and downloaded the new Hoopla app. After listening to a borrowed audiobook for a few hours (I listen at night in bed), the book will stop. I go to the home page and it has lost all my borrowed audiobooks. I have to shut down the ipod and restart in order to get my audiobooks back.

Is hoopla Digital Safe?

Yes. hoopla Digital is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 997,016 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for hoopla Digital Is 64.4/100.

Is hoopla Digital Legit?

Yes. hoopla Digital is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 997,016 hoopla Digital User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for hoopla Digital Is 90.9/100..

Is hoopla Digital not working?

hoopla Digital works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $33.98
Monthly Subscription $9.95

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