I’m on the second day of my 60-day trial. I like the interface of Audiobookscom - the part that controls playback and bookmarking and things like that. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of titles in my favorite genres - sci-fi and fantasy (mostly fantasy). I wish there were better search, sort, and filter features, as well as a more effective recommendation feature. One should be able to sort and filter by sub-genres, author, series, narrators, etc. For instance, fantasy has many genres- dark/grim dark fantasy, epic fantasy, sword and sorcery, urban fantasy, classics (wheel of time and fellowship of the ring) etc.
in Audiobookscom , “Adult” appears to mean fantasy with sex and romance. What I thought it meant, and what I wanted it to mean Was that it filters out all the kids’ books. It also would be helpful to be able to filter out books you’ve already read - especially for the recommendation feature. It seems logical that if a person has rated a book, then he or she has already read it, and the book shouldn’t appear under the recommendation list. Maybe these features are available but I haven’t learned to use them properly. After all, it is only my second day. Despite all my griping, I really think I will have fun learning the new app and exploring its many offerings.