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Your Personalized Multi-Featured Wellness Gym – 10 Proactive Happiness
Features in One Comprehensive App. ** ASK YOURSELF ** Why did I wake up on the
wrong side of the bed today? What most impacts my mood on a daily basis? How
much does water affect my stress/productivity/sleep? These are just a few of
the questions KeepAppy empowers you to explore; ultimately giving you a better
understanding of what impacts your mood and.

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  direkt für Support kontaktieren

Wir verstehen, dass einige Probleme einfach zu schwierig sind, um sie durch Online-Tutorials und Selbsthilfe zu lösen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir es einfach gemacht, mit dem Support-Team von Keep Appy, den Entwicklern von KeepAppy in Kontakt zu treten..

100% Kontaktübereinstimmung

Developer: KeepAppy

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: KeepAppy Website besuchen

About this app

These are just a few of the questions diese App empowers you to explore; ultimately giving you a better understanding of what impacts your mood and general wellbeing. diese App’s 10+ features make it the complete wellness toolkit that helps you take control of your wellbeing on a daily basis!  You can have peace of mind knowing that your precious data will never be sold or abused. diese App is encrypted to the highest standards, and features such as the journal are stored locally on your phone.  As you use diese App’s features, you will earn points to play and care for your own Keepie.  Data protection is of the highest importance to the diese App team.  Our founders would never consent to their data being sold, which is why protecting your private and confidential data is a fundamental obligation that is taken very seriously.  Your Personalized Multi-Featured Wellness Gym – 10 Proactive Happiness Features in One Comprehensive App.  Using Augmented-Reality, you can feed and play with your Keepie on a table, your lap, or anywhere you want in the real world!  That is why diese App is a social enterprise; visit our website to learn more!  This acts like a caring circle: in order to take care of someone or something else, you must first take care of yourself.  We recognize that while everyone should have access to wellness tools, there are many barriers to access.  Plus, internationally acclaimed Augmented-Reality based game known as the Keepies!  We’ve created your own digital pet to make wellness fun!  How much does water affect my stress/productivity/sleep?  Why did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?  Link to our Terms of Service and Privacy policy: App. com/privacypolicy. 

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