How to get HMA (HideMyAss) VPN free trial

How to get HMA Hotspot VPN & Proxy for Free (No risks)

Published by Privax
Last updated: 2023-11-15

What is HMA Pro VPN?

HideMyAss is a VPN software that creates an encrypted tunnel to keep your data safe as it moves from your computer to the VPN-controlled server.

This makes it much harder for spies on your local network to monitor and intercept your online activities. HideMyAss keeps your activities from being tracked online by hiding your true IP (Internet Protocol) address which denies your Internet Service Provider (ISP) the chance to gather your data which they mostly sell off to the highest bidder.

HideMyAss has over 1070 servers in 210 countries and has great features like a user-friendly interface, great browsing speeds, and being able to bypass geoblocks.

The software's newest update HMA Version 5 has new design features as well as an auto-generated diagnostics mode. However, its most impressive feature is the Lightning Mode which automatically connects you to the closest and fastest server.

The software also boasts great security as its VPN is protected by military-grade encryption. There is also an additional protective feature called the smart kill switch which is available to Windows, Mac, and Android users.

HideMyAss also maintains a no-logging policy which means that it does collect your information about the app you use, sites you visit, and content you consume.


Does HMA offer a free license? 

Yes, new users can explore the software's features on a 7-day free trial, and even if you use it longer than that, they have a money-back guarantee for the first 30 days of purchase.

The money-back-guarantee only works when users have accessed the service less than 100 times and have used less than 100GB of bandwidth. This provides you ample time to get familiar with the software and make the decision if it is the right VPN for you.

Official Screenshots


How much does HMA Cost? HideMyAss Pricing Plans

HideMyAss offers three different subscription plans for personal and professional purposes. The plans are relatively low cost and reasonable especially if you sign up for three years which is their maximum term length.

HideMyAss does not offer a monthly or six months commitment because its shortest commitment is a year, this means it is not a great option for people who want a short-term VPN.

  • Individual Use (5 simultaneous connections): This plan lets you connect up to five devices to the VPN at the same time. 
    • The plan's yearly subscription costs $59.88 at a monthly rate of $4.99.
    • The maximum length three-year subscription is priced at $107.64 at a monthly rate of $2.99.
  • Family Use (10 simultaneous connections): If you want to protect members of your family online then this is the ideal plan for you. This plan lets you connect as many as 10 devices to the VPN at the same time.
    • This plan's yearly subscription costs $95.88 at a monthly rate of $7.99. 
    • The two-year subscription costs $167.76 at a monthly rate of $6.99.
    • The three-year subscription costs $215.64 at a monthly rate of $5.99.
  • Business Use: This plan lets you connect up to 30 devices to the VPN at the same time. 
    • To connect a maximum of 10 devices costs $155.88 per year at a monthly rate of $12.99.
    • To connect a maximum of 20 devices costs $287.88 per year at a monthly rate of $23.99.
    • To connect a maximum of 30 devices costs $395.88 per year at a monthly rate of $32.99.


Which HideMyAss plan is best for me? 

What will determine the ideal plan for you is the number of devices you want to be connected to the VPN simultaneously. So, you should consider this before you choose any plan.


How do I get HMA VPN for free?

  1. Open the HMA Free Trial page.
  2. Click on the button that says Free Trial or scroll down to find download links for your device.
  3. Fill in your details and click ‘Start Trial’.
  4. Set up a password to create your account.
  5. Download the HMA VPN client.
  6. Once the app has downloaded, open it up, click on ‘Log In’, and input your details. Be aware that activation of your account might take a little while. You need to wait for the confirmation email that says, ‘Your HMA! Pro VPN License Key is now active’ before you’ll be able to log in.
  7. Once you’re logged in, you’re good to go! Just choose the mode you want to use and click ‘Connect’ or select your server if you’re using Location Mode.

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a HMA Hotspot VPN & Proxy free trial credit card to signup for HMA (HideMyAss) VPN without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

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  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust HMA Hotspot VPN & Proxy and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
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How to cancel HMA VPN (HideMyAss) free trial

  • Open and sign in to your account using the details you created when you first signed up with HMA.
  • Once you’ve signed in, you’ll be redirected to the Manage Your Account page. Scroll down the page to the Your HMA Licenses section and click on Cancel Subscription.
  • A pop-up window should now appear asking you to confirm that you wish to cancel. Click Yes to confirm.

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