Bag Fight Reviews

Bag Fight Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-06

About: A new type of puzzle-adventure game! Organize on the Fly: Quickly arrange
weapons in your backpack during intense battles. Strategic Combat: Make
split-second decisions on the right weapon for each wave of enemies.

About Bag Fight

Choose from melee to long-range weapons for diverse combat scenarios.

Quickly arrange weapons in your backpack during intense battles.

Earn rewards to enhance weapons and unlock new tools.

Every skirmish tests your organizational skills and combat strategy.

Experience the thrill of managing your backpack in the midst of chaos.

Fine-tune your loadout for endless combat possibilities.

Perfect for both seasoned gamers and casual players seeking a challenge.

Become the ultimate Bag Fight champion through skill and adaptability.

Make split-second decisions on the right weapon for each wave of enemies.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 2,287 combined software reviews.

140 Bag Fight Reviews

4.5 out of 5


Good game bad ad “removal”

Update: with the response from the devs I updated from 2 star to 4 star. I do like the game a lot. Once they figure out a package that will remove all ads I would definitely purchase that to support them. It’s a great game, and hope they add more gear.

Paid to remove ads since I like the game and wanted to support it. It says simply no ads. Guess what it only removed the random ads during the game. Not any other ads you have to watch to get weapons or get your full prize at the end of a level. I also noticed the devs have not responded to ANY other reviews saying the same thing. Shame, shame, shame


Broken In-App Purchase

The game itself is actually enjoyable. And I’m being honest here. The low review isn’t because of that. However, be very cautious when purchasing anything. I tried to get the bundle which included no ads, three heroes, and currency. However, my app crashed during the purchase. Not only was I still charged for the purchase, but ads are still enabled, the heroes are still locked, and the currency wasn’t added. Worst of all, the Restore Purchases button doesn’t do anything. I tried to get a refund with Apple but they denied it. This means I basically had ten dollars taken from me and nothing given in return. I seriously hope this was a rare issue. Because I’m kinda annoyed that the game took my money and won’t give me anything for it. Also, yes, I do have image proof of this. Not only is the bundle missing from the shop, but the heroes are still locked, and ads are still showing up. While I could have spent the currency to try and fake it, these things are irreversible and not something I can fake.


The Ads don’t remove what’s the point?

The game provides offers to remove the Ads with a $7.99 or $9.99 or other various amounts. I purchased the $7.99 and still have to watch Ada after the match to get my full amount. So what’s the point of showing Ads are removed when they don’t remove them? Why is there no contact us in the game? Why make a customer hunt down how to get ahold of a dev to make a complaint? Why when upgrading does it not tell you what level or number you are on for each characters upgrade tower? Why is there no way to avoid tapping to unfreeze yourself and when you tap too much it opens the item your tapping on which blocks your view and messes up the level? Why is their no explanation for each upgrade? Why did the previous update players not receive prior keys and upgrade tokens? Why is there no other way to get upgrade tokens other than completing a new level? The game has so much potential but at this point I’m applying to Apple for a refund and moving on. Too many whys and no action or progress.


Great Game Slight Bug Issue

So I have been playing this game for about a month now & I actually enjoy it. I’m not a big phone game type of person, however this game grabs me in a way others don’t. I enjoy being able to upgrade your character, items you wear, & weapons to choose from it makes for an interesting game. However there is a slight bug that is keeping me from giving it 5 stars. When the skeletons become just heads & they get hit with push back affects to knock them out of screen they don’t do anything. Normally they will regenerate and get up, however in this case they just lay there & now are out of reach of attacks & don’t regenerate any type of health. This has happen to me on numerous occasions & it’s getting to be a bit much and unplayable at times. I hope this bug is fixed soon that way I can enjoy this game in its full potential.


Only way for people to see the review

If you like watching ads constantly then this is the game for you. You get 3-5 ads per run minimum. If you wanna get good weapons watch a ad, if you wanna get a lot of coins at the end of a run watch a ad (unless you literally want to get 1/3 of the coins). If you wanna increase bag space cause you didn’t get lucky with their random upgrades then you guessed it watch a ad. I forgot to mention that after every run you get spammed with them trying to sell you something. Their “store” is just them trying to make you pay for stuff that ain’t even needed or worth the price.
I did 3 runs of this and spent more time watching ads than actually playing this.


It has potential

I actually love this game.
The only things that make me not want to play it are the fact that it will randomly crash by just closing out with no warning. I’ve lost progress a couple of times and the one time I was able to resume my progress it had set me back a level within the stage I was in.
I also find it odd that the higher levels don’t give more coins and chips. I have a feeling that soon I’m going to have to replay levels multiple times, or play multiple levels in order to level anything up.
I’ve played games that did that to me and that was what made me want to stop playing.
I’d give the game 5 stars if it weren’t for the crashes, and lack of stage proportional inflation of rewards.


Can’t recommend at this time

Game is fun to play, allows the earning of purple tokens through an extra advertisement video which is fine, but due to the following bug I cannot recommend. Made it to stage 49 with the first default character and finally earned enough green tokens to unlock one of the special characters. However, the progress earned on the first character (so 48 power ups or upgrades) cannot be transferred to the newly unlocked characters. As such the newly unlocked characters are extremely weak and can barely handle anything over level 15-20. Going back and playing the completed levels does not provide upgrades for the new characters as well. Until this bug is fixed I’ll have to stop playing at this time and cannot recommend.


7/10 could be a 8.5/10

Good little time killer that’s exactly what it advertised itself as, that said I have two problems with it both have to do with the regenerator skeleton 1: if you have enough defense and not enough dps and a coin bag you can generate a ridiculous amount of gold, perhaps limit the amount of times it can revive itself to three 2: with pushing items like the shotgun it’s possible to glitch the skeleton out of striking range in skull mode and it won’t revive itself forcing you to restart from the very beginning


Update not done right & Lost my upgrades

Update not done right: Seems Rushed and Unprofessional

#1 Characters info not available when checking other characters not purchased yet. (No one wants to purchase something no knowing what they are getting)

#2 Purchased upgrades for characters are not visible after upgrading.

#3 After update I lost all the upgrades I did on my characters, and they are no longer available. (Very Frustrating)

#4 After update, I went back through levels to get gear and absolutely no gear provided. (Very Frustrating)

#5 Upgrades update on characters are super original and almost seems pointless in upgrading them now. Should have left other upgrades and just spread out the points per upgrade and added others.

#6 After Update sound no longer works after adds
(Have to open new window and get back into game to make sound work again)

No way to contact support that I have found as well.

Over all not sure I’ll be playing this game anymore.

Game was pretty decent before and I was looking forward to future updates…



2 Bugs of concern (or issues)

Let me start by saying, the game overall is very fun and enjoyable, if you’re looking for a time waster this is a great one for it.
Now that being said here’s 2 issues I’ve encountered; the first one being shotgun knockback, you can actually knockback the skeletons to near the edge of the screen which causes them to not regenerate and you can’t attack them because they’re at the edge so they’re untargetable.
Issue 2: characters not being able to get level up tokens after unlocking some of the others, it makes the other characters unplayable because their stats are so much lower.


Bug report

I’ve run into a game breaking bug where knock back and skeletons don’t mix. Knock them back when they die they just become a skull and when the skull is out of reach and it dies for the final time the skull will stay there and I can’t reach it and it will stay stuck until I reset BagFight . I’ve done it many times and it’s a game breaking bug to the point it’s unplayable. I hope this bug gets fixed fast.. if you put the skeletons and other monsters into reach or allow me to walk up it should fix the bug. I have many pictures of the bug if anyone would like to see it. I can produce the bug on screen share if anyone is interested.


Fun game until you hit the inevitable wall.

The game itself is quite good for the first while, seeing all of the weapon and unlocking new perks with each run. Once you fail a level however, you have no way of getting over the difficulty other than playing previous levels to buy more perks. My biggest gripe would have to be the fact that your equipment takes too long without spending real money. Gear itself is hard to get and you can’t even upgrade it unless you keep beating new levels to get blueprints. My suggestion would be adding a variety of daily/hourly levels so that you aren’t stuck without meaningful progression.


Not technically adept game

I downloaded this game 4 days ago. I made it all the way to level 9. Today I opened the game to find it had updated. The initial character you play as, I had maxed out, had blonde hair, started with the highest sword.
, but with the update, that was gone. And fine I can deal with that, but what is unfair, is that to upgrade these characters, you now need these tomes to do so, which you get for clearing a level for the first time. I however did not get any of such tokens for clearing 1-9.


Free character upgrades

aslong as you have enough purple coins it doesn't matter how many blue coins with he helmet you have. right now i need 52 and i can upgrade when i only have 1/52 as long as i have enough purple coins. im only on level 50 and my character is level 50 every clear you can upgrade your character because you don’t actually need as many character coins as it says!


Update: Fixed!

The developer put out a new version about a day later that restored my progress and purchases. Thank you!

The latest update completely reset all my progress. This includes all of my in-app purchases, and the restore purchase button does nothing. No support link in app, support link in App Store goes to their website with no clear support option. Was really enjoying game up until today. Would have been 4 stars.


Update did it dirty

This game was really fun, characters were unique, it was easy to level up to help progress, also made it possible to unlock the other characters and even though there was ads it wasn’t overwhelming. However due to the new update the upgrade tree is poorly designed as there’s a new currency you can’t get if you played levels already, the upgrade for the characters is just the same thing now causing it to just be pointless to unlock the other characters. And once you hit arena 11 the difficulty jumps tremendously for no reason.


Game is fun but has issue with ads

Settings on one of my iPhones says internet connection required, even though I can brose to their support site on the same phone without issue. It seems to have issues with ad-driven content and the internet connection on the phone. Constant ads, ads, and more ads. Shame as the game could hav been good if they weren't so greedy. Even after paying for no ads, you still have to use ads to get any decent rewards that you've earned.


Lateral Synergies

I can’t help but draw some correlations between this and the pc game backpack hero. Would love to see some of those elements here. Lateral merges with 2 separate items and items that upgrade other items around them, to do increased damage, or have a faster tick rate. Still a fun game and I’m excited to be able to play something close to backpack hero on my phone.


I love this game

My progress was restored! Thank you devs for the 500 gems as an apology because I can buy another hero with it as well. Yes, all games have their issues, but thankfully the developers were able to quickly resolve the issue! I’m so glad I didn’t give up the game and quit. It’s lots of fun and challenging, but just as rewarding when you pass the level.


Big bug

I have been playing this game for a while now, been here for almost every update. Got to level 20, had all legendary gear, unlocked every character, and got every weapon. Just tried to get on and run a game and all my progress is gone. That was a lot of time and effort wasted for this game and I don’t even feel like playing it anymore. Unless I get my stuff back this game is getting removed.


False advertisement don’t buy early

I’ve seen the ad what feels like 1000 times on Instagram. Looked simple, and fun enough. Honestly, exactly how I thought it was going to be. Played the first level. Nothing surprising an exactly what I downloaded it for. Have to watch an ad for more rewards. I expected that. Didn’t expect such a childishly easy game to show me a 17+ dating sim with four different adult play toys to appear in the ads of a game like this. I’m an adult, didn’t offend me personally, but someone’s child is going to see something their parent does not want them to see. Still, not enough to turn me away though. And then a welcome package for 9.99. “No ADS” is what it stated. Well, I’m here to waste a little time and I don’t want to watch ads. Sounds like a plan. But it lied. There’s still ads. Almost everywhere. Turns out you need to buy a premium mode to turn off all the ads. But it didn’t say that when I finished the tutorial. That purchase said “No ADS”. That’s malicious false advertising. Now you’ve ruined a simple game within minutes for me. Uninstalling, 1 star, and I don’t write many reviews but malicious false advertising got me pretty upset. Congrats on scamming me out of $10. I’ll make sure to ignore every game this company makes from now on.


Fun and addictive but with a fatal ad implementation

I downloaded the game and found I kept wanting to come back to it to play just a little bit longer.
But then I realized something was fundamentally wrong about how ads are implemented:
First: after a certain game level, every time you start a level there is first an option to watch an ad to get a powerful buff. This can be skipped with the understanding you will have to replay the level in order to accumulate upgrades in order to finish it.
But, Second: at the end of every level you are presented with a reward (based on how far you progressed before failing) and then shown how much less of a reward you will get unless you watch another ad.
In my opinion this double dipping is designed to create a frustrating experience where if you choose to go without watching ads, you will have not one, but 2 reminders you are going the slow path every level! I suggest to the devs to consider removing one of the bookend ad/reward options (preferably the second one as that one feels mean-spirited)
Keeping the buff ad at the beginning level is a gentle reminder that you have accepted to replay the level many times if you choose not to watch an ad and this is fine.

By the way, my game is permanently frozen on a black screen at a quest completed screen even after rebooting my iPhone. I will wait for an update to BagFight before deleting.


Some bugs

It’s a cute game. I like the idea, the gameplay, and the artwork is cute, but there are some bugs which kept me from being able to continue to play. On my first play through, I got a black screen after starting chapter 3. I tried restarting BagFight , restarting my phone, and eventually, uninstalling and reinstalling BagFight . After I reinstalled BagFight , now there are certain features that are not available, like watching videos to fast forward, certain purchases are not available in the shop, and I can’t access the bestiary. I like the game, I just can’t play it as it is right now. Additionally, I would like a way that one could log in, or create an account, so you can resume your progress if you uninstall, and reinstall BagFight .


Black screen fixed (updated 6/25)

Updated BagFight this morning and just finished a 15-run play. Kept seeing new achievements throughout the game, but once it was done, it turn black screen with “Buy 3 shop upgrades Quest completed!” Purple flag on upper-right corner and not doing anything. Tried killing BagFight and offloading BagFight but still the same after BagFight launched. Can’t play anything now and I guess not until another update comes up.

Updated 6/25

App got updated and fixed. Received a follow up from developer, so decided to updated the review!


Lots of bugs, very expensive, lots of ads

This game is very fun at the start. It’s a simple concept with good progression. The first issue is the ads. There are several mandatory ads per run. Good gear, gameplay boosts, 2x speed, and your full reward are all locked behind individual ads. I spent $20 to remove them plus all of the extra content. Unfortunately to remove all the “optional” ads it was another $40 or $50. It was a hard buy but I still liked the game. Unfortunately my game broke and is still broken. The challenges were all locked and while reinstalling did fix that particular issue, it also deleted all my hours of progress. Unfortunately 2x speed doesn’t show up anymore so the game is so slow it’s unplayable. It’s very frustrating, this is a good game and I spent over $60 because I wanted to enjoy it but all of the issues and greed leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I would refund the money if I could and won’t be playing it again if or until it is fixed.



However: I would like two things at this moment.
Being able to rotate items and maybe a way to freeze and item in place then refill items.
Upgrading an item to level 2 is easy but leveling from 2 to 3 is way more difficult than it should be.
You need to be able to merge two level 1 items to get to 2 and then combine it with your level 2 inventory and that just doesn’t happen as often once your items selection gets bigger.
Also the skill tree could use an improvement.

Is Bag Fight Safe?

No. Bag Fight does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,287 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Bag Fight Is 16.8/100.

Is Bag Fight Legit?

No. Bag Fight does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,287 Bag Fight User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Bag Fight Is 35.5/100..

Is Bag Fight not working?

Bag Fight works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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