I’ve played this game for hours, minutes at a time, and there is some real problems... I’ll start with the pros- good graphics, (mostly) responsive controls, a few different game types... now the cons- hit detection at times can be arbitrary, it sometimes registers multiple button presses as one long one ( this leads to you foolishly winding up for a huge move only to be interrupted by a jab following a combo) the biggest flaw to me is PROGRESSION. After completing all of the story mode campaigns, I get greeted with “more coming soon” oh come on, was it that hard to make the game so far? Time based objectives in “side missions” will “allow” you to play roughly 4-5 matches per day, which will upgrade your existing equipment or (rarely) grant you new abilities.. “battle” mode is a supposed pvp game where you play an online opponent, and here is where the problem lies. I have found it impossible to reach 1600 battle rating, because every time I get close, it puts me against people with a waaaaay higher rating with way better equipment than I have, so I slowly go up the ladder only to get knocked down 2 pegs. To make it worse, the game gives you “upgrades” in the form of cards, but I find they tend to only upgrade the crappiest gear I have, instead of the better stuff I have, and there is no way to sell the old crap I had when I started. For now, a 3 star review, will review better if they improve the progression, I might even spend real money on it.