Cracker Barrel Reviews

Cracker Barrel Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-17


The Cracker Barrel app is designed to make your dining experience more convenient and enjoyable. With features like finding the nearest location, ordering online, paying in-app, and joining the waitlist, you can save time and hassle. You can also explore the catering and gift shop options through the app.


Overall Customer Experience šŸ˜Ž

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 30,452 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): šŸ’Ž

ā€¢ Allows customers to order food online

ā€¢ Easy to navigate

ā€¢ Provides a format for entering credit card information

ā€¢ Allows customers to select special instructions for their order

Read 37 Customer Service Reviews šŸ‘‡

4.8 out of 5

App needs work.

2022-04-20 17:18:33

CrackerBarrel freezes. I was on a screen ordering and the next thing I am on a screen to pay for a dine in ticket. When you type in you credit card number it doesnā€™t provide a format which you find out if you donā€™t enter the number with spaces CrackerBarrel wonā€™t take the number. There is not an area to provide special instructions such as making a scrambled egg hard. Tried CrackerBarrel a second time. Entered my order and credit card information and paid but I never received confirmation that the order was paid it just froze on the pay screen. I checked my credit card and the payment had been processed. I called the location to confirm the order was received and it was but CrackerBarrel does not indicate the payment was made and the order history is empty. Save time call the location CrackerBarrel needs a major overhaul. CrackerBarrel team that designed and maintains CrackerBarrel needs to be replaced.

Donā€™t bother!!

2022-04-20 17:18:33

Iā€™ll start by saying I have enjoyed eating at Cracker Barrels all over the country for years. But going to the restaurant and using this poorly designed app are two different things. Iā€™ve paid for a meal at the restaurant, and then today made my first pickup order thru CrackerBarrel . Paying in restaurant was a little difficult but was my 1st experience with CrackerBarrel . Placing a pickup order today was totally unacceptable. 1. CrackerBarrel keeps signing me out 12, 14 times while placing order. Then it kept editing items already in my order even though I wasnā€™t editing, I was adding another complete meal to it. Finally got ready to pay for order, enter all my information and it want take it because Iā€™m not signed in. Sign back in, redo all info., then says thanks and pops up an order number, sends a text wanting pickup info car make etc., parking space number (no number on sign), I think you get the picture. Now to top it off it signs me out again. Sign back in and have no record of the first in restaurant payment or todays order and payment. Sent problem report and you guessed it, signed me out again. Had to start over. Ended up over 2 hours trying to get something to eat. Eat at Cracker Barrel, but stay away from their app!!

Major glitch.

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I love it when companies implement new technology correctly. Cracker Barrel is not one of them. They really need to spend some money to get someone who knows how to make a functional app. Todayā€™s experience was a complete headache, all because of CrackerBarrel . After all the loading errors just switching from the different food categories, there was a major error message when I sent the order. I checked my email to confirm that the order was placed and the email was missing a meal and the price total reflected it. So, I had to reorder the missing meal. Apparently, the missing meal was only on the email, because I was charged the original price on my credit card and got the missing meal from the restaurant location, which I had to double check with them, because the email didnā€™t give the location, which I assumed was part of the glitch. So now I paid for a meal that I didnā€™t need because of the glitch. Highly unsatisfied with CrackerBarrel experience to the point that I will never use it again. The food and customer service at the location were great, but Iā€™m only eating in, which limits when Cracker Barrel is chosen, all because of CrackerBarrel . Cracker Barrel, CrackerBarrel is costing you business. Get a clue.

What!?! Almost Two Stars!?!

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I canā€™t understand how this gets a two-star rating. It is to your phone what solid waste is to your body: best put it behind you. Well, maybe CrackerBarrel itself is almost a two star, but in combination with CBā€™s remedial logic course failure of a process workflow, there is no star low enough. It Does Not Put You In Line For Service. When you arrive at the restaurant, you must check with the hostess, at which point your name goes on the bottom of the waiting list for a table. So the only thing it might have done half right, It Does Not Do At All.
Go ahead; try to order with it. I dare you. You had visions of walking in to sit down just as your steaming order was brought to table. CrackerBarrel and the fiendish misfeasance of the people who designed the process will do that vision to death before your horrified eyes.
Moreover, nowhere in CrackerBarrel is the vital question answered: Is the place itself a metaphoric Barrel filled by us Crackers? Or does the place make us Crackers Barrel-shaped? If the design team were to have settled this philosophic point first, and then gone on to fulfill that vision, why, CrackerBarrel might stand a chance. As is, the store would be better off not having an app at all.

Itā€™s pretty awful...

2022-04-20 17:18:33

Restaurant apps are supposed to be for convenience, right?? Not Cracker Barrelā€™s app. If you want to take an hour to order, this is CrackerBarrel for you. Want soup? Youā€™ll never find it on their app. I know what youā€™re thinking... just do a quick search for the soup.... nope... not on there. Please please please for the love of all soup lovers out there, please find someone that can create an app that has ALL your menu items available. And how about a search button that works. If your lucky, youā€™ll have found everything that your tummy tum desires, added them to your cart, and then boom CrackerBarrel freezes up. You were so close, but no. This is how CrackerBarrel designer has determined to make you go into a hangry rage. Better just call it in and not be able to do curbside pick up since youā€™ll have to actually put pants on to go inside to pick it up and pay for it. Like I said, convenience folks. Isnā€™t this store supposed to represent southern hospitality??? I donā€™t want to have to look presentable. I want to wear my pjs with my huge sunglasses and a hat and have it brought to me because Iā€™m selfish like that. Do I deserve that? No. Do I WANT that? Yes. Please make me happy Cracker Barrel app people!

Useless App

2022-04-20 17:18:33

Against my better judgement, My wife wanted to eat at the Cracker Barrel in Kennesaw, GA. I signed into CrackerBarrel , which I have used throughout time to place my name on the wait list. When I opened CrackerBarrel , it looked more like a web page than their app used to look. I attempted 3 different times to put my name on the reservation list, and I jumped through all of the hoops required, but never received a confirmation text or email regarding the request. When I arrived at the restaurant, as expected, neither of the 3 requests were in their system. So I was told that they would accommodate us as soon as possible since it was an app malfunction. There was a 30 minute wait when I made the request to be out on the wait list, and now Iā€™m standing, wasting time in the store and itā€™s been 30 minutes since I was told that I would get advanced seating due to CrackerBarrel malfunction, and I was just seated. This is not my problem. Itā€™s Cracker Barrelā€™s. I will NEVER step foot in another of their restaurants again until CrackerBarrel is functional. I have plenty of options for quality meals in my area, and I wonā€™t waste my time waiting on Cracker Barrel to get their crap together.

This app charged me twice!! I want my money!!

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I usually order over the phone or through the website, but decided to download CrackerBarrel thinking itā€™d be easier since I order from Cracker Barrel frequently. I placed the order through CrackerBarrel , entered in my card info, submitted and got an error message. I exited out of CrackerBarrel , tried again, and got the same error message. I assumed CrackerBarrel was just glitchy and gave up, planning to just delete CrackerBarrel . I checked my email later that day (Cracker Barrel is already closed) and there were 2 ā€œthank you for your orderā€ emails meaning I had been charged twice because of the glitchy app. Checked my bank account and it showed I was definitely charged twice. Went to CrackerBarrel first and then the website for contact info. Clicked on the ā€œcontact usā€ link in both CrackerBarrel and on the website. Guess what I got? An error message. For both. CrackerBarrel and website is terrible and I will reach out to my local Cracker Barrel in the morning and start from there to try and get my money back. Do not use CrackerBarrel or the website. My suggestion? Just call your order in the old-fashioned way.


2022-04-20 17:18:33

Since the last app update CrackerBarrel has not worked properly. I still have my account. But my account shows no history of any orders. I have had numerous orders placed during this Covid pandemic crisis that we are in. I tried again tonight to place an order and every time I did it came up something happened. And each time I tried to place an order I had to re-enter all of my credit card information. Itā€™s no longer stored in my account. My two attempts to order with CrackerBarrel tonight at each attempt had a window pop up that stated ā€œUh-Oh Something Went Wrongā€. I then ordered by phone. Later checked my email and it showed to orders that went through. I called to cancel my call in order and spoke with manager to cancel one of the orders that went through CrackerBarrel even though they both showed something went wrong. Also explain to the manager that even though Iā€™ve had an account for sometime two orders I tried to do today each time I had to put all my credit card information in it was not stored in my account for easily pay.


2022-04-20 17:18:33

Finding menu items and customizing orders is easy. Unfortunately checking out is one frustration after another. Iā€™ve had to call in multiple orders in the past because I couldnā€™t get the orders to go through on CrackerBarrel . Tonight I finalized my order and signed in but couldnā€™t complete the checkout process, and CrackerBarrel froze. Tried to check out as a guest; app froze again. Shut off phone, logged in again, order couldnā€™t be completed. The first time I tried to order, there were 4 steps to complete to check out. Despite completing all 4, the order wouldnā€™t go through. The second time I tried, only 2 steps showed up. I could no longer choose pickup or curbside, and there were no options to choose how to pay. I could choose a tip amount and a Place Order button, but pressing the place order button resulted in an error. CrackerBarrel is easy to navigate and makes customizing orders a cinch. I wish something could be done to assure the orders could actually be placed via CrackerBarrel .

Good start, but not useful for ordering

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I SO wish this would allow me to place an order with just a few important details. For example, my daughter loves pancakes and always orders the kids pancakes when we go no matter what time. However, I tried to order at dinner time and pancakes were not an option on the kids menu. Also, I like the gravy for my mashed potatoes on the side, but I was not able to give the person preparing my order that information. Finally, I wanted some honey for the biscuits and once again, could not indicate it. Without the ability to select these few important options, the whole process turned into a waste of time. I called and placed my order easily over the phone but a friend was picking up and since I didnā€™t order through CrackerBarrel I couldnā€™t pay ahead with my card. Disappointed!

Not that user friendly

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I have had CrackerBarrel for a while and have used it many times. I set up an account but when put together an order then sign in I have to start all over. It also does not remember my card number and must put the whole number in manually every time. After about the third time I used it I began to get an ā€œUh Oh could not validate orderā€ after tapping submit order. I would then would get an email congratulating me on the success of the order. I would call the store and they had the order. Today I could not sign into my account. CrackerBarrel just jiggled back and forth and could not continue so I tried again as a guest. At the end of the order it again went ā€œUh Oh could validate orderā€¦errorā€. This time I did not get the email so tried to call the store. No answer there so went to the store and made sure they did not have my order while I made an order on my Dennyā€™s app with no trouble. Will go there now instead.

Worst restaurant app ever

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I cant even get CrackerBarrel to open without an error. iOS. It says, An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later. Later for me was about 6 months. Six months ago i tried CrackerBarrel to pay via CrackerBarrel versus going to the register. Well, back then it gave me the same error. So i deleted CrackerBarrel . Unfortunately, the makers of CrackerBarrel donā€™t care too much about Cracker Barrelā€™s business enough to care if CrackerBarrel actually performs at all. Once the error shows up, you have the option to exit out of it and choose another area in CrackerBarrel to browse. However, the error comes back moments later and fools your plan to view anything in CrackerBarrel . DELETE, DELETE. REMOVE CrackerBarrel . It does not work! Too bad, CrackerBarrel could possibly have potential for online sales from the store inside of Cracker Barrel. We all know there are some great items always for sale inside that store especially during holidays

Oh well!!!

The app that went backwards.

2022-04-20 17:18:33

CrackerBarrel worked great until they updated it recently. Now it is barely functional.

We order curbside every Sunday and I had been quickly and easily able to order until a recent update to the design and programming. The design is cluttered (subjective, I know, but I am a designer) and the programming is, well, broken.

My account login no longer worked. The forgotten password button did nothing. I somehow managed to get access to my account again after trying a few Sundays in a row and having to checkout as a guest for weeks. I donā€™t remember if that started working again or what. I tried everything, I do know that.

Today, I was able to log in, but apparently it didnā€™t like the way I entered my credit card number (which I now have no option to save so I get to type it in every time I use CrackerBarrel . There is no ApplePay option.). CrackerBarrel just froze. I couldnā€™t go back or edit or even exit the pop-up error screen. I had to quit CrackerBarrel and reopen it. Then my bag was empty. I went through the whole ridiculous selection process again and went to my bag only to find that the bag was not actually empty, but now I had double everything, so I had to delete all the duplicates.

Thank the universe I keyed in my credit card number correctly the second time.

OMG, please fix this hecking app!

Horrible App

2022-04-20 17:18:33

This is the worst app and Cracker Barrel doesnā€™t care. I used to order pickup at CB several times a week, but no more. The latest frustration: for the past couple of weeks EVERYTHING I order comes up with an error message saying itā€™s unavailable. I try every day. Coffee: unavailable. Tea: unavailable. Multiple dinner selections and a few breakfast selections: unavailable. I can order by phone, but I have to go into the store to pick up the order, which I wonā€™t do during the pandemic. Curbside pickup is only available through CrackerBarrel that wonā€™t let me order anything. No curbside pickup for phone orders, no exceptions. Makes no sense at all. Horrible customer service, horrible app, and horrible corporate headquarters that clearly could care less about customers. Turning to Panera and CoreLife, instead. Further away, so less convenient, but they want my business and their apps work. Their food is healthier, to boot.

Menu items not visible

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I checked and my app shows no updates needed but it does not show most the menu items. The menu header says, ā€œAllā€ (which ā€œdoesnā€™tā€ have ā€œallā€ under that category) ā€œSeafoodā€, ā€œBurgers, salads, and more,ā€ ā€œFamily mealsā€, & ā€œkidsā€. These categories does not show food plates for a ā€œsingle adultā€ besides seafood, burgers & salads. Whereā€™s the chicken & dumplings, meatloaf, roast beef, steak & breakfast items??? I love Cracker Barrel's food but CrackerBarrel stinks and Iā€™ve chose different places to go due to I couldnā€™t pre-order easily on CrackerBarrel . Please fix this for all us that love pre-ordering & curbside pickup. Thank you!

UPDATE!!!! I found that if you go to app support or developerā€™s website you get the CORRECT app & menu layout. Which means this still needs to be fixed ā€˜cause who would ever know you have to go to CrackerBarrel Store to CrackerBarrel to click on ā€œapp supportā€ to bring up a newer menu?? (And/or clicking on ā€œDeveloperā€™s websiteā€)

Terrible app experience

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I was driving late after the airport and thought a grilled chicken tenderloin sandwich sounded delicious, so I quickly downloaded the Cracker Barrel app as I knew I was approaching the location. I stopped in a parking lot to place an order, I could not get CrackerBarrel to search for a menu item so I had to scroll and scroll and scroll to find the item.

Then I tried to create an account, the system will not let me create an account and froze completely, so I restarted CrackerBarrel , then I tried to sign is it in as a guest,, that required me to type in even my home mailing address and credit card information, no Apple Pay integration, etc., hard to believe a modern-day app not have that.

As youā€™re finally entering in all this information, in a interface that is not a good consumer experience, then it informed me after about that the location was going to be closed. And would not let me place the order.

JUST GETS WORSE! Such a pain! Oh my goodness! Why! (Updated) (Updated...again!)

2022-04-20 17:18:33

ABSOLUTE WORST APP EVER!! Wonā€™t log me IN!! And if I do get logged in why - like ALL other restaurant apps - canā€™t it just keep me logged in?? HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE!!!

Why do the restaurants offer items that I canā€™t order on CrackerBarrel - Hamburger steak? I used to order it on CrackerBarrel , now I have to call every time. WHY CANā€™T YOU FIX CrackerBarrel TO KEEP YOU LOGGED IT!! SUCH A PAIN! Iā€™ve had to change my password so many times because CrackerBarrel will not let me log in! When I finally get logged in, it wonā€™t keep me logged EVERY OTHER restaurant app we use! So Irritating!! Why will CrackerBarrel not keep me logged in? Iā€™m trying to log in and it wonā€™t let me! Good grief...I do wish CrackerBarrel actually worked! (CrackerBarrel was great and easy to use BEFORE the update. Now I canā€™t login, canā€™t place an order or get on the wait list. Why totally mess up something that works great. Now CrackerBarrel is horrible!)

Recent update made this useless

2022-04-20 17:18:33

I used to order for curbside pickup about once a week. Since the recent update CrackerBarrel doesnā€™t work. It wonā€™t let me login, it wonā€™t let me reset my password. I called in an order a couple weeks ago but they couldnā€™t do curbside, I had to go in the store to pickup an order that had obviously been prepared long before I said Iā€™d be there and allowed to sit on the rack by the registers. Prior to CrackerBarrel update, I had been happy with curbside and the quality of the food, even when I ordered for a later pickup

I guess Cracker Barrel has lost a customer until they get this fixed so I can order curbside again. Then theyā€™ll also need to ensure the quality and prep time of the food. Iā€™m very disappointed.

I tried to start an order tonight without signing in, but CrackerBarrel told me Chicken and Dumplings was NO LONGER AVAILABLE! I seriously doubt that CB has stopped making their best-seller!


2022-04-20 17:18:33

Ok, yes I'm addicted to some items at Cracker Barrel, I will admit it openly and freely. However, due to this apps ability to allow me to order via online is so frustratingI'm taking my business elsewhere. Problems which need to be addressed:
1 -The menu runs off the bottom of the screen. So in effect you cannot read the entire menu. Grocery n' Games is the last item on the menu, PLEASE fix this!!
2 - There is no place to make a note or Option. For example, 1 of my favorite dinners is the Thursday Special Turkey & Dressing. However, I have learned I have to call and ask if they are sold out prior to ordering. Last evening they were out of the Sweet Potato casserole but there wasn't a way via CrackerBarrel to order a replacement side. Come on App Developers!! A place to put a note at the bottom of my selected dinner isn't that hard to do!! What if I'm allergic to onions & need to let the kitchen know to please leave onions off my Salad. Come on!!
3 - in the age of COVID-19, most of my orders are placed via iPhone Apps & picked up curbside. Restaurant inside dining is just too risky. Make it easier on your Customers rather than more difficult! Unless your profits are so good you don't need anymore Customers during the Pandemic!

I Do NOT Recommend CrackerBarrel!!

Recent Update a Huge Downgrade

2022-04-20 17:18:33

The Cracker Barrel app was a huge help through COVID-19 lockdown in the middle of 2020. Their app was intuitive and worked well, and their delivery service was always prompt and followed safety guidelines. Very easy to use. 4.5/5 stars, easily.

The recent update discarded the actual app, and instead directs the user to Cracker Barrelā€™s web page to place their order, which is clunkier and less user-friendly in just about every way. In addition, the built-in delivery option is no longer available. Our house went from ordering at least once a week to...well, never, since this change. App now 2/5. Mainly because itā€™s no longer an app.

Great App!

Today I used CrackerBarrel to check my party in for lunch. Itā€™s Sunday so you can imagine the wait had we just driven directly over. From home I put my name on the waitlist. The wait was 25min. We arrived about 15min later. When I checked in, the people ahead of me were told that the waitlist was (still) at 25min. We waited for less than 5min and our name was called! It was a great experience and I will definitely use it again. By the way....we had a great hostess who explained the specials very thoroughly. Our waitress, a one star employee was superb. I asked a question which she was not sure of. She immediately went to the manager and got my answer. She checked on us often and served us a very good, hot meal.

A Solid App

Although Cracker Barrelā€™s app is new and still has some adjustments that can be made. Their new menu layout is stunning and easy to use. While the wait-list feature can use some work. If you enter yourself in the system it will hold your spot in line and upon check-in youā€™ll be placed in whatever spot you should be in based of the waits of other guests. Like I said itā€™s not a perfect system but for this amazing company to be making such quick strides in technology as well as efficiency in mobile ordering and in house. I give them 5 stars for effort and 4 stars for execution. I will never stop being a raving fan of this great company. Canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s next Cracker Barrel!!!

Greenville NCā€™s Management Team

Iā€™m a big Cracker Barrel fan. But the other week I went in the store on a Sunday morning to complain to the manager about a phone conversation. This man is the Self Proclaimed General Mngr for this location. Tells me thereā€™s never been call ahead seething. And the website that one uses doesnā€™t work on Sunday. After asking for upper Mngmt info; thatā€™s when he comes out with whom he is. By now Iā€™ve got a lot of employees staring at me; and quite a few customers. I then ask him for his number for a better time to contact him. Then he proceeds to leave again to go get me his card. Why didnā€™t he bring it in the first place. I asked the lady behind the counter, as two others just sneered my way. Maybe upper Management will see this and actually give this man his Training Moment. Since obviously I couldnā€™t.......

Ordering Needs Work

I always end up calling or going to CB to place my order because CrackerBarrel doesnā€™t have what I want. I want to order the 4 vegetable plate for 7.99 that is on the menu at my CB. CrackerBarrel has a 3 vegetable plate for seven twenty something. If you add another vegetable, which it doesnā€™t give you the option to do from the 3 vegetable plate choice, you would end up paying more. Also, I like the country house salad with grilled chicken and backed potato. Sadly, it is no where to be found on CrackerBarrel .

Few suggested improvements

CrackerBarrel works great and I appreciate the opportunity to order and pay at the store. It could improve by offering ā€œsour dough breadā€ toasted, grilled, or plain as a bread option. When I order at the table I always prefer the bread over the muffins and biscuits.

Also... there is no option to order the dessert of the day cobbler is served right now but never on CrackerBarrel memo. A notes section would be good too for notes like extra butter and jelly.

Wait list on app not good

Decided to eat out on Thanksgiving. Found CrackerBarrel and its wait list option. Checked on wait list for the Cracker Barrel I was going to. App said five minute wait. Other Cracker Barrel stores said zero to ten minutes. Thought this was strange fir Thanksgiving Day. Waited till I was ready to leave. Signed up for four, not a large party. Almost immediately, I received a text saying my wait time was two hours. Not good. I now know how CrackerBarrel works. From now on, I will put my name on wait list, see the wait time, and cancel if it is sooner than I plan to arrive.

Hometown Goodness

I love our this app store! Just ask my friends ! I tell everyone that Sanford has the best of the best!
Mrs. Bobby Kelly the Manager can see to any need you have. I havenā€™t met a waiter or waitress that didnā€™t serve me like family! The food is great! The atmosphere is cozy and I sho there too! I love the clothes and all the cute doodads! If you ever get to Sanford NC donā€™t pass it up! Youā€™ll miss out for sure!

Not working

Just downloaded the Cracker Barrell App for convenient ordering, however, it will not allow me to add anything to my cart; once I click on an item, the ā€œadd to cart,ā€ yellow part to click on bottom of screen is shaded. Iā€™ve tried about ten different items thinking maybe it was just the item I wanted, but nope, every item does the same. Disappointed and will be deleting CrackerBarrel to free up space.

Couldnā€™t say arrival time

Update: When we arrived I gave my name to the lady at the desk. Although the restaurant and store were crowded, she told us it would be about ten minutes (which wasnā€™t bad at all during a peak time). Sure enough, we were seated within a short time.
I opened my app, hoping to reserve a close arrival time for my family, but it immediately placed us on the wait list.

Practicable but no customizing orders

I have used it a few times to order carry out and found the pictures of the menu items helpful. My only suggestion to the developers for an improvement opportunity is to enable customizations on orders. For example, take the double meat breakfast. What if the customer is in the mood for it to be all bacon. Not an option currently on CrackerBarrel .

Would be nice to be able to put more then 6

Would be nice to be able put more then 6 on the wait list. Or maybe make a reservation for more on the phone.
Just frustrating when you have a big group and cant get a table.

Almost perfect!!

CrackerBarrel is almost perfect. Only a couple improvements that I think are needed. First the ability to add special requests such as extea gravy or to remove and item from the regular recipe. Second make a section that shows your past and current orders and possibly the status of your order such as pending or ready for pickup.

Daily special

I canā€™t really use CrackerBarrel to place an order anymore, because it doesnā€™t have all the food on it. I still have to call if I want to order a daily special or any seasonal menu items. CrackerBarrel use to include the daily specials, but not now. I can still check the wait times and see the regular menu.


Have tried to use app numerous times and same result. Put everything in and app gives me error and says pick first side, although it has it checked. Thought update would fix it but tried it again today.... same thing.

App needs work

I tried to place an order and canā€™t get past the pick up time and date. It keeps telling me orders canā€™t be made 14 days in advance. I was trying to make the order the same day.

After todayā€™s update I tried CrackerBarrel again and it seems to be working. I upgraded it to a 4 star and will try it out tomorrow for lunch.

3 years ago

Dec 10, 2020 @ 4:10 EST - App will not put food items in cart. Have added several items miltiple times. When I check cart to check out the cart is empty.

David Tonkin
3 years ago

Since last update of app I have not been able to successfully use the join list. I used frequently before the update

Is Cracker Barrel Safe?

No. Cracker Barrel does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 30,452 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Cracker Barrel Is 14.1/100.

Is Cracker Barrel Legit?

No. Cracker Barrel does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 30,452 Cracker Barrel User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Cracker Barrel Is 42.8/100..

Is Cracker Barrel not working?

Cracker Barrel works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Cracker Barrel? Post a Review

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- Pay in-app: You can pay your bill from your table and skip the line at the register.

- Find a location: Get directions to your nearest Cracker Barrel store or view store details with one tap.

- Order online: You can order your favorite homestyle dishes for delivery or curbside pickup at select locations. You can also customize your order and select a pick-up time.

- Join online waitlist: You can add your name to the waitlist before arriving at the restaurant for parties up to six. You can also check the wait time at Cracker Barrel stores.

- Explore: You can access the catering and online gift shop options through direct links in the app.

  Customer Service/Support
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.


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