RocaNews: Unbiased & fun news Reviews

RocaNews: Unbiased & fun news Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-24

About: WHY ROCANEWS? • Unbiased and nonpartisan: We give nothing but the facts, so
our readers can form their own opinions • Once per day and completable: We
don’t bombard you with fear-mongering notifications or clickbait. We publish a
once-daily set of stories so you can learn and move on with your day • It’s
fun: Designed by people who hate reading the news but love games.

About RocaNews

Roca’s “Need-to-Knows” are a curated set of the day’s most important and interesting news, so you’re the most interesting person at happy hour.

Some news you want to know because it’s important; other news you want because it’s interesting.

• It’s fun: Designed by people who hate reading the news but love games.

Other news companies send constant notifications telling you the sky is falling.

• Roca began delivering original news content on Instagram.

We don’t do breaking news or endless clickbait.

That’s Roca’s mission with the news.

Big News makes news a chore.

Surfers come from across the world to surf the Pororoca; it’s a wave that brings people together.

News should be a two-way street.

• Once per day and completable: We don’t bombard you with fear-mongering notifications or clickbait.

“Roca” (ROW-cuh) is short for “Pororoca”, a biannual wave that sweeps the Amazon River.

They churn out divisive, partisan, fear-mongering – and boring content.

• 3 years ago, 3 friends couldn’t stand legacy media companies.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 4,884 combined software reviews.

760 RocaNews Reviews

4.9 out of 5


Best app I’ve ever used

If I had to describe the Roca News app in 1 word, it would have to be “life changing”. Being able to keep up to date with the ongoings of not just my country, but the entire world has allowed me to find a deeper connection to the place that we call Earth. Other news apps simply lack the level of communication and detail that Roca News provides.

I was losing sleep over the idea of Elton John retiring. Knowing that the man was still trying to continue his career at his old age just makes me so anxious for him. The lack of sleep was really starting to impact both my mental and physical health. Right as I was about to go into yet another sleepless night I checked the Roca News app. Low and behold there was an article about Elton John’s retirement. Now I am able to go to bed peacefully knowing that man is able to relax. Thank you Roca News app for saving my life.


The Wait is Over! (And entirely worth it)

I’ve been following Roca for about two years now and I’ve always loved their work. Having been in anticipation of release of RocaNews for the past several months, I am so so so pleased with how it turned out. I never even write app reviews but this is one I’m absolutely stoked to share.

RocaNews is intuitive once you open it, easy to use and rich in content, as well as information and historical facts. It’s everything I could’ve wanted for it and more. It does utilize this Duolingo-esque exp system which is used to customize your profile and unlock more history info (not tied to the plentiful current events news that they provide). The system does not require money, you just learn and you get further in. I adore it and cannot rate RocaNews, nor its parent company, high enough


The Best News App Out There

RocaNews has literally been a lifesaver. It’s interactive approach to words, reporting interesting, and engaging stories from around the world is absolutely insane. I can’t help but notice the insane amount of effort and time that it took for these developers and writers to make RocaNews come to life. I’ve been following them on Instagram for more than a year, and I can’t say without a doubt in my mind that downloading RocaNews was the best assistant possible. As they have spoken pretty clearly on Instagram social media, heavily suppresses information that does not benefit them or are somewhat controversial. With this application, you can go ahead and forget about suppression it and now that you’re gonna get real news from real sources with no Baez whatsoever. I need a day and age that we are living I believe that that is a luxury.


Change your life for the better

Roca News is the BEST news app you can get. I used to avoid the news at all costs, which made me feel guilty and uninformed, but I decided that was better than trying to be manipulated by big news companies and their agendas. When I was introduced to Roca, I was so relieved to find a news app that had actual NEWS! No opinions, no bias, just the facts. And it’s interesting too! Roca has become part of my daily routine and I learn so much from them. A quick 10 minutes every morning and I feel informed, educated, up to date, and find the news enjoyable for once! I seriously cant recommend RocaNews more. It’s everything you’re looking for in a news app and nothing you’re not. If you’re thinking about getting it, get it!! You will not regret it. Come ride the wave 🌊


More nonpartisan apps should start implementing these tenets

We’re all aware (whether you admit it or not) that internet censorship is a thing. It creates echo chambers, partisanship, radicalization of the consumer, and overt control of information. this app makes a fair and transparent attempt at promoting news in the most nonpartisan/bipartisan manner while only reporting the facts. No speculations, no fearmongering, and no spamming notifications of headlines that makes me want to worry about life. My only nitpick is the gamified nature, since I’m a fan of getting the news and getting it straight, but even then I find myself retaining more information on stuff I normally would not care for which is a smart way to increase media literacy. 5 out of 5 stars, and can’t wait for greater things out of this app.


Great News App

Everyday it posts 8 new stories at midnight that are short and to the point. The stories also include polls and some fun trivia. There’s more stuff to do on RocaNews that I haven’t done yet. But my only complaint so far is that I was reading an story at 11:58PM and once midnight hit, RocaNews updated, and kicked me out of the story. I now can’t find the story I was reading and am kinda disappointed. Shouldn’t be hard to fix that though, and I imagine that bug won’t stay for very long

Edit: I figured out that you can read articles from the past 7 days by clicking on the calendar on the top right. There are no flaws with this news app that I can find. It doesn’t even have any ads


The Best News App I’ve Ever Used

About 6 months ago, I was having breakfast with a work supervisor and I started asking him what needs sources he goes to daily in order to stay up to date on the most important things going on in the world. Our job field somewhat requires us to have a constant working knowledge of world events. He told me that most days he would simply read through Roca’s daily IG because it was hitting every major news story he needed to know anyway. As a result I started doing the same and it’s massively paid off! This is hands down one of the top sources of news around, and it’s method of delivery has made it my daily go-to. I can’t recommend this company enough!

Thanks Roca Team!


Unique Way to ENJOY the News

The Roca App, and the Roca team for years, has found a way to make consuming the news quick, fun, and neutral-biased. It cuts out the opinion so it can get straight to the action. While it doesn’t have many stories currently (8 main stories a day), each story feels carefully written, showing both good and bad news.

RocaNews itself feels like a game or a social media sight, where I compete with other readers to see how much I remember the news. As well, there are dedicated places for opinions on poll and discussion tabs, so I still feel like my voice can be heard.

It’s an incredible experience that can only keep growing, run by people I feel genuinely “get” me


The News App We’ve Been Waiting For!

As a 24 year old I’m so excited for Roca and what they can do for society! We’ve likely all been a part of a conversation online or inperson that involved people talking about “The Media” and the bias and corruption that we’re all subject to as our primary sources for news.

From everything I’ve seen from them over the last couple years on Instagram, I truly believe they doing what they promised to do from the start (report the facts without sharing political bias or opinions, while also reporting on things that other networks won’t cover).

Cannot recommend Roca more to anyone looking for a good source of news.


Loving this App

I have been subscribed to both their email notifications and their Instagram account for a couple years now. As a fan, I have been waiting for an app after being a fan of their unbiased news and the way they let the individual be the judged of what they read, hear, and follow. The way this app delivers their information is in a modern style of journalism by shortening everything up and using digestible words which leads to more engaging readers. Now I may be biased myself when it comes to RocaNews, but this app delivers the facts and the daily coverage of events throughout the days, weeks, years, and decades making it amusing to the reader.


Easy, Fact-based News App

This is my favorite news app now. They don’t fluff the stories with fat, ads, or any other nonsense. This is news in easy to digest format that boils every story down to the bare facts and stops there. No opinions, fake or semi-fake news, and everything is verifiable with multiple sources if you don’t believe something. It’s also great for people who get interrupted a lot by work, kids, your cat, a squirrel, ADHD, or any other annoyance because it’s all bullet points, multiple screens, and fun to read. It’s the first thing I do each morning whether I’m still in bed, sitting in my office, or sitting in my “other office.”


Great fun way to learn news

RocaNews has a great fun way to learn the news with slides and facts. It is a balanced point of you, with both sides of a story given. There are fun facts about history, as well as current political, and news stories. RocaNews provides ways to get points for reading stories, which help encourage you to read more. There are no advertisements seen on RocaNews at this time. I wonder how they will continue to make money and suspect that in the future, we may see more ads or request for donations. They are doing a great job and highly recommend downloading RocaNews .


The Best News App Ever

I started following this app back in early 2022 on Instagram. I’ve been a massive fan of they way they’re giving us fun, engaging, and non-boring news and I love how the new app is giving them more freedom than they ever had on Instagram.

It’s really refreshing to have a “just the facts” news source that you can fully trust. My generation really needed a new way to consume news, and I’m so glad Max, Billy, another Max, and the whole Roca team launched this extremely informative, enjoyable, and uniquely interactive experience of an app.

Let’s ride this wave together, friends!! 🌊



An app that is just news, keeps you updated, and makes it fun. No need to go to mainstream media, clawing through useless articles written by folks who want their opinion heard. ROCA just gives you the stories, and actually asks for YOUR opinion through polls. It’s no wonder big tech has tried to block the release of RocaNews, it’s counter-cultural, different, and yet, it’s the way that news SHOULD be. Fox and CNN are the same people wearing different colors. Do yourself a favor and download Roca News, you won’t regret it.


Unbiased News that’s Digestible

I was so fed up with biased news on both sides. I just wanted to get the facts about world events without feeling like I was being fed an agenda. Roca News gives me exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’ve been receiving the email for a while now, and RocaNews is just as good if not better. I like how the stories are interactive and fun. It makes the news less boring, and the best part is that I can form my own opinions about story without being fed a narrative. Great job to the Roca team.


Roca is the most helpful news source!

The news has a current problem of bias that is widespread. Aside from selective reporting, news organizations also use a lot of unnecessary descriptors to make you feel a certain way about a topic.

Roca DOES NOT do that.

They provide only facts about what is happening and nothing more. I would love to see more frequent story updates and potentially expand into more local audiences, but for a brand new app and an up and coming brand they are absolutely amazing


Good info bad app

Is it the news or is it an annoying mobile game? The content is awesome. Very succinct and informative. I appreciate the commitment to non biased news, but RocaNews is horrible. I have been reading roca news in email and on instagram for quite a while now. I don’t get why there are levels and why RocaNews controls are like a child’s mobile game. It’s off putting and makes it confusing to navigate. The added stupidity of the notifications, the level systems, badges, etc ruin RocaNews for me.

I really respect what you guys are trying to do with making a good news platform but this is just plain dumb. I hope you can figure out a better way.


The only news source I trust (like fr)

Excellent way to stay informed! If you are someone who enjoys reading the news but hates the main stream media and it’s biases, RocaNews is perfect for you!! The roca team delivers important news in an engaging and informative manner, provides important contextual details that other sources leave out, and provides news from a huge variety of fields! (From stem to the box office, if the story is note worthy, you’ll be able to read about it in RocaNews !)


Engaging and unbiased news app

I have been getting news from this group’s Instagram page for a while, and RocaNews is even better. Top news stories are presented in an unbiased and informative way to help people fully understand stories that they may need a bit of background knowledge to grasp. Also, the fact that there are trivia questions, polls, and level-up points make it more appealing as a whole to keep up with news.


The GOAT of News Apps

I’ve been using the Roca News beta and am so proud of this team for getting RocaNews live for all on RocaNews store. Ride the News is truly the best news source out there. Clear, objective news that you want to hear about with 0 clickbait, doom-scrolling, or dramatization for views/clicks. I hope this is a sign that news will finally begin trending in the right direction. This is the news app you’ve always wanted. Ditch all the other ones and download Roca.


News is finally fun

Does anyone really enjoy reading the news? Not really. However, roca makes it so much fun. RocaNews is more like a game than a news app, but it’s great. First of all, it’s completely unbiased. It gives you the essentials of every news story without adding any opinion or bias. The only problem with this is the stories are pretty bare bones, you’re not gonna get any in depth news with this, but I think for most people that’ll be a good thing. All the stories tell you what you need to know about the situation. On top of that, however, there’s s leveling up system, like a game, that you can win awards for and several news games, like trivia and some others, that make reading the news fun. All in all, it’s a great app, and the developers should be really proud of what their building here.


Only news outlet I read!

I ABSOLUTELY HATE reading the news. I used to mostly get my information from memes on the internet and then I ask my husband about it. I started following Roca on Instagram and enjoyed that they really only gave the important information. A lot of news outlets claim to have “unbiased opinions” but as we all know, that is not accurate. Roca is unbiased and only states the facts and does not care if it hurts anyone’s image in the process. Honestly that is really what we need when it comes to news. I hate reading the news a little less now, thanks to these guys. You are doing amazing and I really hope some other outlets take some pointers away!


A breath of fresh air in a chaotic world

I’ve never left a review for an app before, and I have to say this is one of the highlights of my day when I open RocaNews and see news stories that matter, provide an unbiased standpoint, and always have that lighthearted/interesting story sprinkled in. I’ve been following Roca on Instagram since nearly the beginning and I’ve always looked forward to what these guys have to bring each week. RocaNews is the most intuitive, interactive, and fresh take I’ve ever seen from the news. Other news outlets, media conglomerates, and big news corporations could and should take some notes!


Oh what could be

Want this company to do well, they could change the world. But a gamified app with so much unnecessary fluff and so little news means RocaNews will just never go mainstream. I can’t recommend it to anyone. I get the devs want to make it fun, but holding-to-finish a story and endless pop ups about leveling up are not what I want in a news app. People like me want quick, accessible, and non-biased news. RocaNews only delivers the last of these three. All they had to do was put their IG content into a dedicated app! Why couldn’t they just do that and then test out gamification concepts until they figured out what works and what doesn’t. This group needs leadership from an experienced software Product Manager….


Best news app

I rarely write reviews, but seeing that this is a new app with a much smaller following than it’s competitors, they need all the help I can give them. I truly love RocaNews, as I can read need-to-know facts about current stories without an opinion or bias being shoved down my throat. Plus there’s a bunch to do after you finish reading the daily stories, like trivia, polls, and games. It makes reading the news fun and interactive. Definitely excited for the future of RocaNews and this app as a brand


Little bias and Engaging

No news source can be truly unbiased, unfortunately, but this group gets pretty close. The language used is informative, brief, and to the point. Roca also uses an educational approach that motivates readers to genuinely take in the information they’re getting. Through the use of trivia and polls I can gauge how closely I’m understanding the news as well as where my fellow readers tend to stand on the issues. The best part is that I’m not completely enraged by the time I’ve finished the day’s stories.


Brilliant way to create engaging news

Ever since using RocaNews I’ve noticed I can speak to news topics I would otherwise shrug off and go “eh I think I saw a tweet about that on Twitter…” and instead have a solid idea about what’s going on. Each article is an easily digestible length that gives the needed info, but not too much that I can’t retain it all.

I also love the gameification style of RocaNews that encourages me to care about current events. I enjoy the daily games that are engaging and interesting. The word-to-picture ratio also really helps present the info in a non-overwhelming way, especially for someone like me who typically thinks the news is super boring lol.

I followed Roca on IG for at least a year before RocaNews came out, and I find I’m reading RocaNews more consistently since the IG feed decided for me whether I’d see Roca that day or not. This is definitely my favorite news app, and one of my overall favorite apps.


It’s cool and new

I think all the older people are giving RocaNews a bad review. But they are almost on their way out so whatever. I am really enjoying RocaNews . One of the things I really like is that they ask questions to see if you know about a subject and if enough people do not they inform you the next day. It’s pretty cool I’ve learned a lot of things in addition to the news. Knowing how things works helps you better understand the news. If you want to complain about something annoying go try Windows 11 :P


A lot better than every other news app

I’ve been following you all on insta & tiktok for a while now & i’ve been wondering when you’d make an app. RocaNews is different than other news apps, and i haven’t been reading the news for a while bc it’s not fun, but now that you all have an app, i’ve started to get into the news again, thank you for that! not only do you all share UNBIASED news, you all also make it enjoyable, whether there’s questions about the story, polls to get your opinion on a certain story, etc. while you’re reading a news story, which i also like. every news outlet out there is either biased or.. well.. biased lol and this definitely is NOT biased. i like how theres levels and you can gain XP by reading stories which helps you level up, it’s a great way to connect with your audience, and i don’t think that other news apps do that. overall, i think this is a great app and that everyone should download it, no matter what political party they’re for or what opinions they have on certain things. if you want to read unbiased news, you should get RocaNews.


Totally Biased, with an Agenda

I was very excited when I saw the mission statement of RocaNews, so I downloaded it. Interestingly enough, I could immediately surprised (initially in a good way) that I had no where to go or browse (that’s actually with browsing) other than their “Need to know” section, with six sub sections, interestingly enough ALL about the conflict in the Middle East.

I read these sub sections, one after another, and to be frank, most of the facts were true, with very little bias. But sadly enough, the last page (of 11) of one of these sub sections ends with one statement that is SUBJ ECTIVE, claiming that “Israel is this surrounded by hostile forces that seek its destruction”. While I totally agree with this statement, it is a SUBJECTIVE statement, and in no realm can be considered “neutral” or not taking sides, when no where in the rest of the “Need to Know” section is any SUBJECTIVE mention of what is happening to the opposing side.

Will give RocaNews another week or month, who knows. Was really hoping for an app that provides what this app claims it seeks to provide, but so far, I don’t see news. I see a decent summary-history educational app, with inevitable human bias.


The BEST news app

This is truly the only app you need and should have. In today’s fear mongering and polarizing news sources- Roca informs and educates. They give you a background/history of a story - that’s it. They don’t give an opinion- they don’t slant the issue - and it’s done quickly and easy to read slides. The Dig Deep feature gives even more background- which is my favorite. It educates you on current (and past) events so you can talk about the news- not yell about it like everyone else.

There are also “games” that help you learn more about the world- geography- culture- and some entertainment. The news and I would say a game component. I feel it is the only thing on my phone helping my brain - I love it!!!


Making news fun!

I’ve been following this app since they we only on Instagram and sent daily emails. Now they’re an app…WOW! I firmly hate news in all forms EXCEPT for this app. It is straight up only the facts news. And brief! I can get a whole world of news in less than 15 minutes and know more about what’s going on in the world than someone who watches news on TV. And they do in-depth stories that are educational and relevant. And RocaNews makes it all into a little game to earn points and get ranked with other readers. And shock of all…NO ADS and all free! (Hopefully this will continue.) It is a very enjoyable way to keep up with the news. this app is awesome!


These guys…

Made a great app. I was already getting the emails and had them in my Insta feed, and RocaNews is even better!
I like that the news is distilled into bite sized pieces, but that all the relevant details are included. I especially like that there isn’t a slant in the writing. There’s a little bit of snark from time to time, but never in a politically partisan way, just in a generally kind of funny way. I also like the road trips and LOVE that they report on specific topics that don’t get much mainstream coverage.
I would use RocaNews just for these things alone, but then they added trivia and achievements, and I’m hooked.
Great work guys, keep it up!


Not Worth It

I had high hopes for RocaNews. I enjoyed Roca news on Instagram, and believed this to be a more streamlined version of the Insta page. RocaNews started off smooth. The “streaks” are annoying (I don’t need a pat on the back for opening an app two days in a row), and even worse, now you can PAY to recover lost streaks (do people really care about that?).
Now you can’t access portions without becoming a member, the Roca Review quiz is childish, and stories either don’t give enough details or they run on unnecessarily for 19 slides. Moving through one set of slides today, caused RocaNews to close twice on the same third slide..what gives?
Deleting this until it looks like an actual news app and is not full of busywork quizzes, useless “streaks”, and offers reasonable access to the platform.
You were on the right track, Roca. Bummer this is the result.


News that lets your think for yourself

Roca has completely changed my faith in news delivery. I started following them on Instagram a few years ago and found their delivery of world news actually refreshing. It was a no-fluff approach that let me take my own deep dives into things I wanted to know more about. There was no hidden agenda, gaslighting, click baiting, etc. It was just pure info. and I chose now to interpret it. Not a producer in a south booth on the other side of the country. So of course I jumped on the opportunity to use RocaNews when it came out! And I was NOT let down at all. Great in-depth features, quick summaries of current events, polls, quizzes….it’s actually FUN to check the news now! Their tech support responds immediately and personally to you on the rare occasion there is an app issue! That floored me when I had to DM them a few months ago on a tech issue I had. Excellent app. I cannot say enough about Roca. Great people, great info, great experience. This one is a keeper.


Love Roca News with all my heart🥰

I have been with Roca since 2021 reading their newsletter daily and following on Instagram and now RocaNews. I now look at the new differently, I am able to have calm knowledgable conversations about politics.
What I have learned the most is that mainstream media dramatizes and simplifies the news. With roca you get the history, back stories, bios on the people involved. You get the opportunity to understand the situation. This has made a huge impact on my life and understanding the Ukraine war, immigration and Israel/Gaza war.
I know read the news in 30 minutes daily and feel I have more knowledge than when I would have 24 Hour news on daily.


Reading New News Is Great Again!

Finally the time has arrived where we have real journalists dedicated to reporting facts, not biased drivel cloaked as truth. I have lived long enough (let’s just say I’m middle aged) to have received “analog” news. Back in the day before the Internet, news was news. Generally it was reputable and vetted prior to print and rarely did you see a redacted report (although it did happen occasionally).
If you wanted nonsense gossip or biased news it was called “the opinion” or “editorial” page.
Do “kids” these days know the difference between opinion and facts? I don’t think many do. But if anyone out there wishes to become nuanced in the spectrum of current events impacting our lives on a daily basis, I cannot think of a better news source than this app! Thanks to all who made this possible, I’ve been a subscriber since its invite only phase on Instagram… it just keeps getting better and better.

Is RocaNews Safe?

Yes. RocaNews: Unbiased & fun news is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 4,884 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for RocaNews Is 67.1/100.

Is RocaNews Legit?

Yes. RocaNews: Unbiased & fun news is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 4,884 RocaNews: Unbiased & fun news User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for RocaNews Is 83.9/100..

Is RocaNews: Unbiased & fun news not working?

RocaNews: Unbiased & fun news works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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