Scuba diving Watch | Oceanic+ Reviews

Scuba diving Watch | Oceanic+ Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-22

About: Transform your Apple Watch Ultra into a personal dive computer for the ultimate
underwater experience. Get the Oceanic+ app — the fully capable snorkeling
and recreational diving computer providing all the technologies expected from
today's most advanced dive computers.

About Scuba diving Watch Oceanic

What is Scuba diving Watch Oceanic? The Oceanic+ app is a fully capable snorkeling and recreational diving computer that can transform your Apple Watch Ultra into a personal dive computer. It provides all the technologies expected from today's most advanced dive computers, including scuba, snorkeling, and surface modes, pre-dive location planner with surface and water conditions, no deco planner that calculates dive, depth, and duration, built-in variometer, 3D tilt compensated compass, and more tools. The app also allows you to monitor current depth, remaining dive time, and ascent rates, and provides easy-to-read color-coded realtime dive parameters, GPS enhanced post-dive logbook, personal dive stats, visual and haptic safety warnings, and 7 watch face complications.



- Scuba, Snorkeling, & Surface Modes

- Pre-Dive Location Planner With Surface & Water Conditions

- No Deco Planner Calculates Dive, Depth & Duration

- Built-In Variometer, 3D Tilt Compensated Compass & More Tools

- Monitor Current Depth, Remaining Dive Time, & Ascent Rates

- Easy-To-Read Color-Coded Realtime Dive Parameters

- GPS Enhanced Post-Dive Logbook

- Personal Dive Stats

- Visual & Haptic Safety Warnings

- 7 Watch Face Complications

- Powerful Dive Planner

- Safely Calculate Diving Parameters

- Pre-Dive Location Planner

- Real-Time Underwater Information

- No Decompression Time (TLBG) Tissue loading bar graph

- Variometer for ascent/descent rate

- Max depth/actual depth up to 130 feet (40 meters)

- Air/Nitrox ready up to 40%

- Elapsed dive time underwater

- Minutes to surface

- CNS + PPO2 tracking

- Enhanced Post-Dive Logbook

- Track Your Dive Stats

- Post-Dive Watch Face Complications

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 2,555 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Scuba diving Watch Oceanic

- Easy set up and navigating the app was very intuitive on the Ultra.

- Clear and bright screen while diving.

- Cool logbook after the dive.

2335 Scuba diving Watch Oceanic Reviews

4.1 out of 5


No export or import of dive data.

At this time there is no way to export your dive data into any third party log books (DiverLog+, MacDive, Subsurface), or as a Numbers/Excel, .csv, etc.

AND, there is no way to import any digital dive data from other devices or digital logs.


Subscription fatigue

I found it puzzling when Apple announced this partnership at their last keynote. I can’t think of any other examples of third party companies being entrusted with core functionality for the Apple Watch (or any other Apple device). To add insult to injury, that functionality is locked away behind a subscription-based paywall. The developer absolutely deserves to be compensated for their work, but this is a perfect example of an app that should be a one-time purchase. It has become virtually impossible to buy software on ScubadivingWatchOceanic Store. I find this trend deeply worrisome and I find it absolutely abhorrent that we are being asked to pay a subscription fee for what should be core Apple Watch functionality.


Watch app stuck on “Sign up on iPhone”

Installed ScubadivingWatchOceanic , signed up for an account and completed the setup. Then successfully synced with the watch. First time starting the watch app it showed me the application for about a second before it displayed “Sign up on iPhone”.

The iPhone app is signed in, says it’s synced with the watch, manual syncs does nothing to get the watch app to work. Restarted the watch and then it again shows the application for about a second before getting back to “Sign up on iPhone”.

This is not a great first impression for something as critical as a dive watch app, wouldn’t want this to happen underwater when my health might depend on this.



Let me preface this by saying ScubadivingWatchOceanic is great. It has all the functionality you need from a dive computer, without the air integration. If you’re willing to pay the monthly or annual fee it’s a fantastic app.

But the fee is the issue. If you want to scuba dive with it you don’t have any option but to purchase a membership. You can only snorkel on the free version. It’s disappointing to see that there’s not an option for diving for free, even if it was a basic interface.

Looks like I won’t be replacing my EON Core any time soon.


No Scuba Mode without a subscription

So I was looking forward to ScubadivingWatchOceanic. While I only dive once a year or so, the “free” version seemed like it would still be useful since their website said it would still provide many benefits, just no full dive computer. Ok, I could live with that. But once installed, I can only select “Snorkle” mode. Anything scuba dive related is greyed out. Seems like they changed their mind and want a subscription paid to unlock any and all scuba diving features. Not a great start.


Shocked that all dive features are paid

When we bought the Apple Watch Ultra, the dive features were really front and center. However, ScubadivingWatchOceanic charges for any dive features. You can only snorkel for free (though it seems there may be a limit on logs…)

I’m not sure why Apple shared ScubadivingWatchOceanic so prominently in the lunch since it clearly isn’t a feature that comes with the Apple Watch Ultra


Easy to use dive computer

Love it. Easy set up and navigating ScubadivingWatchOceanic was very intuitive on the Ultra. Clear and bright screen while diving and cool logbook after the dive.


Subscription fees to use the dive features of a watch I already paid for? No thanks.

$80/yr to use the features of a watch I already paid for? Not a chance. I don’t know what you all are on over at Oceanic but this is crazy. I’ll stick to my Shearwater computers that can do all this and more and don’t require a subscription fee.



Can’t sign up for account because there are no accept buttons on terms of service.


Subscription based

Absolutely no way anyone needs this Subscription based app. You can choose from many great dive computers, forget the Apple Watch paired with ScubadivingWatchOceanic. Apple Watch doesn’t even have air integration. I’m really sorry I bought the watch.


Locks up Apple Watch.

The application completely locks up my Apple Watch. Pressing the Crown will not allow you to exit out of ScubadivingWatchOceanic . Even a hard reset drops you back into ScubadivingWatchOceanic on your watch. Poor validation testing prior to release.


Sizing issue

Can’t register/ create an account on an iPhone 12 Mini as the screen size does not render correctly and can’t navigate to the buttons.


Extremely Restrictive

No way to manually add logs. Curated gear lists with no ability to add your own gear. No way to export logs to standard formats. No social features that were originally announced.

Starting to regret my Ultra purchase.


Subscription price is out this world!!

Create a more reasonable price please. $80 A YEAR for this subscription is nuts. We need a lifetime option as well. Would I pay $80 for a lifetime subscription - yes.


Surprisingly Limited

ScubadivingWatchOceanic is finally out, and while I didn’t expect the equivalent of a full dive computer, and haven’t been able to get in the water yet, I’m already disappointed to learn that you can’t store images of your certifications, you can’t add existing dives to the logbook, can’t export the logbook, can’t view it online, etc. They don’t even use the same login on ScubadivingWatchOceanic and the Oceanic website. I get that the development of the watch app comes first and is more important because of the safety implications, but someone on the product team significantly underestimated the importance of the logbook. Even the complications are buggy, including being listed under a name that exposes backend code and poor label formatting on the watch face.


Disappointed, Not Really Useful for Scuba

I had high hopes that this would be able to meet my needs as a casual sport diver. It does not.

I was doing some fairly shallow reef dives, less than 25 feet. The major problem is that every time I near the surface ScubadivingWatchOceanic would decide that I was done with my dive and display either the end of dive screen or the “Ready to Dive” screen. Sometimes pushing the Action Button would cause it to start a new dive, sometimes it would do nothing leaving me without dive info. ScubadivingWatchOceanic really needs to prioritize giving the diver information about the dive over a dive summary screen or the liability shifting screen. If a diver is at depth they have obviously decided they are ready to dive and the info they need is bottom time, and NDL info. Denying this info to a diver at depth is negligent. Also, it is well established convention that a new dive starts after 10 minutes surface interval, not whenever the diver ascends to a certain depth. It seems ScubadivingWatchOceanic is conflating free dive functionality with scuba functionality.

The first day of diving ScubadivingWatchOceanic wouldn’t even display dive info, just the zeros as if I where still on the surface. I checked the Health app and it did record depths, ScubadivingWatchOceanic just didn’t show it. That night I reinstalled ScubadivingWatchOceanic and the next day it worked but with the disappointing behaviors described above.


Good backup dive computer…and that’s about it for now

After a week on a live aboard diving the Revillagigedo Islands in Mexico, the AppleWatch Ultra with the Oceanic+ app is a solid backup/secondary dive computer. It kept up stat for stat with my primary dive computer. The haptic feedback and brightness of the display are even better than my primary computer. It easily made three ~60 min dives on a single charge. Knowing it is for recreational use only (not tech diving), the only complaints I have are syncing issues between the Watch and my phone, and the price Oceanic charges to use an app. While I spent a lot of money on my primary dive computer, I trust it with my life (literally) and my investment in the computer ensures they will provide the updates and support to keep me diving safely for years. The current Oceanic subscription model and price points will never instill the trust I would look for to make this my only/primary dive computer. The watch and app are solid, but Oceanic’s approach makes me feel like they are marketing this as a game.


Wishing for more

ScubadivingWatchOceanic is only for iPhone and should also be compatible with the iPad screen and layout, but is not. ScubadivingWatchOceanic works just fine on either device, other than that. ScubadivingWatchOceanic didn’t record my location for the last dive. This was strange as I had activated ScubadivingWatchOceanic before entering the water (3 minutes) and at the bottom of the descent, noticed the confirmation screen for fitness for the dive. Confirmed my fitness with the action button and moved on. I have a lot of hopes for this dive computer/watch. Of course I want Air Integration and believe that the hardware likely is already inside the watch (microphones responsive to the 35-38Khz frequencies of standard transmitters). Hope that Apple updates the software soon for this! This will allow me to reduce the load of equipment that I take with me on every trip, albeit small, every bit counts. Bottom line, ScubadivingWatchOceanic should support iPad displays (native) as this is a much better viewing experience than having the iPhone aspect/screen size on a large iPad screen. Also, there SHOULD be the ability to export/import logs! I could not find these functions.


Good underwater but has issues

Diving with Apple Watch is terrific for so many reasons both on the shore without the need of your phone and underwater. As a dive computer the oceanic app worked great. Super easy to use and see underwater with all the required values. Switching to nitrox was so much easier than my mares dive computer. HOWEVER, very flakey at the surface. Continuously having to enter your passcode because it can’t feel your wrist through the wetsuit. You then have to navigate through buttons to get it ready to dive again. Really funny, it then wants you to purge out the water from the watch while you’re in the water! Eventually, we just ignored all the menus and descended anyway and it switched itself to dive mode on its own and was fine. The biggest problem we had was syncing the watch logs with the phone. We got maybe the first 5 dives sync’d and then it stopped. We tried app updates, resync, power on/off, nothing worked. We couldn’t reinstall in fear of losing our logs on the watch. Very annoying. So yes, there are annoyances that I’m hoping will get addressed. I will continue to dive with it because it’s very good underwater, has a very small footprint with your gear, and all the dials are easy to understand and intuitive


Overall decent but has room for improvement.

Overall this has become my primary dive computer with my other as secondary. Love the bright display with easy to read info. Wish I had more flexibility for what information is shown when under water. Should be able to familiarize myself with the interface without being on a dive. Doesn’t have any of the dive sites in Bonaire so I haven’t seen any community elements. Sync problem is a bit frustrating but force quitting ScubadivingWatchOceanic on both devices is a usable workaround for now. Accidentally ended a dive early and started a new one immediately after - wish I could combine it into 1 dive. Sometimes my heading mark gets cleared unexpectedly. Would be nice to have to tap that twice to clear the heading. I wish I could do a daily subscription that auto renews. I got in the water the second day only to realize I needed to go renew my subscription. The month was more than I needed. I’d rather an option to auto renew daily so I just cancel at the end of the trip. Even better would be a lifetime option. Hope to see air integration soon!



First and foremost, DAN (Divers Alert Network) offers a more liberal option of having different “No Fly Times” based on recorded dives, this is too confusing and quite frankly dangerous for the average diver trying to remember conflicting information. I’m a NAUI Instructor and teach that you should have a “No Fly Time” of 24hrs, regardless of dives completed. The user should have that option of choosing the DAN computations or a 24hr option. Oceanic also has to remember that most, if not all of their non-air integrated or air-intergrated computers are also using this 24 hour rule as well. This also is the same for about 99% of the computers that are on the market. Change this so the user has the choice based on their training.

Also, there’s no reason whatsoever why ScubadivingWatchOceanic can’t automatically go into dive mode once pressure is detected. Most people will not remember to go through all the steps needed to start ScubadivingWatchOceanic before the dive. You can automatically have ScubadivingWatchOceanic launch but that’s based on pressure being detected, by that time you’re already underwater and it’s water locked. This needs to change. All dive computers automatically start the dive.


Way better after update

Just did my first dive after the “five minute time before cancelling dive” update, much needed and appreciated! I did run into a bug while driving today where the action button caused ScubadivingWatchOceanic to go to a blank black screen instead of the pre dive screen. Eventually it worked, but I don’t know why. The only thing I want right now is the ability to merge multiple dives into one so I can fix the data it recorded before the update that fixed it canceling my dives while sitting on a underwater platform for some reason. Maybe next Apple Watch ultra we can get support for wireless SPG?

EDIT: So we were practicing some navigation skills at about 7m better going down to 18m to practice search and recovery operations. Had to ascend slightly to remain clear of the sea bed which caused it to constantly replace the compas (much needed for nav) with the safety stop message. I was at a safety stop depth but WAS NOT there for a safety stop. Completely ruined that objective of the dive as it was my only compass.


Need to fix syncing.

Since the latest update (May 2023) the watch app works well. Auto starts dive mode, though you still have to hit the action button to display stats even if you’re already done 40 feet. The display, deco meter, ascent speed, compass, and safety stops all seem to work well for me. But good luck getting your dive log to sync with the phone app. It seems completely random whether it will sync and what it will sync. After multiple reboots of both devices, connected to WiFi and Bluetooth with or without cell connectivity, it fails again and again. It say it syncs but no dives appear in the logs. Then it says it failed, but one dive appears leaving the rest still unsynched. It seems incredible sloppy for something that should just work. No decent instructions, the FAQ page is empty. No support. Good luck if you want to log your dives. But the computer seems to work well under water where, I guess, it matters most.


First Dive Computer

As a diver currently progressing through certifications for master diver, this computer has most of what I need. There are a few things I don’t necessarily like about the computer, but functionally in the water, the computer is amazing and easy to use when the watch doesn’t sense it is on my wrist.

As far as what is missing, I would prefer to set up multiple dives on the phone and have it sync to the watches computer so everything is set for the day before leaving the pier; however, most dive computers must be set on the computer itself anyway. I would also like to see a recommended surface interval time. As a new diver, I must still use tables and calculations for this, when this is a feature built in to most other computers.

As far as functions I believe the computer has that I don’t necessarily require, are the added total depths and the total distance. Both of these features I don’t find helpful or useful with regards to diving, but in the world of diving I’m still relatively new with under 50 dives, and I’ve only been certified since 2019.

All that being said, this application and the fact that the watch can handle recreational depths, was the reason I upgraded my Apple Watch in the first place this past year. Even if you have a dive computer already, this is a great watch to own and use with any outdoor activity.


Poor UX and sync isn’t working

First time trying ScubadivingWatchOceanic for a dive. UX was confusing and I initially couldn’t understand how to start the dive, even though I’d hit the Start Scuba button, a big large button it then took me to a secondary screen and it wasn’t clear I had to use the action button to actually start. You need to make that experience clearer. Given the button says “start” it should start the dive or rename the button to something more obvious.
Luckily I was waiting for my buddy and finally realized to hit the action button. After that it seemed to work ok. One thing I could find was dive duration. Perhaps that was on another screen.
Finally after the dove the syncing failed. I’ve tried everything including multiple manual sync using the option in the account page, and while it says done, my last dive refuses to sync to my phone. This inexcusable for an app that costs $80/year. I have far cheaper apps that get the basics right. What’s the point of you can’t sync. Reading reviews it seems a VERY common problem that still hasn’t been fixed.


It’s good but has issues

I’ve had multiple issues syncing the dive logs to my iPhone. It mostly doesn’t want to work on the first try and I have to try 2-3 times before it works.
Also once you ascend to about 3-4 feet it will say you’re at the surface. I was using it earlier and in murky water so when it said I was at the surface I was very confused (not being able to see the surface above me) I gave it an extra star because I’m not sure how much of these issues are related to the Apple Watch hardware or the oceanic app itself.
With the subscription price being $10/month I might as well buy an air integrated dive computer and use that. It’s great for people who want a backup though and it works well, tells me when I ascend too fast and it’s nice having the extra confidence especially if you are diving in murky water and need to know where you’re at with a quick glance.


Needs more

ScubadivingWatchOceanic looks great but unfortunately 90% of dive computer watches have air integration. I assumed that it wouldn’t for ScubadivingWatchOceanic because Apple hast to create some hardware to make that work. That being said $80 a year is expensive without air integration I’m assuming that Apple come out with a second version watch with this if there’s enough people that want ScubadivingWatchOceanic or don’t buy ScubadivingWatchOceanic. As a diver why have a wrist watch dive computer if it doesn’t have integration in the year 2022. I would gladly pay a one time fee for ScubadivingWatchOceanic. But without air integration, asking for a subscription is stretching it. As far as logbook back up, almost all dive computers offer this. I have four r that already do this. So to get divers to purchase this it Hass to stand out or at least be equal to a normal dive computer that people already have. Otherwise you’re only going to gain new divers and for $800 for a watch that you have to pay $80 a year for a subscription I can’t imagine enough people do that.


Game changer!

The Oceanic+ App is a game changer! Finally I don’t need to buy another dive computer, I can just use the device I’m already wearing all day.

The UI is clean and modern, it’s also very intuitive and easy to use, unlike many other dive computers. The display is bright and very easy to read!

I think the pricing is spot on, most good dive computers are north of $800 usd. I got the annual pricing plan, and don’t mind paying the under $7 usd a month for it. Let’s be honest most of us spend much more than that on a coffee in a week. There is no other dive computer on the market that has the bells and whistles of the Apple Watch. The Garmin MK2i doesn’t even come to close providing the functions and UI of ScubadivingWatchOceanic with the Ultra.

On top of that, I like that the software is easy to update and I know that I’ll get all future updates for the computer.

I see others complaining about the lack of air integration. I’m sure that Oceanic are working on this, and I have no issues using a manual gauge. To me this is not a big deal, even with air integration on the MK2i, I use a manual gauge, just in case the transmitter fails.

The log book is amazing! I love how it shows my entry and exit points! ScubadivingWatchOceanic makes logging your dive so easy!

I think ScubadivingWatchOceanic is a winner! I can’t wait to see how it evolves over the upcoming years!


Great for diving. Average for logbook.

5 stars for the actual diving functionality. Used the watch app for 4 dives in Fiji and it worked perfectly as a dive computer. Even the dive master was impressed. This is the most important feature, of course, so very happy to use it as a dive computer.

Post-dive I’m finding the logbook functionality to be very basic, and syncing (both between iPhone-watch and between iPhone-cloud) to be hit and miss. I’ve had to force quit both the Watch app and iPhone app a few times when syncing had got stuck.

The charts and map in the logbook are great. The rest of the logbook is very limited. Really just a text field for notes. Plenty of potential here, which is why I didn’t give a full 5 stars.


Overall Good - needs fixes and addl features

Just used this on my apple watch ultra for the first time this week for some dives.

Experience: Great, when it worked.

My issue: I started the dive on the surface, which then waits for me to hit the water. My dive buddy had an issue with her tank prior to the dive, so I helped her with it.. before jumping in, I looked at the watch and it was still ready. It seems it had a countdown (likely 5 min) which it did not show or illustrate, and the 5 min timer ran in the background. I believe it timed out just as I jumped in the water, and now the watch was stuck in surface mode (same as post dive) for my entire dive, and captured no data.

For my 2nd dive, I started the dive mode just as I was jumping in (at the edge of the boat) and it was great, all went well.

Please update this to show some countdown until surface mode begins, and/or make it so that if it notices you go under water after surface mode begins, it automatically starts a new dive. I already had this set for the auto launch app, but that didn’t matter since ScubadivingWatchOceanic was already running.

Would also love the ability to manually add dives to the logbook (and use this as my primary logbook) or ability to export dives from the oceanic+ logbook to other apps. I need to have ONE place to log all my dives (incl past dives, and in this case a manually entered dive since the first didn’t get logged)


New dive computer now my go-to

I dove the Ultra with the Oceanic app a couple times with air, and it was very pleased with it. I also dove it a couple more times with nitrox (adjustable ppO2 preferences and NO2 percentages pre-dive) and I was very pleased with it. For every test I also wore my normal dive computer that has almost 275 dives for comparison.
I liked the way that the Ultra performed underwater and after the dive. The Apple watch face is very easy to read and tracks necessary NDL, depth, alarms, etc. The logbook shows a very accurate dive profile and precise map of entry and exits on our drift dives.
Since I am not a tech diver, and do not need half of the functionality that my Suunto D5 has, this will be my dive computer from now on. I really hope that Oceanic is working on getting a transmitter which would make this piece of equipment absolutely the best for my needs.


Can’t sign up!!!

There are no check boxes for terms so you can’t sign up, I mean come on, who tested this. ScubadivingWatchOceanic should have been provided by Apple with the Watch , cost is way to much!! I have never bought a dive computer we’re I had to pay especially a subscription which I can not stand. Shame on Apple!! They advertise it as a dive watch but it’s not, even Garmin's Watch comes with what you need. Shame on Apple, it is way to much for something that should be free and don’t get me started on subscriptions. It gets ridiculous shelling out all this money for subscriptions which I am done with. So this Watch was a waste of money. Apple does this so that can get there 30% cut. And what’s even more bad is you can not import or export your data you know my data. You can say what you want but this is a real rip off!
Apple has not been the same since SJ died, it’s all about how much money they rip you off for. That are the new Microsoft. I will continue to use my real dive computer. It’s like buying a car but you have to pay a subscription to use the engine.


Unable to switch from scuba mode. Confusing UX

Bought the subscription and was excited to go diving with my apple watch.

The UI was confusing and I only saw an option to go snorkeling despite having the subscription. I was expecting the scuba mode to get enabled automatically, since ScubadivingWatchOceanic asked for permission to launch itself when submerged.

I went scuba diving and snorkeling mode activated. Hmm, ok. I got back to the shore and found the setting to launch scuba mode automatically instead. I was unable to switch to scuba mode since I used snorkeling mode within the last 24 hours. I am on a vacation and all my dives are within less than 24 hours of each other. Every new dive is forced into snorkeling mode and locks out the settings switch for 24 more hours… I am unable to use scuba mode on this vacation.

There is no reason ScubadivingWatchOceanic should default to snorkeling mode with an active subscription.
There is no reason why ScubadivingWatchOceanic should not be able to switch modes while diving when it detects that you are probably diving and not snorkeling (depth/time submerged).
I understand that the decompression calculations are an issue, but there is no reason why you can’t reclassify your dive after its done. ScubadivingWatchOceanic should have all the data already.

The UX is confusing and I got locked out of using scuba mode for the length of my vacation. I might change my review next time I’m actually able to use ScubadivingWatchOceanic .


Has a lot of potential, but a few key issues

This is the first dive computer I’ve “owned” (quotes because if the software subscription). When it works, it’s great. But it really needs more and better dive start and stop options. I just did a bunch of cavern dives, and it often thought a dive was over when i came shallow in the middle of a dive. I had to realize it had ended, and restart it, so some dives became split into many dives and it may have missed segments. On another dive, I started it, but it decided I was done sometime before submerging and of course you can’t control anything underwater, so that dive was lost. The other issue is the lack of detailed export. As long as I’m paying for it, I should be able to export All of My data easily.

P.S. Max ascent rate is misleadingly high for some very short time/distance maneuvers, there should be a time or distance threshold below which max ascent rate is not relevant.


Great for a new diver

I just received my open water certification last month. I was looking at dive computers before I bought my BCD, regulator and pressure gauge/dive computer (Scubapro gauge/compass/dive computer combo). Saw ScubadivingWatchOceanic for the Apple Watch so I upgraded to an Apple Watch ultra. I used ScubadivingWatchOceanic for two shallow dives yesterday (< 40 ft) and it is so much easier than the scubapro Aladin which i used as well. I like that it has analytics over time. One thing I did notice is that in the log the pressure slide bar values change after you sync with the cloud. I also noticed that on a couple other slider bars related to current. The other item I noticed was that when you hold down the pressure slider and change values, the number it shows above the widget does not match the corresponding pressure value above the bar. These are a nuisance at the moment so I put the pressure in my notes. I also have it recorded in other logs as well. I plan to continue to use it as well as my other computer as another data source and look forward to how it performs during my advanced open water certification in a couple of months.


Needs major updates

Apparently it is possible for me to surface directly to the parking lot of a shore dive site. In making it so a new dive does not start until after 10 minutes at the surface, a good and correct decision, it seems that ScubadivingWatchOceanic now marks the exit spot 10 minutes after surfacing… not good. I am already back on land by then. You need to get some divers on your development team, at least as product/project managers. I only give it 2 stars because the underwater user interface is pretty good. But everything else can use major improvements from how the syncing works ( I always have to force quit the Watch and phone app to get dive logs from the Watch to the phone) to when/where the dive starts/ends, to the needless and annoying “ready and fit to dive “ screen. Update: I see the developer responded and asked me to email. I have emailed with more detailed problems/ suggestions, but those have gone unanswered.

UPDATE: just got new update that will support camera housing. Still need to use for a dive, but seems like a lot of fixes here. Changing to 4 star 4 now. Will update once I use more.


Some odd choices

First, I love the Apple Watch Ultra and using it as a dive computer. It’s bright, reliable and doesn’t just sit in a dive bag a majority of the year. It’s exactly why I wanted one.

However, the Oceanic+ app could be better. I realize they are part of a group of retailers but not every diver uses all of those brands. While I have a majority of Atomic and Zeagle gear, I don’t have BARE wetsuits and my SPG is Mares. Even my Zeagle snorkel isn’t listed as a choice. It makes it impossible to keep a gear list. In addition, ScubadivingWatchOceanic built for the Apple Watch Ultra doesn’t have the Ultra as a choice for your dive computer. That might be the silliest thing of all.

Also, as an SSI trained diver — and this goes both ways — you should be able to share logs between the two apps. Having to retype everything is a pain to switch between the two apps.


Still doesnt sync reliably and 1 day sub is dangerous

18h later, attempted multiple syncs and I still only get 3 out of my 4 dives from yesterday synced. Super frustrating since by the time it will eventually sync I wont be free or remember to record dive details.

The 1 day subscription is right out dangerous for 2 day dives. Even if bought early it activates only when your first dive starts. If you are on 2 day dive trip guess when you need to renew your subscription? You cannot renew it for day early, only upgrade to monthly. It only allow to buy another day after the first expires. Your first day expires right as you are suppose to start your second day diving. Even if you upgrade or manage to renew right before dive (that is if you are lucky and your dive site has cell phone connection) your watch may not sync in time. As you are about to dive it may switch to snorkeling as tou may need to rush resync it with app / phone (hope you are not in your full dive gear with tank on your back).


Very Nice App but still many issues

After 27 dives with ScubadivingWatchOceanic , I find it very very nice to use underwater and to review the dives logbook and the surface interval indications etc. Unfortunately there are still many issues that need to be fixed. The list of issues I had are listed here -connecting to ScubadivingWatchOceanic seems not to work outside the US, if diving in the Caribbean you need to connect through a US VPN. -ScubadivingWatchOceanic has many issues syncing appropriately with the Apple Watch, you need to try several time before it works. -I lost two dives from the log book as it did not sync and than the dives disappeared on the watch -I could not trigger ScubadivingWatchOceanic under water it was stuck on the « I’m fit and ready » screen, ScubadivingWatchOceanic froze under water when I was at 30ft I tried to reboot but it got worse as ScubadivingWatchOceanic on the phone asked me to sync with my Iphone so I had to do the dive on my wife’s computer. Without those issues the watch and ScubadivingWatchOceanic would be a great dive computer combination !


No dive option the one time I really needed it

I have been paying the monthly fee for a couple months, getting ready for a dive on St Croix in Nov 2023. I did what I thought was prep to make sure I know how to use the watch. First ScubadivingWatchOceanic on the watch would not sync with ScubadivingWatchOceanic on the iPhone. In order to get the apps to sync I had to uninstall ScubadivingWatchOceanic and force restart the watch. After that it synced. On the morning of the dive, on the dive boat, the oceanic didn’t recognize that I had the scuba package and would only snorkel. Preparing for a dive, I’m not going to get into reinstalling ScubadivingWatchOceanic , I probably didn’t have a cell signal anyway. Back on land later, ScubadivingWatchOceanic on my watch showed the scuba option just fine. So on the one day when I actually really needed ScubadivingWatchOceanic it didn’t work. The short polite response from Oceanic customer service was that the watch needs network connectivity to read the subscription, every fricking time you open it. If you out in an area with no network, too bad, no dive watch. And no, hey we are really sorry, how about some free months since you purchased a $1000 watch and have been paying for our app… nothing. Horrible experience that is very easily avoided with better coding. Leaving a paying subscriber with no dive watch just before their dive should not be a suitable option. In my opinion this jeopardizes the safety of a diver. Not sure I’d go for this if I had the option to do over and get a stand alone dive computer.


Apple Watch version is excellent, camera still needs work

I have taken the Apple Watch version of ScubadivingWatchOceanic on over 40 dives and it is great. No issues.

The camera housing version off ScubadivingWatchOceanic needs more work to be good... There is no way to mass export color corrected photos, the photos export with incorrect timestamps, and you need to put the phone in to guided access mode or it might randomly switch to another app while underwater. ScubadivingWatchOceanic crashes all the time in the gallery and when exporting photos. Most of the time the phone is dead by the end of the second dive with a full charge since there is no way to control power use while on the dive boat.

One trick I found was to create a custom focus mode for ScubadivingWatchOceanic to disable notifications. It can be set on app launch. The focus mode can change the watch face to the one installed by Oceanic+ too.


Oceanic+ iwatch and housing

I have been very impressed with the integration of the application to the iPhone housing. The walk-through steps are very easy to follow and the connection is nearly instantaneous. Following the steps are very easy with clear button instructions. The housing itself utilizes very little power, and after four dives was still well above 90%. However, ScubadivingWatchOceanic inside the case absolutely choose through the battery. I would advise those doing more than two dives a day to have the ability to fully charge their phone before any further dives. The software engineers should work to improve the conservation of iPhone battery life during dives.

The application itself is user-friendly. I would ask for the following improvements. The photo enhancement feature is excellent, but it needs to be able to perform the photo enhancement/filtering in batches as able with the Dive+ application (where membership is required). However, when comparing the two filters side-by-side, I prefer the Oceanic!


Much Better Dive Computer Experience

I’ll preface this by saying I’m an advanced diver but only have about 50 dives to my certification(s). Having said that, this is far and away easier to use than the handful of dive computers I’ve used before. Swapping to nitrox and adjusting your mix is so easy and simple it’ll make you want to sell your other dive computers save one for your backup the minute you get off the boat.

There are a few things I’d like to see improved.
Between dives all I see is the settings window, would like to see a watch face with interval time. I have a feeling though this is an Apple thing though with how swim mode works. Apple really disables too much when in swim mode. Eventually I gave up and hoped it would work for the second dive without any input (it did).

Second, love the photo correction feature but would find it better to go back to the photo picker after editing a pic instead of the main menu again. Bit clunky when you’re editing 50 pics from your dive.

Third, and this is probably my biggest issue, the time stamp of the corrected photos is the current time, I’d rather it was the time on the original picture. Additionally it strips all the metadata from the original picture, also not ideal as I now need to spend extra time time adjusting everything.


Works fairly well but needs polishing

I was excited to be able to try ScubadivingWatchOceanic with the Apple Watch ultra. I used it as my backup dive computer on a trip to little cayman. The display is very readable and worked well comparing it to my main dive computer a Petrel 3. The issue I had was when I placed ScubadivingWatchOceanic into the dive mode and did a giant stride into the water, ScubadivingWatchOceanic apparently switched back to surface mode before I submerged and stayed locked in the surface mode ignoring the dive. It would be nice if the depth exceeded a certain amount ( 1 foot, 5 feet, 10 feet ? ) that it would switch back to the dive mode automatically. I missed logging 3-4 dives because of this issue. The Petrel 3 worked fine thankfully having all my data. My current issue is now my watch won’t sync with ScubadivingWatchOceanic . I have deleted, reinstalled, given all permissions, etc. without any sync happening. It could be the iOS version or updates to ScubadivingWatchOceanic , I’m not sure but it runs against Apple’s saying “ It just works” well ScubadivingWatchOceanic just doesn’t work well.

The latest update does allow my watch and phone to “see” each other. I now get a brief message that a sync is occurring. The issue I have now is that after the sync, since I had deleted and reinstalled ScubadivingWatchOceanic , now after the sync, my watch does not show any dives in the log where my phone app does. I would expect a sync ( unless this is only a one way sync ) to result in the log on my watch and the log on my phone app to be the same.


Just Awful Experience

I’d love to tell you how ScubadivingWatchOceanic actually functions as a dive computer, but we never got that far. After buying the family sharing plan for $129 and downloading it, only the free version showed up on my wife’s phone. In short, after 6 hours of emails and phone calls with Oceanic and Apple each of them pointing the finger at the other - it ended with an Apple contract tech support CSR refusing to refund my money and hanging up on me. Another 30 minutes on the phone with Apple, another morning of emails with Oceanic spending more time arguing than trying to fix the problem and I did get a refund, but just about the worst customer experience with Apple in 40 years of patronage. Oceanic did absolutely nothing to help. Now I have an Ultra 2 to send back. Save your time and sanity: Buy a real dive computer. Awful. Just awful. Now the developer is contacting me asking for me to send an email to a generic address rather than taking anything that resembles ownership. Apple is doing the same thing. Beware of 3rd party apps. You are on your own if you have a problem. I sent the Apple watch back, returned the Oceanic housing. The Garmin’s show up today.


Decent dive computer when it starts

It should be made clear that the dive computer functionality has two components: the Apple Watch Ultra provides all the sensor data, and the Oceanic+ app displays the information and the logs. The Apple Watch Ultra is phenomenal. ScubadivingWatchOceanic is great when it works. However, it doesn’t work all the time. my app was set to launch the dive automatically when the watch contacts the water. Only that it didn’t. Less than a minute after we started to descend I’ll look at the watch just to see it was asking me to press the button to confirm that
“I am fit and ready to dive.“ I tried to press the button, but by now it was in water lock mode, so that didn’t work. so basically the stupid app provided no information whatsoever during the entire dive. and just like that, in spite of having a nice watch with all the sensors, in spite of having purchased the subscription for the Oceanic+ app, I was back into the dark ages of diving with no information about the descent and most importantly, ascent rate, no information about the depth, no decompression time, etc. And of course no safety stop information. Overall, a really frustrating experience!!!


App Gets stuck at “Are You Fit & Ready to Dive”

I signed up for a 1 day subscription yesterday and did a dive at a very remote location in the Caribbean. I was looking forward to tracking this location and get a diving depth descent profile for this dive at this beautiful spot. Before entering the water I launched the oceans+ app and then proceeded to enter the I was descending…i pressed the action button to initiate the dive …Instead I was stuck at a splash screen…”Are You Fit and Ready to Dive” …This stupid app didn’t allow me to proceed past this screen, pressing the action button multiple times didn’t do anything…and my entire dive was not logged..I was not given any information about my depth or dive time. At the end of the dive when I came back on the boat..I pressed the action button and then it started to respond normally… ScubadivingWatchOceanic is a total FAIL..Buyer Beware don’t buy this failure of an app..and to add insult to injury…there is no cancel subscription button displayed for the Daily subscription. I had to get in touch with Apple to get the subscription cancelled and eventually I got my refund.


Pretty Good When it Works

I got the Oceanic+ Dive Housing to go with ScubadivingWatchOceanic (and the one on my Apple Watch). I will say that as a backup dive computer, the watch version is competent. I like how it essentially does your dive log for you. ScubadivingWatchOceanic also does an amazing job of color correcting underwater photos, again, when it works.

Now for the downside. I used this for the first time while diving in Hawaii. On the first dive, I recorded two videos, 14 minutes and 26 minutes. I got back to the boat, opened up the dive housing, and nothing. None of the super cool video I took of sea turtles was there. I emailed customer support, but got zero reply. On the second dive, I took numerous photos, and they were all there when we got back to the boat. Unfortunately, for the third dive, two minutes into the dive, ScubadivingWatchOceanic stopped responding. Again, lots of turtle photos missed.

So, to recap, it has a 66% failure rate, which in my book is unacceptable. Finally, for the photo color correction, you cannot batch adjust the photos. You have to adjust each photo individually, save each individually, and every 5-10 edits, the program crashes, requiring you to sift through the thumbnails to figure out where you left off after each crash. Really not ready for release, and I suggest avoiding this product.


Great backup computer

I would never use this as my main or only dive computer, if for no other reason other than it lacks air integration. Of all the things that I rely on my dive computer to do for me, telling me how many more minutes of air at depth, I have left in my tank, is the most valuable piece of information it gives me. The fact that this computer lacks air integration, makes that information unavailable.

That being said, having all the other dive computer information on my wrist instead of having to reach for my Oceanic Pro plus 4 integrated dive computer, is really nice to have. So if you’re gonna go on a dive trip for a couple of days or five like I just did, paying the $10 fee to activate the features for a month is definitely worth it.

Also, the fact that my watch ultra continues to function as a digital compass underwater and provides GPS data for dive entry and dive exit points is really nice to have.

Is Scuba diving Watch Oceanic Safe?

Yes. Scuba diving Watch | Oceanic+ is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,555 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.1/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Scuba diving Watch Oceanic Is 50.0/100.

Is Scuba diving Watch Oceanic Legit?

Yes. Scuba diving Watch | Oceanic+ is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,555 Scuba diving Watch | Oceanic+ User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Scuba diving Watch Oceanic Is 65.3/100..

Is Scuba diving Watch | Oceanic+ not working?

Scuba diving Watch | Oceanic+ works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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