Fantasy Hike app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with Fantasy Hike

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️

Not working




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24 hour clock ⏰

Summary of Fantasy Hike Problems 😠👌🔥

- Having trouble connecting my fit bit to my health app

- Further you get into the journey the less distance you seem to cover with your real life steps

- Inaccurate recording cannot be edited or changed

  3 Reported Issues: 😵🆘🛟🚨📢

Tracy L Propst

I have an iphone and garmin watch. When I started tracking with this app I had an apple watch. Since changing to the garmin, the app is no longer tracking my runs, walks, steps, etc. properly. Is there a way to fix this?

Ariane Lavoie

The app stopped counting the distance I’ve walked for the past two days. It says I walked 0.00km for two days in a row. I’ve checked if my Health app is still linked and everything seems to be good on that. But again, even if my Health app says I have walked like 5467 steps, the Fantasy Hike app wont count it.

Ariane Lavoie

The app stopped counting the distance I’ve walked for the past two days. It says I walked 0.00km for two days in a row. I’ve checked if my Health app is still linked and everything seems to be good on that. But again, even if my Health app says I have walked like 5467 steps, the Fantasy Hike app wont count it.

Showing 1-3 of 3

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Common Fantasy Hike Problems & Solutions. Troubleshooting Guide


  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Forge7 AB, developers of Fantasy Hike.

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E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: 🌍 Visit Walk Middle Earth Website

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Developer: WildflowerApps

About this app

Fantasy Hike is a beautiful walking tracker for fantasy nerds and everyone that loves adventure. Start your quest today.  All steps you take will let your halfling avatar progress through a beautiful fantasy adventure, from your comfy halfling hole all the way to Mount Fire.  No matter what you are doing Fantasy Hike supports and motivates you to a healthy lifestyle. • Tracks activity also when closed or in the background.  See how far you’ve walked since your journey started.  Fantasy Hike lets you appreciate and be proud of your complete walking distance.  Try it out, if you enjoy it then update to unlimited walking with a single in-app purchase.  For detailed information regarding FITBIT and GARMIN support please check our support page.  Walk your dog, take a morning jog, or "run" between meeting rooms.  Get motivated to walk!