Dex - for Pokémon TCG Reviews

Dex Reviews

Published by on 2025-01-28

🏷️ About: Gotta Collect 'em All! Dex is an application to help you keep track of your card collection, find new cards and figure out how much your collection is worth. Features: • Track collected cards • View all English & Japanese sets and their cards • Fill your Dex by collecting at least one card from every single Pokémon • Check a breakdown of your stats for each set • Know how much your collection is worth as well as .


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 7,209 combined software reviews.

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4.8 out of 5

Amazing app.. until the latest update.


I LOVED Dex. I'd pop it open every time I got a new pack and just scan away. I spent 2 hours cataloguing my collection, and was going to do the other half sometime soon. I'd considered getting premium for the bookmarks, but $109 is a ridiculous fee, so I was happy for now. I understand Dex needs money, but ads could've been implemented somehow. Instead, these devs decided to take away the scanning feature. The one thing Dex had going for it above manually writing it all down in a google doc or something. I couldn't believe it, the most BASIC FEATURE. Imagine Imgur marking uploads past a paywall. That's what these devs did, and I'm not staying to find out of they revert it.

A decent app so far but…


A decent app so far. Great features and updates new sets regularly. I have a few issues with it though. I noticed some Japanese sets are missing so I can’t log them. I also wish there was a feature to mark the condition of cards (maybe a color border or something) or be able to add notes or something per card. This would especially be useful since Dex estimates worth but factors like condition apply. Would also be nice if bookmarking a card would be per copy and not the entire card to one folder. If I have multiple copies of one card but only one of the three should be in the folder but Dex just applies the entirety(all copies/variants) of said card. Otherwise, a nice app so far though a lot of useful features are locked behind a sub or $85 payout like more than two bookmark folders and exporting your collection data…which wouldn’t be bad but other apps offer exporting your data for free. Some of the premium features Dex offers others are free so it’s hard to recommend right now. To alleviate this might be maybe add tiers for the lifetime license. Not every premium feature is one I want or need but if I want any it’s $85 or nothing since I can’t sub.

Issues I personally have


1. App constantly freezing.
a. I'm unsure if it's Dex or my phone.
b. This makes logging very difficult because I have to constantly close it and reopen it.

2. Making more than three folders costs money.
a. I understand the need to make money, I really do, but I prefer organizing my Pokémon's type in separate folders.
b. There are other ways to make money besides forcing a subscription upon users if they want to make folders.

3. Logging is a tiring process.
a. I dislike having to hold down to both select "owned" and "put in folder" two separate times. I would prefer to be able to select "owned" and "put in folder" without holding down.
b. I have to click the card and press the addition button if I own more than one if the same card. Quite annoying.

4. Can't search Pokémon just by their number.
a. The search examples show you can search the number, however, this isn't true.
b. Searching by number would be much easier than name and then number.

This WAS my favorite Pokémon app


I have been using Dex for several months to find Pokémon cards and make deck lists. It has been my best friend in terms of Pokémon research until today. Today an update was rolled out that got rid of all of my bookmarked cards, and put Dex behind a paywall. I am the most upset that about 3+ months of favorited cards are down the drain. Dex is still amazing for looking for cards in certain sets, however, this update really discouraged me from using it just for that fear that all I have done will be erased once again in the future.

Was a Great App Until Update


Dex was the best until its latest update. The entire reason I moved to Dex was because not only was it free, but you could easily scan your entire collection, and get the value of each card. Plus, keep track of what you have and its variants. Now, since the update, you have to pay to play to get features like scanning your cards, which saved so much time. Still a good app, but not as great as it was. Bye bye easy input of any new ETB’s I purchase. Now everything has to be manually inputted which takes quite a bit longer. Especially if there is a very similar card in this app’s database.

It’s the small things


I wouldn’t go so far as to call this a bad app but it can always be improved. For example, quite a few cards don’t have their values even though some were released back in 2015. All the trick or trade cards don’t have values and neither does the jumbo shiny rayquaza gx. I get that it makes profit but people just want the most accurate prices for their collections and yet you have to pay for majority of the good stuff.

I would be very pleased if you fixed some of the problems listed. Thank you

Almost perfect with one BIG problem


I love Dex and the functionality is awesome. It’s fast and even keeps track of duplicates.

There is one glaring problem though. Every card (at least in the older sets) shows the 1st Edition symbol and I think the prices all reflect 1st edition cards. This doesn’t help at all to distinguish between your regular and 1st edition cards and gives prices that aren’t accurate for regular cards that aren’t first edition.

Please fix this!!!

No variations


Dex is awesome but takes a huge step in the wrong direction with zero variations, and zero plans to implement them.. On Reddit it was stated this function won’t be added due to wanting Dex to stay “simple-ish.” Seems like a simple addition. If you’re a casual collector Dex is awesome, if you’re trying to create master sets, this really is not Dex for you. If you have first edition cards and want to log them, Dex is not for you. Even if Dex didn’t include monetary differences with different variations I’d be happy. It seems like the wrong move to have a tracker app that can only track half your sets. So much potential, but it’s just not there yet.

Love this app however a new change is frustrating


I’ve been using Dex for a few years, and it’s incredibly helpful to keep track of my collection. I have loved this game and had previously given 5 stars, but didn’t write a review. Ever since the most recent update, my owned cards no longer show up at the top of each Pokemon section by default. That was one of the best features for me. I set the section so they show at the top, but if I exit and go back it resets. Please add a feature in settings so you can set up how you want each individual Pokemon section to be displayed.

Graded/Japanese Card Pricing


Dex has been nothing but great to me. Best UI of any Pokemon app I’ve used and I’m always getting people asking what it is because they enjoy the aesthetic. Only things that are holding it back in my opinion are the lack of graded pricing for cards and Japanese pricing currently. I would personally prefer the graded card option first as it selfishly applies more to myself, but both would be great. Appreciate the work and please take these features into consideration. I believe if/when these updates come through this could definitely be the 5 star do-it-all app.

Awesome collectors app


I love Dex makes it so much easier to track certain sets your collecting and certain cards your collecting. ***If I were to have one thing changed it would be adding in a way to track a set a little easier by adding in holos and reverse holos section where u can mark off if u have on of those for a master set.*** Other then that Dex is amazing for hard core collectors and new collectors. If the developers add in that then no doubt I would rate Dex five stars.
If it does get added into Dex I will for sure be changing my rating to a five star rating.

Needs better filtering


Great app but would appreciate if the filters worked better. Trying to complete a master set and check which reverse holos I need is not possible. If you filter by card state of ‘not owned only’ and variants of ‘reverse holo’ it does not show you the reverses you still need if you have any other variant of that card marked as owned. So the filtering really isn't useful if you are trying to meet two or more conditions at once. Otherwise its great and much more user friendly than some other trackers I have tried, big fan of being able to bookmark cards!

One small issue


This is a great app, it’s very useful, but there is one slight problem. It doesn’t have every card. I found this out because I have two cards that I can’t seem to find anywhere in Dex . Other than that, it’s great! Through a bit of research, I found that the card is in the Heart Gold Soul Silver kit, but, looking there, I can’t find it. The card is, and I’m quoting Google here, Raichu 30/30 - Pokémon HGSS Starter Kit - Holo Rare. So, if you could at least add that card, it would be helpful.

Great app, horrible value tracking…


Dex is utterly fantastic for tracking your Pokemon card collection… there’s just one problem… the card value tracking is completely broken. You can choose which pricing to utilize (eBay, tcgp, etc) but the pricing reflected when sorting by value is incorrect.

Dex is not looking at the proper value for the version of the card YOU OWN. For example, I have a NON-first-edition (regular) fossil set card from 1999. When I look at my collection and sort by descending price, it puts that card as the most valuable card in the collection because it is looking at the first-edition holo price rather than the non-first-edition holo price.

This DESPERATELY needs to be fixed because it is floating worthless cards to the top of the list saying that they’re worth more than they are.

Surprisingly good


All of the other tcg collection and scanning apps I’ve tried haven’t met my expectations. This is the only one that is really close to perfect. My only complaint is the scanning feature. I appears to only work in very stable and lit up environments. This makes sense but can be difficult to maintain. Sometimes it is also not as accurate with scanning cards even though I can see it highlighting text areas on the card. I’m sure it’s a combination of human and mechanical error. However, I am thoroughly impressed with the accuracy of which all cards are recorded in the database through the expansions tab and the search tab. One thing I would like to highlight is that other languages such as Portuguese don’t seem to be present as a selectable option if your card happens to be printed in that language. My 1st ed jolteon holo from jungle is in Portuguese and I can’t categorize it as such. Just minor critiques at that point but it would be nice to see that language distinction. Overall I am very very pleased with Dex as a whole so far!

could be better


I wish there was a way where we could see all of our trainer and supporter cards kind of like how we see all the pokemons we have

I have added almost all my trainer cards and I noticed that there is no way for me to find them other than looking up their name I feel like having something added where you could see all your trainer cards in a separate screen would be VERY VERY helpful

i LOVE this app


I’ve been using Dex religiously for over a year i love it so much!! it takes a while to input your collection for the first time but it is so worth it bc Dex gives you so much info about your collection and makes it so easy to find and keep track of cards.

A few things that would make Dex better would be ways to denote how many of a card you have, different variations like holo/reverse holo, and maybe even social features to look at your friends collections!
But overall these additions are just ideas, Dex performs its core functions so well that it’s already all i could ask for and any improvements would just be icing on the cake

Awesome app, 1 issue


I just downloaded Dex , it’s super easy to use and has a lot of really cool features. The one issue I have is that some cards are only listed as first edition. For example, I have a dark charizard card. It is not first edition but Dex only allows for the first edition version. This causes charizard to be my “most expensive card” because it is going on the first edition price and not the actual price.

Aside from that, Dex has been awesome!

Best App Out There for Your Pokémon Collection!


Dex is incredible! I’ve used a couple of other apps to help catalogue my Pokémon card collection and this one is the best by far! Not only does it look clean and professional, I love the way it shows you the cards in your collection that are worth the most in each set. Very smart! And the creator is amazing. A few days ago, I had inquired on their Instagram when the latest update would be come out (because Lost Origins had not yet been added to Dex ) and they not only responded very quickly, but they also let me know when the update went live! As long as they continue to keep Dex updated, this will be the only app I use to catalogue my Pokémon collection! Keep up the great work!

The best sorting app for large collections


Dex finally puts my brain at peace when it comes to sorting my collection.
I sort my cards by Pokédex number rather than set number, so with Dex it’s very easy to log what I have and also see what I’m missing for each Pokémon. The only thing I can really suggest, is to maybe separate WOTC printings such as Base Set, Base Set Shadowless, and Base Set Shadowless 1st edition, as it doesn’t properly log the market values across each printing. They all just show up as the standard Base Set market value. The same goes for other sets with 1st editions as well. Not a huge problem for me, but as someone who is looking to insure my collection at some point, I’d like to have a more accurate reading as to the value I have.

Great app


Going through my cards I’ve collected and been given since I was 5 years old, which I’m almost 15 now, has never been THIS fun! I have a lot of pocket monster cards and I’ve never found an app or website that allows you to add you cards to your collection list online. It’s also great that they allow you to put how many copies you have of the specific cards! The only slight, and I mean very very slight, is that they only have American and Japanese. I have some German and Chinese cards also and when I emailed the makers of this they said that I should just mark them as opened for the English version until they add the foreign language. But other than that I love Dex! ❤️

Amazing app, with one feature missing


I am glad CardDex was discontinued or else I wouldn’t have found Dex. I have to say, Dex is amazing. The UI and the flow is just so smooth. I love everything about it. The only thing I feel it lacks is being able to add graded cards. I love that it tracks each collection’s value, but can be misleading if you have a graded valuable card. Not absolutely necessary, but would be a nice feature to see in future release.

Works surprisingly well


Really the only issue I have is that a lot of the time the prices don’t show up which makes me refresh Dex , update prices, then find the set I was looking for.

Another thing that it would make it so much better is including the unlimited sets as well because currently I can’t put in my unlimited sets so unless I’m missing something or I’m not looking hard enough I would greatly appreciate the options to include my unlimited sets.

Otherwise it’s perfect and really helps with organizing all of my cards that have been sitting around.

To All Pokémon People: This App Will Change Your Life


By far the best app for keeping track of your collection! The scanner is wonderful and usually gets it right. They have thought of everything! It’s easy to use and pleasant to the eye. You can even customize the icon!

An audible tone when scanning cards in addition to, or rather, than the haptic feedback. I use a stand to hold my phone and then run cards underneath the scanner quickly, so I don’t know when a card has been captured if I’m not looking at the phone. Also, if there were different tones based on the value of the card, so when running a lot of cards, we might be alerted if there’s a valuable card. I like to put a sticker on those.

The developers have literally thought of everything for Dex! Thank you so much for being so thoughtful with your design!

Wonderful App!!


Hello this app Team,

I wanted to express my appreciation for your app—it has been incredibly helpful for managing my collection. If I could make a request, I have sensory-related medical issues, and I collect the items you refer to as "variants" in Dex . Sometimes, creating folders can be quite challenging for me due to the number of steps involved. It would be a huge help if there was a pre-existing list of variants, similar to how the expansions are listed in Dex . I realize this may be a small detail, but it could be very beneficial for people like me who face similar challenges.

Thank you for considering this.

SO close to being PERFECT!


Dex is a collector’s dream. It’s the smoothest, most cohesive, and best looking interface. I’ve tried all the collection apps out there, and I always come back to this one.

BUT. There’s one thing missing. An account and password system to be able to keep your progress amongst devices. For example: I got a new phone today, and my collection didn’t make its way over to my new device. If a system was implemented that could keep our collection saved, Dex would be a 6 out of 5 stars. Devs, help us out here?

Bast of the best


I’ve been using Dex extensively in the last few weeks here and it blows all other apps or websites out of the water by far. It has the most comprehensive list of cards and their variants and the ability to add the amount you own, which I’ve found is missing from a surprising amount of the competition. Truly the best and it’s only getting better. They have said that they’re working to add even more cards that might be missing in the future. Can’t wait to see where it goes

The best Pokedex app for collecters


I am restarting to collecting Pokemon cards and finding Dex was a blessing. Dex allows me to know which cards I have in certain sets and even how much they could go for if I was willing to sell them. I haven't seen any flaws as of this moment. I like how Dex is free but for a small price you're able to use the camera feature to find cards and add them to your sets easier. Overall 5/5 best app for Pokemon card collecters!!!



Dex is so incredibly dope. It’s a must have for any player or collector. It has most of the features I need and new series are readily available in the database on release date. If I could add just one more feature, it would be to sort by both pokedex number and type, aaand, the ability to import the card inventory, because you can export a really nice csv, but you can’t really import one. This would make it a lot easier to search a shared card library



There’s not another app that so much info on a single Pokémon card like Dex does. I don’t like writing like writing reviews but I had to for this. I’ve searched and downloaded so many Pokémon card app that’s gonna help me organize my collection since I’m getting back into this. The only thing that it’s missing is scanning…. BUT it’s not hard to type the name and BAM the card, the picture, the set, how many cards are in that set, how much the card is worth, how much the completed set is worth…. When I mean I hate writing reviews I mean it…. YOU GUYS GOTTA FET Dex AND SUBSCRIBE!!! Let’s build Dex community up, and hopefully in the future they put scanning in… honestly I don’t know what else I need for Dex it has everything. Don’t waste your time looking around at other apps get this one, trust me your not gonna be disappointed!

Good app!


This is a really useful app and is super cool looking at the cards. However, I do have a small suggestion on how to search for a card. The only way to get a specific card type, like a mega Pokémon, is to search a capital M and scroll until you find that Pokémon or filter out every other card in search and scroll until you find it. I think the search should have an option to find Pokémon from certain sets and cards like Megas and vmaxes. But this is a good app, so 5/5!

Above the rest


The organizational options of Dex make organizing my cards easy! I just started collecting, and have been looking for the perfect tracker app, and I found it. The organization, UI, price tracker, progress meters… it has everything I was looking for. The card scanner also makes it much less of a hassle to log everything right after an opening.

I highly recommend Dex for anyone who is very particular about how they want their tracker app to be organized, great for all collection sizes!

Love the App, Always room for improvements


I LOVE Dex. Card variants have been added (yay) what I’d love to see though is deck progress options by regular set or master set (maybe you can choose your preference in settings). So that those of us that want to track completion by having all variations (holo, reverse, etc) of the card (aka master set) will not show a series complete with only one variant. Also, would love to see images of reverse cards.

LOVE the variant additions for certain cards too! For example see Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX that has a Holiday advent calendar edition! But also would love to see more like Battle Academy decks, World Championship decks, League or Staff promos, etc.

Card condition (and grade) indicators would be a super lovely addition, especially if it could function with the market price functionality.

Again, love Dex!

I love Pokémon!


I like the Pokémon cards that are on here! I like the new set Twilight Masquerade! I saw the umber on Vmax alt art from evolving skies. It’s like 1,000 dollars now! You can go to a store ( it can be any store) and get the Pokémon cards! If you open twilight masquerade, there may be a chance you may get the greninja ex! Dex gives you information how expensive the card is and you can see what pack it is from and then you can go to the store and probably get a ETB and you probably will get the card! Get Dex now!

A Must-Have for Pokémon TCG Collectors!


Dex is truly amazing! It has completely revolutionized how I manage my Pokémon TCG collection. The user interface is exceptionally sleek, intuitive, and modern – it's exactly what I imagine Apple would create for a Pokémon card app.

As someone who primarily collects Japanese Pokémon cards, I appreciate how easily I can organize my collection, check prices and preview upcoming sets. I just upgraded to the lifetime subscription for this app+, and I can't wait to start earning those badges!

I've tried similar TCG collection apps before, and none of them compare to this one. Without a doubt, it's an essential tool that I’d recommend to any Pokémon TCG collector. I'm genuinely enthusiastic about Dex, so much so that I'd be happy to lend my assistance to make it even better!



I love Dex, although I do have one critique: being able to see the actual price of the card should be on default rather than only on this app plus, besides just market and owned value. Everything that you can see on this app plus for Pokémon cards should be on default. this app plus should only include other TCGs, although I understand that you still would like to make some money out of Dex. Altogether, this is a great app for documenting TCG cards.

Good, Could be Great


Love the Top 3’s and Graphs. And, I really love that Japan cards and prices are integrated in same app!

Wish I could see my total value on subsets without adding bookmarks - by expansion for sure and if possible, a subtotal of all my cards owned in current selection on screen.

And, a must have that will lose me is the delay in updating prices. Even free apps have them continuously updated with TCG. 5 days is not going to work.

A handy app


This is pretty incredible. For someone dreading to make their own database this helped a lot. There are a few things though I wish could be added.

1. For older cards like the jungle set cards, you can’t select between the 1st edition and regular cards of the set. Would be helpful to get a closer estimate on value.
2. Id like the possibility of adding a quantity of value purposes. If someone has six of the same charzard cards, the value will only represent one card.
3. It would be great to be able to pick when you select a card if it’s a holo or not.
4. Ability to see value of cards with trainer/support cards included in estimated value

Overall, I am being picky. Dex does a lot of the hard work for you. It’s incredible and extremely easy to use.

Useful and Handy! PTCG collectors Holy Grail!


Dex is great! It’s like having your whole collection in your pocket! It’s extremely user friendly, organized, and very clean. The only thing I would really like to see and others have mentioned it in their reviews as well is a feature to select if the card is Holo/Reverse Holo etc., and to be able to set the quantity of those cards. Again still an amazingly useful and functional app for any PTCG collector!

Very handy


Been using Dex for less then a year now and decided to write a review on my thoughts on Dex and so far I recommend it to people and friends that collect pokemon cards and it’s very handy with keeping track of what’s in you collection and useful for the hunt when you out and about looking for that one card in completing your collection and finishing your binders and keeping up on average market prices.

Fantastic organizer and a good UI


Excellent for tracking collection and being able to see the min/max total value of set and card market values is a cool feature. The UI is especially well made throughout something that cannot be said about other TCGapps the organization by Pokémon is a cute idea and it makes searching through cards and finding them much quicker. Also no ADs or annual pay crap which is just❤️. Ill also surely be sending ya my online codes from now on.

-I would like to be able to see a total collection counter so I know how many I have in total, unless this is a feature already and I just couldn’t locate it.
-Being able to distinguish if a my card is a holo or not would be greatly appreciated.
-I think it’s already been mentioned but some sets don’t appear a few of the starter pack cards.

The start of something amazing


This is profoundly user friendly and has become the only app I side to keep track of my Pokémon cards and having the TCG player price is so convenient. Hopefully in the future they can add a section for notes on the cards that we own to mark down if we have a Holo, reverse Holo, Near Mint, First edition, etc. And cloud access to be able to have it accessible to my other devices.

The best app you could ever need to sort your cards


Dex has every feature any card collector could need. You will be able to see every Pokémon and all the cards ever made for them. If you like collecting Japanese cards, they have every set made. Dex can also tell you every cards price at an updated rate. All in all, if you need an amazing app to record your cards this is Dex you should download.

Best card collecting app!


Dex is awesome. I was able to catalogue my entire collection in just a couple hours and can easily sort by value to see what cards are worth selling. Way faster and easier to use than similar apps.

I do wish there was a notes field or some way to mark condition, foil, etc.

Favorite TCG App!


Found a post on Reddit about Dex and tried it out even though it only had one other review and it was 1 star. I do not understand why because I think this is the best app I’ve ever used for tracking cards in an easy to navigate way. The organizing by Pokémon as well as card sets really make it my new favorite TCG app.



Absolutely OUTSTANDING!!! Dex is by far the best!! It not only gives you the value of your cards or cards your looking up it keeps track of your collection with the total value of it as well. Not only is Dex it self amazing Dex developers are extremely nice to work with too! Thanks this app for all that you do!

Great Pokémon TCG app!!!


Love Dex so much for keeping track of my expanding Pokémon card collection! Love how Dex is set up. So easy to find the exact card I’m looking for within seconds.

The ONLY thing I wish you could do is select either holo or reverse holo when adding a card your collection.

Other then that, I absolutely love Dex! Especially with the creators adding the Japanese sets now!

Is Dex Safe? 🙏

Yes. Dex - for Pokémon TCG is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 7,209 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Dex Is 67.1/100.

Is Dex Legit? 💯

Yes. Dex - for Pokémon TCG is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 7,209 Dex - for Pokémon TCG User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Dex Is 85.8/100..

Is Dex - for Pokémon TCG not working? 🚨

Dex - for Pokémon TCG works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Dex+ (Monthly) $3.99
Dex+ (Monthly) $4.99
Dex+ (Annual) $34.99
Dex+ (Lifetime) $109.00
1-Year of Dex+ $44.99

How was your experience with Dex - for Pokémon TCG? Post a Review


About Dex+: If you subscribe to any Dex+ plan, payment will be charged to your iTunes account, and your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period.

Dex is an application to help you keep track of your card collection, find new cards and figure out how much your collection is worth.

You can turn off auto-renew in your Apple ID Account Settings any time after purchase.

Disclaimer: Dex is not affiliated, endorsed, or supported by Nintendo or The Pokemon Company International Inc in any way.

Questions? Feedback? Reach out on Twitter @DexTCG.

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