ProDex - Gen 1 to 9 Reviews

ProDex Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-18

🏷️ About: ProDex it the Pokédex that accompanies you in Pokémon games, from versions Red and Blue to Pokémon Legends Arceus on the Nintendo Switch! Pokémon, moves, TM's, items, locations and abilities are no longer secrets to you, and the advanced team builder will prepare you for the most epic battles. THE BEST POKÉDEX Enjoy useful features: - Team Builder - Dark Mode - Advanced type chart - Quick descriptions - Powerful filters.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 1,836 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Includes information on locations and move tutors, which is helpful

- Easy to navigate and has a professional layout

- Developer is responsive to feedback and fixes issues quickly

- Has a checklist feature, which is useful

- Looks crisp and visually appealing

Read 36 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.2 out of 5
Works okay, ads are invasive

this app works well on a number of fronts for what it’s supposed to do and overall, I like it as a resource app. I have three major complaints:

- Spelling is too often incorrect, and not just on small words but instances such as “Platinium” on the version select. I have read the developers are French so this isn’t my biggest issue, but it’s noticeable.

- Catch information is sometimes incomplete; I noticed Pokemon Emerald’s third Gen to be completely missing all catch locations for the game’s main generation, being listed instead as “Uncatchable”. I imagine a lot of information is probably just fine, but for one of the most popular games to be missing it’s main Pokemon catch locations makes me wonder where else there’s missing info.

- Ads are overly invasive. I cannot go through more than 2-3 tabs if that before encountering yet another ad. I am no stranger to having ads in a well designed, free app, but some of these ads are seemingly impossible to click out of due to the ‘x’ being so small. Usually I will have to restart ProDex to even continue looking for something.
The developers have helpfully included an ad removal option for $0.99, but in my opinion, the ads are frequent enough to dissuade me from wanting to use ProDex and the typos/misinformation above are enough to dissuade me from wanting to pay the $0.99 for it.

It’s a good effort that needs some refinement and polish, but as of this review, incomplete.

Critical bug and 2 requests

There is a bug right now which, if fixed, will change my rating. Many of the Pokémon’s type weaknesses (the main use of ProDex for me) just don’t show up. The icons for the types are there, but there are no values next to them, and the icons are all scrunched together instead. I’m on iOS 14.7.1

I also have two feature requests.
1. When I clear the search field the keyboard goes away. Usually when I clear it like that it’s because I want to search for another Pokémon. Keep the focus in the search field and leave my keyboard where it is. I’ll swipe down on the keyboard if I want it to go away.
2. I’m often comparing Pokémon, perhaps a touch-and-hold could pin them or favorite them so I can quickly view them one after another. Especially useful during team battles.

Great potential

This is one of the nucest looking pokedex's I've seen. it looks very crisp and I really appreciate the look. A few things I wanted to mention however(since it seems like the devs are keeping up with these reviews very well, great job!!) I noticed a few spelling errors on the introductory messages, I personally don't care about this, but I don't want it to scare off other customers. I also noticed a bug when I'm on the pokedex section, when I click the menu button on the top right, it locks up ProDex , I'm not yet sure what it is intended for, but I presume(and hope) that it is a filter, for types and egg groups or what not. Additionally on that page, I think it would be a great idea to allow the option to display the Pokémon in list format going from top to bottom. I can still appreciate seeing all the Pokémon in a box, but I feel it might make it easier to go through them if they in a vertical alignment. In the end those are just my critiques, I have high hopes for ProDex, once the team builder is created and those other points get hit, this will be my go to Pokédex app!

A great updated Pokédex

I enjoy the features telling where Pokémon are and in what frequency and time of day. The move tab under each Pokémon is also extremely useful as it allows me to plan my team’s growth ahead. In later generations, the evolutions tab is also helpful.

I do recommend the full premium pack. ProDex is nearly fully usable for free, and the parts which aren’t are not necessary for most Pokémon game players. The ads however, especially the video ads, get really annoying.

The biggest two drawbacks I have found to ProDex are that the checklists are not well explained. I don’t know how to limit the Pokémon on the checklist and check them off. I can name the list and select an icon, and I can assign Pokémon to a list from their page, but I’m not sure how that affects the list. Are they checked off or just in the list?

The second is that for some weird reason, ProDex will not load unless either connected to the internet or cellular data is turned on. If I load it with an internet connection and leave the range of the internet with ProDex still open, it works fine. It would be nice to see a future version simply load up offline, it’s not like premium users are loading ads or that data needs to be updated immediately or in real time. It just doesn’t make sense.

All in all, it is an excellent app with a couple of quirks. I highly recommend it.

Just a few things

I’m one of the people who used Dexter for so long, no other Pokédex app really felt right after Dexter died. Until this one. But there are just a few features that I would like to see added in the future.

Filters- My favorite feature of Dexter was the ability to filter the search tool. Filter by type,generation, states, even their EV yield. So it would be awesome if ProDex could introduce that. You could also filter the moves and TM lists so being able to do that would be awesome too.

The move list- I already mentioned being able to filter by type, but it would be nice to see a list of all the Pokémon that could learn that move, like with the ability list.

Also quick side note- For the images for ProDex , there is an image showing a move list for scorbunny, however I haven’t been able to find that for any of the Pokémon. Am I just blind or is that only a feature if I pay for the premium package.

I know this is just me comparing ProDex to Dexter, but I got so used to it, there are features of it that I just can’t live without, and I know that many other people who used Dexter have come here too. A lot of people don’t like to pay for apps, but with how in depth ProDex already is, if the features that I mentioned could be added in the future, I would be more than happy to pay.

I love it although there are a few things that could be better...

Hi, so I really love ProDex and I had absolutely no storage beforehand so, I used this fun websites and yet my older brother kept bothering me about downloading this app, then I just had enough of it and decided to try downloading it at evening but I couldn’t test it because I had to get ready to go to bed, then I woke up this morning and surprised my brother with a Kyogre Pokédex entry since that was his fAvOrItE PoKéMoN for some reason and he was pretty happy like “WhAt sInCe wHeN dId yOu dOwNlOaD this app!?” But when I made my first team: Ally’s Regular Party, It consisted of a Rapidash, Primarina, Ninetales, Alakazam, Espeon, and Ditto, I wanted to make my Gym Leader Team but I couldn’t because I needed the Premium Version and I got pretty mad like, it’s fine to have the Premium Version but not for extra parties! I just think that’s just childish so maybe in the next update you could remove the Premium Version for making other parties! Plz? :)


ProDex is definitely the most well designed out of all the Pokédex apps I’ve seen. I’m really glad I found it! The updated shiny images are also very nice. My only complaint is that the starter Pokémon are missing from some of the generations, although I’m not sure if that’s something you guys are still working on.

Update: I noticed that all the starter Pokémon are there, it’s just separated by game. It would be nice if you could see the complete Pokédex instead of having to keep switching what game you’re playing just to find a certain Pokémon that you’re looking for. Of course, I understand that you have to pay to unlock all the games, but I have already bought premium so it would be nice if I could see all the Pokémon in one list instead of having to switch games all the time. I hope you take this into consideration and keep up the great work!

Awesome but one big flaw.

ProDex tells us everything about EVERYTHING!!! The Pokemon, their Pokédex entries, their moves, and it also tells us about all the items. I changed the rating from 5-star to 4-star because there is one big problem that I am worried about, ProDex DOESN’T SHOW US THE SECONDARY TYPES OF THE POMEMON!!! You know what I mean?!?! Can you guys please fix the add by adding the secondary types, please. Those Pokémon are supposed to have those secondary types. If you guys fix ProDex with the secondary types, you guys are awesome! Also thanks for adding the Pokémon from the Sword and Shield Expansion Pass into the this app, I appreciate it!

Really love the app!

It’s amazing! One of the best ones I’ve seen yet. The adds don’t get in the way too much, the design is easy to navigate, and there’s tons of helpful information anyway playing any of the games would need!
However I did notice while looking at the Pokédex entries for Omega Ruby and Alpha sapphire, it says heatran is uncatchable. You can actually get one on route 120. It also says Regigigas is uncatchable, but you can get it on route 105, same cave regice is in. Latias and Latios are also listed as uncatchable, when you can get them on the southern island. And all of those are just in the omega Ruby alpha sapphire section. I haven’t had time to look at every entry of every game but these are the noticeable ones I spotted. Besides those errors ProDex is pretty much perfect for me. I’m definitely gonna be using it a lot for now on!

Great Potential!!

Just started using ProDex and besides it looking great, it has amazing potential! I have noticed not every pokemon is in their respective generations, I’m assuming that they’ll be added in future updates of ProDex . Also ProDex has some hiccups here and there and when I tap the list button on the Pokedex part ProDex stops responding, but these are all things that can be fixed and don’t hinder the experience that much! I really believe ProDex has amazing potential to be the best Pokedex app out there, so keep at it guys!

EDIT: For all the pokemon not being in the dex stuff, I was looking at the sword and shield version, so obviously all of them weren’t gonna be there, my mistake lol.

P. S. A dark mode eventually down the line wouldn’t hurt anybody ;)

Really amazing app with one glaring omission.

First off this is the best pokédex app out there and i’m sad to see it has less than 4-5 stars. the one thing it’s missing though is a pokédex you can fill out. i originally downloaded this to keep track of what pokémon i had in game and which ones i still needed to get but there is no such feature in this game that i can find. super useful information, but missing an actual pokédex to fill out seems like a glaring omission. i hope they add it soon!

UPDATE: Dev responded saying it is coming to ProDex so bumped to four stars and will update to five once it comes out! Also devs, when you add it please make it easy to see the evolution line and where to find it in a certain game! thank you

Best Pokédex App

Hands down the best Pokédex app there is. Now that I’ve started using this I won’t be using anything else.
There is one feature I would like to see added that would make this my exclusive use for anything Pokémon related and that would be an addition to the Team Builder mode to see a type effectiveness chart with your specified Pokémon. When looking at team synergy I like to look at a glance what my overall biggest weaknesses are and having something like a team type effectiveness chart makes that really useful.
Regardless, even without this feature ProDex is still a 5/5 and recommend anyone to download it.

Great app!

I’ve recently been trying to find a Pokédex app just for the heck of it since a phone is very similar to one. This is by far the best app I’ve seen so far and the pro version is not bad as far as price goes!

The only thing, and this is very nit picky and probably shouldn’t even matter, is that acuity cavern is missing from the locations for Pokémon brilliant diamond and shining pearl. Now I know there’s no actual Pokémon in the cave aside from uxie and I don’t know if any other locations from games are missing too, but if this could be addressed, that would be cool. If not, like I said before, it’s not even that big of an issue if at all.

Good app, using to organize my Pokémon cards

Edit: I’m sorry, my user error. I didn’t know I had to pick a specific game to get that Pokédex. Don’t be stupid like me, you’ll waste hours of organizing. Sorry app devs! Keep up the good work
I’m gonna leave my review so ppl don’t make the same mistake. 5 stars!!

Ok, so I TRIED to use ProDex to organize my Pokémon cards by number, and when I was almost done with the Kanto cards I had realized even though I was at the end of the Pokédex, I had kanto cards left over. I looked back and there are almost 20 Pokémon missing. Good idea, otherwise good app, but missing Pokémon? Disappointed and I am reorganizing my cards as I’m writing. Not. Happy.

Best on the store, but missing crucial feature

This is easily the best Pokédex app on ProDex Store. However for some reason, there are seemingly no good Pokédex apps available that also have a checklist feature. It’s kind of baffling; isn’t that the whole point of a Pokédex? This is a feature I’ve been hoping for in ProDex for a long while. Last time I asked about it was a year or two ago, and it was said to be in development then. Although the feature still has not made it to ProDex , this app still stands above the rest that are currently available. However, I would jump ship for the first good interface that also includes a checklist feature. As soon as someone actually makes one…

Best Pokédex App out there and gets better with each update!!💜🥰💜

I bought ProDex roughly 2 years ago. Back then it had some issues in various areas. But the developer really cares about this, and I messaged them on Twitter about the issue with height and weight for nearly all entries across all Pokédex versions having the incorrect unit label. It was fixed within 2-3 days, which was amazing. I use this for every Pokémon game I play, as I have them all, and I’m so happy they added lists! I used to have this giant excel file to keep track of what Pokémon I was catching in each game, and a separate file for my living dex. It was such a pain. I can’t recommend ProDex more to people, the fully paid version is awesome, but if you just need a Pokédex for a specific game, or an older one, they have options to just buy what you want.

So glad I found this

This is really a great resource, I had been using dexter for so long but really needed something that included gen 8.

Its very easy to navigate and has wayyyy more information than any other app I’ve seen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another that included the locations, especially for the different move tutors!! So helpful (tysm developers). Being able to sort by type would be nice but the way it’s laid out it’s easy to scroll through the full dex quickly so it’s hardly an issue.

One thing that I think it would be nice to see is the option to build a team with gen 8 Pokémon and the full national dex instead of just what’s available in swsh (I like to make themed teams to use on pkmn showdown) but that in no way takes away from how good this already is. Every time I look thru it I find something else I like about it. Great job devs!!

Great, but one issue....

I’ve been loving ProDex since I downloaded it. So much to the point that I decided to purchase the game specific package, so as to not have to deal with the Ads anymore. After buying the game specific package I was still experiencing ads, ProDex itself was acknowledging I had made the purchase. Thereafter I decided to purchase the full package with all games, 4.99 isn’t too much and I assumed no ads may just be something that come with the full purchase. Unfortunately even after that purchase, still dealing with ads. Overall ProDex is amazing and I’m going to continue to use it, I’m looking forward to the team building portion.

Edit: Waited a couple days and I was still experiencing ads. Decided to hit the “Restore Purchases” button in the shop and that fixed the issue with it not registering. All ads appear to be gone now. Once again, fantastic app! I’ll be sure to follow you pages on social media!

LOVE UPDATED: THIS APP!!! Want to add more feedback 😅

Love ProDex since Dexter app is MIA ProDex helps ease that pain LOL! So hyped about the update on teams, however I noticed you don't have an option for adding a Shiny Pokemon on the team option. Not sure if you are working on that but if not PLEASE PLEASE add that option!! Dexter app had that option and love it 😊

Such a great app!! 😁👍🏼

Beside mentioning above, also noticed when creating teams I am only able to use Pokemon from a specific game instead of picking Pokémon from every gen. For example: I am creating a team for Isle of Armor coming up and have to select a category for the game which I picked SW/SH, however I wanted to add Shinx on my team builder but it wont allow me because its on another game generation. It would be great to pick any Pokemon from any Gen when team building instead of just picking from the selected gen or have an option to select more than one category of game gen.

One of the best PokéDEX I have ever seen!

This is a fantastic app. It is very well organized and done very professionally I absolutely love the layout and how they do giveaways sometimes on social media.

The only problem that I have is that you can not access all the Pokémon form every generation at the same time it is only the gen available Pokémon that are in each game. Same goes with the team builder. I love making Pokémon teams for me and for other people on ProDex however, I can’t really make a team with a gen 5 starter Pokémon and gen 8 Pokémon together specifically.

Other than that like I said above this is easily one of the best PokéDEXs out there I recommend it to all of my friends who play competitive and they love it too. Highly recommend getting it.

Looks good, but needs work.

Pretty buggy. Images not loading correctly on an iPod touch. Before you ask, my iPod is set to English. Search function is awkward, my auto correct pops up and tries to spell actual words instead of what I’m looking for... on other similar applications this isn’t a problem. When you do get to the Pokémon you are looking for, there is some useful information, but it doesn’t show the moves learned, and it doesn’t show any evolutions it may have. I applaud you for getting generation 8 Pokémon into your Pokédex, but this really needs more work.

Pretty good, but searches are limited.

The information is great, but not being able to sort by Pokédex number is extremely limiting. Extended search functionality would be great too (#, type, etc.). Improving this would easily make it a 5* app!

Thank you for this app

Really pleased with the purpose of ProDex. However the evolution infor for umbreon and espeon are switch and i believe one desciption is before then other is after. The stats from pokemon were given but from gyrados the sp attack stat was wrong making it unreliable please assure the stats are correct as imagine ppl breeding a pokemon and realizing the stat was not true. The layout is great! I love where it shows the moves from level up or tms or breed moves.

Great App!!

Some of the stats are incorrect for the pokémon.

These are a few of the pokémon with incorrect stats. I feel as if there may be more.

Pokémon with Incorrect Stats


Really just exactly what I wanted

A amazing app but (or just didn’t look hard enough) wish I could see the moves Pokémon can learn and it would work faster

Amazing! But...

This is AMAZING!! There is just one thing I’d recommend. Make a feature for the Pokédex for the regional Pokédex instead of the Pokémon that were introduced in each gen. (As an example, For generation 8, instead of showing all the newly introduced Pokémon in sword and shield, show all 400 Pokémon for the generation 8 national Dex.) Please add this.


I absolutely love how useful ProDex is.I wanted to catch a riolu in Pokemon Shield, and thanks to ProDex I knew exactly where to find one.I recommend ProDex to anyone with the desire to catch a pokemon for any pokemon game that ever existed.


This has been extremely helpful with filling out the galar pokedex and with general fact-checking. Thanks for your effort!
I was looking at the move tutors list and noticed that steel beam wasn't on there. There's a man in the middle of a bunch of crates in motostoke that teaches it. I just wanted to let you know just in case!
I'll definitely be using ProDex quite a bit in the future. :)

Almost Perfect

ProDex is worth the 5 stars and the download. The only problem is that the team builder portion of ProDex isn’t available yet. Other than that, it’s everything I need. I can wait a while for the team builder and use the other functions of ProDex .

I’ve been waiting soo long for this.

Ever since I bought Pokémon sword I’ve been finding for Pokédex apps here but couldn’t seem to find one. Anyway this Pokédex is great ! I just have a suggestion. Please add like a check box or a check list for us trainers so that we can mark what Pokémon we already have. Thank you !!!

Amazing app with one thing missing!

I love all the features and the ones that are planned for future updates, but there is one that I feel is too important to leave out. In the options to change region and game, there should be an all inclusive National Dex for the 8th generation. This would be very helpful for building teams that include all Pokemon.


I love that you can see a Pokemon’s type strengths and weaknesses on here. The layout is very clean, convenient, and easy to navigate. There are many other awesome things about ProDex, but there’s this minor issue that’s really beginning to bug me. Whenever I search for a Pokemon, the (x) in the search bar is of no use. Tapping it doesn’t backspace on what I just typed, but I really wish it did. Hope this tiny error gets fixed soon.

Great app just one little nuisance

Everything is perfect but there is one nuisance I have with ProDex , when you search a Pokémon and that Pokémon comes up it doesn’t allow you to click on that Pokémon unless the keyboard is down, this is bothersome because what happens is if you type for example Eev- and press eevee the keyboard will close and it will auto correct what you had typed, maybe somehow allow the search results to be clicked on while the keyboard is up and turn off auto corrections for the Pokémon search. Thanks!! Other than that ProDex is perfect.i


Such a good app! I haven’t had any adds yet and it shows you where to catch the Pokémon and the percent of seeing it there! It shows every single Pokédex and it doesn’t just help with sword and shield. It helps with every single game! It shows almost everything you need to know except it doesn’t show where to catch the Pokémon on the map in Galar it just says the location that it is at which is kinda confusing but it helps anyways. I have been playing since sapphire version on the ds so this is VERY helpful for me! Keep putting the hard work in i think ProDex is definitely worth it.

Amazing Start!!

ProDex is off to an amazing start!! I can’t wait to see future updates. Very well built though.


It’s a great App, but I don’t know how to change the language to English.

Is ProDex Safe? 🙏

Yes. ProDex - Gen 1 to 9 is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,836 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for ProDex Is 51.7/100.

Safety Analysis

61.6% of users say app is Safe 👍

26.8% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

11.6% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is ProDex Legit? 💯

Yes. ProDex - Gen 1 to 9 is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,836 ProDex - Gen 1 to 9 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for ProDex Is 66.8/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

ProDex collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Premium Mega Pack Pokémon $4.99
Premium for Scarlet and Violet $0.99
Premium for Sword and Shield $0.99
Premium Diamond Pearl remakes $0.99
Premium for Legends Arceus $0.99
Premium for Pokémon Let's Go $0.99
Big support to the project $2.99
Support to the project $0.99
Premium Pack Pokémon DS $2.99
Premium Pack Pokémon GameBoy $3.49

How was your experience with ProDex - Gen 1 to 9? Post a Review


ProDex it the Pokédex that accompanies you in Pokémon games, from versions Red and Blue to Pokémon Legends Arceus on the Nintendo Switch! Pokémon, moves, TM's, items, locations and abilities are no longer secrets to you, and the advanced team builder will prepare you for the most epic battles.

This app is an unofficial app and is NOT affiliated, endorsed or supported by Nintendo, GAME FREAK or The Pokémon company in any way.

Some images used in this app are copyrighted and belong to Nintendo, GAME FREAK or The Pokémon Company.

Pokémon and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.

They are used in this app in accordance with the laws of Fair Use, for the United States of America, or of the intellectual property code, for France.

  Contact Support
Axel Leclercq
