Galaxy Reavers 2 Reviews

Galaxy Reavers 2 Reviews

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About: Welcome to Galaxy Reavers 2, a sci-fi rts mobile game with battle on a spaceship
in space, conquer the galaxy with them. 1.

About Galaxy Reavers 2

Welcome to Galaxy Reavers 2, a sci-fi rts mobile game with battle on a spaceship in space, conquer the galaxy with them.

You can still command your fleet and use of strategy in this Sci-fi Galaxy space rts game.

Build spaceship and equip them with powerful missiles devices to be ready for a war in several galaxy.

With dozens of spaceships and hundreds of devices, you can build your own fleet to conquer the galaxy and win the war.

Command your spaceship and shoot your missiles or control your fleet to avoid incoming missiles.

Discover many planets on different galaxy and play different game mode.

Use it as a strategy to win your battle in the galaxy.

Intensive strategic battle in space.

Fight on a 3D Sci-fi Galactic Space and shoot your enemies.

You can drag, rotate, and zoom in/out to completely control the battle.

Use a commander to pilot your spaceship and increase your chance of victory.

Intensive RTS battle.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 1,818 combined software reviews.

240 Galaxy Reavers 2 Reviews

4.6 out of 5



Fix it take away the timers for enemy invasion make it attempts per day instead so we can pull the legions together and people on different time zones can participate without worrying about it being at 1 am in the morning for some. Also during arena and some missions my ships get stuck on the side of the map and when I try to launch some tactical devices such as the laser the shop wonā€™t turn to target. Anyways take away the timer for invasions I canā€™t stress this enough this ruins the game and make the arena longer times maybe 2 hours 2 times a day instead of justa a 1. Fix these and the game will be much better I will rate again later if I find anything else.

So ya found something else if you guys havenā€™t noticed itā€™s a huge pay to play game. You wonā€™t get certain devices in events because guess what! They expect you to pay everyday to get it! Shocker right when will these games learn pay to play is not the way to go unless you only a half dozen people playing your game. So I may delete after all the time I put into it. Iā€™m a deputy in a legion that slowly falling apart due to inactives and I donā€™t blame them they probably realized how much of cash cow this game is and quit too. Reavers did it now and stop being greedy about your game or youā€™ll be another supernova with only a few active players to play your game!


Great Game But...

The game is amazing with beautiful graphics and a solid setup for great success. However, there continues to be an issue with recycling ships that the developers have yet to fix. The bug becomes evident when you try to recycle a ship that may have been used in a previous lineup; however, although users remove those respective ships from the lineup, an error pops up when trying to recycle that says,ā€ The warship is not recoverable in the combat lineup of the Military Competition.ā€ This inability to recycle ships at will reduces the playersā€™ ability to use resources that were previously used for another ship. Iā€™m sincerely hoping this bug gets fixed in the near future.


Server instability / overpopulation

Overall, I love this game. The graphics and smoothness hook you, and the rng loot system is stable, even allowing high tier gear at low levels, even if you canā€™t use it. It presents a personal goal to build towards, or share while in a legion!

However; almost every press of a button results in a disconnect, prompting a reconnect interface. This happens often. All servers are listed as ā€˜Hotā€™, to which I can only assume means they are full. There should be more servers to pad out your loyal fan base for a smoother interaction. I havenā€™t gotten to pvp quite yet, but restricting it to certain times in order to accommodate server overpopulation is ingenious!

I canā€™t wait to build a King Carrier, as I have a little ways to go still, it looks beautiful! I was even able to obtain a Cruiser of the federation before unlocking it by level, making the ship that much more valuable to my fleet!


Better game than most

Been playing Galaxy Reavers 2 for a few months now and unlike other games with in app purchase....this game actually gives you some nice upgraded stuff without having to pay for them...kudos to the developer. Of course they canā€™t give it away all the time, sometimes you have to work for it and sometimes your legion members donate them. But (and there is always a but). The enemy invasion and legion battle..still scratching my noggin on that one. Enemy invasion ....only the leader and deputy can start them so if those players arenā€™t online..well you canā€™t play it as a lowly member. Legion battle is also a doozy but Iā€™ve learned to just place my fleet and wait for the reward he he but overall this game is better than most of the games I played...theyā€™re not greedy developers like other games do.


Another game with potential advertising with sexism

At first glance this game appear to have a lot of potential. However, as with many other games on the iTunes Store, this game attempted to sway players to play more using the objectification of womenā€™s bodies. The very first NPC that is encountered in this game Who is a more consistent feature has impossible body geometry that works only to amplify her chest rather than any other feature of her character including that of her personality. This does not send a positive image of this company, particularly because a greater number of gamers are women. Notably this is coming from a male gamer who has been playing since the 90s. It is time that these companies work to sway gamers by the quality of their products rather than superficial things that produce net harm in the community. It is very common for female gamers to experience sexism and mistreatment and products that work to amplify such sexism only exacerbates the problem marginalizing many an individual and customer.



This is the 3rd time I have started over because I loose or break my phone quite a bit, but that is how fun this game is. If you enjoy space games with non-stop fleet commanding action, this is definitely the game for you. Endless upgrades, easy interface and just generally well put together. Iā€™ve been a gamer for years and since my computer has been down Iā€™ve primarily games on cell phones and this game is in my top 3!!! Great job developers!!

Oh and one of the best parts about this game is you donā€™t have to spend ANY MONEY to get ahead. Consistent daily play does that! Freebies everyday!


Broken game - stay away

I would stay away from this game. For the last two weeks this company can not keep this game running. It was unplayable for a four day stretch. The game has daily quests, weekly quests and events that players rely on to make progress in the game. None of these worked and players lost valuable resources due to this. The companies response to inquiries was basically everyone is on vacation, be patient. Once the game was back up and running, nothing was given to players to compensate for the loss of unplayable quest and event rewards. The game continues to glitch and not work properly. I have had this weekends event crash on me twice as I entered a battle. I lost valuable intel that is limited and needed to participate in the event. The customer service is so bad that there is no in game method to contact the company. Time to find a new game, which is sad because the game is fun. Too bad the company doesnā€™t care


Very fun

If you like space battles with ships you control or allow the cpu to control? This is the game for you. Itā€™s been a blast so far. The mission can get a bit repetitive once you w dig deep into them. But upgrading your fleet is still fun.

My only wish for this game is collabs with some space animeā€™s. A robotech crossover would fit in SO well. Hope the devs read this review. Having the SDF-1 and/or 3 with veritech fighters and zentradi with battlepods? Sweet lord make it happen!!!

Anyway, yeah Iā€™d you like fleet battle strategy games? Canā€™t go wrong giving this one a try.


Decent game

Not a bad game. Your officerā€™s AI is crap. Stopping to steer directly into enemy incoming fire, or ignoring the selected target to just fly way away from the battle to leave your teamates exposed is just idiotic. Iā€™d rather be just controlling one ship then have a team full of fools to rotate thru. I do however, like the idea of the game. Iā€™ll check in from time to time to see if anything is better. Having both the requirement of energy for battles AND not being able to autosweep without coupons makes for very little desire to play repetitive games like this.

Update - Removing another star.

My ship commanders actually seem to be getting dumber as I play, while the enemy AI plays just fine. They work together while my team just drifts around randomly and never engages. Not gonna play a game where my own team handicaps me. Uninstalling.


Big time bug

Love the game, but this is the second time Iā€™ve had the same problem. The counter for the pieces for building new battleships and aircraft carriers keeps glitching. At this point Iā€™ve lost two battleships and three aircraft carriers. I complained once before and you fixed it but now itā€™s happening again. Itā€™s frustrating as Iā€™ve paid $50 to upgrade crystals for GalaxyReavers2. Whatā€™s the point of using the crystals, I am getting the return number of battleships, aircraft carriers, etc.

I hate to write one star reviews but itā€™s the only way to get your attention. I prefer that you had an easier way to reach you embedded in GalaxyReavers2 as I actually think this is a five star app except 1 glitch. The one star is only to get your attention. Sorry.


I want to love it buuuuut

Itā€™s probably one of the more fun and addictive space real time tactics games Iā€™ve played and the genre is great. Itā€™s shamelessly pay to win though, only partially balanced by daily limits and timers on things. If youā€™re going to be pay to win, then at least reward the people whoā€™ll fatten your wallets... itā€™s just good form.

Granted, while itā€™s pay to win, itā€™s still fun to casually play without paying anything... as king as you donā€™t mind a grind... because even when paying, itā€™s still a grind. Rewarding grind, but grind none the less.

It also inexplicably stopped working... the whole app crashes without being able to be opened... so thatā€™s a drag :( 2 stars until itā€™s fixed


Translator would help

The gameplay is fun. Graphics great. Fairly good p2w vs f2p balance. Biggest hindrance is the translation in game. Many items and captain special abilities donā€™t make any sense or just donā€™t do what they say. It seems to be a language to language issue. Not game breaking but a bit annoying when trying to pick captains and abilities. Story has the same issue with the npcs but I skip them anyway. Ships are a step up from the original. More factions are a very nice addition


Like the first but better

Its so much like the first installment, but with additions and tweaks that are so satisfying. Space battle in a nutshell with a decent feeling of progression and challenge that make you feel like you can alter or improve something small to win, instead of being locked behind pay walls and level requirements. Plus it looks fantastic. Well done, minus the small bugs that everything has its nearly flawless in my opinion.


Roller coaster

So many things to talk about. While the game is well designed there are certain aspects that seem they outsourced to 3 year olds to program. Every update comes with bugs that sometimes eventually get resolved.
Their rewards for events is a complete joke. Even max rewards only has a small chance of given you even part of a good thing.
Packs in the game are super overpriced and drop rates for good items is horribly low.

Now the good things.
Premium currency is decently given but again the low chances of getting good things means you have to hoard as much as you can.
Fleet control has a nice manual ability unless you are in certain pvp instances to promote some fairness.
The flexibility of ships is nice allowing you to do whatever you want even if it may not be the most ideal, you can play how you want to an extent.

Resources to upgrade your fleet are scarce and very monotonous to get but I guess thatā€™s just the joys of playing a mobile game


Garbage game from garbage devs.

The game is trash. Hereā€™s why:

1. The game runs on servers, which means no offline play unlike the last game. Also different servers means different communities per server, which makes the playerbase seem much smaller than it is.

2. Wallet warriors will run the game because of all the microtransactions. Thereā€™s even an ā€œachievementā€ for spending $8,000. Iā€™M NOT KIDDING.

3. The devs still are cheap and donā€™t want to hire someone to translate, meaning the only English in the game is completely broken and makes the story hard to follow. Even google translate would work ā€œmuch goodlierā€ haha what a joke.

4. You canā€™t progress past the 5th chapter of the campaign without spending money. You will be at 50k strength, but your enemy is at 75k. The progression stops unless you pay $20 to buy ā€œoptimalā€ gear. This is a very predatory practice.

5. There are no new ships or weapons, everything in the game was taken straight from the first game, so thereā€™s no new content. Just recycled garbage with a bigger price tag on it.



Last update makes it crash on iPhone 6 Plus

Canā€™t open on iPhone 6 after last update. I click it opens for a second and immediately closes again. Iā€™ve deleted app and reinstalled and shut off phone etc. It just doesnā€™t work anymore.


Good Besides 1 flaw

I think this game is really good it keeps me engaged and wanting to get better ships and equipment. But Iā€™ve had one very annoying bug. The game always seems to disconnect for some reason making me have to reconnect. It happens to me around 2 times a minute and can be very frustrating. This disconnection problem doesnā€™t happen to any other app or game on my phone that requires internet. The game is good itā€™s not great at least till something happens with this disconnection problem.


Fun but needs a little work

Game is fun but whoever is doing the translations in the game isnā€™t very good. A lot of things in the game arenā€™t explained very well. This is partially because of the poor translation. Iā€™ve learned a lot from trial and error with the help of some friends. If they explained the game better and had better translations that actually made sense Iā€™d give this a 5 star. If that does change Iā€™ll come back and change this review to a 5 star.


Good gameplay crappy developer

Let me start off by saying the game is actually pretty fun. I enjoyed it more than the first galaxy reavers. I also would not be leaving a poor review if I was considering gameplay only.

Iā€™ve been playing for a few weeks now and figured Iā€™d bind my account to Game Center, as Iā€™m prompted every time I log in. Big mistake. After doing so, it restarted me from the beginning tutorial mission. Now Iā€™ve lost all my progress, and purchased items.

So I go through the tutorial in hopes Thereā€™s a way to contact support to get my account restored. Nope. I canā€™t even post in the game chat to ask other players because thatā€™s locked until you hit level 8.

So I go to the Apple store and click on app support. It takes me to their Facebook. I do not have an account nor am I going to create one simply so I can contact the developer.


Do not play! Read please!

While playing, in the first five minutes, the game paused itself during an active game session and asked for access to my camera. It was the normal ā€œgalaxy reavers would like to access your cameraā€ message but it was funny because there was something written inā€¦ Chinese? I think? Very disturbing that this game needs access to your camera, I wasnā€™t adding a photo or anything, just playing.

Deleted from device, I really donā€™t trust this game. I had to screen shot it because it was so out of place.


Reaver 2? awesome but...

Game had potential but the developers are lazy and dont update anything been 2 years since the last update, same repetitive modes every week and events are rigged to keep spending. When i say this game had potential it really did still can if they start actually hearing out the player base but is not happening, game is going to be abandoned like the first. Dont even spend your $. Such a shame game was is actually fun

Is Galaxy Reavers 2 Safe?

Yes. Galaxy Reavers 2 is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,818 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Galaxy Reavers 2 Is 65.9/100.

Is Galaxy Reavers 2 Legit?

Yes. Galaxy Reavers 2 is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,818 Galaxy Reavers 2 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Galaxy Reavers 2 Is 100/100..

Is Galaxy Reavers 2 not working?

Galaxy Reavers 2 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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