Hue: Adventure inmost of color Reviews

Hue: Adventure inmost of color Reviews

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About: Hue is a vibrant, award-winning puzzle-adventure, where you alter the world by
changing its background color. In Hue you explore a dangerous grey land,
unearthing colored fragments on a journey to find your missing mother.

About Hue

As obstacles match the background, they disappear, creating new and exciting puzzles - full of peril, mystery… and colors unseen.

In Hue you explore a dangerous grey land, unearthing colored fragments on a journey to find your missing mother.

Hue is a vibrant, award-winning puzzle-adventure, where you alter the world by changing its background color.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 1,268 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Hue

- Beautiful design

- Well-thought out puzzles that provide a decent challenge

- Very atmospheric

- Brilliant and unique game mechanics

- Lovely story

20 Hue Reviews

4.0 out of 5



I loved this game a lot. It was fun, and it was new and different from other games I’ve played. I like how part of it was like a puzzle and you had to solve it to complete a level. I think it was a good challenge because once I figured out what I needed to do. I didn’t stop until I finished the level; it gave me a sense of motivation and satisfaction unlike other dumb games. I wish there were more levels, I finished it in 3 days, 3 DAYS. This was the only game I played on my phone in that time. I think the $5 was definitely over priced. It should have been $2. If you think about it, $5 is not that much, but for a simple app, it is a lot. I want this app to add more levels or make a part 2 or something because I spent the $5 and I want to get all of my money’s worth. Also because I really enjoyed it. I need an update for Hue that will add a part 2 (have the mother go somewhere new).



A very unique and beautiful game— with a few minor issues. First, the game’s strong suits: beautiful design, well-thought out puzzles that provide a decent challenge, very atmospheric, brilliant and unique game mechanics, and lovely story so far. Where the game falls flat, however, is the controls. The color shift button and jump button are too close to one another and it’s very easy to accidentally shift the color because of this. This makes some of the later puzzles that require well-timed jumps and color control extremely difficult. An improvement on these controls would make the game just about perfect.

Also it makes me so sad people are complaining the full game costs money. The demo is very well done and provides a surprisingly long experience that’s fairly representative of the rest of the game. It’s well worth the $5 if you enjoy the beginning, and I would much rather know if I like a game BEFORE I spend money on it than after I’ve already purchased it.

Note: I purchased the full version of the game, but have not completed the last few levels yet.


Charming game but not so charming brats who call this game a spam

I frickin love this game, the storyline is interesting and incredible and it was well worth the $5.

You know what’s not incredible? The people who tank the rating of this amazing game because they can’t handle a game costing money. Like- Are you serious right now?

This game isn’t a scam, the developers did not program the demo to trick anyone into thinking that this was a full game because they literally labeled the middle tab of the starting screen, “Demo version”, like how much more do they need to do? Put a glowing neon sign next to it that’s says “Costs 5 dollars”? And on top of that, how broke are you whiny little brats if you’re seriously take the time to type a paragraph to yell sCaM and tell people how 5 dollars is sO mUch. Like we’re all lucky to get this game at such a price because it’s worth a lot more. And you know, it’s literally 5 dollars, you’re not going to die from spending 5 dollars for a game and it’s not expensive either, y’all are just broke, bratty, and cheap toddlers.


I’m glad it was listed as free

If it wasn’t been listed as free you couldn’t get to play any of the game and the part I played was fun and beautiful and relaxing and I had fun playing it but if you didn’t list it at free I wouldn’t have pre ordered it clicked on it found out I had to pay buttttt theee was a demo and that demo was really good it was amazing maybe I get the full version sometime in the future when I can get it myself but you should be glad people that you get to try out the game to see if it’s something you like and wanna commit to fully getting it you shouldn’t be oh u guys broke my heart cuz I found out you have to pay for the whole thing and you should just have it listed at five dollars. No cuz then you won’t get to find out how the game was like before paying those five dollars buttt you guys the developer peoples need to put somewhere for those people who think it completely free that it’s not somewhere people can see it but yeah great game wish I could do the whole thing but I’ll do it in the future! Byeeeeee


Waited so long for this!

First of all, let's just say the only low reviews are from the people WHINING about having to pay. And ONLY 5 Bucks. Like come on people. Seriously? This is worth WAY MORE than five bucks. The whining from people sickens me. This game is absolutely worth 5 bucks and if you complain about paying for software YOU USE, then stop using it altogether. Annoying. ANYWAY NOW FOR THE REVIEW:

What an amazing game. In the category of "games as art" this is truly a special one. The story is deep and original, the art is super polished and has its own really cool style, and the music is perfect for the game. One little thing people may notice is that the digital analog stick sometimes gets stuck in the Up position, and also sometimes the paint wheel gets a little sticky and/or won't show up until you move to a different spot. Again, totally easy fixes that I'm sure the devs will look into, and either way it is still completely playable and enjoyable. I truly love this game. Even bought it on switch so :) buy it now and get playing! Totally worth it. Great job devs


This game is amazing, It’s called Demo for a reason

It’s so weirdly sentimental to me like it almost made me cry when I started to play the music in the background, and that girl speaking it was just so calm although I didn’t buy it I highly recommend this game to those who want to play something that’s calm and includes some puzzle solving. thank you for your time. ITS CALLED DEMO FOR A REASON, do you not understand a game where it says demo which means either the full game isn’t out yet or you have to purchase the full game like shut up already about “Oh I had high expectations for this game” like come on now at least you got a taste of what the actual game is like right? My god y’all are some brats if y’all are talking about how it’s FIVE DOLLARS just ask your parents and if they say no oh well find a new game that doesn’t have demo on it then if your going to sit here and complain how the full game costs money, because actual good games like this should cost way more than that and I hope you realize this. Have a nice day.


Worth the money spent

I was a little skeptical about paying $5 dollars for the full version, however after playing the entire game I can say that it was definitely worth it. I’ve t never played anything like it before. The storyline was very original and it was a truly beautiful game. Usually I get frustrated with puzzle adventure games because they eventually get so hard that you are stuck and not sure what to do. This game is completely different and they do a FANTASTIC job of slowing giving you harder puzzles while showing you how all of the mechanics work. And for as complicated as some of the puzzles seem at first glance, the deeper you get into each puzzle the more sense it makes. I was never stuck for long and again they did such a good job of prepping you for the harder puzzles and also keeping it interesting! Overall this game was amazing and if you are hesitant to pay, I highly recommend that you do. You won’t regret it!


It has such a great storyline and concept, but there are a couple issues.

The game is so cool and I really enjoy the storyline. The design/style is so unique and the sound affects are calming. However, the controls are very sensitive and may even be slightly small. I enjoyed the demo so much that I decided to pay the 4.99. Since the demo was a bit short, I did not notice these complications. This game would be so peaceful and enjoyable if I wasn’t getting so frustrated with the controls. I am on a level that requires me to change the colors in order to get past the spikes. Sadly, when I get to a certain point, I can’t jump far enough to the other box. I have tried changing to the other color so I can get to a box that is closer, but when I switch, the box underneath me disappears. I’ve tried moving while switching colors, however, it won’t allow me. I’ve been trying to do the level for a while and instead of being calm, I am getting upset and flustered. This game has so much potential and if the developers can solve these inconveniences, I think the game would be AMAZING!


Bad Controls

So the main controls are:
• A direction wheel to your left, controlled by sliding your thumb in any direct on the screen. This control, while it could be improved, is not all that horrible.
• Your jump and interact button (one button) to your right
• And your color wheel, also to your right, directly above that jump button.
The problem lies in this layout. If you move your right thumb up while jumping it cause the color wheel to open, useful for making quick changes, not so great when you’ve already selected the proper color and are trying to run away from rolling boulders or a crumbling platform. I understand that the quick change is necessary for many puzzles in the game but perhaps something a little less invasive.
On top of this, the character is difficult to control as it slides and runs all over the place. There are some levels that require you to manipulate blocks and place them in specific places to use them as platforms but your character can move them around just by landing on them and there is no way to lock them in place.
Overall it feels like this game was supposed to be played with a controller and wasn’t really meant for a touch screen. Levels are fun and the story is somewhat compelling but in the end 3 Stars is all I can give at this moment.
Final Recommendation: Download and play the demo, but I wouldn’t recommend buying as is right now.


Great design but missing a few things

This game is really engaging and beautifully designed. So far I’m really enjoying it. There are a few places where the game could improve. The jump button and the this app button are too close together. This causes me to hit one when I need the other which is a problem in situations where you have to act fast. There are some levels you need a checkpoint because they’re just too long and action packed to get it 100% right every time. This leaves me redoing the same things over and over again just to get to the part that I’m actually trying to master. This gets really boring and makes me stop playing the game. A third idea that might help is a hint button. There are a few of the puzzle type levels where that would help. Overall a great game though.


Slight control problem

I’m going to start this off with saying I only played the demo so this may not be a problem in the full access game. As I was playing the beginning of the game I noticed the controls were acting up once in a while, if I held the joystick for to long it would stick in one position and I would have to move it back before I could go into a room. It’s not necessarily a big problem but it got tedious and annoying after a couple times. That’s really the only problem I had with the game. I like the story it was intriguing and I love the color controls, I’ve never seen controls like that and I enjoyed it. The puzzles were simple but I would imagine they get harder the father you go in the game. I think the creators have a unique game on their hands and they have an interesting concept.


Whiny, entitled brats 🙄

To all the cheap, entitled idiots here complaining about the game not being free: Seriously? Would you rather it have ads filling the screen every 30 seconds, and microtransactions that nickel and dime you to actually progress? No, you'd be complaining about that too. You people are absolutely pitiful, whining over a few bucks for a console quality game.

this app is absolutely lovely, and worth every penny; I knew that already from owning it on PC. My only gripe is that there's no controller support. With Apple now allowing Xbox and PS4 controllers to be used, I feel like there's really no excuse for leaving it out. Adding that would make it a solid 5 stars for me.


I finished the game

Wanted to wait to finish the game until I wrote a review. I have to say, well worth the $5. There are a couple bugs, like the messages will repeat once you die, but otherwise it’s a very well executed game. It took me a while to figure out how to get to the university (make sure you talk to everybody and keep talking to them until their first message repeats!) Even after you finish and see the credits, you can keep playing and get all of the vials, which is great. For anyone who hasn’t figured it out yet, you can’t switch colors when you’re in an area which a hidden colored block is, so you have to move out of the way of it. Overall, great game! Very satisfying to play and I’m so glad I paid for the full version.


I’m sorry but

Edit: okay for the ridiculous people who are telling us to stop complaining about having to pay, maybe we wouldn’t complain if it wasn’t advertised as free! We all know it’s a great game and it is worth what it costs, we just wish we weren’t lied to!

I had high hopes for this game and I’m not rating it one start because it’s really five stars in concept to me. But to advertise this as free and then only give us a pitifuI demo version is just sorrowful. I was really looking forward to this game but I’m just not going to give five dollars to complete the whole thing so I’m just leaving this game a three star review, which is merciful because it really could be given one star. ☹️. This is the first rating of a game ever that I’ve given below four stars so be very proud of that. Also I don’t want to be mean towards the company because they did make a wonderful game, but the advertising was treacherous.


The game is simple and beautiful, but....

I have bought the full version and it is beautiful. The music, the lore, And the fact that this game is based on colors made me pay more attention to each of the colors value, simple but meaningful. However, it can turn into a rage game 😅. I’ve gotten stuck on the level where the game introduces the crumbling platforms. I get close the first few times but I fail. Then after doing it the first few times my hands get sweaty and my phone can’t read me using the controls making it harder. What I’m saying is maybe add some smaller check points? Because this game I see is supposed to be emotional, and I don’t want myself or others to rage quit.


And i see you only let good reviews post. I will screenshot you guy’s all over Facebook

Yea this is a scam. Im sure Captain Anarchy is part of the team. I dont think anyone is complaining about having to pay. Its the sneaky way that you guys went about it. It wasnt posted. And what the heck is up with the fact that ive dont want the game at all and now it keeps popping back on my phone. I DO NOT WANT THIS ON MY PHONE PERIOD! And i will go to legal extents if needed. I refused it back then, and last night it just popped up on my phone like if I downloaded this junk. I deleted it again and this morning its back. You will not force this on me. Looks great but I have to agree with the other person. You should have posted that this game is not free. I don’t mind paying for stuff, but I like to know when I have to pay. Sorry guys. Maybe something you should want to work on. Im taking it off again. I dont want it, never did. Stay off.


For whoever doesn’t wanna pay

Dude !!!! I discovered that the demo version is a WHOLE WORLD !!! It’s WAY bigger than everyone thinks 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯!!!! See, if u come BACK to the very FIRST level , go to the locked gates and OPEN the with ur newly acquired colors, u can go through a WHOLE NEW ADVENTURE. I played the demo like five times till this idea popped into my head cuz i was like “this is the type of game where u gotta use ur head” and so, I STILL haven’t finished the DEMO after like, A WEEK. idk if this is the full experience but, good enough for me 🤷‍♂️ i read the reviews and most people thought the demo was short and the full version was expensive, so there ya go !
(Btw i accpet cash or credit card for that tip)
(Seriously though 👀)



Okay don’t get me wrong, the game is great as far as the demo goes, but I do have a problem with the game. As you may hav noticed, yes you have to pay. I like the game personally but you already earn money from people getting the game and on top of that you want $5 from everyone who wants to play it. Anyways I’ve seen other people play it and the game at most lasts like 3 hours of time to beat with the secrets included. My main problem is that you made the game seem like it was long, challenging, and free and it wasn’t. The company itself also pulled a pretty scummy maneuver, it made you have to pay as “in-app purchases” that way 1.) 30% does not go to apple for exposing the game to people and 2.) the game has more downloads making it seem like it’s better then it is without anyone actually playing it. They could have just made a demo version of the game as a separate app.


Hey Guys

I don’t know but there was something wrong with it, I somehow played most of the game for free by pressing purchase, and since I didn’t have sufficient funds, I clicked Free Trial or Tutorial and it let me play on, it saved my place without me having to do it again, I completed getting all the colors, then got pretty fair in the mountain area, then I had to reset my phone so I’m gonna try playing all this again because this game deserves it because it’s beautiful. I don’t know if it’s been fixed but if it didn’t I definitely would’ve bought it. I just felt like telling you guys that. But I absolutely love this game!


I actually pre-ordered this, to be the first to download the app

I first pre-ordered the game when I wanted a new game, I saw this game, looked interesting, I tried to install it, but it wasn’t released yet, okay no big deal, waited a few weeks, got the game. Then I first went to see the demo version, it actually really liked it, it’s hard for me to actually like a game, I usually download it and in the next hour or two I dis install it. Not with this game, it love it so much, I even enjoyed it so much, I payed for the rest of the game. I NEVER pay for a game, but I really enjoyed this one, I just had to. Thanks for a good game (don’t mind if I miss spelled anything)

Is Hue Safe?

Yes. Hue: Adventure inmost of color is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,268 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.0/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Hue Is 22.1/100.

Is Hue Legit?

Yes. Hue: Adventure inmost of color is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,268 Hue: Adventure inmost of color User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Hue Is 38.4/100..

Is Hue: Adventure inmost of color not working?

Hue: Adventure inmost of color works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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