
Tetragram Software

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Tetragram Overview

You can share your ratings with our community to help others find the most effective products.

Over time, Tetragram can help you find out which products give you the most relief for your symptoms.

Create custom symptoms, take photos, write detailed notes, and focus on making the most helpful experience for you.

Understand what works best for you, and find other products that work similarly.

You can enter individual components (like terpenes and cannabinoids) so that you can get more specific than just the strain name.

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Product Details and Description of

Track what you use Creating a diary of your cannabis experiences is the fastest way to know what works best for you. Keep track of what you’ve had and how it helps. No more remembering strain names. We won't force you to track things in a certain way - track as little or as much information as you want. You can enter individual components (like terpenes and cannabinoids) so that you can get more specific than just the strain name. Over time, this app can help you find out which products give you the most relief for your symptoms. Rate your experience Each type of cannabis has its own unique effect. Understand what works best for you, and find other products that work similarly. You can share your ratings with our community to help others find the most effective products. You have full control over what you share and when—we care as much about your privacy as you do. (It helps that we're also patients) Customize how you track Uniquely yours in every way. Create custom symptoms, take photos, write detailed notes, and focus on making the most helpful experience for you.

Top Reviews

By UberGinger

*this* is the tool I need!!!

This app is exactly what I have been searching for - I have tried them all. Love that it’s customizable and so easy to use. Nothing confuses me - some of those apps were like a puzzle. this app is a great tool, cool name, painless use experience. Highly recommend and will mention to my dispensaries. Well done!

By &hdy

Cannabis Benefits Simplified

This app is the future of medicinal cannabis treatment and technology! Being able to share what I am consuming and what I am using it for so that others can identify what might work for them is huge. I’m looking forward to expanding my medicinal cannabis use with this app!

By the_realarod

Best Cannabis Journaling App

I can’t believe that I actually have something that can track what I need for my Lyme Disease, and be able to handle everything involved with my medicine! Can’t wait to see how this app evolves, this really changes the game for cannabis journaling! Thanks this app!

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