NYSEG app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with NYSEG

Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to NYSEG.

⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
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Problems reported in the last 24 hours

24 hour clock ⏰

Summary of NYSEG Problems 🔥

- Have to sign up for auto pay to view billing history

- Monopoly gets money or people sit in the dark

- Meters read only half the time

- Power outages when wind blows over 2 miles an hour

- Power surges cost more money

- App updates don't fix issues

- No instant login

- Bills don't populate

- Notifications don't come when to submit readings

- Meter readings don't work most of the time when submitted

📋 3 Reported Issues:

Michael B 2023-04-04

Have I phone NYSEG app will not allow me to sign in. Reset password it works online for my laptop. The response I get it "we have been unable to log into your account" Uninstalled it a few times. Also tried to try new registration indicates account already exist. Either way I cannot log into my account through the app. 4/4/23. Called NYSEG response time is in 24 hours. Unbelievable. Get connected to a person who does not speak English very well, to record my issue and tell me I will get a response in 24 hours.

Tina Wise 2023-02-18

Can’t make a payment through app or online at NYSEG - but you’ll charge a late fee- I cannot get payment through at all been a problem for at least 2 months

Kyra D Stephanoff 2022-10-13

Cannot open NYSEG app on my iPhone or iPad which has the latest OS.I try using the Id and password for the account that I am able to open using my browser.

Showing 1-3 of 3 reported issues:

Have a Problem with NYSEG? Report Issue

  Contact Support

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E-Mail: mobileapp@avangrid.com

Website: 🌍 Visit NYSEG Website

Developer: Avangrid Inc.

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