I need my operative note for GI surgeon that used to work and operate at The Cleveland Clinic. He has since moved on.
I need my operative report in order to schedule another surgery and it is not recorded on myMy Chart.
I have to do it the old fashioned way. Make a pile of phone calls and since my Fax machine isn’t working at the moment have to find a nearest Fax machine.
It would be trillions easier if I or any physician who needed the report had access to it.
I’m sure there are a lot of other reports like x-rays and results of other tests like CT scans and MRI’s were available.
The problem is, either the Patients moves on or the Doctor moves on and it would be greatly helpful.
Thank You, Darlene Radke.
PS I hope you continue to be innovative and start including more than blood work and appointments in MY CHART. Blood work may be interesting for the patient to look at and maybe ask questions but things like Surgical Notes, CT scans, and MRI’s may make a big difference in future care.
Also, for me to just request the OP note is help;ful to the doctor, but what if he decides something else might be helpful and if he had old records he might not have to repeat them.