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Summary of Voisey Problems 😠👌🔥

- Pitch issue when auto tune is turned on

- Videos won't post/upload

  6 Reported Issues: 😵🆘🛟🚨📢

Shauntae Brown

It says error when I try to upload, I am unable to see anything new or post

Ahh Corinthia

The app keeps crashing out every time I attempt to record a song.


Every time I try to pick a beat to sing it force closes. Before this it keeps the default setting on pop. And if I go to re-record a video it resets the setting. Never used to do this till like 3 updates ago. So frustrating. Makes me not want to use the app


This app is constantly crashing. Everytime I try to record and post it crashes and I’ve been TRYING to use Voisey all week. Everyday it’s been the same issue.

Wilicia McCoy

Voisey app closes when I try to use the beat I picked.


This is the only app I have on my phone that makes my phone get HOT very quickly ( overheating) and as soon as it does ( less than 5 mins into use the app crashes for has major interference… thought it was just my old phone .. but no, got another phone now and the situation is worse!!! Great app but been having this issue for over 6 mths .. it’s so annoyjng

Showing 1-6 of 6

Have a Problem with Voisey? Report Issue

Common Voisey Problems & Solutions. Troubleshooting Guide

Complete guide to troubleshoot Voisey app on iOS and Android devices. Solve all Voisey app problems, errors, connection issues, installation problems and crashes.

Table of Contents:

  1. Voisey iPhone Issues and Solutions

  2. Voisey Android App Issues and Solutions

  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Voisey Entertainment Limited, developers of Voisey.

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E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: 🌍 Visit Voisey Celebrity voice changer Website

Privacy Policy: https://voijoi.com/privacy-policy

Developer: 12th Player Ltd

About this app

Join producers, beat makers and other songwriters and create brand new hits. this app gives you the best voice filters ever on a mobile phone, including the original Auto-Tune™, the sound that changed rap and pop music for good.  Sing, rap or upload beats with rising star beat makers and song writers and create split screen videos with friends and popular artists.  Explore unique content from your favorite artists, follow the world’s next big stars and help them rise to fame.  this app is the best ever music app for singers and rappers.