Grateful: A Gratitude Journal Reviews

Grateful: A Gratitude Journal Reviews

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About: According to researchers at the Harvard Medical School, “Gratitude helps
people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their
health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” Grateful was
created to make expressing gratitude in your life both easy and fun, as well as
to remind you, during those down moments, of the many blessings in your life
(that you've documented in Grateful).

About Grateful

What is Grateful? Grateful is an app designed to make expressing gratitude in your life easy and fun. It offers daily prompts to help you reflect and give thanks, and allows you to browse past entries by time or prompt. Grateful is totally private, with no sign-ups or logins required, and offers both free and premium features.



- Daily prompts to start your journal entry

- Simple interface for easy reflection and giving thanks

- Ability to add photos to your entries

- Easy browsing of past entries by time or prompt

- Flexibility to use Grateful's prompts or create your own

- Totally private with no sign-ups or logins required

- Free version includes 15 journal entries, unlimited reminders, and the ability to edit past entries

- Premium features include unlimited entries, data backup with Dropbox and iCloud, passcode with Face ID for added privacy, ability to create your own prompts, and export entries to file (PDF or CSV format)

- Growth Bundle subscription offers premium features on a monthly or annual basis

- Full privacy policy and terms of use available on the app's website.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 2,998 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Grateful

- Easy to use and navigate

- Ability to add/edit entries and photos easily

- Option to write any prompt to track any area of life

- Simple and quick to use

- Ability to upload photos and add additional notes or thoughts

- Helps to focus on what makes the user happy

- Can bring a smile to the user's face when feeling down

20 Grateful Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Getting Frustrated

I have used Grateful for a long time (I have the purchased version). I love that I can add photos and create my own prompts, and the prompts that are there in the beginning are also good to utilize. I never had an issue until a few weeks ago. Grateful would crash every time I tried to open it. I didn’t want to delete it because I didn’t want to lose all of the memory filled entries I had made (probably close to a years worth), and I couldn’t remember the last time I backed it up to the cloud. After a couple weeks of hoping an update would occur to fix it, I ended up having to delete Grateful . Fortunately I only lost about a week or two worth of entries (not including the two weeks it didn’t open for me). I transferred all of the entries I had been keeping in my Notes app, backed the this app app up to the cloud, and continued to use it. But it was short lived. I am now experiencing the same issue. Even if I uninstall Grateful , reinstall it, restore my purchase, and import my data from the cloud, it tells me to restart Grateful to complete that process and then crashes all over again. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I would really appreciate a solution as I look forward to using Grateful every night before I go to bed. Until this issue is resolved, I would not recommend Grateful. Maybe others are having better luck than me.


This could be a five-star app if...

I just tried using Grateful for the first time. When I first opened it, I loved the simple UI and design. I was pretty excited to get my gratitude on after just waking up. So, the prompt asked me “What are you looking forward to?” I spend a good five minutes considering my response, and about another ten minutes typing in my entry. I also liked how you can add photos if you’d like. Since my entry was about taking my first trip to London, I thought perhaps I should attach a picture of the city to help me visualize it better. So, I swing over to Google Images so that I could grab a photo, and when I came back—poof. My entire entry was reset. NOT COOL. I spent a considerable amount of time coming up with a thoughtful entry, and it all gets deleted just because I switched to another app for a brief moment. This wasn’t good for my first experience using Grateful , as I do quite a bit of multitasking on my device. It’s such a basic feature, why would you wipe all of my intimate thoughts just because I momentarily switched apps? With that said, I’ll probably delete Grateful and never upgrade to the premium. Perhaps I’ll change my mind if you fixed this issue. I only gave Grateful 3-stars because I like their other apps so much. I expected way more.


Missing a calendar view

😊 I downloaded Grateful yesterday and I find its simplicity nice, however was tempted to look into other apps as i saw they have a “track your mood” calendar view that allows you to set your mood with a face and then see how you felt every day (displaying the faces) and then see an overall mood graph for the month/week etc... i thought that was super cool, but then again other apps are too full of stuff its overwhelming. Tried using an emoji here but then i dont have a calendar view to track my mood progress (which btw is pretty encouraging if you manage to uplift it)... seeing more happy faces on a calendar for sure helps! Any chance this could be included? 😃✨ (I also saw a cool “gratitude jar” on some app, which allowed you to see your blessings (what you were this app for) after clicking on it, but again, it was too complicated, also kind of public and needed to upgrade to a paid version for the nicest things advertised on Grateful store (not so cool). Maybe you can give this a thought and improve it much more! Thanks tho! Nice app



I typed a very long this app story and then left Grateful for a email notification, I return to Grateful and it all vanished. I wasn't even off the application for more than 30 seconds and everything I typed disappeared instantly.
That’s so unfortunate..since I wanted to really get involved into this platform but I don’t want to stress myself out over my paragraphs being deleted so quickly. That would just cause so much more stress & anxiety for me then actually enjoying Grateful & act of gratitude. I am hoping the developers find a way to work through this. Since I’m a writer and write long entries, I can’t imagine having to copy and paste every time I want to save my entries from being deleted. From this app App to Notes, from Notes to this app App, vice versa. I could just use my notes on my iPhone. It has less aesthetic but at least my notes don’t vanish once I leave the application to roam in the background.

I feel and love the potential, won’t delete Grateful , but hope to see future improvements & updates to counteract this inconvenience.
Namaste to All!


Good UI but few updates would be helpful

I’ve used Grateful on and off for a couple of years. I have the paid version. It has great, pleasing, simple interface. I appreciate the ability to choose between Grateful ’s prompts or to write my own. It does have cloud-based backup that can be used to sync between devices, which is nice. However, you must instigate this sync manually under Grateful settings every time you want it to run, and if you have a new entry on each device that hasn’t been synced, you’ll have to decide which device’s entries to lose. I would love to see a true cloud-based sync that I didn’t have to instigate every time.

As one other reviewer pointed out, if you leave Grateful mid-entry or before saving the entry, Grateful seems to reboot and whatever you have written but not saved is lost. This is less of an issue once you realize it, but if there’s a fix there it would be a great upgrade!


Easy to use, surprising how much joy it brings

I love Grateful! It’s super easy to use and the more you use it the more features you’ll find. I started just writing text but found that photos add so much more to my journal/joy. Recently I started tagging my entries which helps me filter/search entries but a side benefit is that it’s an indication of what makes me happy… and then I can focus on doing more of the same.

When I’m feeling down I often open Grateful , scroll through my entries and find myself smiling.

I highly recommend Grateful.


It made me so sad!

I loved Grateful and used it religiously but the backup user interface is awful. You have to do it manually and the restore from backup link is placed directly below the backup link which resulted in me hitting the wrong button in a distracted hurry and losing almost a months worth of this app entries. I feel so sad. It’s like a month of precious and personal journal entries have been lost forever and the memories that I thought I was saving are gone. It meant a lot to me to have these memories, especially during the pandemic. The restore button should be in another safe location. How often does a user need to revert to an old backup and delete all new entries? It doesn’t even make sense. It seems small but this is a huge design flaw. Time to go back to pen and paper.



I was pretty excited when I downloaded this because I just wanted a simple app to keep a gratitude journal with. I am on my phone a lot, and it’s easy to flip over to Grateful and notate something for which I’m this app. This had a free version, no bells and whistles, awesome! Well, with the free version you only get 15 entries, which is not actually a free “version,” it’s a trial. That information wasn’t disclosed up front, so I’ll be deleting Grateful in favor of something else. If you’re interested in a premium membership, Grateful is pretty easy to use and has great prompts to get you thinking about all the things we have to be this app for, but if you’re looking for a free version, this isn’t Grateful for you.


Best journal app ever!

I absolutely love Grateful. You can add/edit entries and add/edit photos very easily. I am not real tech savvy, so I mean it is EASY! Best feature is the ability to write any prompt you need to track any area of your life. It is much more than a gratitude journal. I track everything from my moods to pics of cute things that happen during day (such as pet pics)etc. I can look at the memories any time to remember the good things when I am sad, which is often.
Very much worth the one time fee to purchase Grateful. It has made a huge difference in my life.


My Second Day

This is only my second day using this journal so that’s why I only gave it 4 stars, I’m still learning about it and seeing what I can do with it.. so far I am enjoying it, it’s very simple which I Love and the Prompt questions they give when you first open it is Great!! Sometimes you don’t always know how to get started when you’re new to having a journal, Even though I’m not totally sure about it yet, I paid the $4.00 for the full version I like the free version enough to take chance of paying for the upgrade.. I will update in a couple of weeks, for right now I would say ‘Yes’ try it out for yourself..


Simply Love It

So far I really enjoy using Grateful. I downloaded about 4 different gratitude journals at once so I could use them all simultaneously to narrow down which one I liked the most and wanted to stick with or invest in the upgraded version. I'm liking this one because it's simple and quick. It's effortless and you have the option to upload photos as well and add additional notes or thoughts or affirmations to the entry. Good job dev....I haven't decided on which app I'm going to use permanently but this is definitely in the running.


The backup feature is crap / beware!!

I used to love Grateful, the design is so beautiful, BUT after loosing my data after getting a new phone and experiencing that the backup feature is CRAP, I can NOT recommend it! It is not possible to start a backup and switch to another app while waiting (takes many minutes), it stops without letting you know it failed. Even if you watch it and the screen locks because it is inactive!! And it seems to copy ALL your data every time, not only the new data, so it takes forever!! Your data is not safe with Grateful!! Try Happyfeed instead, they automatically save everything for you!!


Works really well To Help Feel Good Now

One of my favorite features about Grateful is when it asks you questions which really helps you connect with the feeling of gratitude I can honestly say gratitude and the gratitude app has really help me connect with God & manifest some major blessings in my life such As reconnecting with my son & trips to New Orleans and Florida & significant financial increase 2018 has had a lot of tears of joy for me and I feel gratitude is a big part of that so this app that the movie the secret really encouraged this concept To me


Won’t open, keeps crashing, lost a year’s worth of entries.

I pay for Grateful, and I enjoyed using it until a couple months ago when one day I opened it and it just wouldn’t load. This problem persisted, so I had to delete and redownload, losing my previous entries (1.5 yrs worth of journaling and photos) in the process. And that was pointless, because it STILL won’t work. I see that Reflecty bought Grateful , and is presumably intentionally sabotaging/killing it because it competes with Grateful they offer. DON’T SWITCH TO REFLECTY. There are other gratitude journals and apps out there, and those people are dicks for doing this. They could have at least let us save our old entries before turning this app into a brick.


I love this app

I do love Grateful. Definitely worth the one time $. I gave it a 5 star rating because it gave me what I was looking for, an electronic gratitude journal that I could easily use on the go.
I love being able to modify the prompts and personalize them.
I love being able to add pictures to enhance the entries.
Couple of things I’d like to see the developers work on. I wish it had the ability to show the full picture, rather than having to crop the picture to meet the size parameters.
Also, while I use Grateful mostly on my iPhone, I do occasionally use on my iPad. I wish that the developers would make Grateful responsive for those of us who use a keyboard with our iPad. (It won’t display landscape, or I haven’t found out how to make it do so.)
So even though I have a couple of suggested things to improve, it still warrants a 5.

Love it!


Cannot experience joy without gratitude

In practice Grateful has been an accessible way to get my feelings of gratitude down easier than onto paper. I love the added bonus of adding photos to my entries. I definitely feel the difference in everyday life and some of the challenges that come with. As I am in a state of gratitude I’m reminded daily of the smallest things that I appreciate and value. It’s a great addition to my spiritual growth. I recommend to ALL🙏🏼🌙


Find a Better App

I had over a year of entries on Grateful and they’re all lost. For about a month it wouldn’t open, I would tap on Grateful , it would start to open, then time-out and automatically close Grateful . I tried a number of things to fix it, but eventually just decided to be patient to see if it would fix itself. It didn’t. I ended up just checking to make sure it was backed up to iCloud and then nervously deleted it. After redownloading and successfully opening for the first time in a month, Grateful kindly informed me that I “had nothing to restore” from iCloud.🙃 Save yourself the pain of losing over a year of journal entries and find a better app!


Great to look back at !

I downloaded Grateful and started using it. It was great ! Although as time passed I did forget about it and stopped using it. Today I opened Grateful and read all the cool things I did with my friends and things my boyfriend has done. Things I have completely forgot. That just lit up my heart. I am great full for these memories. The best part is that you can attach a picture. So I have like a window to a memory I cherish. 10/10


Quarantine sanity-saver!

I started using Grateful a few weeks in to the COVID-19 situation and am so glad I found it. I have nothing but good things to say about it — it’s incredibly simple and easy to use. I’ve had no trouble keeping up the daily habit and owe credit to Grateful for helping me find the strength to get through such a challenging time. It’s really helped me take a second to count my blessings and appreciate the little things in life. Such a great find!


Everything I wanted!

This is everything I had wanted in a gratitude journaling app. The format is extremely simple, and the design is sleek and beautiful. The entries give you options and variety and you can even customize the prompts yourself. There is also a feature that lets you add additional notes or photos to each submission. The main page displays your reflections with no clutter or nonsense. It's the perfect tool for an individual to privately reflect on and appreciate life.


Good concept but needs a lot of improvement

I upgraded Grateful and used it often like a diary entry but the UI is not up to par with today’s technology. If I post a picture, it shows up cropped on the timeline and if you wanna look at the picture, you gotta open it rather than just slide thru timeline like we do on say Instagram. I treat Grateful like Instagram but its private, no one has access to it (at least to say) but haven’t been using it lately cause it’s not ‘attractive’ or let me put it this way: it does not have interesting features like other journal apps and whatever it does have, needs upgrade. Well I haven’t seen any updates coming through in last couple months, I hope there will be one soon.


I love this app

I do love Grateful. Definitely worth the one time $. I gave it a 5 star rating because it gave me what I was looking for, an electronic gratitude journal that I could easily use on the go.
I love being able to modify the prompts and personalize them.
I love being able to add pictures to enhance the entries.
Couple of things I’d like to see the developers work on. I wish it had the ability to show the full picture, rather than having to crop the picture to meet the size parameters.
Also, while I use Grateful mostly on my iPhone, I do occasionally use on my iPad. I wish that the developers would make Grateful responsive for those of us who use a keyboard with our iPad. (It won’t display landscape, or I haven’t found out how to make it do so.)
So even though I have a couple of suggested things to improve, it still warrants a 5.

Love it!

Is Grateful Safe?

Yes. Grateful: A Gratitude Journal is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,998 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Grateful Is 71.3/100.

Is Grateful Legit?

Yes. Grateful: A Gratitude Journal is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,998 Grateful: A Gratitude Journal User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Grateful Is 86/100..

Is Grateful: A Gratitude Journal not working?

Grateful: A Gratitude Journal works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Grateful Growth Bundle

- Monthly subscription: $2.99/month

- Annual subscription: $19.99/year


- Unlimited entries

- Data backup with Dropbox and iCloud

- Passcode with Face ID for added privacy security

- Ability to create your own prompts to answer

- Export your entries to file (PDF or CSV format)

How was your experience with Grateful: A Gratitude Journal? Post a Review

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