Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to Mighty Networks.
- Switching between more than one account can be a bit of a pain
- Push notifications are slow or don't work at all
- Bugs with posting times
- Poor buggy performance
- Lack of responsiveness
- Major accessibility improvements needed
I am trying to sign up on the app, but when I enter my country code and phone number, your app IS NOT sending a code to my number . I have paid a lot of money for these courses and I cannot access them because your app/whatever will not send my a code to my phone.
The app will nit open.
Mighty network app is not working in dubai , with Du network dont know why ?! I tried manytimes and i contact technical team but with no chance so far to solve this problem
App opens for about 3 seconds the crashes. I uninstalled and reinstalled and restarted phone, still doesnt work. (Android)
Hello there, I am a member of tThe Property Circle When I open the app on my mobile phone to post a message and I press the pencil or the + incons to start typing the app closes. It's been 4 days now since this started and I'd like some advice about how to solve this problem. Many thanks
After updated the app, when click the logo on the screen, it says content not found
Content not found
Mighty Network app is not working past the intro screen, then “Content not found”. I have an iphone 7 and 6 and both had the Mighty Network app update just before it stopped loading
Content not found message when trying to load the MN app on iPhone 7 and iPhone 6 - both after MN updated
The app shows the intro screen with Mighty Networks logo and then it goes blank it doesn’t do anything. It’s been this way for a week since I downloaded it originally . I have an iPhone 13
My iPad updated to the latest version and now it crashes whenever I select the notification ‘bell’.
After update, now when I try to see a notification, it crashes and closes the app.
I and others are having issues with the chat... it scrolls upwards & back down by itself... Is there a fix for this, for it's starting to be very annoying... It does not happen over the cellphones, only on desktop or laptop computers..
I have several clients all over the world that cannot watch videos on iphone. I have contacted support several times and 8 months later it still not resolved. We have tried everything. I had 5 people today who it says due to privacy issues they cannot watch the videos.
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