Mighty Networks app not working? crashes or has problems?

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Something else

Not working



Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Mighty Networks Problems 🔥

- Switching between more than one account can be a bit of a pain

- Push notifications are slow or don't work at all

- Bugs with posting times

- Poor buggy performance

- Lack of responsiveness

- Major accessibility improvements needed

📋 14 Reported Issues:

Leah 2024-03-25

I am trying to sign up on the app, but when I enter my country code and phone number, your app IS NOT sending a code to my number . I have paid a lot of money for these courses and I cannot access them because your app/whatever will not send my a code to my phone.

Cynthia Shipman 2023-05-27

The app will nit open.

Mohamed Abbas 2023-03-07

Mighty network app is not working in dubai , with Du network dont know why ?! I tried manytimes and i contact technical team but with no chance so far to solve this problem


App opens for about 3 seconds the crashes. I uninstalled and reinstalled and restarted phone, still doesnt work. (Android)

Richard Weekes 2023-02-17

Hello there, I am a member of tThe Property Circle When I open the app on my mobile phone to post a message and I press the pencil or the + incons to start typing the app closes. It's been 4 days now since this started and I'd like some advice about how to solve this problem. Many thanks

Sophia Assenga 2022-12-14

After updated the app, when click the logo on the screen, it says content not found

Clair Oaks 2022-11-01

Content not found

Kerstin Fricke 2022-10-30

Mighty Network app is not working past the intro screen, then “Content not found”. I have an iphone 7 and 6 and both had the Mighty Network app update just before it stopped loading

Kerstin Fricke 2022-10-30

Content not found message when trying to load the MN app on iPhone 7 and iPhone 6 - both after MN updated

Daniel Lev Shkolnik 2022-10-11

The app shows the intro screen with Mighty Networks logo and then it goes blank it doesn’t do anything. It’s been this way for a week since I downloaded it originally . I have an iPhone 13

Linda 2022-09-15

My iPad updated to the latest version and now it crashes whenever I select the notification ‘bell’.

Zina 2022-09-15

After update, now when I try to see a notification, it crashes and closes the app.

Johanne 2022-06-10

I and others are having issues with the chat... it scrolls upwards & back down by itself... Is there a fix for this, for it's starting to be very annoying... It does not happen over the cellphones, only on desktop or laptop computers..

Julie L Bach 2022-05-31

I have several clients all over the world that cannot watch videos on iphone. I have contacted support several times and 8 months later it still not resolved. We have tried everything. I had 5 people today who it says due to privacy issues they cannot watch the videos.

Showing 1-14 of 14 reported issues:

Have a Problem with Mighty Networks? Report Issue

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Developer: Mighty Networks