Park Smarter app not working? crashes or has problems?

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Something else

Not working

Problems reported in the last 24 hours

24 hour clock ⏰

Summary of Park Smarter Problems 🔥

- Some spaces will say 16 minute minimum and then if you try to add a tiny more time, it will say - you are over the limited amount of time

- Have to be standing right next to the meter to pay

- Extend button also asks that you should be standing next to the meter

- Only gives option to park for the minimum or maximum amount of time

- No reminder function

- No way to save the location of the park

📋 12 Reported Issues:

Sheryl Havkett 2024-10-10

Tried to pay for parking with the app and got a message “maximum time reached per posted signs”. I parked at 5:00 and free parking doesn’t start until 6:00 pm. I had to pay at the kiosk. Has happened two times trying to use the app.

Eric 2024-03-15

I use the app every week downtown. Today, March 15, 2024, the app logged me out. So I tried to "log in" and the app "phone number not associated with app". Then I tried to "create account". Then app, "Cannot use this app with this phone number". I use the app every day almost and today this just started. I mean the app has always been REALLY Buggy. But what is going on? It's a tool for the city for sure, but let's get this fixed already.

Theral Mackey 2023-08-18

the kiosks were down, had signs over them saying this. The app refused to let me pay, yet they still left me a "parking invoice" on my windshield for a full day charge!

Akhtar 2023-08-06

1. Wife cant access acct 2. I cant create acct

Prajith 2023-08-05

Not able to download as we are using iPhone registered in Canada

Lea Monaghan 2023-06-09

I am not able to confirm my signup info to open a new account. The summary screen shows overlapping text and I can’t activate the “confirm” link, but I can select the “cancel” link. How can I start a new account?

Terry Douds 2023-04-04

App has ALWAYS Worked - until today...can't access anything from phone or Desktop...every time I enter a Pwd, it times out...and I changed the pwd TWICE (with confirmation that it was accepted)...

Michele 2023-01-03

Will not let me confirm my info when creating an account. My iPhone is up to date with the latest software. Have tried deleting the app and reloading twice. Same problem each time.

Lost Customer 2022-12-30

App has never worked. Always returns can not process request error. Multiple attempts over different days / locations. Junk app.

Denise 2022-07-22

App says can not process request when I hit pay and I haven't been able to use the app to pay for parking it keeps giving the same error messages.

Joyce Brumaster 2022-04-18

trying to set up won't allow me to confirm.

Brendan 2022-04-04

App is a piece of shit. Won't boot up, just remains on the opening image. I restarted my iPhone, nothing. So I uninstall and reinstall the app, prompts me to log in, and no method of logging in works now. I tried logging in through FB, through my Apple ID, and with my phone number, but nothing happens. The app is an absolute unstable piece of shit

Showing 1-12 of 12 reported issues:

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