Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to Vaia.
- Issues with saving flashcards
- Issues with locating information in account settings
images arent uploading
Can’t log in with my account
I wanna make flashcards but some unexplainable bug seems to hinder my way of creating them there's like random free hand random equation appearing on the questions and answers portion of when I create flashcards
I'm starting to dislike this vaia at how often the website and app wouldn't load. At first, I could just wait for a few hours until it load, but when this happens during a tight schedule you can't help but be pissed off at how annoying it is. Please fix this issue!
It won't work when I try to access my flashcards on the internet on my laptop but it does when I go on my app on my phone. The website just wouldn't load.
I still can't log in even though I have good internet connection
The website will not load on my laptop at all its just a white screen. Ive turned my laptop off and on again. It works on my phone. I don't know what to do
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