🏷️ About:
The Yelp for Business Owners app is a free suite of tools that allows business owners to manage their Yelp business pages. The app provides important business analytics and allows business owners to connect with customers, respond to reviews, upload and manage photos, and view reports on ad clicks from Yelp users (advertisers only).
- Keeps track of demographics to improve target marketing
- Has a budget to set up
- Has a chat feature
- Has a Nearby Jobs feature
Read 34 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢
3.9 out of 5
Not Worth The Time Or Money.
by Bloodface9476
I’ve honestly only had my page active for this app for only a week. 7 days that’s it. In those 7 days, I have gotten someone claiming that I worked on their house which I did not do, numerous scam calls trying to get my information and get me to transfer to Google, and when I asked on average how many jobs would I receive, I was told a minimum of 10. No one has messaged me for a job. And now I am in a situation where scammers are calling and texting my phone non-stop and I have an over $150 charge that I am going to reluctantly have to pay. Very disappointed and dissatisfied. As a small business owner and a family man I deserve better than this. UPDATE: So to even get your business name off of this app, you have to shut down your business and delete all other social media of your business. Pretty much if you cancel on this app, this app goes out of there way to make it near impossible to have a web presence afterwards. Why? How is that even a legal business practice? Got it cancelled. Was told that would be charged on the 1st for the week however it’s in 2 separate billing cycles?? So I’m getting charged 5 days in one and 2 days in another. Only to figure out that I got charged today! It is the 23rd! All in all I’m happy I got out of this financial death trap! Also I AM NOT GOING TO GOOGLE ADS. This way other users will know this review is coming from a an actual person, who dealt with firsthand experience.
Run away from this company!
by Read_between_the_lines
This company chargers you per click , anyone can click your ad and you will be charged each time it is clicked. They claim they have a fraud protection to avoid competitors from clicking your ad but they have no way of proving or showing their “protection”. Be prepared to have your “client success manager” pressure you to raise your ad budget every so often... These client success managers make more commission when you spend more on ads. The leads aren’t even that good you get a lot of people who don’t respond , seems like this app has people going to your ads page and filling out the contact form with false info so your account gets charged and their client success managers get paid... On top of all this they nickel and dime you for everything. If you want to hide your competitors ads you pay, if you want to showcase your license and certifications on your page you pay, if you want to add a slideshow to your page you pay, if you want to highlight certain things about your business you pay... all they want is your money they don’t care about your results that’s why they charge you for clicks not for results or qualified leads..
What a nightmare
by MrsBrandyShattuck
I listed my business on this app and immediately started getting scammers CONSTANTLY calling me. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and changed my number. After a while I regretfully listed my new number thinking that since it had been a while maybe I wouldn’t have the same problem.. that was yesterday and I’m already getting the same scammers calling again and this time they tried to act like a customer and wanted to set up an appointment. I immediately knew what was going on and told them I wasn’t taking any appointment. After taking down a name, I asked if the number they were calling from was a good number and they said yes. After hanging up with them I tried calling the number.. and of course it’s not a working number. I call this app and they refused to take my information down even though my listing was new and had no reviews, so they are not helping me with my very obvious safety concerns! I’ll be making a police report and also putting in how this app evidently doesn’t care about the safety of their customers. Do not list with these people as they aren’t a safe company to advertise with.
Yelp will rob your money. DO NOT give them your payment information.
by RobbedByYelp
To make it short: this app is not the platform you want to use for your paid marketing. Once they have your payment information, they will literally steal money from you. Their customer service representatives are trained to not help the customer but only make sales for this app. They prompted me to get 2 FREE months of a campaign whenever I tried canceling my ads, I decided to select the 2 FREE months and I was charged a lot of money 5 weeks later.
Customer service could not help me, could not transfer me to a manager and wasted 40 minutes of my time on the phone with them with no resolution. If you want to give money away, donate to a charity and not these thieves. this app should be ashamed of themselves. I repeat, no matter how nice of a sales person rings your business phone... and they will call you, DO NOT give them your payment information, do not accept anything they are giving FREE because it will not be free & they WILL steal from you. Don’t believe me? Read all the other thousands of 1 star ratings.
They call you constantly to pay for ads, and are really rude. My boss owns a small business, when I spoke to a rep and told him I can’t make business decision he still wasted my time on his spiff. Then I had customers to attend to, and told him I was busy. Did he care nope still kept in talking! My boss came back and customers were waiting why? Because I was busy talking to a this app rep, that would not stop with telling me about this app. Bad business for small business people.
I decided to give yep a try.. Sales representatives promised me the world and when I asked how much he could not give me a answer. Said he will contact me before I get billed. I have a number to contact him with but always get a voice mail. this app don’t want to cancel my account. Careful when you place you credit card on file. Once you do that it’s over, you agree to pay what ever they bill you. I had to cancel my credit card to stop the payment. I got som much runaround just to cancel my account I decided to just go to my bank. That was way faster. Thank you this app for making my business harder. Never this app agin!!
Google it!!
Not very informative when signing up
by Sarasota By Sea
When I signed up for the business page they sold me on their “Advertising and promotions”. The quick version is, I was told I would be charged $1 for each actual phone call I received from a potential customer. The reality is they charge you $1 for every “Page click and website visit”. You can see how that spirals out of control in a month before you get billed. When I called to tell them that I didn’t receive one booking from them and not one phone call but was charged over $200 in “Fee’s” they said “Oh, those were people that visited your website”, and refused to refund any money. The gentleman that signed me up oroginally, Tyler Byrd, never called me back to speak to me about it despite saying at the time of sale “If you have any questions or concerns just give me a shout I’m always here for you”. I spoke with another guy who just fluffed off my concerns. Moral of the story, I’ve spent about $300 between Facebook and IG promotions and have received dozens of bookings through that. To date I have still not received one booking from this app.
Yelp deleting good reviews
by V2686
I have a business this app account and I’m paying for the services. I had 5 good reviews from clients that were contacted via Call to Action and hired our company. One day I only saw 3 reviews this app said 2 were not recommended so I called customer services and I was told it is a software managing the reviews and they can’t do anything about it so I express my intentions on closing my page and I was told that I can do what ever I want with it when ever I want to. This morning I logged in to my page and I see another review is showing as not recomendable so this is leaving me with 2 reviews only. I called again and they said not to worry about it because the two reviews I have are 5 stars and not affecting my rating, what they don’t get is that it does affect, personally if I’m looking at a business with 2 reviews and at a business with more reviews guess who will I call? So now this app will make me look fraudulent to the rest of the clients who will see 3 reviews as not recommended and they will think that I’m making fake reviews on my page. I’m so disappointed with this app.
Yelp business
by Mustafa 1991
We are a cleaning company which decides to use this app platform for advertising, from the moment we signed up with them a costumer success manager was assigned to us which she called once and never heard from her for months, the way the account was set up was totally wrong, we would receive leads from costumer for services we don’t provide like carpet cleaning , windows exterior, rags and upholstery cleaning, even though these type of service weren’t added into our account but still were unable to remove them after serveral times we tried to, called a lot of times the costumer success and their answer was oh we can’t do that because it’s from the free listing request. Reviews were removed due to a software that doesn’t recommend reviews even though the costumer who hired us wanted to review us. On top of that 75% of the costumer who would contact us were fake , same name same address different leads. And the 25% was from the other companies asking how we are doing with this app and selling their services, very bad experience, thousands of dollars spent for nothing. Stay away from them.
Yelp is trash
by Originator 88
First, they hire the least professional college students to harass you for ad money. They can’t understand no. But all the proof that’s needed for me that this app is garbage is that my Google customers rate me 4.5/5 and the reviews that this app ALLOWS to show on the main page comes to a 2 star rating. Now google is way more popular so I have exponentially more reviews on google so I’m not the least bit worried about this app. In fact I find that this app attracts some of the most snobby, stuck up customers you’d hope to avoid. So I don’t know if the low rating (only a few visible reviews in total) is deterring potential Yelpers but I see it as a benefit. Please, take your ridiculous demands and snobby-ness to a different company. I’m doing great without you and google/word of mouth attracts the best, down to earth people who I’m happy to have as customers.
Update: Thanks for your cookie cutter copy and paste response that doesn’t address any of my criticism. Very “this app” of you and just proves how little you care. Thanks for being a running joke around my office 😂.
App works 75% of the time but Yelp doesn’t deserve my money
by Pissed_off_drivers_everywhere
this app doesn’t deserve one penny of my advertising dollars. When you default every excuse to “because of our algorithm” - which is proprietary and built by you - is just a cop-out. If any customer takes the time to go to this app, create an account and leave a review then their experience should be worth something! By filtering out that person’s review this app has told them they are not worthy and their opinion and experience isn’t good enough. How do you expect to gain more users if you don’t let people start somewhere? And you’re punishing the businesses - who are PAYING YOUR BILLS in the process!! I will not spend one more cent on this app, since your “algorithm” decided to filter out all my positive reviews and leave the negative ones. I will deter everyone I possibly can to avoid this app both as a customer and a business. We should not have to spend thousands of dollars - with zero return on investment. I have not gotten any jobs from “we found you on this app”. They did find us on other sites and search engines - which don’t filter reviews and have a much more affordable (often free & organic) method for business advertising.
Run Away!!! This rating is really negative infinity stars!
by Cauffman97
this app as well as their “Biz” app is just as horrible as all of the reviews say. They steal reviews, claim to have some algorithm that can tell real reviews from fake ones, but customers who leave multiple reviews on this app are listed as “not recommended” and hidden as well as overall rating affected if you do not advertise with them. It’s so obvious they lie because my one and only negative review was from a customer out of state and has only ever left one review (who goes out of state for 3D4D ultrasound of their baby?) Nice try this app! But explain why that review is still up, yet 80% of the rest of our (all 5 star reviews) are from real customers who have left numerous reviews, but those are in the “not recommended” section. If you are even thinking about getting involved with this app, I would strongly encourage you watch the documentary “Billion Dollar Bully” first. It’s time for Small businesses to organize another class Action lawsuit now that we have more proof! I will be throwing a huge party when this app finally goes out of business! Wonder how they have 4 stars on this review of their app? I can’t find a review here that is more than one star.
Billion Dollar Bully
by LUI-G 2585
I didn’t want to believe that such a big company would actually live up to its description on a documentary that seemed like it was out to get them. But fortunately for the documentary “Billion Dollar Bully” it’s true! They claim businesses who pay to advertise and those who don’t receive the same treatment however this is easily debunked when they attempt to “extort” money from you and you decline. Day 1: I opened the account, 2 reviews are placed by customers Day 2: Representative attempts to call me to “talk about my account” I decline. Day 3: 3rd customer review placed on the spot does not show up Day 4: representative puts more pressure into calling me to “talk more about it” Day 5: 1 posted review disappears and representative claims all this is happening due to their algorithm weeding out the “fake reviews” Really? Because I bust my bottom to get good reviews and the algorithm just decides they’re fake. Read more reviews here and you’ll see I’m one of many. Try Google reviews, they haven’t got caught or accused of any shady malpractices. Also an automated generic response is placed after every complaint. Maybe it’s their algorithm doing the responding too. Luckily this isn’t this app or the “algorithm” would flag me as fake.
Not Too Impressed
by OfferUpPrivacyRights
Watch Billion Dollar Billy documentary about this app and then you decide how you feel about this app and how they treat small business owners. I had 5.0 Stars for 6 years and promoted this app harder than anyone, at least 10,000+ people and clients I have referred to this app and have well over 600-1,000 pictures of work I have done for customers on this app too. this app Calls me daily to try to get me to buy advertising, lies and says its $0.11 then tells me it comes out to thousands of dollars per month and doesn’t offer any advantage at all. Each time I say I’m not interested I get a mysterious bad review from someone who is not a customer, so I can’t even say I’m not interested or they make up stories and put them on your business listings. Then when I complained to this app about it, they started filtering out my last sixty 5 Star reviews and continue to filter out 99% of all customer reviews for the last 2 years too. Yelp also constantly says you have mail, sometime 1-10 messages but when you click on Yelp there is no messages, even resetting app or resetting I phone doesn’t fix the ongoing problems with this app. this app feels to me and countless other businesses like a big “Billion Dollar Bully” just like the filmed documentaries about this app and how they treat small businesses.
Absolute garbage
by Phoenixace666
I started a business that I dreamed about for years. Took a lot of planning and precious hours to get off the ground. I was so happy to help my customers and to offer them my experience and expertise. this app seemed like a logical next step. I’ve heard horror stories but like everyone I thought it would be different with me because I was doing everything by the book. The first problems started when I signed up for local jobs for $150 a month. As soon as you get notification that there’s a job it expires immediately. Finally I just got fed up and disconnected it. Guess what - as soon as the money was turned off I started getting notifications from local jobs that were over a day old and to see them I had to resume my subscription. Scam! No way! After helping countless customers I managed to get a few reviews and was very proud of them. Then a few days later one of the reviews disappeared. Then another, then all the rest followed. The only crappy review that remained is the one that this app decided to keep on my profile which totally killed my traffic. Thanks this app. I hope you go out of business. This business model is total disgrace and a scam and should be illegal. I looked other successful businesses that wanted nothing to do with this app and I applaud them. Bravo. I turned off their services and switched to Google AdWords and am very happy!
Let me start by saying this app is good platform when it’s from a customers point of view, the user interface is great but when you’re the business side, it’s a whole ‘nother story. I personally have the Nearby Jobs feature active. This means when there’s a request for my line of work, I’ll get notified, not hired, just notified. So it’s ok, there’s multiple businesses trying to earn the customers bid. We as businesses don’t get charged to quote, we get charged if customers respond back. Now normally it’s ok if the customer wants to ask a few questions before hiring or going elsewhere. Customers here respond with 2 letters on average, NO, and that is all it takes for this app to charge you, a small business $20 to $50 for the ‘conversation’. That’s not fair, it’s like going to a retail store, going to the cashier, I don’t want it, and somehow the property owner charges the cashier for interacting with the customer. The cashier didn’t do any business, all they did was informed of their pricing and the customer says no, that’s good enough to charge the cashier. Same here, this app will charge as long as the customer responds back, they offer refunds but you have to explain why, and at their discretion they will approve or decline the refund. Imagine 5 customers reaching out to you and then not choosing your service, you just lost $100 without even making a dollar.
Small business review
by Terrible App, Money Pit
Yelp is a waste of money for any small business owners. I have had nothing but bad experiences using this app ads and wasted more money than I was making for too long. If you want anything besides having the name of your business and some pictures on your this app page they will charge you for it or have you sign up for the monthly payments for each addition and give you no updates on your total until they charge you. I’m a booth rent barber and I use multiple sources of advertisements and whenever I get someone new I ask them how they found me and throughout the past month I had no one tell me they found me from this app despite my this app ad and I was charged $285 🤷♂️ That’s after I updated my page posted current photos of my work. Before working at the shop I’m at currently I had a previous page that I started with this app credit that I got when I ordered business cards and it was all the same experience. Once the this app credit runs out they will begin adding up how much they will charge you at the end of the month with no notice. You are much better off using google ads, or promoting your work on Instagram or Facebook ads.
Over complicating the chat feature.
by GoldSpaceBear
I’ve been using this app biz for over a year now and I just gotta say, I want to go back! The chat feature has not become easier to use over the year. I understand trying to optimize functions and make things faster but when it comes to messages that go directly to the clients I need to be able to send unique messages. It’s become so difficult to just simply reply with my own written message that it takes me double the time it used. The new message preview doesn’t display their original form entry correctly or hides it for some reason, I either have to expand it to see what they put, then have to choose from the list “need more information” only to be taken to a page with an empty message box and no info from the chat for me to reference. A messaging system doesn’t need 3-4 pages for me to go through everytime. Please allow us to disable all these features and buttons and questions and response options and let us just have the barebones chat back.
Buyer beware
by Allllll.
I use this app as a photographer in hope of generating leads. Heres the most annoying thing. People ask for a quote: you pay 5$ a day just to respond. Okay fine. BUT they charge you on the first of the month for every day using this. And the way the billing is laid out is very sneaky. I had thought I had deleted the promotion since it said “owe zero dollars” and “no active promotions” but nope it was way at the bottom underneath everything and your card info is “active products”. So by the 1st of the month I got charged 96$. I had only gotten one lead and that cut it in half. They know what they are doing by the way they charge and the lack of integrity is why I will be focusing on google and other services. The only way i’d consider using this app is if they refunded that b.s. number and started being more transparent. OH DID I MENTION THEY CALLED ME 50 TIMES SINCE I MADE THIS ACCOUNT?! When I said I didn’t want their promotions they would call again and switch numbers.
Love the demographic statistics, Dislike how 5 star reviews sometimes don’t get posted
by Menssalonowner
A decent app for keeping track of demographics to improve target marketing. VERY dissatisfied with the fact that this app decides (randomly) which reviews get posted. For example, some of my 5-star reviews are getting flagged as “not recommended reviews”. Especially when the customer has clicked on the “call to action” button to book an appointment. Not only do my good review(s) not get posted, I also take a loss of profit for discounting first time clients (since the customer(s) booked through the this app ad, aka, “call to action” which I’m paying $20/day for!!! If a review is deemed “not recommended“ I certainly expect a reasonable explanation other than, “we have no control over which reviews get posted or not.” I was told by this app support it’s a computer algorithm that decides which review(s)get approved/not approved.... That’s absurd.
I’m taking this app out for a test run to see exactly what it is it’s all about. After going with the nurse said other companies that use leads and customer service as their expertise to bring you more work more opportunity and more people to you through via Internet and paying through the nose for leads that 1 million other people get to first that may not even get looked at by me or have already been accomplished and them not doing their part by clicking hired somebody. We’ve all been there if we use apps like this. So far very happy with the this app and have only been using them for a week as of November 13 but I spoke with customer service about a few things that I had on my mind and they were excellent with the help and it looks like the system that I’ve got in place will tell you just how your doing. I love how they have a budget to set up and they don’t call you and bother you with all these promises to give you. It looks like everything that sit out there mathematically they will show you through graphs or other means to keep you informed at what it is exactly that your business is doing. So far so good thank you this app
Absolutely terrible
by Bessfan!!!!!
We have been left so many 5 star reviews that never make it to our actual reviews page. There’s about 7, 5 star reviews that are not shown on my this app page but the low 1 and 2 star reviews made it through no problem. And the 5 star reviews are from long time customers. this app has a terrible monopoly on business and if it seems if you don’t pay to advertise or for a business pro account that all your highest rated reviews will disappear and will only show negative reviews. They force you to pay so that your competition doesn’t show up on your this app page. What a load of garbage this app is. And of course I have no choice but to pay them so that they don’t push my business that’s been open for almost 40 years off the map completely. I can’t stand them. And it’s funny you can’t leave this app a review on this app lol wonder why!?!?
Yelp Is A Scheme!!!
by Franklin Doughnutton
this app for business owners is an absolute scheme that is set to pull money from the owner’s pocket. Your reviews will disappear and they will say algorithm to you all day, their representatives will call you nonstop from various area codes to try and sell you their ads, and you will have to respond to clients who message you at 1am so your response time is not effected. I cannot express my discontent with this app in a strong enough way. I warn any and all business owners about the negative way that this app attacks business owners and no matter how many times you refuse to spend your hard earned money on their ads, they will still call you. Do us a favor this app and stop being the middle man between hard working business owners and clients in need of professional services. Thank you.
Don’t trust Yelp reviews and Not recommended !
by Ermeni
Last year they was calling me calling me for sign up this app ads ! And finally i try about over 3 months but I see my ads page everything is cost money ! And I get reviews I have over 18 five star this app reviews from my customers and this app showing only one review !! Other about 17 review they move not recommend it !! This is like a joke !! Plus everybody complaining about this review problem not showing is not only me ! And I cannot believe it they not even fixing !! Customer service is not good at all ! I called them and no one is helping ! And I stop my this app ads ! You cannot even choose your future picture everything cost money in this app ! Overall A-Z not happy at all Plus don’t trust this app reviews! Because I have real custemer’s reviews they don’t show!!!
by Steve Colman
First my apologies for my poor English. Second this app now have a “new” program and they believe it’s better and more effective than the first one.
I rarely give reviews unless I’m really happy or something is outrageous.
I was wit this app for a while and I tried both systems. Why? Because they tell you the program will need one to two months to actually start being effective. So that your first $800 for nothing ($400/each month) lol
They will call you and they will not stop. They will show you how effective and great their ads using graphs and examples for other stores in the same business field that currently using this app ads. They will tell you that you can cancel anytime and if no one click on your ad will not get charged but of course people will click on your business and check it out.
BUT DONT!! this app took thousands of dollars from our small local business us and we got nothing out of it. They were charging us over $400 a month which is the standard program ($15 per day) and we will get 1 or 2 customers out of it. They say if you just have one customer then you just covered that $15 fee for the day and bla bla bla.. WASTE OF MONEY AND I STILL WANT MY REFUNDS!
this app use to be good when they kept all the reviews up so people can actually see how your business is, but now they pick and choose which reviews stay on and which ones they put to the side! Usually 5star reviews we been getting been pushed to the side and they don’t count towards our business! We have around 75 Reviews total but around 30 of the reviews are pushed away and don’t count towards our business stars. All 30 reviews are all 5Stars!! We still have 4.5 stars on the business but those 30 reviews would of pumped it up to 5Stars. I talked to a agent and they said to reply to every person and it will stay on so I did and they still were coming down. So I called again and the agent said that they can’t do anything about it so it’s useless talking to them. FIX THIS this app!!!
by Otaku Misfit
It’s absolutely crazy how this app doesn’t show positive reviews. Because they’re flagged for potentially being fake. But I have numerous reviews for my business with pictures added mind you that are not even counted as a review from customers who have had accounts for years with several other reviews to other company’s but the second they post to mine it’s not counted. Because I’m guessing my business is new on this app. On top of that not matter what if someone leaves a bad review even if someone just created the account with no other reviews at all they count. Like oh it’s a bad review we gotta show it. If it weren’t for the fact that so many people rely on this app for the services they need I wouldn’t even use this platform. this app you need to really look into your review algorithm flagging software because your causing people business which is how a lot of us support our family.
Scammers and robbers
by Ladybugcc
I am extremely disappointed with Yelps services for business owners. I got on the platform because as a consumer I often use it to find services I need. It’s a great user platform but you this app people are robbing business owners of everything. I can’t even choose my own profile picture without paying you at least $30 a month. I was not paying for services so all the reviews I was getting kept hiding. I added ad services and then my reviews started to magically show up. I decided yesterday to decrease my spending on this app as I am effectively paying for 9 other contractors to be showcased on my page unless I pay another $300 a month plus with the slowing season it just made the most sense. Today I see that all of my 7 reviews have magically gone away since I decreased my spending budget. Well this app, you won’t be getting any more money out of me. I appreciate the services, but you are charging for EVERY Little thing and currently I am not seeing my return on investment , I’m surprised you don’t charge to log in. This is terrible if you are a small business owner wanting to spend no more than $500 per month. Google charges less, gives me more bang for my buck, a free website, free posts, free picture arrangement and almost 3 times the clicks as this app and they don’t advertise for 9 other people on my page. 1 star only because I could not leave less.
by Karensoftheworld
Awesome! I can finally review you guys! I’m a new business owner who invested all my savings into my business so let me tell you that this first month has been rough! I always thought this app was going to come through and help me grow my business. But I was wrong since nobody can even see what great work we do! All of our reviews are under not recommended! I understand this app is also a business and they need to make money, but don’t take advantage and be shady. Offer your extra services in tiers or something so businesses can upgrade and buy extras as they grow. Don’t expect us newbies to shell out hundreds of dollars when we’re barely even getting 2-3 people to review us... and for what?! So nobody can see what they wrote?! Rude! “ If I could give 0 stars I would!!”
Yelp advertise agents
by Jlynn__texas
I’ve been using this app for years as an consumer so I gave it a shot with my business. However they have dropped all of my clients REAL clients reviews. But it didn’t start until they started blowing up my phone trying to get me to pay for advertising which I don’t need and now my business isn’t on the radar anymore with is awful because of their rigged system do yourself a favor and avoid them phone calls and your business will be okay. I never received business from this app but I always recommended for people to “hey check us out on this app” now I don’t say anything. My foot traffic has been at 0 since the last rep I spoke with that didn’t end nice because they were trying to force me to buy advertisement (very high intense sales company) but that don’t bother me... I’m not buying anything if I’m not ready period.
People who get bad experiences are more likely to give you a bad review,after helping more than 100 customers I got seven reviews and one of those 7 was a bad review and that’s the review that this app decided to keep in my profile and my star rating went to 1 star immediately killing all traffic to my business,I tried to pay good advertisement almost 1000 dollars a mont and it was a waste, still not traffic on my business at all, After receiving 2 to 3 leads a day from nice customers I went to nothing in months. I ended up canceling advertising a while ago because there was no reason to keep using it, this got worse and worse and of course you get calls saying that you have to pay so they can fix everything for you,I got all proves calls,a chart decline,amount of customers that reached out in the past and how much I have paid during past year.
by Wendybarb
As a business owner you folks call my store 2 to 6 times a week. We have a store number and a number to reach for advertising and business related issues. My employees don’t know my business and I like to keep it that way including advertising. You have those numbers but you never use them. When you email my monthly report it doesn’t compare to the volume I get traffic wise from google and I don’t pay them a dime. Yet I control what is posted and listed unlike with y’all. The reviews I receive from customers are spam from other businesses like mine. All I need to do is follow their former reviews and I can see for myself. I will notice the folks that use you mostly are those from out of the country touring the us and they don’t make my business my locals do, or the college students that are foreign. Again folks that don’t make my bank. Today’s social media outlets are putting applications like this app out of business. So it’s time for you to either update your product or put it to rest. The majority of folks are not using your product. The next numbers don’t compare to others out on the market who are doing it for free and if I want to boost my advertising I do for free is still cheaper and goes further for much less at a much lower price then you.
Not bad or good
by Stugen-Ackmeiler
Nothing special here, but there are bugs that create concern. I don’t accept cryptocurrency, have changed my business profile to match, but the change does not stick. Also, I did select to have my address not displayed because I do not have a storefront, and all of my business is done at customers addresses, and that too does not stick. Finally, my business name changed recently but is still listed on the www as both. So I claimed the second spelling and it has become the default account. I keep getting alerts to “add business hours, or add a picture.” I don’t need/want double the work to be on this app and wish there was a simple way to “link” the “locations” so they showed the same thing, but I cannot find a chat, email, or phone number to use to communicate with anyone at this app. So...three stars seems fair.
I can breathe a little now! Whew!
by 3djll
Thank you this app! They really took me by the hand and walked me through the process! As a new business owner it can become a little daunting, to say the least, trying to set everything up on your own, along with everything else you have going on at home, along with all the other tasks on the checklist needed in establishing a new business, can seem more than insurmountable!(my secretary hasn’t been employed as of yet! Lol) luckily for US the staff at this app are friendly courteous and efficient in the help they extend! I’d advise new business owners to definitely get on this app!
Qualifying manager
by Delma067
this app is awesome and reflects the true customers opinion and also the truth behind poor work which helps elliminate bad companies and helps homeowners choose good companies that stand behind their work, we are fully licensed bonded and insured and are available to do whatever task that needs to be done from painting a house to remodeling a kitchen or bath to termite and pest control we do as much as we can and we take the time to do it right, we are one of the few companies that the owner leads by example and would not have any of his guys doing the work if he could or would not do it himself
Is Yelp Safe? 🙏
No. Yelp for Business App does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 13,700 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Yelp Is 17.8/100.
Is Yelp Legit? 💯
No. Yelp for Business App does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 13,700 Yelp for Business App User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Yelp Is 66.8/100..
Yelp for Business App works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.
How was your experience with Yelp for Business App? Post a Review
- Track visitor engagement and customer leads from your Yelp Business Page
- Respond to reviews with a private message or public comment
- Respond to customer inquiries and messages
- Upload and manage photos for your business
- View reports on ad clicks from Yelp users (advertisers only)