First transaction funds held for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 days. PayPal will never see a dime of my money ever again. Coming or going. Assuming a business has to have a shipping tracking number is arrogant and small. Service business? Run. Sending a bill for time wasted filling out the business app, waiting for the business card, and setting up my QuickBooks financials with PayPal.
Update- No response from PayPal after multiple attempts to contact and many days of waiting. Just saw EBay dropped PayPal and won’t allow PayPal transactions any longer. They are dropping them because customers have a terrible experience with PayPal, customers and sellers can’t control the transactions at all, and PayPal charges a premium price for terrible service.
PayPal’s bones will be discovered among the bones of other internet dinosaurs such as Alta vista, AOL, and geocites. You because more cumbersome and unresponsive. While the rest of the world dumped dial up speeds you made people wait and wait and wait for service and even their money and for that you will go extinct.