Meta Business Suite Reviews

Meta Business Suite Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-16

About: .

About Meta Business Suite

Grow your business and connect with more people with Meta Business Suite.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 322,535 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Meta Business Suite

- Allows users to communicate with their fans

- Easy to navigate using screen reader technology

- Used to run great before the name change

35 Meta Business Suite Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Stop “fixing” things that don’t need to be fixed

I’ve had more problems with the Business Manager than I ever did with Pages. The layout is too “clean” in the sense that everything has the same white/grey color scheme. I can’t share Event Invites/ links to my page’s timeline from MetaBusinessSuite , which is a problem because I’m a musician. I’d like to “Schedule” my posts about reminders for shows with links to their appropriate Events, but I can’t. I have to go to my actual Facebook app and share them from there (and don’t even get me started on THAT update) and set alarms on my phone for when they need to be posted because I can’t schedule them. I’ve also had a bunch of problems with bugs/glitches, not receiving some notifications, receiving some notifications multiple times, and poor access the server to post on my timeline (it takes a long time, times out, or disconnects completely. I usually have to close out MetaBusinessSuite completely and relaunch it).

Overall, I feel like Business Manager has just taken important features for some of us away (the reality) versus giving us a user-friendly app to handle everything in one place (the intention). It’s great that I can post to Instagram simultaneously, but it’s still missing A LOT of the features and convenience that was a part of Pages. Stop “fixing” things that don’t need to be fixed. Stop changing the layout. Give us back the features we actually use and need.


A nightmare to use with screen reader technology

The “pages manager“ was simple and easy to navigate using screen reader technology, like a voiceover and J AWS on a computer. Ever since it switched over to business manager, the majority of components are not reading with screen reader technology. As a blind business owner, this significantly complicates me being able to independently use MetaBusinessSuite . It is beyond frustrating and extremely disappointing. Facebook has come so far with accessibility, and this portion, By adding the new business manager application, makes things nearly impossible!!! I used to be able to share and schedule directly while in the Facebook app, but now I’m required to use the business manager app which things are not labeled, so I have no idea what I’m trying to do while inside MetaBusinessSuite . And of the data is read off to me, navigating in a logical and sequential order is nonexistent! I am not the only blind business owner who has been having his issues. I am also part of a nonprofit organization, and affiliate of the American Council of the blind, and run the Facebook page for this organization. It is more convenient to just create a group for these organizations, rather than creating a business page, as we keep getting lead back to using “business manager“ which is not accessible in the slightest! ADA States that websites and applications need to be compliant with screen reader technology abilities, and, well… This is just not anywhere near acceptable!


A ton of bugs!

There are several bugs with MetaBusinessSuite. It’s not even a functioning app anymore. It used to run great before they changed their name from Facebook pages to business suite. Ever since day light savings change, they have been sending reminders to my clients one hour off from their actual appointment times (you can see how this is bad for business). Also, you can not edit appointment times easily anymore. The pop up box to edit is over top of other buttons on the screen that makes it very difficult. My customers no longer get an appointment confirmation after I confirm their booking, when clients request a book now appointment. So to the client it is as if their appointment is not confirmed. Clients don’t get confirmation when I manually add an appointment either. MetaBusinessSuite just keeps going down hill. It started out with a few thing once they changed to business suite and it keeps getting worse and worse. I appreciate MetaBusinessSuite for my business, it really is a great feature to business FB pages, I hope they can start making improvements. At this point even just going back to how it used to be would be awesome.
Edit: yike! MetaBusinessSuite keeps getting worse! Now I am getting appointments request and it does not notify me, nor does it let me message the client after approving the appointment. PLEASE PLEASE, get this 🙏🏻. Customers don’t understand when we don’t get back to them. I have zero way to contact my client because of this.


K.I.S.S.❗️ For those that aren’t familiar, it means keep it simple stupid

I actually haven’t updated off of fb manager version because I am not a fan of most of the updates, so this is a review regarding MetaBusinessSuite in general. If there were a negative star rating, I would be using it! Fb should remember K.I.S.S. And I will do the same. Simply put, if you don’t bother to show my posts to the people that have “liked” my business’ page, meaning that they want to see my posts, then none of these other things matter! We are a small service based business and we have 1200+ people that have liked our page but rarely are our posts shown to more than 150 of those people(according to your insights). Why is that? If I were to “boost” a post, it would be shown to a bunch of people but still not the people that have asked to see it and that are the targets of our posts. So, that is my biggest issue with this platform. There are countless more (like not being able to post a single picture as the header, now it is a slideshow, telling me I haven’t posted in a while when I post almost every day, no longer being able to write details about pictures when posting multiple at a time, etc.) but again, if you don’t show it to the people that have asked to see it, none of that matters!


They love to waste your time

You can’t just create a post, check & reply to messages, or do the things you want to do. Notifications for the same comment, message, or post are repeated in different sections over and over and over and don’t go away when you do check them even in every notification location. I don’t get notifications for messages or I do get notifications that there’s an unread message but can’t find the unread message. Our page rating has dropped to 80% responsiveness to messages but I have answered every message—that I can find or have been notified of. No unread messages are showing now and I’ve answered every single one, so how can it be 80%? The reason for two stars instead of one is I do like to create posts through MetaBusinessSuite when possible because I can schedule them or post immediately without going through the desktop’s annoying and difficult to find Creator Studio.

These apps are NOT designed to be user friendly but rather, it feels like, to waste time so they can brag on how much time people spend on their platforms. Tighten it up, Facebook, and make it user friendly and time efficient! Stop wasting our time!


Ruining my relationship with customers

As usual in typical Facebook fashion they’ve found a way to inconvenience their customers. Facebook is a truly awful company with the worlds absolutely worst customer service but they found a way to sink lower. I use to engage with my fans a lot using polls and since Facebook took that way a lot of my page fans have become quite upset. Next they took away being able to be post backgrounds for our post. Smh. It’s watered down junk now. They made the UI a tiny better but took away everything else.

Update: Business sweet is ok. Not great. It needs to have the ability to share products from your shop to the page. All you can do is edit

2021 update: Once again Facebook has proved why they are worst platform in all creation. They removed the option to tag products in post. Something that made it convenient for customers to buy from a post. So sick of them


Why, just why.

When MetaBusinessSuite was Facebook Pages Manager it was about a million times better. It was easier to use and understand and even then it could have used a little bit of nitpicking kinda work. Now. That it’s “new and improved everything in one” it’s just awful. I do not recommend MetaBusinessSuite anymore. The ONLY things that are cool about it is you can post on both your Instagram and Facebook page and schedule for both of the pages and the side by side comparison of insights on posts on Facebook vs Instagram, but that’s it. Nothing else about MetaBusinessSuite is worth it or easy to use. PLEASE GO BACK TO FACEBOOK PAGES MANAGER. The only thing missing then was an easier way to change your hours and edit the profile. I genuinely regret “updating” MetaBusinessSuite and strongly recommended all my business friends not to as well. I’m young, learning apps is an easy process for me and I even find the change extremely drastic and difficult to manage. I can’t imagine how everyone is doing with the change who are much older than I am running business and trying to put information out there. I hope the next “update” isn’t another 10 steps backwards. I’ll update my review if it actually gets better.



MetaBusinessSuite is terrible. I am the manager of a small business. Currently our Facebook page has over 40,000 followers, so communicating through Facebook is extremely important. MetaBusinessSuite never opens the messages. I receive a notification but MetaBusinessSuite will not load the page to show the entire message. Extremely frustrating. The only redeeming quality of MetaBusinessSuite is that it is now linked to Instagram. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make a difference because you can’t open the messages. We have MetaBusinessSuite on several cell phones and each employee has the exact same problem.


Not as compatible as you’d think

I used MetaBusinessSuite to reply to a message from Instagram. Since Instagram has a character limit the message created in Business Suite was too long, but Facebook doesn’t have a character limit. On my end, it went through. There was no notification that the message was too long. I didn’t understand why my potential new client wasn’t responding because she had been very responsive before. A few days later, I ended up going to Instagram DM’s and looked at our message thread and there was no reply from me. Went back to Business Suite and the reply was there. This looked like negligence on my part. I had to copy my message to notes and break it up to send through Insta. Now I only reply to Instagram DMs in Instagram. I also get double the notifications for Instagram because they don’t update in the biz suite when you check them in Insta. I can’t turn my notifications off in Instagram because MetaBusinessSuite is not reliable. I would rather have the Pages app (or an equivalent) back and compartmentalize my comments and DMs. MetaBusinessSuite does not save me more time when I have to double and triple check everything. 👎🏼


Nice Improvements

It’s a useful app with lots of features that I enjoy. The planner with the ability to cross-post to IG is by far my favorite thing. I really enjoy that I can scroll down through there and see what posts I’ve scheduled, what day, time, & if there are any significant holidays or events I might need to post for on that day. The appointments feature is handy, although I now have another appointment system so I don’t use that anymore. It’s a little annoying that it doesn’t refresh my feed. I am constantly having to restart it and then it still doesn’t refresh; it shows like I haven’t checked notifications, some notifications show up in one area, some show up in another and it’s just a constant back and forth battle to get that little red number to go away 🤬 But bonus - you did fix the messages and I love that I can use auto replies. Those help me tremendously. All in all I like it and will keep using it but if y’all ever figure out how to fix that refresh issue, I’ll definitely add a star or two


Major Downgrade from the Pages App

If it ain’t broke, DON’T fix it. Why oh why would Facebook do this? Firstly the notifications don’t work so I have to keep checking to see if customers have messaged or commented. Before it was so much easier to invite people who liked your post to like your page too. You could have clearly seen who needs to be invited in bold blue with a raised button. Now the button is flat and looks like every button for people who already like your page or who you’ve already invited. Also the messaging is the worst! It looks like a webpage interface from the 1990’s with no, yeh, get this NO saved message responses. So now I have to use my Facebook app, then click on pages then access my Pages where Facebook conveniently toggles between me personally responding and me responding as my page. And the best part in business Suite I have different page names for the same business but guess what? Facebook gave all of them the SAME name. So now I never know which page I’m on. Can you all just reinstall the Pages app please and forget about this Business Suite thing until you get it right.



YOUR NAME IS ON THIS HEAP OF BURNING CRAP. I hate call caps. I do. I really seriously hate it because it’s overused and 99% of the time it’s unnecessary. But this time, it’s necessary. This time, it’s the only way I can get my message across strenuously enough. First off, this is a “free” app. Knowing that makes it marginally easier to understand why MZ has abandoned any urgency in fixing its issues. However, as many other reviews have stated clearly enough for my 3 year old niece to understand,... THIS. APP. DOESN’T. WORK. Since I “upgraded” from pages manager, it has told me that I have two unread messages in my inbox, and I don’t. I’ve refreshed, force quit and restarted MetaBusinessSuite , signed out and signed back in, and deleted and reinstalled MetaBusinessSuite to no avail. It still says I have two unread messages. Problem is, I can’t turn app badges off because I run a business on Instagram and FB. I’d miss commissions. So Zucky, who are you lying to this time? Those suckers who download MetaBusinessSuite hoping to use the features you purport to be available to them or those of us who “upgraded” from Pages based on your claims of it being easier to use and reliable?


The goods don’t out weight the bad

MetaBusinessSuite is frustrating. There are some nice features and I like having everything in once place but there are so many more issues. The messaging and comment section is clunky and not user friendly and I found it was much easier to just use Instagram to post and share from there to my Facebook page. The final straw was that I’ve had an “unread message” for weeks that I can’t clear. I’ve tried everything including deleting MetaBusinessSuite and redownloading. When the notification popped up again I was done. I searched for some fixes and found years old posts with the same issue that hasn’t been addressed. I deleted it after that. The business options for Facebook are so annoying anyway I’m considering removing my whole page so it wasn’t worth keeping MetaBusinessSuite that they clearly don’t fix or listen to problems that need to be addressed. A fantom notification doesn’t seem like that bit of a deal but it’s actually incredibly frustrating to think you’re missing someone’s message.


Needs work!

I love having an outlet for my small business that’s not on Etsy. Much of the features are useful but it needs quite a bit of work. First, I wish I could post both a picture & a video at the same time. I like to showcase my items in still photos & a video. But currently, you cannot post both at the same time. It’s annoying and doesn’t allow me to display my items. Second, I cannot tag my clients in my posts. I would love to be able to tag a client in a post when I’m showcasing their custom item. Third, PLEASE STOP making recommendations in messenger. QUIT asking if I want to “book an appointment” or telling me “orders now get reported in ads manager”. These stupid boxes pop up in random private messages & it WILL NOT GO AWAY! They’re annoying and when I click “Not now” the box disappears but then comes right back when I enter back into that private message. Please make it stop! I’m sure there’s more feedback I could give, but this would be a great start! Thank you! 🤩


Morning! Do not convert to this from Pages!

I absolutely loved pages, I have a business page which is my primary business with over 160,000 followers, and I did A LOT of business with MetaBusinessSuite. I was delighted when I saw that this was converting to the sweets, however after updating it it no longer recognizes my primary business page. The frustrating thing is that it lists pages I created over the last 10 yearsI never use. It lists those with no problem. But my primary, Maine, page it just will not see and I have no idea how to fix it. Of course there’s no one actually accountable that I can contact, so in the end I’ve had to just go back to my PC. I am so frustrated with us, and believe me I’ve googled it, I’ve submitted a ticket via Facebook, I just don’t know where to go. If you are currently a pages user, try to get as much life as you can out of that app before converting, because if you have the problem that I do, there is no way to fix it.I am only too happy to be contacted directly by the developers should they read this message, however I am not holding my breath.


I have never cried while using a platform, but here we are

Drying my tears as we speak. I consider myself very tech savvy, I have never had an issue using any marketing application other than Facebook’s. Wow. Just the amount of frustration experienced just trying to set up a CRM for my Lead Ads is unfathomable.
Want to find your leads? That’s a whole nother experience. There is no push notification when a lead comes in, so you’ll have to open your desktop every time to DOWNLOAD and view your leads. In a world where everything is mobile and on the go, this is just great! /s
How many different pages and apps does one need to run a business? Business suite, Leads manager, Ads manager, Ads center, the list goes on. And guess what! Any time you find a support page for whatever you need help with, the links take you to their OLD platforms they used (like Pages), with directions to buttons that don’t exist anymore.
If you want your business to fail, use this platform! I have never experienced such a non user friendly app in my life, customer support is an absolute waste of time as well


Needs A Lot of Work

Trying to update my business profile in the Facebook Business Suite doesn’t function properly 99% of the time. When I attempt to update my business description message or update or add a new logo or cover photo it doesn't save it (the circle keeps spinning as though it’s processing my request, but never does- I have to log into my laptop and log in to submit these changes. I experienced the same issues when I used to use the Facebook Business Manager. Both APPS need a lot of work and for business owners to run our businesses proficiently from these FB APPS, these glitches needs to be rectified.

The only two things the FB Business Suite and FB Business Manager APPS allow me to do seamlessly are post to my timeline and pay for sponsored ads. How convenient for Facebook.

Overall, I’m not pleased with either APP so will be deleting both from my device. I’ll update and post from my laptop. You would think as big as this company is their APPS would function seamlessly.



I’ve got an issue with Facebook’s Pages AND the Facebook Business Suite app that absolutely needs to be addressed, but of course there’s nowhere you can address it, not one person you can talk to who can solve it, so I’m resorting to writing a review and hopefully Zuckerberg’s spy-bots see this and reach out to me about it.

I am SICK of these — what I call — “phantom” notifications on my Facebook homepage and the Business Suite app. First it was the red-font notifications that have been underneath each of my Pages, both in Facebook’s mobile and desktop version, telling me that I have one or two or five new notifications. They’ve been there forever and I know they're not true because when I go to each Page and check my notifications, there are no new ones.

Now the problem has extended to the Business Suite app which tells me I have an unread message on one of my Pages even after I went in, cleared each message in my inbox, marked them all “unread” and then back to “read” to see if that would work; I even DELETED all the available messages in my inbox and MetaBusinessSuite is STILL telling me I have a “new message.”

Facebook: I know you got a lot of crap on your plate right now — y’know, with recent studies surfacing that talk about the negative effect your products have on teen girls’ self-images, as well as your never-ending battle with others regarding how you do business just in general. But for the love of God, get these notifications outta here!!!


Facebook Pages

I do not like this new format at all. I don’t know what the thought process was behind these changes, but this is nothing but ridiculous. I use to be able to post anything, anytime, anywhere without a problem. Now it’s a real process! If you manage more than one page, all your photos from all the pages get dumped into one place. Same with forms of payment. If I want to place an ad, I have to be very careful which card I choose to make payment. I also have to worry about other admins having access to these forms of payment that may have nothing to do with the page they’re helping to manage. I realize these business pages are free but Facebook could be doing a much better job of laying these pages out and making them more user friendly for the people who rely on them. The older format was 100% better!!!


This app is so bad that the positive reviews have to be fake, it’s the only explanation

MetaBusinessSuite is so unusable that there is no chance the positive reviews are from real, independent users. The messaging function is clunky at best and highly problematic. It doesn’t even say what time messages were sent or if they’ve gone through. The notifications are a mess and constantly says there are notifications when there are none and also does not show notifications sometimes when there is one. Even if you’ve read something and replied to it, it will continuously leave it marked as unread and vice versa, always with no rhyme or reason to it. If a message or notification has been answered/addressed directly in the Facebook or Instagram app, MetaBusinessSuite doesn’t reflect that. It’s essentially unusable, unpredictable, and feels like a knockoff app that some random company would make… how on EARTH is this made by Facebook? I’m at a total loss for how this is an actual product that Facebook decided was ready for market.


Come On Facebook...

MetaBusinessSuite lacks a lot of functionality and is very glitchy. Example, when I view the home screen and try to scroll down, MetaBusinessSuite glitches and takes me back to the top of the page. This happens several times. Also, when I click on Followers, it only shows 1; but when I check using the computer, I see all of my followers. MetaBusinessSuite is also slow and can be cumbersome to navigate. There is a lot of functionality that is in the web version using a computer that isn’t available in MetaBusinessSuite . To some degree, this is understandable however some basic capabilities would be nice to have in MetaBusinessSuite . I could expand more into things it’s lacking but rather I’ll let the reviews speak for itself. It’s tough for us, the users, because we don’t always have a laptop with us and have to resort to using MetaBusinessSuite ; personally, it’s my last resort. I’ll wrap up with mentioning the constant and relentless push to you as the user to purchase their marketing service (promoting your page). It’s constant and fills up your notifications. Trouble is, unless you click the notification to clear it, you don’t have any other option. So, these never phase out like notifications in the normal FB app but rather stay in there. Once you click on one of them, it’ll bug you later about finishing your page promotion. Very annoying...


So Buggy

**Update April 17, 2019. Every update seems to remove features that are needed to manage pages properly. Now it is no longer possible to invite people to like your page if they interact with a post. Facebook will of course send you that notification telling you to invite them, but it is impossible to do it within the Pages app. FIX YOUR APP. How hard is it!? The notifications bug still persists and the fact that we can’t edit a scheduled post is crazy. This is ridiculous. We are your source of revenue, Facebook. Where’s the love!?**

I love the idea of being able to manage pages from a separate app. Doing it through the main Facebook app is cumbersome. The problem is that MetaBusinessSuite itself is so buggy. Each update doesn’t seem to actually fix anything. I constantly have notifications that stick and don’t go away. All the time I have inbox notifications that are “fake”, meaning I click on them and there’s nothing there. One of big things that they recently removed is the ability to edit a scheduled post. I can see the list and even reschedule, post immediately, or delete. Why can’t I edit!?!? Please bring back this capability. Overall, Facebook needs to pay better attention to MetaBusinessSuite and make some serious improvements. We are, after all, the ones who are PAYING them for ads and things.


Challenging Now.

Recent changes have made MetaBusinessSuite a nightmare to use. I’m experiencing Lost messages and the inability to share posts & mentions from MetaBusinessSuite to my page. Recently we started getting notifications that NOTHING has happened on a post! Also now you must tap EVERY SINGLE notification to clear it. Not everything is an actionable item. I don’t want or need to click on every single line, comment and check-in. It’s a huge waste of my time when I can address multiple items on a post when viewing it. Please just alert notify me when I get a direct message (and then let me see it) and passively note activity (clearing the notifications once viewed, so we clearly understand when NEW activity is present) Those of us that are active on our pages should decide what requires action, clicking on every single notice is tedious and unhelpful. I’ve got notification fatigue from the constant red lights now, so then I ignore them & miss something important. Something is not right here. It’s not doing what it should do correctly and it’s added unnecessary steps. Bummer. You’ve made MetaBusinessSuite so critical to managing our pages, when it’s not working right, it’s extremely frustrating. Thank You. I’m sorry for complaining


So many issues

I started using MetaBusinessSuite shortly after it came out. It was okay. I preferred to use the Facebook app, but MetaBusinessSuite was quicker for publishing quick updates and photos to my business page.

Now, every time there’s an update, I have more issues. Fist thing I notice is that I don’t receive message notifications from my business page. Not a biggie, but inconvenient. Then I couldn’t see new messages at all. When this happened over Black Friday, I lost sales. The issue was finally rectified in December. My near perfect response rating was trashed, but that wasn’t a huge deal to me. Now, I have customers again complaining that I’m ignoring their messages. I have to search their name in my inbox before their new message shows up! Again, I’m losing sales because my customers find what they’re looking for before I even know they’ve messaged me! This isn’t an app-only issue, though. I’ve gotten into the habit of logging into my page from my desktop every single day, just to check messages, but I’m not seeing them there, either!

I’ve spent advertising dollars on Facebook, with zero results, and I won’t be spending anymore. I’m incredibly frustrated with Facebook pages right now, and I’m reaching for a reason to stay. MetaBusinessSuite has officially received a termination notice. I’m done with it.


I’ve had this app for over 9months

I love MetaBusinessSuite, fairly easy to use and helps keep me organized with my appointments, and all my clients messages, (past to present) However the only reason I didn’t give more stars is this...
Every update something else is wrong, I have reported problems and errors and have never gotten a word from the developers that they are working on it ,but normally when I report the error it gets fixed in 24hrs thankfully. I don’t like all the adds were they keep telling me to try boosting my page (pay for advertising) I’m a local only self employed business, I don’t have a use for the adds. And don’t need a notification that I haven’t posted anything new every other day. There is not too many extra notifications to bother me, but it would be nice if I could turn off there tip notifications..
All in all it’s a good app for small businesses, but needs Communication for errors between developers and the one reporting errors, (let them know they got the message and will be working on it ect) (maybe pop up a message window in the inbox that it was revieced?) and work on updating MetaBusinessSuite more often to prevent error in the first place,


Terrible app

I’m not a big fan of facebook and I’m not really a user anymore even though I’ve had a personal page for 13 years. I tried to delete my personal page last year but I need one in order to maintain my business page so I downloaded MetaBusinessSuite and deleted the main Facebook app or the messenger app on my phone. I figured MetaBusinessSuite would be a great way to manage my business page and not deal with the normal Facebook app but let me tell you. It’s so bad. I feel like they purposely made is bad so you would HAVE to use the main Facebook app to manage your page. It doesn’t update properly, it’s slow, the notifications aren’t up to date, the messaging is bad. For instance, I created a post 2 days ago, if I log into Facebook on my computer I can see that it’s been share 3 times and liked 7. MetaBusinessSuite tells me that it’s only reached 5 people, and it’s been shared once and has been liked twice. This is 2 days later. And this is how it works with ALLL of the posts I make. I also find that some posts I make don’t actually post? And I have to create the post again. This is the worst app. I think after the holidays I’m probably just going to take down my business and personal page all together. It’s just garbage app from a garbage company. If I could give it no stars I would.


Needs Work!

I like the idea of an app for pages, but this one definitely needs work! My biggest frustration is that it won’t allow me to switch rolls between my personal profile and business profile when posting in events my business is hosting. The home page for my business page is nothing like the desktop version. I hate that I get notifications to promote my post EVERY TIME. I know how to boost a post, so I don’t need an annoying reminder about it every time! And don’t waste your time or money boosting a post when it says “get a $10 credit when you boost this post” because it doesn’t happen! Wish there was a way to get my money back from that one. With the hundreds, maybe thousands? of employees that Facebook has, you’d think they would have improved MetaBusinessSuite by now!

One other big annoyance I have is that I can’t find anywhere to add a sound to alert me whenever I get a message through my page, like I would in the messenger app. How am I supposed to know I got a message without constantly looking at my phone? Then if I don’t answer right away, I could potentially lose the badge that shows I respond 100% of the time.


Mediocre and annoying

Notifications within MetaBusinessSuite are screwed up so it doesn't get rid of the badge when I check my activity. Even after clearing them, the notification badge on the home screen doesn't update until I close and reopen MetaBusinessSuite . I can't choose what things will give me notifications. For instance, I really only want notifications when people send messages to our inbox. Instead I'm forced to get notifications for everything, messages, likes, comments, notifications for things that are not interactions from people but just suggestions from facebook telling me things like I should invite people to our page, and the most spammy and annoying: notifications telling me I should boost posts. Boost suggestion notifications are literally trash to me. Each notification I get should be 100% value based on what I want to see. That means I should be able to set it to only get message notifications, since I'll get every other notification anyway when I check the website or app, and even then I don't want to see 75% of those notifications. I've boosted literally zero posts as a result of MetaBusinessSuite's suggestions, so the only purpose those notifications are serving right now is to lower MetaBusinessSuite 's rating since it makes me hate MetaBusinessSuite .



FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD AND HOLY IN THIS WORLD!!!!! MetaBusinessSuite no longer forwards notifications to me no matter what I do and it has been this way since the update three versions ago. No matter how many times I’ve put in a ticket that there’s an issue this never gets fixed! I have uninstalled and reinstalled MetaBusinessSuite three times since then just to see if that works and that has not yet solve the issue I have turned on and off notifications in both my settings and in MetaBusinessSuite and it has yet to fix it. This has caused my response time to my customers to increase significantly because I have no idea when someone sends me a message or comments on a picture. This is the most infuriating thing I have come across! It is ridiculous if they have response times there for everyone to see they should be able to fix a notification issue so that way your customers don’t think that you never respond!! I can’t respond to my customers in a good amount of time due to no notifications! Please fix this for the love!


When it works it makes my job much easier.

When MetaBusinessSuite is functioning as it should it is invaluable when it comes to managing messages and comments on multiple Facebook pages. I manage anywhere from 20 to 50 pages at any given time and MetaBusinessSuite makes switching between them and doing what I need to do so much easier. It is infinitely more efficient than having 30 tabs open on a web browser and doing things like making appointments is quick and easy. MetaBusinessSuite has issues however. I get errors where I won’t get notifications and where MetaBusinessSuite won’t allow me to scroll deep into a page with a lot of comments for example. The errors usually fixed themselves after a few hours but it does affect my work. They update it regularly and it does seem to be getting better over the last several months. Having said that I still use MetaBusinessSuite every single day and it is an absolute must for the work that I do so I would recommend it and say that it is reliable enough to get the job done. Looking forward to further optimization.



Notifications are completely useless. I get plenty of notifications, but when I tap on them it doesn't take me anywhere or do anything. For example, I have a recent notification to review a suggested change to my price range. I tap on the notification, and it does absolutely nothing. Doesn't take me anywhere. And it's impossible to figure out to go to find these suggested changes without wasting a bunch of time I don't have. Also, when I get a new customer review, when I tap on it, it just takes me to a list of all my reviews, not the specific one I tapped on. I often have to scroll way down to find the new one, another time waster, and half the time it isn't even there.

Even worse. I would like to give this negative 15 stars. I have multiple notifications that I cannot access because the page has been unable to load for a month now. Just the endless wheel. Of course I can respond to things from my access under my personal FB page, but I need to be able to respond under my business name. For a company as huge as FB is, MetaBusinessSuite is completely embarrassing. I have deleted it for now because I literally am unable to use it at all.


This App is Awful. I can’t conduct meaningful business with it.

One of the most annoying things about MetaBusinessSuite is that it will show that you have a notification (or notifications) even after you have looked at all comments or responded to all messages. It currently is showing me that I have 17 notifications, but there is nothing with a blue dot beside it right now when I open MetaBusinessSuite . MetaBusinessSuite altogether is buggy. I run a multi-million dollar marketing department and we rely heavily on Facebook and Instagram. However, Facebook has not supplied us users with a bug-free platform to use. Facebook: first things first is fix the notification issue. Secondly, you send me banner notifications constantly saying that I have not interacted with my followers recently and I should post content....I post about ten times per day. Get rid of that notification. I am also receiving notifications that say I haven’t responded to messages when I have. Fix these issues and maybe we will be headed in a better direction. I probably spend $10,000 or more on Facebook advertising per year. You would think that would be enough to motivate them to improve the platform.


Developers please read

I could not find a way to contact developers. The messaging part of MetaBusinessSuite is not functioning correctly. I have an iPhone 7s Plus. Most things in MetaBusinessSuite are great, sometimes it will force close, not as much since last few updates. The message section is what’s not working properly. When I open messages to there is no way to delete them you either mark them done, or spam and they move from your inbox. There should be a way to just swipe and delete. Also when you are moving messages to a new folder it either lags/delays really bad or it force closes or freezes especially when moving something to the “done” folder. Then I have to close MetaBusinessSuite and relaunch it. Sometimes it give a message saying “There was a problem loading the contact information” then there is not exit, ok, or cancel button so once again you have to close out MetaBusinessSuite and relaunch it. Thank you for a handy application thought. Please fix these small glitches.


Very effective

The Facebook Pages app on the iPhone and iPad has come along ways. I use it to promote and showcase my work. Very easy to post. I recommend to continue to add features found on the PC to the iPhone because that's where I do most of my work. Features like responding to comments, editing posts etc. overall this is outstanding. I love it. Perhaps a in the near future you can add an ecommerce to sell items directly from the page. Also I think we should be able to block Likers we don't want straight from the iPhone. Maybe! I like to be able to respond to people who leave comments directly to them from my iPhone as well. Improve your search capabilities.
A few suggestions: I like to be able to hide posts that I don’t want anyone to see other than myself. And then of course be able to unhide them. Over all MetaBusinessSuite is great!


It at least opens and kinda works sometimes.

They release new versions every week to introduce the world to a new set of bugs they wish to share. And now with the performance improvements in iOS 10 we have to wait just a few more weeks to enjoy the next way Facebook Pages Manager will reduce performance. But hey, it’s not like we can choose social networks anymore. And now to make replying to comments that much easier they open halfway off the screen so we can enjoy that specially chosen 25% grey background color!

They still haven’t fixed long time bugs such as not marking things as read they’ve been marked as such a dozen times. Or not notifying me when some specifically requests information but letting me know every time someone rates a page.

In all seriousness, if you chart the frequency of updates against the number of bugs in the software it would probably set a record somewhere. For them being so called performance improvements I’ve never once seen anything improve.

Karina   1 year ago

I run a small hobby page for genealogy friends. I am sick of FB deciding we are a business and there being no way to cease this nor get rid of the useless Meta Business Suite. I never get notifications of messages - despite resetting my settings 50 times. If I try to view messages on a desktop they are a mess. In a single message thread between myself and another person - the blocks of text overlap each other and then all overlap the reply box making it impossible to reply. If there are more than 2 or 3 replies there is no was to scroll through them at all. Note it works fine on the phone ap - but I actually want to use my computer. Meta Business Suite needs to get in the bin !

CD   1 year ago

FB keeps changing their Suite but it's annoying and useless. I can't even change the thumbnail from a video we livestreamed. Things were fine... FB SUCKS

Owner of several Pages and Group Moderator   1 year ago

Absolutely awful. I can't see the posts on my pages until I go to the meta suite. They don't show up well. As soon as I make a post it disappears from my view and the view of everyone who manages the page. THE WORST.

GoldFinch Interior Styling   1 year ago

HATE Meta Business Suite. Unbelievably slow, tedious and inflexible. I think things have been over complicated when they should just have been kept simple. I'm a 'one woman band' business and creating a post now eats up hours - it's ridiculous.

Anne Sorrentino   1 year ago

I am done with facebook. Things that used to be easy, have become so cumbersome and difficult. A simple post has become a meta business suite nightmare. Facebook needs to be facebook and NOT Tic Toc, Instagram or any of the other stupid mediums that exist. If I wanted to be on those mediums, I would have gone there.

Bruck   1 year ago

The ENTIRE team developing Meta business suite should be fired. Scrap this counterproductive, non intuitive, platform and move on. It looks and feels like something developed in 1985 and then has been continually poled at and modified in an attempt to make it run. I detest everything about it. As a business owner, I don't have time to waste on this platform. Get it right BEFORE offering it to the public. Then leave it ALONE. Business people need tools - not more work. Meta just makes tasks more difficult!

micah   1 year ago

I can't send messages for almosta a week now on instagram (meta business suite) using my desktop. Help

Sarah   2 years ago

Horrible and absolute waste of my time!! It keeps glitching and making posting harder than it needs to be. It is not seamless nor does it simplify anything. It’s easier to manually post from each platform. I had to create separate drafts, but it will not save drafts for instagram, and if I try to schedule it it will not show me a preview :( Considering how much $$ facebook have behind them, they can easily make a functional app. Make people’s lives easier! But instead it’s like they want you to be trapped in their systems. There must be a better system out there?

Joel Hagström   2 years ago

I hate this so much. Hands down the worst software I have used in my life by a huge margin. Nothing compares, nothing. The ABSOLUTE worst.

Shawna Fincher   2 years ago

When I click on the app, it asks if I want to log in. I click, it immediately states its logging out and shuts down the app. I have done all the trouble shooting I can find and need some help please!!

James   2 years ago

I desperately need your help. Your site is impossible to navigate and won't let me do the simplest of things!!! I've written posts doing shout-outs to other businesses, but cannot tag the companies!!! When I try to write '@' and begin typing the name of the business - a business that I follow - I get the most random suggestions for pages I have never heard to before, but the one I'm wanting to tag doesn't appear. How can I fix this as soon as possible? Secondly, scheduling posts won't let me attach images. So I have to wait til they post, then jump in and try to add photos - however, once I've done it once, I am not allowed to add any more images (or delete the first ones!) . What is wrong with Business suite and why don't these simple things work? Finally, is there an option to not do any editing through business suite? I miss being able to edit my page the way I used to.

Darlene B Patrick   2 years ago

Everything was working well and yesterday, Jul 20, 2021, I suddenly could not schedule posts. Samsung Galaxy 21 ultra. I get an error of you have no connection try again. I tried connecting to my home wifi and same message. disconnected, same message, no update available through playstore, cleared cache, all the things. still get the error.

Nia Hopkin   2 years ago

How is this 'recommended' on the basis of these reviews? I really, really try and use Facebook Business Suite - it should be a great asset to a tiny business like mine. Almost every time, I just give up. It's terrible. Not so much glitches as cumbersome, unhelpful, cluttered, totally the opposite of user-friendly. Going to my business page is like opening a door into a trashed storeroom - it's just littered with 'advice', 'help', and it's impossible to see the wood for the trees. I strongly suspect that unboosted posts go nowhere, and it's just a way of shoving us into paying for boosts. I wonder whether the people who designed this app have mess all over their desks and engage with graphs and stats more than with human beings? It might explain why this is such a bizarrely unwieldy app.

Kelli Williams   3 years ago

I cannot scroll and add a description to the pictures I have taken of merchandise. I have several pictures of new merchandise that is going to go out this week. However when I go to edit, I can't see all the pictures nor can I add descriptions. This is honestly one of the worse apps I have ever dealt with. It's glitchy and crashes. Every bug "fix" just adds 5 more it seems like. It's detrimental to my business if I can't add descriptions to my products.

Claire   3 years ago

I’ve had to delete the app because it’s really not working. It says I have unread messages when I look for them I can’t find them. Utter waste of time. What we had before this app was miles better. Cannot use it and cannot find any help on my problems with it hence why I’ve binned it.

Is Meta Business Suite Safe?

Yes. Meta Business Suite is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 322,535 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Meta Business Suite Is 66.3/100.

Is Meta Business Suite Legit?

Yes. Meta Business Suite is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 322,535 Meta Business Suite User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Meta Business Suite Is 78.2/100..

Is Meta Business Suite not working?

Meta Business Suite works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Billed Once $18.88
Weekly Subscription $50.00
Monthly Subscription $9.93

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