Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to JW Library.
• There are issues with the Accessability feature Invert for those with low vision.
• The latest revision of the New World Translation that was recently published in Spanish still hasn’t appeared in the app to update or download.
• Deleting the app and reinstalling it causes the user to lose all their downloaded content.
JW library stop work on laptop!
When touching screen to scroll the video jumps up and down.
JW library stop work on laptop!
Org app.someone, or something is stopping me from viewing my favorite app..HELP!!!!!!
Frequently Used has disappeared
Issue with restoring backup from PC to Android Tablet fixed with latest Android update - 14.0.2
I have 4 devices with JW Library installed, 1 Windows 11 Laptop and 3 Android devices. I customarily backup data in JW Library on whichever device I'm using, then restore that backup to the other devices. Starting a few days ago, when I study for meetings on my laptop, then do a backup in JW Library and restore it to my Android devices, an error message comes up on all the Android devices saying: "Restore Failed. There is something wrong with the backup file." This doesn't happen when backing up on any of the Android devices, and restoring that backup to the other devices, including the Windows 11 laptop. So at present, I'm not able to study on my laptop if I want to backup JW Library and restore it to my other 3 devices. Before this problem started, the backup file names would be something like: UserdataBackup_08-13-2023_BRIANSTUJASI. After the problem started, the file names would be: UserdataBackup_2023-08-15_BRIANSTUJASI. So the year in the file name was moved to a different location in the file name. Also, the size of the backup files has ballooned to over 11 meg. Any suggestions? Thank you, Brian Mellor
I have 4 devices with JW Library installed, 1 Windows 11 Laptop and 3 Android devices. I customarily backup data in JW Library on whichever device I'm using, then restore that backup to the other devices. Starting a few days ago, when I study for meetings on my laptop, then do a backup in JW Library and restore it to my Android devices, an error message comes up on all the Android devices saying: "Restore Failed. There is something wrong with the backup file." This doesn't happen when backing up on any of the Android devices, and restoring that backup to the other devices, including the Windows 11 laptop. So at present, I'm not able to study on my laptop if I want to backup JW Library and restore it to my other 3 devices. Before this problem started, the backup file names would be something like: UserdataBackup_08-13-2023_BRIANSTUJASI. After the problem started, the file names would be: UserdataBackup_2023-08-15_BRIANSTUJASI. So the year in the file name was moved to a different location in the file name. Also, the size of the backup files has ballooned to over 11 meg. Any suggestions? Thank you, Brian Mellor
Same as Maurice Bennett and David Cooper. I have also remarked that : * database versions from portable devices are V13 and from PC is V14 - incompatible ?? * PC only adds the userdatabase in the backup-file and portable devices also adds two temp files (shm and wal).
I can confirm Maurice Bennett's comment below. After years of no problem, on 9th August after backing up JW Library (Windows version) to Onedrive, my Android tablet would not restore the backup. The message I got was "Restore failed... There is something wrong with the backup file". Older backups predating 9th August will restore perfectly well. I removed some Windows updates to see if taht was teh problem, but no change.... If anyboby can advise that would be great. At teh moment I have no meeting notes etc to us.
My iPhone is not downloading videos and publications
Since the update to version 14, I have discovered that I cannot restore my PC version backup (latest window 10 update installed) to my Samsung tablet (Galaxy Tab A7 Android 13). [I prepare my meetings on my PC and then create a backup for restoring to my tablet for the meetings. Today I ended up at my meeting with an 'un marked" version of my WT study.] However, I can restore backups from my tablet to my PC as well as from my iPhone to my PC. I can also restore previous older version backups from my PC to my tablet. When I try to restore current version backups from PC or from my iPhone I get the following message: "Restore Failed - There is something wrong with the backup file". In another issue report I detailed my failure to be able to restore anything to my iPhone so am unable to report any findings regarding restoring backups on that device. The current version of JW Library on my devices are: Tablet - 14.0.1 (309523); iPhone - 14.0.2 (316115); PC - 14.0.163 (316609) Any help to resolve this issue will be greatly appreciated.
While testing backup/restore issues with JW Library 14.0.1 and recent update 14.0.2, I discovered that my iPhone 6S using IOS 15.7.8 does not open the restore function. The backup function works fine. Any ideas?
Difficulty in downloading videos and music on Jw library. Also JW.ORG not working properly with latest IOS update 16.6
My publications will not update.
I use my android phone and tablet with Bluetooth speakers to listen to JW Library audio. They have worked great for years. I found on 7/13/23 that neither my phone nor tablet will play JW Library audio over the Bluetooth speakers. Built in speakers work fine. Other audio apps work fine over Bluetooth speakers. I installed the latest update on 7/15/23. It made no difference.
I can’t restore a backup copy with the latest version
In the middle of highlighting an article, it suddenly highlighted everything the same color. It won't undo.
I built a custom PC for a friend. Installed all drivers Windows 11 Home and updated everything. Installed a few apps (VLC Player, LibreOffice, 7-Zip, Audacity, Gimp, WatchTower Library on CD) and everything is working great. The same apps are on my computer which works fine. Internet-connected and working fine. Having an issue with JW Library App. The app installs just fine and I can download publications, music, and videos. I can download Bibles. But once I download the Study Bible I can’t download anything else. It will not download or update any publication no more. Study Bible can’t download any Audio and Videos in the Cloud, but you can download videos separately for each Book Introduction manually instead of all at once in the Cloud. In settings, the app sees the location folders just fine, so that is not the issue! Publications, Music, and Videos can be accessed and appears to work just fine, it just can’t download and or update once the Study Bible is installed. Does the JW Library app have any issues with known software and or drivers\hardware? Intel Core i5-13400 Raptor Lake Gigabyte B660I AORUS Pro DDR4 ITX Motherboard G.Skill Ripjaws V 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 ASRock AMD Radeon RX 6600 Graphic Card Samsung 980 Pro SSD 1TB M.2 NVMe SSD Microsoft Windows 11 Home OS
I update study Bible & Glossery. Since then then I have no sound.
Normally when I’m listening to original or any songs while with my kid in bed i can go to my Home Screen on my phone and go into other apps and music will play still but now it turns off as soon as i minimize the app on my phone. I’m using ios. I have all the latest versions downloaded aswell. Not sure what’s happening.
I've installed the JW app, and that is good. But, when I download something to favorites, when I try to open it up, it doesn't open. Also, when I go to the meeting site, it/they won't open.? What is wrong? Please help the old
Video, audio, and publication downloads won't work. Uninstalled and reinstalled. Was able to download the Study Bible, but no audio or video files. And most publications will not download.
after the update i am asked to accept the terms but "ACCEPT" does not light up and i cannot move on from there. I have tried re installing the the same. I am running 5.1 and it is up to date. what now ?. it usually runs well and it still runs on my older , slower tablet. mick
Cannot download anything to jwlibrary with windows 11
Cannot open JW Library on my Microsoft, Windows 10, Surface Tablet.
My windows jw libraly is not downloading showing cannot install
Whenever I try to download any publication, it starts hanging. I can't find the watchtower study article and Christian life and ministry so as to download
I am unable to start JW Library on android. Each time I attempt this I get the "JW Library keeps stopping" message box.
I can download the watchtower but the app does not open the highlighted topics
My samsung tablet JW app.starts put stops before opening up.ive been try 10/24/22 until now this morning its 10/25/22
Hi Brothers, I am running Android 11 on a Samsung tablet SM-T720_11_0010. I regularly have our library app failing it's publication check. I have cleared cache. I have plenty of RAM (generally~2.2GB of 6GB) available as well as onboard memory (73.1GB available of 128 + SD card= 297.8GB of 512GB). Most of the time it fixes itself after not wanting to update for several weeks. I also have a 17.4MB backup file, which seems to make the app take an awfully long time to boot up (often >2 minutes) So, to use in field service, I have a much smaller backup file (~2MB) which I overwrite the far more complex 17 MB data file. And then restore the larger file when I'm done. However, whether I try running publication updates with the smaller or larger backup file doesn't seem to make a difference to my current problem with the tablet. I also have an Android phone which also experiences these recalcitrant moments. Sometimes, if I manually update a file (download a mwb/WT) everything sorts itself out and then behaves. Other times, not... The longest my phone went AWOL was maybe for 3-4 months... my tablet, will decide to tidy itself up after refusing to cooperate up to maybe 2 months.... there is no discernible pattern that I can see that will help me get around the problem. I have turned off dark screen, no difference. I turn off power saving, no difference... I am at a loss... I would like to update the Study Bible with the latest additions to the notes (Titus & Philemon) Phone updated OK, Tablet no. PC: no worries) Can you shed any light or propose a solution?
JW library will not load on my PC. It acts like it's going to load, but then it closes. Does the fact that I have windows 11 cause this issue. I never had it when I had Windows 10
When I try to open the featured article it freezes up.
When I open the bible, the app stops working. Or when I try to set another bible language it stops working.
Cant download the Bible. Whenever i tried, a pop message like this always appeared "Unfortunately, JW Library Stopped" My tablet android version is 4.44
I have an android tablet and I am unable to install the app. As it just keeps "circling" for at least 30minut my Android tablet will not accept the app for JW Library I've tried various ways of doing it but it just keeps circling what am I doing wrong
Hey guys, My app takes time to charges all the publications and when I'm reading an articles no matter where on the app i can't click on the Bible verse. Please do you have a solution. I can't delete the app and reinstalle I don't have enough data for that. Can somebody help?
My JW library app is not opening it keeps crashing. I have even uninstall Ed and reinstalled it's not opening
The jw library has stopped when I tap for the Bible. And also I get the workbooks for the meeting on my samsung android tablet.
I had downloaded jw but it doesnt want to open it says jw has stopped
Hi, I am wondering why my JW library is not updating the latest issues. Can you help please .
Can't open the bible text after opening the bible book
Unable to view anything on my screen. The logo just keep running without seen the interface
Library app is not working
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a user from Wildenfels, Germany reported problems with JW Library : Not working