Tody Reviews

Tody Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-11

About: Tody is a smarter to-do list for managing household cleaning routines. It will
optimize and motivate your cleaning.

About Tody

Tody is a smarter to-do list for managing household cleaning routines.

● Tody visualizes dirtiness to motivate cleaning and visualizes the effect of cleaning to enhance satisfaction.

Tody puts you in control of your cleaning routines instead of cleaning routines controlling you.

● Gain flexibility by managing cleaning tasks by indicators of actual need rather than arbitrary dates.

● Enjoy an extremely easy and intuitive set up of a customized cleaning plan.

It will optimize and motivate your cleaning.

● Turn home cleaning into a game.

House members can sync plans across devices and users and check-in to claim credit for their actions.

● Tody can be customized and scaled to fit almost any needs.

Even professionals find Tody to be their preferred tool.

It thus suits singles as well as complex households with many members.

● There are no deadlines, alarms and notifications (optional).

Recommended by, Buzzfeed and MacWorld.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 8,137 combined software reviews.

1120 Tody Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Great Household Organizational Tool

This tool allows you to set a frequency for each household task. Tasks are organized by room, and there are also options for the whole house, garage, and outdoors tasks. Initially, you choose one of three levels for how clean you want to keep things. This sets a default frequency for each task to get you started. Then, you go through and adjust the tasks, areas, and frequencies to your liking. Tody creates a cleaning list and shows tasks with color coding to represent how urgent/ close to due the tasks are- green for not due for awhile, red for overdue, etc. There is a pause button for seasonal tasks. For example, packing school bags can be paused for the summer and weeding the garden can be paused for the winter. It is also possible to schedule infrequent tasks that happen every few months or even yearly. The thing that makes this better than a typical cleaning checklist or schedule is that items can easily be scheduled for unusual frequencies. Maybe every week is too often to clean the shower, but two weeks is too infrequent. It is easy to set the frequency to 10 days because Tody will keep track for you, optimizing your use of time. And if you don’t get to it, Tody will keep rolling it over to the next day for you. If you decide to do it a couple days early, Tody will adjust for that, too. This is one of the most helpful apps that I use day-to-day. I highly recommend it.


Helps me focus

Tody is wonderful. I’m generally a pretty tidy person but struggled with how to maintain our household once I had three young kids close together. I’ll admit sometimes Tody overwhelms me because it bosses me around. But it’s a good kind of bossing and three main benefits have come of using Tody: 1. It has helped me not get so hung-up on certain tasks. It has helped me to just get it done with the tasks I tend to put off. Cleaning the fish tank used to be something I’d let slip because it’s a pain. But in reality it only takes like 10 minutes and I’d rather just get it done than have Tody turn red on the task! Haha! 2. It has helped me to only focus on what’s right in front of me. In the past I’d look at all the things not getting done and berate myself about them but those days are gone because I know that messy room or that cluttered closet will have its designated time, and if that time isn’t today, I can let it go! 3. I just love having everything in the same place. I put my freelance work, bills, garden tasks, daily Bible reading, cooking, hobbies, random reminders like signing kids up for swimming lessons, even taking showers (yes, apparently I need an app for that, haha), in Tody. I love that it helps me prioritize all types of things - not just cleaning! Tody is a total game-changer and worth every penny!


Love it!

You definitely need to learn how to use this. The key to cleaning is to PICK UP STUFF! I have been working with a professional organizer and the place to start is at the front door. Whenever anyone comes over, you want to first clean what they will see. Then work on your bedroom. This sets the tone. I also do dishes and trash daily and laundry on a slow day at home - Sundays. My personal organizer calls it the “illusion of cleanliness” and her name is Marie Ricks. She has written many books on cleaning and organization! I’ve used this app in the past and love it, but it becomes SO BURDENSOME depending on how it is used. I group cleaning into an “area” called “cleaning reboot” for surface cleaning, vacuuming, kitchen/bath, etc. I love that I can assign this to professional cleaners and other family members. I also have an area for “morning routine” “daily clean” “tasks” and “evening routine”. I skip tasks I don’t want to do that day by pausing them. The order of the areas I work through somewhat chronologically. SET TO RELAXED! It is still sparkling. Key is that many presets are missing TIDY! Do TIDY tasks every day and surface cleaning as far out as you can handle. This gives the illusion of cleanliness! Don’t just trust me. Trust a professional organizer. Marie is the best!


99% perfect app

I love Tody dearly and I make attempts to use it all the time, because the idea is truly genius. I love the status bars for tasks, grouping by areas, ability to customize completion frequency. The only major drawback for me is the lack of notifications for individual tasks. For someone with ADHD like me, seeing a notification like “you have 7 tasks due today” is just so discouraging. I end up never opening Tody to look at specific tasks that are due because it’s an extra step and I already start feeling like there are several things I need to get done. Tasks pile up, I see a red bar, I stress out, eventually stop using Tody all together… It would be so helpful to have an option to turn on (or off) notifications for each task individually, what time of the day I want to receive it (e.g., do the dishes at 7pm, wipe the stove at 8am), and whether I want it on the day it’s due and/or maybe a few days before. That way I’d know when I need to get things done without feeling overwhelmed. For other tasks that take longer periods of time to become relevant again, I can open Tody and actually see the status bar when I check off things I got done because of individual notifications. Otherwise, excellent app and I’ll keep making attempts at making it work for me!


Most useful app EVER

I’ve been using this app everyday for over a year. It helps me to prioritize chores as a working mother—since I can only do so much in a day! I never have that feeling that I don’t know where to begin because it shows me what needs my attention the most. And then once I accomplish that, I often end up doing the next item on the list, then the next and the next. I also love that it shows my progress over time and I am always challenging myself to keep the level lower than before. My house has definitely become consistently cleaner over time and I spent 0 time thinking about it.

And for those days that I’m exhausted but could maybe accomplish “just one thing”... I know what to do. It manages that “overwhelmed and don’t know we’re to start” feeling because it shows you exactly what needs your attention the most. And it gauges my progress over time so I’m always trying to challenge myself. It has improved my home and my attitude over housekeeping and takes the thought process out, which is usually the very thing that keeps from getting started at all.


Great for ADD adults! (And everybody else)

Tody has changed my life. No more time writing out to-do lists or wondering when I last did something, it’s all right here and so customizable! As an adult with ADD-i, remembering simple routines is difficult for me. I was able to create categories for my own self-care and for my children as well. No more missed showers, vitamins, or teeth brushing! (Well, less anyway.) I’m able to delegate tasks to my husband and it all syncs between our devices, which is wonderfully helpful. (We use the points system to make a game of who can get more- no more arguments about whether we’re pulling our weight) Plus the developers really listen to feedback. I mentioned just a few months ago that it would be really nice to be able to visually see how much progress you’ve made on each room that day. In today’s update they added a feature that leaves a ghost print of where each bar started so as the day goes on you can watch your progress! I’m so excited they listened and I absolutely recommend Tody!


Life Saver!!

I have been trying to find a method to track chores and know what needs to be done, making my own spread sheets/charts, all sorts of to do lists and apps, and nothing worked for more than a few days. I’ve slowly been personalizing Tody and it fits my life much better than anything has before.

There are only two little suggestions I would have for future improvement, but they don’t make me want to use this less. One I’ve modified for, it would be nice to have a way to denote something that isn’t necessarily a “home chore” and have it not look like a room of the house. I’ve named my own “space” for my morning routine, etc., and it works, so this isn’t a huge deal. The other suggestion I have is to include a way to have chores that come due on certain days of the week or dates of the month for chores like taking the garbage can out or paying the utility bill. Little things that I can set to have other ways to remind me.

Overall, well worth the small cost to finally have my household chores managed with little stress to me.


Best app ever

Having suffered from depression for many years, I have struggled with maintaining everyday routines. I set up Tody for my household chores, as it is intended, and took awhile to get using it. But, once I did, it made a huge difference. If I’m behind on one thing or another, I feel so much less stress, because I can easily see what to prioritize and be more productive overall. Within a week of using this daily, I noticed that my mind was clear of the chores I needed to do, even if I was still behind, because I knew if I kept working, I would get to them eventually. The system is so beautiful, that it made a psychological impact on my life.

Many reviewers have mentioned that they use Tody for other life lists, but I’ve had bad luck in the past combining too many things into one place. I wrote the developers with a suggestion to create another app that uses this concept for work / life / self care balance, and they kindly responded. So, not only is Tody great, but clearly the creators are as well.


I love Tody

A long time ago I relied on an index card system. But in today's world it just wasn't working for me. Just never enough time to shuffle and organize my box. So I began the hunt for an app. I tried many. But there just wasn't anything close to the organization of the index card system I had. Until I found this app. this app isn't perfect. But in my opinion is the best in the market. It keeps everything neat and is easy to use. It's simple to customize to your home and the specific jobs you want to do. You set the pace on when you want each job done and how frequently you want to do it. I even set other goals other than cleaning up with this app to keep on track.
The only thing I would change- this app rolls on from whenever the last time you hit 'done'. So if you set a task for every week -say it should be done on Sunday and do it on Wednesday then this app will remind you a week from Wednesday. In some cases I like the rolling timeline but I wish there was an option of setting a hard date. Other than that. this app rocks. 👍🏼


Can’t manually order tasks.

I do really like Tody. It helps me keep track of what needs to be done and prevents me from over-cleaning when something doesn’t need to be done yet. The features are simple and not overdone and it is intuitive to use.

However, it is lacking one specific ability. While I can manually order the areas, I cannot manually order tasks within an area. When cleaning, tasks need to be completed in a certain order. For example, one always dusts the tops of cabinets first and vacuums last. This way one is not re-vacuuming cabinet dust that may fall on the floor after the floor has already been vacuumed. Tody determines it’s own order of tasks and it is not in a good order. I have to try to hunt through the list of tasks to figure out what to do next and inevitably miss a task. I end up dusting the tops of cabinets after I have vacuumed and have to re-vacuum. I spend as much time managing Tody as I do cleaning and find myself just not using Tody because of this.

I really want to use Tody on a daily basis so I really, really hope the developers are able to make the task list be ordered manually .


This has honestly been life changing for me.

I have struggled for pretty much all of my adult life with cleaning and maintaining a house. I would always let things overwhelm me because I couldn’t keep track of what needed doing when, so I would constantly be thinking I needed to do EVERYTHING right now. I would get overwhelmed, defeated, and then lose all motivation. Tody has honestly changed my life. It helps me compartmentalize what needs to be done and when, and not allow myself to stress out over the overwhelming task of keeping a whole house clean 24/7. It lets me just think about today. Once I got caught up on everything and now it’s all on a schedule each task seems easy and small because nothing builds up. I honestly love Tody and it has improved my life in a way I never thought an app could.

Also, I tried a few other similar apps and found this one to be the most user friendly. 10 out of 10 would recommend.


Fantastic App with just one problem for me

This is a well thought out concept, and I enjoyed the interface. I liked seeing quickly which things needed my attention. I really only have a minor complaint or two, that may not bother anyone else depending on their psyche, but for me, while Tody is overall in my opinion the better app, the one feature important to me is to organize where everything is on my list. Most of the time I’m half asleep in the morning, and exhausted in the evening. Having the list in order will help me do things with a smooth flow until I’m on autopilot. The tasks can’t be arranged to your chose order in Tody. Where Tody shines, and is better than the one I chose to keep is the ability to be super specific on time lines. You want it don’ every 17 days, you can set it. 9 months? 24 months? Things from inspections to last time you had your radiator flushed. This is an awesome app, and you should definitely give it a try if the order of what’s in your list doesn’t really matter for you.


This isn't an app, it's a miracle!

I bought this thinking it would help me keep track of cleaning which it does. I also use it to keep track of all kinds of other stuff that need to be done on a routine or semi routine basis. It's amazing. Plus you can list anything you want, so under living room I have things like clean fireplace and vacuum under couches that need to be done but not on a regular basis. I no longer feel reactive and that I am actually taking care of everything in my home. Do you forget to change the filter in your furnace? You can schedule it and it can add it to your calendar on your phone. Forget to get your oil changed in the car, rotate tires? Can't remember the last time you gave the dog a bath? Add your yard, garage, basement, attic... use it to help keep track of pre-winter and pre-summer maintenance for your home like disconnecting garden hoses before the winter. Power washing the house, clean out leaves from gutters... seriously Tody is amazing!


Life Changing for the ADD afflicted!

It sounds too good to be true, right? How can an app make that much of a difference? I took the plunge and spent the money based on the reviews and it was so worth it! Like so many of us, I am crazy busy and my housekeeping told that horror story all by itself. I was so tired of living with the mess but couldn't afford to have a housekeeper. this app is the solution for those of us afflicted with ADD. It breaks down what seems insurmountable into small tasks that you can fit into your day. It provides the structure that you need to be able to break all of it down into one easy to use app. You feel a sense of accomplishment in checking things off your to do list and it makes you want to keep up with it! It can be a little rough in the first week, but stick with it. Once you get everything on a schedule, keeping up becomes a breeze! Thank you for this wonderful app!


Most useful app I've found yet

I can't say enough about Tody. I used to have house cleaners come every two weeks. I let them go a couple of months ago In order to save money. I work full time, am chauffeur to two kids...... I was really stressed about adding new responsibilities to my already full plate. I tried a couple of apps to help me organize my cleaning tasks before finding this one. Tody is hands down the best. It is more intuitive than the others. It's so easy to set up areas and tasks, and how frequently you want to clean them. I love the "to do list" - I can easily see what needs to be done. Rather cleaning my whole house in one day like the cleaning service did, Tody allows me to spread all of the tasks out over a two week period so that I do a little at a time and my house is always clean. I can't say enough about Tody. Get it now!!! You won't be sorry!!!


Glad I finally got it

I never pay for apps, so I have hesitated on getting this one for years. But I have a really hard time keeping on top of housework and needed to try something new. I’m so glad I finally got Tody; it’s definitely worth the money. It has really helped me get on top of my cleaning and stay there.
It gives you countless pre-set options for tasks, as well as let’s you create your own from scratch. It’s extremely customizable and easy to use. It shows you which areas of your home need the most attention, and it also gives the option to look at an itemized list and shows what task needs to be done first. It’s impossible to describe everything it does because there’s so many ways to use it. All I have to say is it’s worth it for me, and I completely recommend it to anyone who’s thinking about it.


Game changer

I am a big time procrastinator and “ I’ve gotta clean......(kitchen, bathroom, car etc) was always in my head but seemed so time consuming I pushed it to another day. Tody breaks things up into small tasks. Most take 5 minutes! So while cleaning my entire bathroom sounded awful, I can take a few minutes to wipe down the sink and mirror- DONE! Checking off the task is so gratifying! These little tasks add up and my house is CLEAN- probably for the first time in my life. I know.... not rocket science but for someone who put off housework this is a game changer. I can’t wait to show my college age kids because they have roommates and sharing Tody and chores looks awesome and can probably save some roommate arguments. But I bet they’ll be thankful I didn’t have this when they lived at home!! Haha! This would be so great to keep track of family household chores without the nagging- well, less nagging! 😊


Competitive powers ACTIVATE!

God, there's nothing as satisfying as beating Dusty at his own game. I have gotten out of bed to do chores, not out of guilt, but solely for the pleasure of making him sulk because I had the most points 😂 Let me tell you, that is an achievement. I've always struggled with motivation and consistency, but Tody turns cleaning into a game — literally!

Also, the actual chores/recurring tasks aspect of Tody is incredibly well designed! It's intuitive, adaptable and just seems to get better the more you use it. I feel empowered and able to keep up.

In short, my house has been functionally clean and completely non-embarrassing for over two months, in spite of having toddlers, and I am never going back. Thank you SO MUCH to Tody developers — and Dusty, brace yourself, cause I'm definitely gonna take the lead today!!!


Amazing App to Help Clean!

Like many, I hate cleaning. I didn’t get my moms obsessive compulsive cleaning gene. But, I like a clean house. However, I often feel overwhelmed with the many tasks that need to be done. This eliminates that issue. I scheduled a millions tasks (mostly custom but I also used many of the built in ones that reminded me of some tasks I usually forget) and did them based on room of the house. I also scheduled things like home services that need to be done occasionally such as service heater/air conditioner, get taxes done, get Fireplace chimney sweep, change blue Apple filters in fridge (to keep fruits/veggies fresh), change air filter, clean vacuum filter, and so many more). I scheduled myself to dust one item (bookshelf, tv console, etc) a day to keep up on dusting so it’s pretty much always clean. This is my favorite app and pretty sure the only one I’ve ever reviewed lol. Thank you!!!


Do it.

I like Tody as far as it helps keep me on top of cleaning. In fact, I do some of my house work before it needs to be done just so I can keep it green rather than turning orange or red. So if you want to know if I think you should purchase this, my answer is a big fat YES.

However, this is where I get picky and tell you things that don’t really impact the usefulness of Tody , it’s more of a pet peeve situation: I would prefer that it be more streamlined...instead of giving the option of either entering 14 days or two weeks, just go with one option. They’re the same. I can understand things like 8 or 9 days, 15 or 16 days but 14 days vs 2 weeks? I don’t love that. I would also like a different layout, or at least the option of different layouts. I’m a visual person and I need lots and lots of color coding rather than the standard few available with Tody.

Again, Tody is useful and does what I need it to, I would just like to see a few tweaks here and there.


Practically Perfect!

As someone who struggles manage daily tasks Tody has been a life saver. If you are the kind of person that creates a plan, does it for a few weeks or even months and then gets in a rut this is great because you always have a complete list of your chores to come back to and that really help you minimize your rut time and get motivated again. It starts over fresh every month which helps me too. And the game element to cleaning with Dusty helps motivate my families competitive side. I love that you can sync everyone’s devices and chores in one space. I LOVE the new Focus Timer where I can set tasks for my kids and myself for a certain time to create a lil boost and the timer encourages everyone to “beat the clock”. All in all Tody has been so helpful managing a task I absolutely hate - cleaning. It’s been such a struggle for me my whole life, and Tody is part of helping me create better habits.


Cleaning way more efficiently

My husband and I got Tody so we could easily track what chores need done and whoever does them could mark them off. Previously we were using the reminders app through the iPhone which had way too many notifications and we would then just ignore them. Tody has been really helpful with prioritizing our cleaning so jobs that we have previously let go for months are getting done finally. It also doesn’t overwhelm us with notifications so the days that we are able to clean, we just open up Tody and can find a chore that we can do that day to mark as done! It’s especially been helpful by giving suggestions on what to do in each room and you can easily adjust how frequently and the effort each chore takes. 10/10 app!

Is Tody Safe?

Yes. Tody is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,137 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Tody Is 78.4/100.

Is Tody Legit?

Yes. Tody is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,137 Tody User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Tody Is 100/100..

Is Tody not working?

Tody works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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