Duolingo app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with Duolingo

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Not working


Something else


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Duolingo Problems 🔥

- Repetitive

- Takes time to learn new words

- Heart system can be frustrating for beginners

📋 124 Reported Issues:

Login Issue With Nihongo Desu App 2024-12-27

Nihongo Desu login issue

Jim Stroud 2024-08-27

Duolingo stops working when I do one exercise. I have rebooted my iPad and updated the app but it makes no difference. I jumped ahead in the lessons and the test to see if I could do that also froze after a couple of exercises.

J And N 2024-02-27

1. Can't get more gems for at least the past week 2. App crashes repeatedly the last 30 minutes

Armstrong 2023-11-03

It takes about 2 to 3 minutes to load any lesson and sometimes won’t load at all. This has been going on for many months and is slowing down my learning process. I deleted five of my language courses to reduce the Duolingo app size but it still didn’t work. I reduced the apps on my iPad and cleared the cache and data but it still didn’t work either. I am wasting my money and my time trying to learn languages on Duolingo. Can you please solve the problem. Thank you.

Sharon Symanovich 2023-10-04

Duolingo has been freezing multiple times during lessons for the past week. It’s the first time that this has occurred. I’ve tried restarting my IPad but it doesn’t fix the problem.

Mississippi Agis-Duncan 2023-08-30

I'm reading "Quieres escribir un best seller" on Duolingo. But it freezes in the middle and won't let me read the end.

Marion Fitzhugh 2023-08-21

I have just paid for a yearly subscription but in my Latin lessons it has been stuck on Level 4 for weeks. I keep doing the exercises, including the Legendary ones but it never moves on. How can I move it on?

Marian O'Regan 2023-07-28

The screen keeps freezing between and also now during the beginning of lessons and/or crashing. So I've had to keep reloading, which wasted more than half my learning time. Yesterday I uninstalled and later reinstalled the App on my Android Tablet, but it froze multiple times during the sign-in process - after nearly 4 years continuous learning, I finally give up!

Ronald Haring 2023-07-25

The app won't start anymore happened last week as well, then I paused it and started it again then it did work

Kelly 2023-06-18

My widget is blank

Marie Baskeyfield 2023-06-13

Always sticking when a picture of a king appears. I key in my answer (in portuguese) - no response - "check" bar never turns green. Very annoying

Eli 2023-06-04

The blue follow button is completely disappeared! It means I can't follow or follow back new friends which is not fine. I verified my email, I'm so active and I'm not in the classrooms I also clear its data and reinstall it, my followers and followings both counts less than 1000. I know when you follow more than ten friends in just one day it errors and there is a bug that you can't follow more so I just followed two friends everyday and now I can't do this anymore. So I asked myself Is there anything wrong with my duo account? And after that l created a new account with a new email but I had the same problem with that account SO WHAT'S WRONG?! I use this app on web and android app but I see this problem every where I think it happened after last update. Please tell me how to fix it because I enjoy using this app and I wanna keep learning, Duo is a great teacher. Thanks...

Marsha 2023-05-19

On some of the lessons where I have to type in the answer, the last question disappears and I have to quit the lesson.

Russell McGivern 2023-05-18

In lesson 3 spanish lesson traveler keeps freezing and can't type anything. And so I can't continue my lessons. I have cleaned cache, restarted and uninstalled and re installed app.

Neil Corcoran 2023-05-07

When I type the answer to exercise 14, lesson 3 of unit 35 and then click on check nothing happens and I cannot move beyond this point

Kathleen Maseda 2023-05-06

Why is duolingo french taking 15 seconds to reload?

Deborah McCollum 2023-04-23

Duolingo does not understand when I speak: the microphone is not working properly.

Margaret Lumsden 2023-04-20

My SuperDuolingo wasn't working. I sent the issue to you in multiple apps. No answer. I reinstalled but it does not acknowledge my paid superpro account. How do I fix this?

Mary Evans 2023-04-16

Duolingo website keeps locking up my computer so badly I have to do a "hard" shutdown with the power button. Does it with both the Chrome and Firefox web browsers. It's not an antivirus or ad blocker problem - I've already tried fixes there with no improvements. I don't have this problem with any other sites, just the Duolingo learning one.

Jenna 2023-04-10

When I finish a lesson, it wont register as completed. I've been stuck on the same lesson for 2 days. Even trying to skip ahead to a different section, upon completion its as though I didn't complete it. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted and tried 3 different browsers on pc and my phone, as well as the app.

Chuck Bentley 2023-04-09

After every lesson on iphone, I have to turn off the phone and restart before another lesson will load. Since I spend 3 hours or more each day doing lessons, this is a real problem. any suggestions? Thanks!

Chuck Bentley 2023-04-09

After every lesson on iphone, I have to turn off the phone and restart before another lesson will load. Since I spend 3 hours or more each day doing lessons, this is a real problem. any suggestions? Thanks!

Bruce Rakes 2023-03-26

My wife has a family account, but she is quite frustrated. Duolingo keeps hanging, especially at the end (or sometimes middle) of the speech exercises.

Per 2023-03-09

Already finished Unit 80 and nearly finished with step 2 on unit 81 and now the system has stepped back to half Unit 80 done. System has also been slow the last days.

Jacquie 2023-03-05

Can’t see my answer and therefore cannot edit it iPad app

Rhonda Monks 2023-03-03

Speech recognition not working on iPhone. Works on iPad. Both have current iOS update. Looks like it is hearing but comes up saying Hmmm… that doesn’t sound right. Give it another try.

Judy Maseles 2023-03-03

My microphone is not picking up my speaking on my iPhone. It works on my iPad. The IOS is up to date on both.

Bridget Pertlicek 2023-03-02

My Duolingo app is stuck on one screen and won’t go on. I can’t close it or go forward either.

Mark Tees 2023-02-25

Duolingo is the cause of my iPhone 13 Pro Max becoming unresponsive to all input. The entire phone becomes unresponsive and very difficult to try to close apps. most of the time I have to reboot the phone to be able to use it again. I'm 100% sure now that it is Duolingo but unsure if it is the keyboard that's used with Duolingo. if I am successful getting it to take input, then I can close the app and the problem goes away. Else I have to reboot the phone every day. My solution now is to close Duolingo at the end of every session and not to leave it running in any way. please look into this and fix it.

Rhoda McDonald 2023-02-22

I am a pensioner so use the Fee App version. I Accidentally updated the app. Accepted all new changes to Duolingo - (Hate the slowness NOW) but my MAJOR problem is when after a lesson and app automatically goes to adverts the Adds flicker, the screen goes black and app crashes. Leaving me without the gems etc. I would get for watching one or two Adverts. For the years and years using previous version of Duolingo I EXPERIENCED ZERO PROBLEMS - VERY, VERY UNHAPPY. SERIOUSLY THINKING OF MOVING TO ANOTHER APP.

Virginia Castaneda 2023-02-11

I have been playing the xp button and really enjoy it. It is a fun drill. Now my xp comes up but when I hit play nothing happens. I thought maybe I needed to buy more time but that does not work either. Waiting for the next day does not help. I seem to be locked out.

Virginia Castaneda 2023-02-11

I have been playing the xp button and really enjoy it. It is a fun drill. Now my xp comes up but when I hit play nothing happens. I thought maybe I needed to buy more time but that does not work either. Waiting for the next day does not help. I seem to be locked out.

Angelique 2023-02-10

It gave me a free super trial and then froze. I can’t play now.

Ness67 2023-01-31

I use website, not app, & for last 2 days the website closes before I can do anything and I am about to lose my 575 day streak. The offer of getting a streak freeze comes up because I couldn't do a lesson yesterday, & when I click yes, or no, nothing happens & my tablet goes back to desktop. No problem with internet connection.

Julia Wren-Hilton 2023-01-29

My points are not showing so I am unable to get out of the demotion zone

Elizabeth 2023-01-13

Duo won’t let me progress past unit 28 because there is a problem with one of the questions. Have reported this issue on 9 occasions but bug not fixed. Does anyone have any idea how to circumvent this? I can’t progress with my studies

Elizabeth 2023-01-13

Have reported a bug on 8occasions on spanish duolingo - unable to bypass it any suggestions please

James E Wilson 2023-01-11

Duolingo keeps putting me in the wrong lesson. It keeps putting me in lesson 28. I have already passed this and am in lesson 42. Apparently it is confusing me with another James E. Wilson.

Yvonne Barclay 2022-12-27

Thé app keeps freezing during the first or second exercise of the first lesson. It allows me to skip to next unit but then I’m not able to learn the unit I have just started

Jo 2022-12-20

I’m stuck in Match Madness

Dunteachn 2022-12-15

The learning path does not show up on the android version. I have all the current updates

John Carlo 2022-12-04

Hi, I’m a member of SuperDuolingo lately I start a lesson and 3/4 of the way In a lesson then it stops short of finishing and unable to complete the lesson. I’ve been getting ads to join SuperDuolingo for free 7days. I answer no thank-you. Then it loops to restart the lesson then again stops toward the end of the lesson.. please help It’s frustrating , especially after spending $90.00. Thank you ,Sincerely John Carlo

Brian Amos 2022-12-03

Freezing during lesson

Jennie McBride 2022-11-28

Am not able to complete session because does not respond when I press correct answer out of three choices so unable to proceed

Di 2022-11-26

When there are 3 options listed, the bottom one sometimes doesn’t work.

Patricia Torrie 2022-11-24

Duo will not let me enter the correct answer - it appears to have frozen and will not highlight the answer

Peter Brown 2022-11-17

On match madness the left column does not refresh after matching the first set of words. My phone is Huawei p30.

Tiedong Zhou 2022-11-17

Constantly gets stuck, not only at the loading screen but also at any moment. I tried to offload and reinstall the app several times and to log off and on, but the problem persists.

Stuart Kennedy 2022-11-15

The app on my Samsung tablet keeps resetting my streak which is currently 302 days. The streak still appears correctly on the app on my iPhone. I have tried deleting and reinstalling the app and signing in again. Initially it showed the streak correctly but after completing a lesson it went back to zero again.

Tiffany Richardson 2022-11-08

Duolingo keeps refreshing page so it is totally unusable

Asteria Imase 2022-11-07

I accidentally Uninstalled my duolingo app. And now I can't re-install the same duolingo app! I'm already going on the 1st place on my weekly competition thing on the diamond league. Please help!!!!!

Janet Sheffer 2022-11-03

My lesson buttons won’t open so I am an able to do any lessons

Janet Sheffer 2022-11-03

I click on a yellow lesson or a bar to start doing a lesson and it won’t open. I am unable to do a lesson.

Janet Sheffer 2022-11-03

I click on a yellow lesson or a bar to start doing a lesson and it won’t open. No I am unable to do a lesson

Mona Marshall 2022-10-25

Trying to do match madness but it doesn't work. I match all that can be matched but there is still a row of words that do not match. They just sit there. I can't move on. Won't go up or down or sideways. Clock keeps ticking and nothing else happens.

Annette 2022-10-24

I keep getting bundle failed and other comments not allowing me to the exercise and losing 100 points at a time !!!!! Getting frustrated Help !

Karen Sullivan 2022-10-24

For some reason I cannot clear all my mistakes. It lets me clear all of them apart from one, that stays stuck there all the time.

Dillon Cruz 2022-10-19

When I finish a lesson, it's not being recorded. It flashes quickly that it's complete but goes immediately back to 0.

Marsha Carbaugh 2022-10-18

Legendary levels won't open for single lesson. I was able to do one lesson this a.m., but 13 hrs later none of them will open. I'm on a laptop.

Maria Bvega 2022-10-12

when im trying to download duo to my windows pc it says i need to download a photo editor also? im on mozzilla it was working great before sept. them stopped plus i study also on my android phone and on my windows 10 lap rop

Mrs Susan M Bidgood 2022-10-12

I am losing connection as soon as I do I lesson. And since yesterday cannot open the app

Donard De Cogan 2022-10-09

Since the latest app update Duolingo on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet hangs at the green Duolingo screen. I can do a work-around by clicking on duolingo.com in Google and this immediately brings me past the green start-up screen, allowing me to get on with my language studies. Does this mean that the latest update is not compatible with Andoid 11?

Karmen Johnson 2022-10-01

My progress is not advancing and keeps repeating the same lessons

JUNE Edgar 2022-09-28

Match madness not working correctly no new words appear on left of the screen I've updated the app and switched phone off/on What else can I do

Diana Catanzarite 2022-09-22

My Duolingo is frozen and I cannot practice lessons

James Byrne 2022-09-21

whenever i complete a duolingo lesson on the first set for unit 8 it won't register as complete

Denise 2022-09-15

My Duolingo app won’t go into my next lesson…it is stuck in gems and all this other video game prize Silly stuff. I am in a weird loop🙃

Mary Jo McAuliffe 2022-09-09

My app opens but won't go beyond the landing page. I'm using the mobile app for Android. I've uninstalled, restarted & reinstalled Duolingo with same result. Prior to this I was trying to add the French course but couldn't. Thought perhaps I had too many courses so removed the others.

Tim Nye 2022-09-02

Screen has frozen up and doesn’t respond.

Ellen 2022-09-01

A few issues with the 'Level Up' screens: The box for writing disappears so that I can not read what I am writing. When the lesson asks me to "listen for the missing word" the second (bottom) word is not available - touching it will not choose it nor can I unchoose the first word These problems have persisted over the past few ipad updates and prevent me from leveling up

Debbie Bennison 2022-08-31

Duolingo French. Like many people have reported, when given the choice of three answers only the top one can be highlighted. The other two are unable to be selected. Thus having to select the top answer, which has been the wrong answer in order to continue. This has been happening for several days. Very frustrating. Hope you can fix it. Merci

Deborah Allen 2022-08-31

This is the second time I’ve had to contact you because I am unable to highlight all three options in a lesson and once again the option I want to use is the correct answer resulting in a loss of la life and being unable to complete the whole lesson.

Susan Lane 2022-08-28

When given a choice of three answers the bottom one freezes on my iPad Air, only started happening today.

Sarah Harrison 2022-08-27

In unit 12, I am asked to type the French for the hospital (l’hôpital) The answer is not accepted however it gives the answer as l’hôpital! I can’t finish the task or move forward! How do I get past this? I

Dianne 2022-08-25

I use a Samsung tablet to study Duolingo Italian. Often very slow to open but would get going. Then the app would freeze. When I shut it down and start using again it now freezes at the same spot and I have lost my continual streak. Very frustrating as I can't progress. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times and there is no difference.

Mercia 2022-08-23

At the end of Unit4 I have a 'share' icon and I can't access the next unit.

Court 2022-08-23

Duolingo keeps messing up ever since I went Super and won’t add points, shuts down. It keeps blacking out, cutting out, white screening, not giving the points and telling you the answer is wrong, when it’s clearly right!!

Roland Kuhne 2022-08-20

Hi, I have the 3-day preview for duolingo plus, but the features do not appear. Thank you

Timothy Hall 2022-08-19

I have been using my iPad for learning French. It has been mostly reliable but began to doing strange things. When learning, on pages where there is narrative in French and you have to answer the question about the narrative from one of three options it won't allow me to select the bottom of the three possible answers. In some cases it won't allow me to select either of the bottom two answers. Only being able to select the wrong answer ends up in failing to complete the set. I tried on windows 10 and was able to do the lesson. However, there appeared to be some synchronisation issues, the daily XP count was different and the questions in the lesson were different. I uninstalled the IOS app and reinstalled it. This seemed to cure the problem, but a couple of days later it returned. I also noticed that sometimes it is now taking minutes to start a pronunciation lesson, which was never the case beforehand. This is extremely annoying as I need to use my iPad when out for the day, and I have to avoid the main lessons.

Bird 2022-08-13

I am not receiving points in my diamond studies. It is stuck on 490 points.

Margaret Finch 2022-08-08

The screen froze when I collected reward for completion of daily task. I don’t want to loose my substantial streak or the chance to compete in the final of the diamond league tournament.

Jay 2022-07-31

Duolingo has completely disappeared from my phone after being really buggy when I started learning two languages. I am going to be said if I lose all my data!

Lynda Maraby 2022-07-26

App is frozen.

Dane 2022-07-26

I have been using the duolingo app for a number of years on my iPhone. It is freezing more and more where I have to close and start up again - it is becoming almost completely unusable. I am learning a number of languages which means that my app is probably storing more data than most - it seems that the Duolingo app can’t handle the amount of data. Ie. If you want to learn more than a couple of languages it can’t cope. I have wrote to Duolingo to complain and am a longtime Duolingo paying customer but they don’t seem to know how to fix it.

Robert Kay Alias Bob The Hammer 2022-07-23

Duo keeps stopping when I try to open the app

Catherine Kozera 2022-07-19

Page frozen on lesson pres tense how can I continue I have paid a year subscription.

Gail Gordon Skall 2022-07-19

Duolingo on my cellphone is frozen.


Please help. I uninstalled Duolingo 3 days ago and downloaded new from Google Play store ( Androind version) and since then - the application wont start. I am getting error immediately after I click on Duolingo icon : "Duolingo has stopped" And there are 2 options "Close app" or "Send feedback". I tried several times - uninstall, reinstall, clear cash, clear data, reboot. Nothing helps !!!

Karyn Stewart 2022-07-17

Ever since I updated Duolingo yesterday to version 6.173.1 on my iphone SE software version 15.5 Duolingo will allow me to do approximately 20 or so clicks and then freezes. I have a 300+ day streak and don't want to lose it! But I can't get beyond question 5 or so and it freezes on any type of lesson. Help!!

Crystal Shepherd 2022-07-17

While doing the XP timed ramp up challenge, DuoLingo freezes and won’t let me select the answer to the first question. It eventually allows me to select but the clock has been running already the whole time it’s locked up and I lose 15 to 25 seconds every time.

Mary Bartone 2022-07-16

The app on iPhine keeps freezing at the start of level up challenge levels on the first question but the clock keeps counting in the background although it is frozen during the freeze, eating my time, sometimes eating up 15 seconds during the freeze. I click on an answer, and the answer seems to be correctly depressed, but it does not change color as it would normally and then just sits there eating time before it eventually colors in the answer and lets me continue with the countdown clock jumping the time down. Also, during the match madness, at least three times now recently, I have answered all of the matches, but then the app does advance to award earned points and forward to a new match game set. It just sits there, continuing to countdown time and then asking me if I want more time, then incorrectly. awarding only part of the points. So even after all of the matches are made, it acts like they are not made and continues to countdown the rest of the time only to say you did not complete it and to award partial points. If I click on the X to close out the game when it is clear it is not registering the game as over, it also acts like it is only partially finished and awards only partial points.

Mauro Gregorio Binetti 2022-07-09

I can't hear new stories. When I click to visualize one of them, the browser keeps loading it indefinitely.

Elizabeth Lindsay 2022-07-09

800 day streak and promoted to super Duolingo - doesn’t work and I can’t get into Duolingo at all now

Jane Currie 2022-07-09

Ever since the recent super Duolingo upgrade, the app has been stalling, freezing, and “white-screening” on my iPhone. If used to be quick and now loading each lesson is very slow. So disappointing! The constant intrusion of gem graphics is juvenile, distracting and most unwelcome when I’m focussed on learning.

Anna Edmonds 2022-07-04

I've been on the same lesson level forever. I keep answering the same questions and getting the same questions right all the time. Why won't it advance me?? I've gone into other lessons and pass them successfully only to be taken right back the next day to where I don't want to go. Annoying!

Joseph 2022-06-30

It's so frustrating when I use double XP and while I'm doing my lessons it suddenly puts me on a white screen when an ad pops up with the ad timer standing still. It makes me have to close the app and it just ruins the fun of the moment! My internet connection is stable so is it my phone or what?!

Mary Moss 2022-06-29

I have not received many of my points that I deserve.

Bobby 2022-06-28

When I go onto level 2 on several excruciates it shows the green owl page saying just loading but doesn't move from the loading screen.

Judy Riggenbach 2022-06-25

My screen is frozen on an add for Redecor . Won’t clear!!

Andrea 2022-06-23

Duolingo sent me to an app I don’t want to install. When I click done nothing happens. I cannot get back to Duolingo. Please help.

Angela O’Brien 2022-06-20

My Duolingo is stuck I can’t press exit or go to lesson buttons

Arno 2022-06-20

My freeze up problems started with the latest update, version 6.169.0. I use an older iPad, but it is up to date with the iOS software.

Paul Scott 2022-06-20

Duolingo has frozen on welcome to super Duolingo page

Collette 2022-06-19

I started using the app 3 days ago and up until today it was fine. When I was ready to go onto level 2 it shows the green owl page saying just loading but doesn't move from the loading screen. Tried going out and in lots of times but nothing changing

Arno Heise 2022-06-19

I can do only one lesson, then the app stays in the jogging owl screen, or freezes, or might go to next screen and freeze. I have to exit the app and restart it to load a new lesson. This just started happening on June 15, 2022. I have tried everything, including reloading the program probably about twenty times, no luck. Been on four or five different WiFi systems. App is on a gen 2 iPad.

Christina Brogren 2022-06-13

Duolingo often leaves the lesson and the green page with the owl turns up on the phone. It’s very irritating as you perhaps almost finished your lesson and you will loose your points.

Susan 2022-06-11

I reached a 600 day streak and was boosted to Super Duolingo at which point the screen froze and I can no longer open the app.

Melissa Porter 2022-06-08

When I try to load a lesson, it just stays on Duo jogging loader icon and never gets to lesson.

Penny 2022-06-05

Duolingo is frozen. What do I do?

Renae Rollo 2022-05-25

I am stuck about half way through Pres Tense 2 on Unit 2 of Spanish. I emailed support MANY times but I am still unable to proceed

BRANDON COLE 2022-05-21

Some stories are freezing up in Italian.

Peggy Prado 2022-05-20

The conversation mode in the stories is not working on my laptop some of the time. I am able to get through the story half way and then it won't go any further. I can go back and "reveal" and relisten to the part of the story that has already played, but cannot go any further after a certain point. I have tried reloading, but all that does is wipes away my progress for that story, but again, I can't finish the story.

DeAnne Carr 2022-05-14

The app is on my iPhone. I finished a story (conversation) and now the green bar is stuck saving the data (the dot dot dot version of a spinning wheel). I kinda don't want to lose my completion of the story by closing the app. What do I do?

Lynn Antonov 2022-05-11

Sometimes when I tap on my Duolingo app it doesn't open. Usually it will when I try later but it's happening now at 9:00 a.m. and it happened late last night as well.

N Scot 2022-05-06

Why does Duolingo not allow me to enter the Challenge test when I am eligibe to do so?

John Rouse 2022-05-05

Suddenly Duolingo stopped working on my iPad. I can select a lesson, and it just freezes after a few seconds; Duo just stops and hitting the “X” does nothing. Exiting Duo and restarting doesn’t work, nor does restarting the iPad. However, Duolingo works on my iPhone.

Julie White 2022-05-02

I just signed up for my 2nd year learning Welsh on Duolingo and now I can't get Duolingo on my windows laptop. I had forgotten my password and got a new one which I made sure to update on my laptop on microsoft windows and Google but all I get is a white page. I can only access events on my laptop so I need to sort it out. Duolingo sent me instructions for clearing the cache on android, ipad and apple mac but I don't have an ipad or an apple mac and I can get still Duolingo on my android phone. I really need this problem sorted out and I don't need any more stress as I'm getting over a quadruple heart bypass operation and couldn't start a Mynidiad course I'd enrolled on because I'd been admitted to hospital unexpectedly before my operation. I signed for my 2nd year on 30th April and haven't been able to access Duolingo on my laptop since then. I also have a cataract so I need the larger screen on my laptop sometimes, especially if I'm tired.

Karen Edney 2022-04-29

Shopping does not appear on my app

Alain 2022-04-24

Hi, I have had issues with Duolingo for about 2 weeks now, on my Huawei P20 running Android 10. It starts OK, then after 3 or 4 lessons, sometimes less, it becomes unresponsive (typing becomes impossible), or even crashes and exits the lesson by itself, sometimes even the Duolingo program. Clearing all open apps helps for a while, as well as rebooting, but it's a temporary fix. My wife who has a Samsung S21 has no such issue. Please help.

NA 2022-04-20

Keeps crashing when level up and review previous errors. Very annoying

Beth 2022-04-18

My DuoLingo screen is frozen on a Level Up screen. How can I proceed.

Tanya Butcher 2022-04-17

duolingo stories keep getting stuck in the middle of the lessons. Everytime I start a new lesson, as soon as the lesson gets to the bold lettering the stories freeze. This is on my laptop. Any ideas? tried restarting my computer, and I tried logging out/logging in. Nothing seems to fix it

M.Postuma 2022-04-05

Whenever I select a lesson it gets stuck. This has been going on for three days now.

Katrina 2022-04-04

Duolingo is broken. I try to answer questions, and options go to wrong word/phrase or don't work at all. No way to report it in Duolingo. The Ukranian options might have broken the app

Showing 1-124 of 124 reported issues:

Have a Problem with Duolingo - Language Lessons? Report Issue

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E-Mail: android@duolingo.com

Website: 🌍 Visit Duolingo Website

Privacy Policy: https://www.duolingo.com/privacy

Developer: Duolingo