
前程无忧51Job-求职招聘找工作 Software

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前程无忧51Job 求职招聘找工作 Overview

What is 前程无忧51Job 求职招聘找工作?

51Job is a leading Chinese online recruitment platform that connects job seekers with employers. It is one of the top 100 internet companies in China and is used by many well-known companies and Fortune 500 enterprises to recruit talent and post job openings. The platform offers a wide range of job opportunities across various industries and positions, providing job seekers with more choices. It also sends over 50 million resumes to recruiting companies every week.


- Job Discovery: The app provides a job discovery feature that helps job seekers find suitable job openings quickly and easily.

- Job Search: The app offers a powerful internet search function that allows users to search for full-time and part-time jobs nearby.

- Resume Center: The app has a resume center that allows users to refresh their resumes and increase their chances of being noticed by recruiters.

- Who Viewed My Profile: The app has a feature that allows users to see who has viewed their profile, including recruiters and headhunters.

- Interview Navigation: The app provides a navigation feature that helps users find their way to interviews and arrive on time.

- Salary Inquiry: The app offers a salary inquiry feature that helps users determine how much they should be paid for a particular job.

- Campus Recruitment: The app has a campus recruitment feature that provides information about job fairs and interviews for recent college graduates.

- Customer Support: The app offers customer support through a hotline, WeChat service account, official Weibo account, and email.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

前程无忧51Job,中国互联网百强企业。 许多知名公司、世界500强企业都在51Job招聘人才、发布职位。丰富的职位信息覆盖了各个行业、各个岗位,给求职者提供了更多的选择,每周有超过5,000万份简历通过51Job发送到招聘企业。 互联网、金融、房产、汽车、快消……各行业大咖都在这里抢夺人才。 销售、财务、技术、客服、产品……各岗位的求职者都在前程无忧投递简历。 更多的企业选择在前程无忧招聘人才,更高效的找到想要的人才。 更多的求职者选择前程无忧求职,找到了更好福利、更高薪资的工作。 【职位发现】职位太多懒得看?轻戳,适合你的工作都在这儿 【职位搜索】支持附近查找全职兼职,强大的互联网搜索功能 【简历中心】刷新简历,让HR优先看到你,找工作快人一步 【谁看过我】HR猎头看过你简历?求职跳槽so easy你懂的 【面试路上】路线导航一目了然,准时到达,斩获高薪offer 【薪酬查询】想升职加薪,却不知道开多少工资?一查便知 【校园招聘】校招名企笔面试宣讲会,应届大学毕业生就业技能全get 我们一直在继续努力,希望每次改变都能让你拥有更好的求职体验,随时欢迎联系我们: 服务热线:400-620-5100 微信服务号:前程无忧51Job服务号(ID:JOBS_51job) 官方微博:祝你前程无忧 抖音账号:前程无忧51job(ID:JOBS_51job) 官方网站:https://www.51job.com 手机网站:https://m.51job.com/ 邮箱:[email protected]

Top Reviews

By Agyxfnjgd

great app

great app

By 666x6x



By Nardotsui


Great app to search a job and the most attractive thing is that you can check out who had seen your resume. Also to know how many competitors in a job

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