TouchRetouch Reviews

TouchRetouch Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-02

🏷️ About: TouchRetouch is a photo editing app that allows users to remove unwanted objects from their photos on the go. The app is constantly updated with new features and technologies to improve its functionality and user experience. TouchRetouch is free of subscriptions, ads, and in-app purchases, and does not require any personal information from users.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎👌🔥 Positive experience

👿🤬😠 Negative experience

🙄💅🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 44,408 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Offers unique features not found in other applications

- Easy to use

- Can do in seconds what would take professional hours

- Allows users to edit photos quickly and easily

- Can remove objects from photos

- Can eliminate lines and/or objects on photos

Read 20 Customer Service Reviews 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

4.8 out of 5

100% Un-usable. Fraud. Paid for and received an app that does not work.


When TouchRetouch launches it ONLY allows the ability to use tutorials. What good is learning how to use an app that won’t allow you to use it as instructed? A fatal error occurs when launching TouchRetouch. A window pops up which says “enable access your photos by going to Settings > Privacy. Simple enough, right? Yet when following the instructions per screen, and arriving at the privacy section for Photos, the IOS instructs “the apps wanting access to photos will appear here” and the screen is empty. 👀🤷🏼‍♀️ Essentially, there is no work around to this error. So I’ve paid money to people who developed a way to take money from me and provide nothing in return. 100% useless app in addition to being a waste of my precious time to tell others so they won’t be taken advantage of like I was.

This Update Is Not So Hot


Sorry, I know you guys think you really improved TouchRetouch, but I used this almost every day, and the performance now is so disappointing. The previous quick fix option is gone and now we have only “object,” but I can’t perform simple fixes. Things I used to remove immediately with one try are now no longer easy to change at all, the program is somehow too sensitive, too “smart,” bringing in colors and textures from all over the picture when I simply want to erase something. I can’t stress enough how much more difficult it is to use TouchRetouch. What used to be one quick erasure now is a struggle, and I have to keep trying again and again to just get it to erase something without replacing it with bits and pieces of other objects. I mean, it’s shocking to me how much less effective this is. Unless things change I will have to find another app.

Not real impressed


First- after I PAID for TouchRetouch, I came across an app with the same name fir free . Idk if it is in fact the same, but it would have at least been nice to see it first. Second, it seams the tools are a little primitive - they aren’t as good as the old ‘photoshop fix’ tools and the tutorials on tool functionality read more like ‘hacks’ than instructions I.e. it suggest to just ‘mirror’ half a bridge obstructed by objects. Personally, I don’t find value in creating fake pictures and don’t Appreciate that answer as a solution. With all that said, I’m an optimist- so I will continue to play around with TouchRetouch (at least because I bought it already) and think I will eventually find its advantages . When and if I do, I will update this review and list my findings.

Disappointed at first, but I figured out a solution


I thought this was great until I noticed photos I had fixed last night had the same glitch today as they did before. The unwanted objects were only temporarily removed. I thought this was fixed when I read the version explanation.

You can’t go from one photo to another without having to backtrack and go to the home screen and look at albums again. More time consuming!

However, I discovered that I could use TouchRetouch while on edit for iPad photos. (I pressed the three little dots at the right top of the screen to access TouchRetouch ). I could remove the blemishes, then save the edited photo. It was easier to scroll from one photo to another too. This made TouchRetouch more useful and faster to use.

What I think about the touchretouch app


I like how I can take pictures in whatever background I want, knowing that I have an app that’s going to take off anything I don’t want there. I like how I don’t need to worry about a perfect background! I could be behind a cute wall but there could be a bunch of trash on the floor but who cares because I could just go back and remove whatever I don’t want there and just keep my cute wall! Other than object removal, TouchRetouch has so many other editing features and tools you can use to PERFECTIFY your picture!! (I don’t know if that’s a word or not but I’m gonna use it anyways!) Mt personal favorite feature would definitely be the object removal, because I can take pics wherever I want, and later go remove objects and add other details as well! With all that being said, I definitely recommend the this app app because it can do so many different things to make your picture even more beautiful than it already is, it’s also super affordable for what it is and I’m pretty sure a lot of people would appreciate that! You should definitely look into getting TouchRetouch!!

Love This App!


My son came home from university to put on a business suit for me to take pictures for his business profile. We took the pictures and he left to go back to school. An hour after he left was when I looked at the photos and noticed he hadn’t cleaned the lint off his suit first. There were three small hairs and several pieces of lint clearly visible in every picture. With TouchRetouch, it only took a few seconds on each picture to completely remove every blemish. It may seem like a small thing, but the photos were not useable as they were and there was no time for him to come back home for a redo. SO glad I have TouchRetouch, it saved the day!

Downsizes images to below 18 Mpix


Update Nov 18, 2020. The limit on the saved resolution has been resolved. Now works great, and with that I can now give it 5 stars. TouchRetouch works great, and does an accurate job of removing objects, especially lines.

Initial review: TouchRetouch works great, but I can’t understand why they would limit the resolution of an original, larger than 18 mpix image. And it does so upon opening the image, and no further warning is given. If you have a fast device, you may even miss the warning. I purchased TouchRetouch outright, so there doesn’t appear to be any kind of in app purchase to remove the limit. It is simply limited by design. For that, two stars!

Been using this for years and nothing comes close to this.


I’m finally seeing this application get the recognition it deserves. It is one of a kind and you simply do not see the features it offers in any other application. offering these kind of tools especially with being as easy as TouchRetouch makes it. To do this only a couple years ago you would need a desktop pc with very expensive photoshop and a lot of time to spend editing it. But not with retouch. You can do in seconds what takes professional hours you

How many times have you wanted to post something to Social media or share a photo via iMessage but when you look at the picture you see how messy your house is, or you happen not to have any underwear on and the photo you took has a mirror in it. Uh oh. Well this application is here to the rescue. I count how many times TouchRetouch has allowed me to share pictures I otherwise wouldn’t ever be able to share. ITT

Where’d it go?


A must have for every photographer, professional, creative, or any ole regular Joe-Schmo who shares the pictures they take on their phone! Retouch is an amazing tool, good enough for professionals but simple enough for everyone. 💯% worth the 💵! Best part of all. . . NO SUBSCRIPTIONS! Pay once and it’s yours, intact with all the features you will ever need to erase unwanted objects in your photos. Draw a line to remove those unsightly power lines in your beautiful! Brush over those sneaky photo bombers that pop into all your special moments from seemingly nowhere! Or lasso unwanted blurs of who knows what! All easily deleted from your photos. . . as if they were never there! Where’d they go?

Simple and very effective.


I am an experienced amateur photographer, and usually use Lightroom for all my post processing. This was recommended to me by a fellow photographer, so I thought I'd give it a try. It really is impressive. With very little effort I can eliminate unwanted objects with a simple swipe. Power lines that have previously been a chore to remove, can now effectively be eliminated with a single operation ... just mark the offending line and it disappears. In most cases, but not all, there are no artifacts left that I can see.

The finished work can be saved as a copy, which is very important to me. This is a really good product, and a bargain for its cheap price. I highly recommend it. BTW, the current version is 100% stable on my iPad Pro 2020.

Super useful


Too many times you purchase an app expecting one thing and you get something completely different. Usually what you thought was going to be great is really just a useless pile of junk. Too many times every button you push is a new money grab. That is not TouchRetouch! TouchRetouch works much better than expected and the results are incredible. The only serious flaw is that it is so much fun you can’t put it down. It is super addictive and the more time you spend the better the results you achieve. As someone who NEVER pays for apps it took a lot to convince me to pull the trigger and buy TouchRetouch. About 10 mins after using it I ending up feeling like I paid too little for what I got. I can’t understand how it does not have 5 stars!!!!

A Must Have For Everyone


I have used TouchRetouch for a long time and have been amazed at what I can do with it. If you take a bit to learn what happens when you try certain things, then take your time when doing an edit, you can get some pretty incredible results. I’ve learned that object removal on a complex background can be most difficult, but that is the same on expensive products.

Wish List: I would love Apple Pencil support on the iPad version for more precise selections and would purchase a new version to get it. The ability to edit in layers would also be incredible and worth more money. Finally, I would also love to copy and paste an area in addition to using the cloning tool to make some edits easier.

Kudos the the developers!

Exactly what I needed!


TouchRetouch does exactly what I need! Just highlight the area and POOF! Gone! I was even able to remove a large dumpster in a parking lot that was ruining a cloud/landscape photo! Also, the line removal tool saves so much time when getting rid of power lines! Just select a tiny portion of the line and the entire line disappears!

I’ve tried other photo editing apps that offer object removal capabilities but none come close to TouchRetouch. The only thing I wish it had was a “fit to screen” button. When zoomed in to highlight, it’d be nice to press 1 button and so photo would go back to zoom out and fill the screen again.

Love it!


I’ve always wanted an app like this to edit my pics when there things in the way. I could be wrong but as far as I know no other editing app can do the things this one can do. It’s so worth the money to buy this. Love being able to get the little or big things that may make or break a great pic. To be able to totally eliminate lines and/or objects on an already great picture is awesome. There is several very awesome things TouchRetouch can do for a pic. The main complaint I have is the instructions could be just a little bit bette. I still think it’s somewhat confusing as to how some of the functions actually work. But mainly I’m not able to see what the options are. They are a tad to small. Definitely not a deal breaker but just wanted to put that in my review. Otherwise it’s a very useful, cool app and totally recommend it.

Wow! Just wow!


Just bought it out of curiosity since it is number 2 in top paid apps and it is just $2. Don’t even need it. Tested it in a couple of my pictures. And my oh my, it works so wonderfully! First photo was just an ordinary setting, tried to remove a plastic bag laying in the ground beside me. Works perfectly 👌 2nd photo,
which I really thought won’t work, it’s me in a pool then there’s a couple behind me, tried to remove them, what makes it difficult is that half of their body.. is of course submerged in the water. I can easily highlight the upper part of their bodies, the difficult part is the lower part since it is refracted by the water as well and I don’t know how will TouchRetouch differentiate me highlighting the body and not the water since they are overlapping. But my oh my. It still took care of business. It was edited to a perfection. That made me truly realized TouchRetouch is totally worth it. 5 stars! ⭐️



I decided to purchase TouchRetouch based largely on the reviews. And it is totally worth the cost! Object removal is just as good as using Photoshop. It’s easy to enlarge the area to work on, which produces a much better result. There may be some objects it will have difficulty removing, but that’s not any different when working with Photoshop. I am extremely happy with your app. Thank you!!
... I’ve now been using TouchRetouch for a few months. And I love it even more!! To get the best results, you have to zoom in heavily to the spot you want to alter, then highlight it. It won’t work on a small piece if you don’t zoom in. It works wonderfully!!

Still Best In Class


UPDATE: after reviewing TouchRetouch years ago, it’s only right that I tell you that it is every bit as magical today as it was then. The addition of line and segment removals simply cements it as a must-have app for anyone who is serious about making their scans/photos look as good as they possibly can be. I still marvel at how I can do this on a smartphone!

this app only does a few things. It removes objects, clones, and repairs. The thing is, it does them really, really well. I would be lost without TouchRetouch, which has repaired/ fixed MANY damaged old photos, some which I never would have thought were repairable. If you deal with scanned photos, it’s absolutely essential!

An Essential Tool


If you are going to use your iPhone for the serious photography that is capable of then add TouchRetouch immediately. The ability to remove those power lines that seem to jump into every picture easily and perfectly is worth the price. But there is so much more that it will do. Make sure to follow through all the tutorials. I don’t like to edit my pictures heavily, but for my need to quickly remove the odd piece of debris from civilization there is no better tool for quality, ease of use, and time spent editing.



Hi, so recently people have been getting TouchRetouch and I wanted it too. I looked it up and it was $1.99 and I didn’t want to buy it because my parents never buy me apps. I downloaded the free one and it didn’t work as well. So today I asked my mom if I could get this and she said yes. So now I have TouchRetouch and it’s awesome. It totally gets rid of whatever. Sometimes it can look weird if you erase something to close to something else but it works if you’re careful. If you’re thinking about buying TouchRetouch, you should. I’m not saying that you should buy it and use your money but only if you want to. :) bye!

Simple, useful, non-intrusive. 5/5 bananas.


What more can I say that hasn’t been said about an app before? I love that it doesn’t have intrusive ads that disrupt the experience. I love that it has a simple, intuitive UI - It’s all streamlined very well. But what I respect the most is the transparency about their privacy policy on TouchRetouch Store. When something like that is so surprising to see, it sort of says something about developers and publishers alike today. This, and the fact they actually list new changes/fixes with every update here. Lord chungus christ, somebody deserves a raise for that much more work alone.

Heres some bananas for your effort

Is TouchRetouch Safe? 🤗🙏

Yes. TouchRetouch is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 44,408 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for TouchRetouch Is 59.6/100.

Is TouchRetouch Legit? 💯

Yes. TouchRetouch is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 44,408 TouchRetouch User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for TouchRetouch Is 74.5/100..

Is TouchRetouch not working? 🚨

TouchRetouch works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information 💸🤑💰

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

None. The app does not offer any subscriptions, ads, or in-app purchases.

How was your experience with TouchRetouch? Post a Review


- Single-touch retouch: quickly remove minor imperfections from photos with just a tap

- Object removal: easily eliminate unwanted objects like power lines, street signs, and people from photos

- Automatic mesh detection and removal: remove mesh netting from photos with just two simple steps

- Professional photo edits: TouchRetouch allows users to make professional-level edits to their photos with ease

- No quality or EXIF data loss: the app preserves the quality and metadata of the original photo

- Helpful tutorials: in-app tutorials help users learn how to get the most out of the app

- Restore old photos: TouchRetouch can be used to restore old or damaged photos

- No subscriptions, ads, or in-app purchases: the app is completely free to use without any hidden costs or fees

- No personal information requests: TouchRetouch does not require any personal information from users

- Works best on uniform backgrounds: the automatic object removal algorithm works best on photos with uniform backgrounds.

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