PicCollage: Photo Video Editor Reviews

PicCollage: Photo Video Editor Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-15

About: PicCollage helps you make anything to celebrate everything. Our favorite
PicCollage features: Animation: Add a little magic to any collage! Motion
effects help give a little extra-special something.

About PicCollage

What is PicCollage? PicCollage is a photo editing app that allows users to create collages, add animations, and customize their photos with various templates, grids, and freestyle options. The app is easy to use and offers a wide range of features to help users unleash their creativity. PicCollage VIP is a subscription-based service that provides access to enhanced features and removes watermarks and ads.



- Animation: Add motion effects to any collage with animated templates or during the editing process.

- Grids: Instant layouts to quickly arrange photos from your album.

- Templates: Hundreds of free templates to quickly create unique messages for any holiday or occasion.

- Freestyle: The blank canvas option to give total freedom to create at your own pace.

- Cut-Out: Snip your photos by tracing shapes with your finger or use auto cutout for people or pets.

- Doodle: Draw on your collage to write messages, add emphasis, or illustrate something new.

- PicCollage VIP: A subscription-based service that provides access to thousands of stickers and backgrounds, exclusive VIP fonts and templates, and removes watermarks and ads.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating


Negative experience

Positive experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 1,647,045 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of PicCollage

- Plenty to choose from to create awesome personalized photos, cards, etc.

- Reasonable and low cost VIP payment

- Ability to create birthday cards to send digitally and calendars, thank you cards and more personalized with a photo(s) or text

- Ability to make lovely friends

20 PicCollage Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Pretty great šŸ‘šŸ¼

Def worth downloading even if u do not sign up for the VIP. There is plenty to choose from to create awesome personalized photos, cards, etc. I had joined their VIP n I loved it. I love how u can create birthday cards to send digitally and calendars, thank you cards n so much more personalized with a photo(s) or just even txt. I used it often & tho this apps VIP payment is reasonable and low cost, with all the others I had signed up for it was well over $150 a month n thatā€™s just crazy. So I canceled them all to c which I genuinely used enough to warrant spending $ on them and if I even needed to. So now not being VIP I most times feel I am still able to create some really cute pics/cards/etc n I am grateful that there r some pretty great options for the templates for all the holidays n cards etc. tho borders and stickers. . . I remember way bck when PicCollage had loads of free download options for stickers, borders etc. so if there were say 10 holiday border options for Halloween, thereā€™d always be at least 1 or 2 FREE ones for u. Not anymore. U have to pay $1.99-$2.99 for one lil set of borders or stickers n it just is a waste IMO since I will use it once n most likely not again so... nah. I still was able to create a super adorable picture of my little guy n u usually can without being VIP. I just wish there were more free options for us to use in regards to stickers n borders etc.



Iā€™m a long time user of this app and I love it! I have an account and have made some lovely friends, which has been incredible. I have a few problems though. There are ads that pop up when you post something, one of them is for a type of birth control. This isnā€™t an appropriate ad to be showing (it has been the only ad Iā€™ve seen for months). The majority of the PC population is in middle school or high school, and that ad is geared towards people who are older than high school age. As someone in high school, I am uninterested in this ad, and it wastes my time and makes me uncomfortable. I relate to many other users with these feelings.

Also, the most recent update (iPhone X compatible) has rendered PicCollage itself virtually useless to me. I donā€™t know if I am alone in this, but I cannot view my notifications (likes, comments, remixes) or my profile, and I cannot post. When I try to see my notifications, I am directed to the website, and I cannot post or see my notifications there. This is a big problem for me because Iā€™m very active in the PC community. I donā€™t know if others are affected (Iā€™m assuming they are) but I hope this is fixed as soon as possible.


How piccolo change my life

Have you ever had one of those boring apps that have all of those ads just pop up on the page? Well I know just the right up for you so here's how it all started I've always wanted an app that I can post pictures on and have cool backgrounds that have stickers and wallpaper and frames. All of those things are amazing ā¤ļø piccolo to do all of that stuff for you and guess what it's free so here's how it started I was looking for an app that can do all of those things but all of the apps that can do all of those things cost money or they don't work or they load forever or there's too many links that show up on the page that cover up what you're looking at the list goes on and on forever so I was about to give up but then my friends told me to try one last app ā˜ļø so I said ok šŸ‘Œ and guess what I tried it and it was awesome it had all of the cool gizmos that I listed above so I told my friends thanks and I still have it to this day so that's why I am writing a report about it but your probably wondering why I only gave pic collage 4 ā­ļø instead of 5 ā­ļø because I just wrote about how amazing it is, well here's why I don't like that you have to pay money šŸ’° online for just the STICKERS!!! I mean some of the stickers are 0.99 cents or 1.99 $ please change this


Satisfied premium subscriber for years until now.....

Iā€™m not sure what can be done as far as tech support for PicCollage, but I just wanted to see if anything can be done about the issues I have been having since the last update. I have no problem paying for an app that I use ALL THE TIME, but for the last week or two itā€™s been almost impossible to use it for more than a few minutes because itā€™s soooo slow. It gets even slower the longer I am using it which is frustrating since I have the latest iPad Pro and software. It will take forever to save something I am working on and I have to save very often because PicCollage crashes randomly all the time and I am tired of losing my progress. Also, when I search for web pics it resets every time I choose a picture so I have to retype what Iā€™m searching for each time. I donā€™t want to uninstall and then reinstall because I have done that in the past and each time all of my saved collages I would work from are not there anymore. I am at a loss šŸ˜©šŸ˜© This is the ONLY app I have found that lets me do the things I do with cutting and pasting stuff together easily, so I really hope something can be done or a new update will be out soon to fix the issues I have been dealing with. I canā€™t see myself continuing to pay for the premium version if it stays this way much longer. HELP!!!!!šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


I hate the newest changes

For almost three years now, Pic Collage has been my favorite photo enhancing app until today. I used to be able to search the backgrounds via the magnifying glass icon, and be able to access anything Iā€™d need to coincide with what Iā€™m selling so it would match the item. Now I type in something to the effect of: ā€˜Brown textured backgroundsā€™ and I get pictures of places, people, or items. It doesnā€™t matter what I type in, it still has similar choices. I donā€™t know what you did to that feature, but itā€™s awful now. Please change it back the way it used to be so I can easily access nice background wallpaper for my items for sale. Thatā€™s the only reason Iā€™m rating PicCollage three stars now, otherwise it would be five stars again. P.S. Just noticed that ALL of your background categories are also the same as I mentioned above. What happened to my favorite app?!?!?! Your backgrounds are what kept me so enthralled and now itā€™s AWFUL!! Please change the web background choices back. For example: when I click on Polka Dots, I get pictures of places and things. Not a polka dot choice at all!! Itā€™s aggravating.


Great app, but needs work on their interface

I will rave about this app till the day I die, but itā€™s not without its flaws in its recent updates. Social media wise, PC is a great place to put out some fun collage art and make genuinely pretty good friends w/o the sketchiness, drama, or unkind formulas of Instagram. Itā€™s a good social media platform for younger kids, too. Iā€™ve been on it for several years and I have many fond memories and several pieces Iā€™m proud of. Itā€™s good for users who just want to use it for practical uses as well. Itā€™s good for beginners and isnā€™t too complicated, although itā€™s not the easiest to work with on the iPhone. I use my iPad. CONS: Their recent update has made notification checking and just scrolling through in general very unfriendly. Esp on my iPad, it looks buggy and unorganized and itā€™s hard to just double tap something without it going weird on me. Definitely a con. Easier on the phone, but it still is frustrating. Idk why they changed it from before. Overall, a good free app. The membership isnā€™t worth it, though. I know plenty of great collagers who donā€™t need any of it. Iā€™d recommend it to beginners and people who want an artsier social media platform.


An amazingly simple app that does its job to perfection

Iā€™m using the free version and while there are times Iā€™d like to have all the bells and whistles, I find the free version is very robust and satisfies my needs 99% of the time. The controls are intuitive and the ability to manipulate a single pic frame within the collage is pure genius and is crazy practical. I have PicCollage 5 stars because it 100% deserves it and the dev/QA team deserve 5 stars as well. PicCollage is super stable and Iā€™ve never seen PicCollage crash even once. With so many apps out there proving ZERO functionality without you paying them $5-$10/month I can say without reservation that Pic Collage is in a league of its own and it is so nice to be able to create professional grade pic collages without mortgaging your house. Thank you Oic Collage team for all your hard work and dedication. You are so appreciated! Keep
Up the amazing work and also thank you so much for providing us a working app and for not being greedy like the majority of the other pic app people. I love PicCollage and cannot recommend if enough.



I have used pic collage about 10 times in the past 2 months and it has been amazing. Youā€™re able to shape it how you want it, place it where you want it and able to do it for many photos. I have used pic collage for my Home Screen, Lock Screen and school work too. Itā€™s great for people who donā€™t want to pay to make a collage( like myself) and for people who are willing to pay. Without VIP access Iā€™m able to get a lot of backgrounds and wallpapers. A lot of other apps charge for making a decent collage and PicCollage is one of the few that you donā€™t have to charge to have the things pic collage provides. The only recommendation I have for pic collage is for people to be able to see their collages they have posted on their phone. Iā€™m able to see my posts on my computer but not on my phone. Iā€™m not sure why Pic collage has it like this, but please get it fixed soon!! Itā€™s not much of a problem for me but it something that may be more of a problem for other people. Overall, I recommend this for people that donā€™t like to pay for apps( like me) and people that are willing to spend real money on apps like this.


Pretty decent! šŸ™‚

I heard about PicCollage from my friend because she really liked it, and I started using it and I LOVED IT! I love how you can get images from the web and create cool collages with a variety of tools and stickers. A few things I want to say though. One: I donā€™t know if itā€™s my phone being weird or something but lately this app has been just deleting all my collages! Itā€™s not THAT big of a deal since I have most of them saved to my camera roll, but it would be nice if it didnā€™t do that because some werenā€™t saved to my camera roll and now Iā€™ve lost them. I would love it if the developers or whoever does bug fixes would look into this and see if itā€™s a big or if not, just my phone. Second: this might sound petty, but the drawing tool is kinda glitchy on my phone. It works, but its laggy and starts drawing a second after you drag your finger around so then it doesnā€™t draw the entire way. If at least one of those things are fixed, I would absolutely love to give PicCollage a five star review! I love using PicCollage and I am satisfied with it apart from the few bugs.


I love only one problem

I have had Pic Collage for a couple years now, and itā€™s great. All of my friends use it and think itā€™s wonderful. I mean there isnā€™t much not to like about it. You can choose what platform you want whether itā€™s a card, grid, or maybe itā€™s just to mess around a bit in freestyle. There are a variety of fonts you can use, the colors they have for the background and font are all different( like glittery, watercolor, plaid, regular colors, etc.) They also have VIP which is like a upgrade so with VIP you donā€™t have to buy stickers. Now this is my one thing, so many good stickers cost about a dollar. Which I get it kinda for marketing and such. But so many stickers cost over a dollar even three dollars which is kinda a lot for stickers if you like them all and it just adds up. So eventually you could be paying like 20 bucks for stickers (but if u have VIP then you donā€™t have to pay) I donā€™t have VIP, but I still think itā€™s a great app ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøšŸ‘ŒšŸ½
I would still recommend PicCollage to anyone who like to collage and explore new things.
Thanks Pic Collage the stickers were my only thing but as I said it a great app.


Make quick memes when the opportunity strikes without needing photoshop

Sometimes you just need to make a meme at an exact moment, whether it be putting your favorite characters faces on the distracted boyfriend meme, or putting your friends face on the butterfly man to make fun of their misinformation. But if you run to your computer and load photoshop, the timeframe when that meme will be funny quickly runs out! So what do you do? Get PicCollage.
Itā€™s trimming function is amazing, and itā€™d be even more amazing if I could zoom in farther to fix mistakes its ai makes, but thereā€™s a glitch I discovered where you can zoom in without it zooming you back out... canā€™t say it though in case they want to fix it! But please pic collage, if youā€™re reading this, let me zoom in farther.
Anyways Iā€™m now always prepared when the opportunity to make a decent meme hits. My friends have actually asked ā€œhow did you make this so fast?ā€
I never leave reviews but I feel obligated at this point with how often itā€™s helped me, and also how often Iā€™ve cropped out the watermark..


i need more free things on this appā€¦

I want more stickers and stuff so make everything free please. I know you donā€™t get that then you wouldnā€™t get a profit out of it but I actually considered deleting pic collage because barely anything is free. My friends also have been deleting PicCollage for that reason. We just DONT want to spend money on apps, and Iā€™m sure a lot of others donā€™t either. Please at least try to make more things free. Recently there has been a nicer variety of free things, but I always see even better stuff that costs money. PLEASE make more things free, and I might just delete PicCollage because I donā€™t use it a lot for that reason. I know you probably donā€™t even care about if one person says YEAH IM GOING TO DELETE PicCollage but I know a lot of people that have been, too. Even my sister has deleted PicCollage . Thatā€™s the only thing. I do love how I can use it anywhere, itā€™s just boring because thereā€™s nothing on there. Thatā€™s all. Thanks for reading this if you did. Have a great one šŸ„”šŸ¬šŸ¤”šŸŒø :D ( also I put those emojis because I put those everywhere.) I truly love PicCollage, just make more things freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


AMAZING one thing though

I Pic Collage is a really great app I think lots of people should have it if not everyone. You can make your own collages and use them as backgrounds or you can send them to people as cards and you can make videos and you could probably even make calendars or something with them. I use them to make rounds but itā€™s your choice. One thing I really wish they had though is the ability to make your own stickers also that you only get one pack of stickers and backgrounds with out having to pay.I wish you could get more without having to get the VIP package which you have to pay for but I think that itā€™s a really great app but I wish you could make your own stickers because you see other people doing that and I donā€™t know if you can do it with VIP because I didnā€™t get it because itā€™s super expensive butI think that anyone should be able to make their own stickers. If you update PicCollage this app, can you please make that an ability!! Thank you



PicCollage is just what I needed and I especially like that you donā€™t have to pick one layout and stick with it! You can make your own layout or use the templates which I really love! Also, there are lots of special features for free! You can edit your photos, doodle on your photos, cut them out and place them wherever, etc. All this for free! The only thing that I dislike ( its very M I N O R ) is that when you cutout a photo, itā€™s not exactly correct or accurate. And of course, Iā€™m doing all this on a phone, so itā€™s hard enough already to trace a line all over the object in the photo, let alone, it doesnā€™t even line up that much once your done. But, I know that there are hardly any apps that can get your cutout EXACTLY like you want to make you satisfied, but I wish it would line up a bit more. Overall, PicCollage is great! Itā€™s very easy, fun, and non-stressful! I definitely recommend PicCollage to anyone, and accurately, I give PicCollage a 4.9 star! Thanks for PicCollage and hope this helped somebody! :-) ADIOS AMIGO


Great great

I believe that this game is so good because no freaking ads and that is how they make money right so Iā€™m wondering how they make money off PicCollage. If you are real creative get PicCollage you can creat one picture or more that that and make it all colorful or whatever but itā€™s a great app you can save it look up any pictures you want set it as the background or just as a regulars pic or use your own pics you can also collect pictures so if you really like that pick and do not feel like saving it In your pictures then you can collect it and go to a new blank screen and do whatever but go to your collection and it has the pic you collected also you can type put some stickers on ot it awesome and it has different type of templates which is really cool so I so recommend PicCollage.āœŒšŸ¼

But PicCollage does not have to have V.I.P cause it reall crazy like a lot of the things are V.I.P which is why I rated this a four star so I would like some changes on that cause there are not a lot of stickers backgrounds templates you can chose from only because of V.I.P


PicCollage Review

I love PicCollage this app!! Itā€™s perfect for all of my Instagram posts, and it has everything I need, without having to pay a cent! You can choose aesthetically pleasing frames, stickers, fonts, and patterns which not only make a post or picture cuter and neater, but also makes our job easier! I save so much time while using PicCollage and I usually use it around once or twice a week. The creators always interchange the borders that are free so they match the upcoming holiday or season and to provide some fun change for our collages. Additionally, you barely have to watch any ads while using PicCollage, and you could create a professional yet pleasing collage in five minutes! Itā€™s a great app for students, parents, teachers, and anyone to use and keep in handy. Ultimately, I recommend PicCollage to anyone, whether you were to use it for social media purposes, a school project, a background for your phone, or even to have a cute picture in your phone!


Good, but.....

I think that overall pic collage is great, and I spend a lot of time on it. It really brings out the creative side in me, and I love that there are so many things you can do to make your collages fun and unique. But unfortunately most of the stickers backgrounds and templates, are VIP which is extremely annoying. There is so little for no VIP users to choose from, that I was tempted to delete PicCollage . I understand why apps need to have subscriptions and ways to make money, but the amount of things that require you to pay in pic collage is overwhelming and incredibly annoying. I am not asking for pic collage to get rid of the VIP or anything like that, but I am asking for pic collage to have more available to non VIP users. That way people can enjoy PicCollage without being nagged a hundred time to pay for premium. Anyways pic collage is great, but the amount of things that require VIP is ridiculous. But if youā€™re reading this and your not sure about PicCollage , I would tell you yes because even if you donā€™t have te subscription PicCollage is an overall good one.


Awesome app! My all time favorite!! Just one little thing though....

Ok so Iā€™ve been on Pic Collage for a long time now. But thereā€™s just one thing that made me really upset. I was making a collage for a contest in the remixes. I was making it for about 30 minuets. I wasnā€™t done yet. Then I accidentally tapped the done button and the whole remixed collage (that I wasnā€™t finished with) posted on that contestā€™s post. Now I easily deleted it but I had to re-do the whole collage. Now, I know you can just make the collage and then save it then remix it onto the contest but I honestly donā€™t like doing that. Is there any way you can make a feature that when your in the remixes and you tap the ā€œdoneā€ button it will ask ā€œAre you sure you want to post this collage?ā€ And have the option of ā€œyesā€ or ā€œnoā€. Now if your just looking at the reviews and see this, DOWNLOAD PIC COLLAGE!!!!! Iā€™m not hating on PicCollage cause itā€™s a part of my life now. But if you can do this it would be an AMAZING feature for me. Thanks!



Itā€™s a no from me dawg

So Iā€™ve downloaded PicCollage on an old family account. So I guess I was grandfathered in as far as getting to not have that stupid watermark on it after youā€™ve made a purchase. So imagine my surprise when I downloaded PicCollage thinking Iā€™d have the same thing happen so I waste 1.99 on vaporwave stickers in hopes that itā€™d remove the watermark and low and behold the watermark is still there. Why do all these apps have that ā€œbuy PicCollage for 35 dollars a year for ā€˜freeā€™ā€ crap. I donā€™t want another subscription. I suppose this information was readily available had I taken the usual 3 seconds to scan the about app thing but I didnā€™t. Iā€™m not trying to sound rude but Iā€™ve been using PicCollage on my old family device for YEARS!! I even spent money on it too! Itā€™s very upsetting to see. Uninstalled instantly. I used PicCollage to post cutesy insta photos but now I donā€™t even know what Iā€™m gonna do. The only reason I gave PicCollage 2 stars is because it holds nostalgia for me


Why..why wasnā€™t I warned

Okay so I needed to update my phone and all the apps okay. I did the update on my phone. Then I noticed there was some issues with my Apple ID account. Fixed that issue. But sense I needed to create another Apple ID account. All the apps that I downloaded on the previous account wouldnā€™t allow me to update them. So I logged out like I have done multiple times. And thinking sense it said all the recent activity is saved and up to date. I thought everything that I worked on would be there after I re-downloaded PicCollage. Apparently not. EVERYTHING I MEAN EVERYTHING IS GONE. I had so many memories on this account and when I logged back into. All my memories my projects are gone. I can never get them back!!! Why wasnā€™t there a warning about this. Iā€™m torn. I been with PicCollage for years I mean sense my elementary days!!! Currently a young adult. Picollage developers I understand you didnā€™t mean for this to happen. Nor is any app perfect but please. Email me and help me get my memories back. It would mean the world!! I was planning to give my college/videos to my bestfriend for her birthday TODAY. But Iā€™m fresh out of luck sense theyā€™re no where to be seen.
Please get back to me ASAP.
Yours truly a long time supporter.



I normally never review apps but I seriously LOVE PicCollage!! I have been able to create everything from cool pic collages to birthday card greetings with this app!! Everything you need to really explore your creative side with pictures & art is here in PicCollage! Yes, you do have to purchase some of the background & sticker packages but come on...paying less than $2.00 ONCE for anytime - unlimited use is SO worth it to me!! And while none of the background packages are free they do offer a good selection of really cool sticker packages that are FREE to download & use!! Did I mention...they also have an online community of other users where you can share your creations & get fresh new ideas & inspirations for your upcoming projects! The community is totally interactive & has tons of fun photo & collage challenges!! If love creating with pics & itā€™s something you do a lot of it, do yourself a favor & GET PicCollage NOW!! You wonā€™t regret it!! šŸ’œšŸ’™ā¤ļø


Just In Time for Christmas

I used Pic Collage from the beginning. When the watermark became too big I bought pic collage ad free for under $5. This latest update strips PicCollage of all its unique utility. What I bought is now available on a ā€œproā€ version for a monthly subscription rate. If Pic Collage is no longer going to offer the tools that I bought all those years ago then grandfather me and your original customers into the new community. I wonā€™t rent an app I already bought. I will find out how I can stop you from doing what youā€™re doing. Iā€™ve written to support at pic collage and get an automated reply from Cindy. New users are born every day. Raise your prices but let people who bought it whole, not on subscription, keep what they bought. You HAD a good product and people will pay for it. I will likely pay the subscription price for some other app to do exactly what pic collage used to do. But I wonā€™t pay Pic Collage. And I will let people know about Pic Collageā€™s business model every step of the way in my mission to end this kind of marketing in PicCollage Store. My hope is that there is some statutory remedy already in place. Otherwise, I hope to change that too. CAUTION!


Reliable but sloppy

I am using the free version. It was easy to learn, I think, but a fundamental feature seems absent: I canā€™t change the width of compartments relative to each other. So I cannot make a collage unless all elements are the same width. I am using the free version of ā€œPic Stichā€ also. To me, the two apps are similar in overall quality, but if I had to make a choice, Iā€™d go with the one that allows you to change ratios inside the collage.
_ _ I have a second minor complaint about PicCollage. In order to resize an image to fit a compartment, you use two fingers to increase or decrease the size. This would be a very fast process, except that 2 fingers are also the command for rotation! Like most people, I cannot keep my fingers moving in opposite directions simultaneous to being exactly parallel to the side of the frame. So as a result, the image skews whenever I resize it! I then spend an additional 20seconds trying to straighten the alignment, and this is never perfect. My images, which should each have a bottom that is parallel to the others, in fact do not! As a result, the end result looks like it was done by someone too poor to own a computer.
** Update (1 week later)
_ _ I was mistaken; you can indeed change the ratio of cells within a grid. So now this is my favorite collage app to use in free form!
_ _ Also.. I would like to acquire the purchased version. But I donā€™t think I want to pay a monthly fee forever. Iā€™d much prefer a one time purchase.



PicCollage is my Godsend! It is simple to use, but extremely diverse in it's features, allowing me to produce professional pictures to post on Facebook and other social media with the easy of one click! I can also email my finished product and I can save it to my iPhone camera roll! I utilize the background options, the stickers, the cropping features and borders, and have been complimented by my shoppers (I manage a upscale resale for our local not-for-profit hospice) for posting photos that "entice them to come shop"! Additionally. My PicCollages are shared-out frequently, which is another sign of how good they look. I even develop fliers and signs on PicCollage as opposed to using my computer software. And just so you know...I am not a professional artist or photographer...just one very, VERY satisfied this app customer using PicCollage for personal AND professional purposes. Not enough stars to reflect MY rating of this app!


Great App! (NEW REVIEW)

Please read till the end.... (Updated)

I have a suggestion on what you could add. If a person says ā€œWow! Beautiful collage!ā€ on someoneā€™s post, the author of the collage has to go to the persons account and reply on a random post. I know that sometimes people might reply on the same post, but I donā€™t think the person who might have asked the question or compliment will always notice. They might not even check to see if the author replied. You should make a reply system where the person doesnā€™t have to go on a persons acc to reply to a question or compliment. They should be able to do that on the same post the compliment or question was given.

I hope you guys understand what iā€™m talking about because it is kind of hard to explain.

I also have something else to say. So, there has been A LOT of hate going around. The number of hate pages have been increasing. Hate pages are hating on innocent people. They have a lot of excuses, like ā€œTheir collages are terrible!ā€ or ā€œShe/He is so stupid!ā€ The collagers they are hating on donā€™t deserve this hate. No one does. Some hate pages have people spamming #StopTheHate and #SpreadTheLove on their collages (an account, for example, is FuzzyG866_HATEPAGE).
People say they want attention. Of course, despite the hate pages, there are fan pages, which are good.

Anyways, thanks for reading this!


The best

PicCollage is the best because it helps me get my pictures perfect and like Iā€™ll be so adorable to put your old pictures your phone pictures even your family picture even your cousin pictures heā€™s so cute even your boyfriend or your girlfriend pictures in this ab oh my god is so perfect Iā€™ll give this a five out of five so so perfect though all my God like I will be like crying if I did not even find this ab and I just like scrollingAround in PicCollage Store and like Bro I just saw that Iā€™m going to download it and get some pictures and you so perfect because Iā€™m going to get like a lot of likes on my Instagram because you know yeah get a lot of the photos perfectly and they take pictures tomorrow or today with my friends at school is going to be a blast and like weā€™re gonna be like with some juice is taking pictures I do that five or size thank you for reading this

Is PicCollage Safe?

Yes. PicCollage: Photo Video Editor is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,647,045 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for PicCollage Is 47.6/100.

Is PicCollage Legit?

Yes. PicCollage: Photo Video Editor is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,647,045 PicCollage: Photo Video Editor User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for PicCollage Is 100/100..

Is PicCollage: Photo Video Editor not working?

PicCollage: Photo Video Editor works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

PicCollage VIP

- Price: $4.99 per month or $35.99 per year

- Features:

- Access to thousands of stickers and backgrounds

- Exclusive VIP fonts and templates

- Remove watermark and ads

- 7-day free trial available

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