Picsart AI Photo Video Editor Reviews

Picsart AI Photo Video Editor Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-11

🏷️ About: Picsart is a photo and video editing app that allows users to create professional-level collages, add stickers, remove and swap backgrounds, and try popular edits like Golden Hour, Mirror Selfies, and retro VHS or Y2K filters. With over 150 million creators around the world, Picsart is an all-in-one editor with all the tools you need to give your content a personal flair and make it stand out.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 1,153,737 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Awesome features

- Great photo editing

- Flawless layout when editing

- Cutout tool

- Stickers

- Frames

- Live generated music

- Video editing features

- Unlimited previews of Gold features without purchase

- Effects

- Green screen tools

- Color replacement

Read 37 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5
Used to be good, now ONLY pay to use

I’ve had PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for SEVERAL years now and it did what I needed to do with small paint tool edits, occasionally adding text to make my own memes, etc. Never used it for much other than that but it was perfect for what I needed it for and had great other options I’ve seen for editing photos. Today I attempted to do what I normally use PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for, coloring something with the draw tool and adding my own text to the image, but I couldn’t do ANY of that without paying for a subscription. TWO features that are standard on quite literally ANY app out there to do with photos and they’re forcing me to pay to save my photo. These two features don’t even SAY “gold membership only” like the rest of the paid features do, I had to edit my photo completely to find out that I wouldn’t be allowed to have it. I understand wanting to make money, but to block the most minuscule of features behind a paywall that doesn’t exist on any other app is ridiculous. I read another review addressing a similar issue and the developers responded that “there will always be a free version of picsart” as if letting us slap a basic sepia filter on a photo is seriously what we downloaded an entire app for. PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor has gotten GREEDY and i’m beyond disappointed. DONT get PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for simple stuff, you’re better off editing things on your instagram story maker. Absolutely ridiculous.

fake free trial

alright recently i had written this:

"when i clicked FREE TRIAL and consented to get charged $0.00 for the free trial I was charged for the annual gold subscription. I did some research and this has happened to many other people as well. I requested a refund and its still pending, but the reviews I've read have said they never got a refund after requesting. Nobody is going to pay $60 for a stupid mediocre app. give me my money back and stop tricking your users."

and the response wasn't very helpful because you guys didn't seem to understand the issue. I had selected FREE TRIAL and was charged IMMEDIATELY for the annual subscription. I cancelled the subscription right away because that's not what I wanted at all. I got it resolved with apple, but I won't be using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor again because of that. I've also notice some other reviews about the same issue. You just have to be more transparent and honest about what you're really charging your customers. If i'm selecting free trial then I better be charged $0 because its a FREE trial, not $60 dollars. By the way because you didn't seem to understand this last time, I never got the free trial that I selected. It was an immediate charge. That's the fustrating part. The only reason I noticed I got charged was because my bank sent me a notification for it. Again, just be more transparent about what your customers are getting.

It keeps creating a line that cuts off a row of pixels in the middle

I’m very upset and confused with why when I edit a photo by adding quite a few text boxes which is what I have to do for what I want in the photo and of course, there’s a photo limit even with the gold feature and then I have to hit apply so then I can add more text boxes but like I’d say around the 3rd round of hitting apply there’s a terrible horizontal line through the middle of the photo that cuts off a row of pixels and it just looks horrible. I have no idea why it’s there but even when I save the photon my camera roll, it won’t go away. It just cuts off the entire photo and the line looks like a row of pixels just disappeared and the two sides meet in the centre and you can very clearly tell.
I know for sure that it’s not something that I did at all! And I definitely know for sure that it’s not the blue line that’s supposed to be there that marks where the centre is.
It’s more like a seam where the two halves meet up after a row of pixels have been cut.
I tried paying for gold to see if it’s just some dumb feature that makes you pay for it to be removed. but no. The line wouldn’t go away at all after having to hit apply a few times for different rounds in adding text boxes even with paying for the gold feature. And I don’t even get how I have an “image limit” even when I payed for having gold!

Just keeps getting worse and worse

Been using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for a while and I really liked it. These days, though? I’ve started hating it. So: the paywall. I get that Picsart needs to makes money with the gold subscription, but seriously?? Putting features that used to be free behind the paywall? It’s absolutely disgusting. I went to change the background behind my icon and wanted to use a photo from Unsplash because I really like their photos. APPARENTLY, you need the gold subscription to use photos from Unsplash. And this used to be a free feature!! I had to literally go on Unsplash on Safari, download the photo I was originally going to use, and then download it onto Picsart to use as my background. These kinds of things have been the reason why I stopped using certain apps. At this point, the only reason why I’m still using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is because of the stickers and layering of photos and what not. Everything else like filters and fonts? I go to Phonto and Prequel. At least they have a better and wider range of filters and fonts for free on there than on Picsart! If Picsart starts changing more things that make it hard for me to continue using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor , I will delete PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor and go find another one to do my editing on. And do not give me the whole “we’ve made additional features premium now” and “we offer a free version of Picsart for you to use” because that will just frustrate me more and give me a bigger headache than I already have.

BE WARNED!! Dishonest

PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is great, however I’m having trouble with the company’s dishonesty. PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor promoted a 30 day free trial. I’ve had PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor before but I’ve had it for many years and I didn’t know if I’d ever had a free trial before, but it didn’t occur to me that that even mattered because it offered me a free trial. I accepted with the plan to pay monthly after the trial was up because I’m low on money this month and am expecting my tax return early next month.

MY CARD WAS CHARGED IMMEDIATELY UPON INSTALL OVER $60 FOR AN ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP! No warning was given that I would be charged, I selected FREE 30 DAY TRIAL!! It said I would be charged AFTER THE TRIAL but it charged me IMMEDIATELY! When I reached out to customer service they said it was because I’d already had a free trial so it automatically renewed by membership. I did NOT authorize that and when I asked for a refund they said they can’t do refunds and to contact Apple support.

Now I will say, they got back to me very quickly and were polite, but they basically stole over $60 from me and said “oh sorry there’s nothing we can do”. I hope Apple gets back to me ASAP, but I’m very put off by this. SO BE WARNED, IF YOU’VE ALREADY HAD A FREE TRIAL EVEN IF IT WAS YEARS AGO, IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY CHARGE YOU A RENEWAL IF YOU SELECT ANOTHER FREE TRIAL (even if it gives you the option for a free trial), and there will be NO WARNING THAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE CHARGED!!!

I have many problems with it

Alright- so I have a lot of problems with PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. First of all; it’s so hard to make anything without premium gold. Second, it crashes often and I end up losing more than half of my progress on an edit. It’s really obnoxious and I’d like it to be fixed. My phone doesn’t crash with any other app so I know it’s a problem revolving solely around PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. Third, (this is the most annoying thing about it) it will just randomly stop working and it refuses to let me apply the layer of stickers I put on it. It refuses to let me apply anything on it. And when I try? It sends me to the “GeT PiCsArt PreMIuM tOday!¡!!” Screen. Meaning i have to get premium to be able to even continue working on my edit. And any logical person would think- “okay well you can just screenshot it right? NO. NO I CANT. BECAUSE WHEN I TRIED THE SCREENSHOT LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN WORK- IT WAS JUST A PICTURE OF PURE WHITE. AND THIS LITTLE GHOST EMOJI THING POPPED UP AND IT SAID “well at least you tried 👻 give your edit it’s due credit subscribe now to save your work and share your creative vision” so yeah. I’m p¡ssed off and I’m consistently never using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor again unless this is fixed. Because this isn’t fair. Yeah so if you dont want this to happen to you maybe your shouldn’t get PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. I’m really angry right now so sorry if that sounded really mean, I just wanna make some weird core edits- man. T-T anyway have a good day.

Great app, just a few issues

I’ve been using PicsArt as my main editing app for quite a few years now and it has become my best friend. The multiple features are easy to use and unique to PicsArt. The variety of stickers provided by the community is unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and the fact that you can use them in iMessage is just- wow. One of the only huge problems I’ve had with the apps is crashing. I will sometimes do paid commissions on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor which can take up to three hours. It really angers me when I spend so much time on an edit just for PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor to crash without literally anything I just did saving. Just a few hours ago I was doing a commission, and then PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor crashed and the only thing that saved was the background. I had made a full on edit of two people just for it to vanish. Another problem I have with PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is having to pay to load fonts in- it’s really inconvenient because I have to load my edit into another free app, add text, reload the picture into PicsArt, and continue editing when I could save 10+ minutes by just being able to load in even a limited number of fonts before I have to pay. Another great option would be more fonts already in PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor . I don’t think the selection has changed at all, if so very little since 2017. Anyways, great app! I would love if the developers would address some of these issues to make everyone’s experience amazing! Thank you, PicsArt!

Good editing but glitchy

I really love PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor and have had it for a while now and i just found out that once you log in you are able to participate in editing challenges which i absolutely love. But recently when i have been editing my photos to participate in the challenges PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor has started to lag and freeze up on me. ( i know that it is not my wifi connection either) this is happening when i by accidentally do something and then want to undo it and then it glitches out. The last time this happened i was working on a photo for a challenge and i was all done just adding the last thing and then i messed up and went to undo the mistake, then PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor froze on me. i got out of PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor but didn’t clear the tab and when i went back on it said it was uploading my project and then turned into the original piece that i was trying to remix. i had spent hours trying to make the edits and get it perfect and then in a few quick seconds it was all gone. i was so disappointed and i almost cried because i had worked so hard on it. this recently happened again a few days after, and i really hope you can fix it because after working so hard and so long on a edit and then having it glitch out if very frustrating.

Semi-pro photographer. EASIEST app, but CRASHES too often

I’ve tried more than a handful of other apps and programs, including Adobe photoshop, and Luminar (2 versions), and Aurora. Let me tell you, PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is fantastic, and easier to use than any of the previously mentioned, by a landslide. The problem is, and seems to be in every other review as well, is that it crashes far too often which will result in lost work that you might spend hours working on. Particularly, when you’re cutting out people and replacing backgrounds which can be a painstaking process when you use multiple layers. I can’t tell you how much time I spent working on a simple edit where I wanted to replace the background and use my Apple Pencil to “cut out” objects and people, and when I finish and click “next” (which saves your edits you just spent hours working on), it crashes, and resets PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor . YOU WORK WILL BE LOST. it’s incredible FRUSTRATING and not worth using for anything other than trying filters. That’s it. Do anything more than that, and prepare to start all over again. It’s a shame because I love the user friendly interface and the robust options, I really do. Fix the crashing, and I would probably never use another app or program.

it’s a great app but...

PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is awesome. it is so much fun and i have made some good internet friends. i do have a couple things i am annoyed with about PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor though. first off- the premium thing comes up every single time i open PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor , every time i make something, it has really got on my nerves. maybe you could put that in some setting thing. so it doesn’t come up every time. i hate it so much. if i haven’t bought it already i don’t think i’m gonna now-but that’s why i think you should put it in some setting thing, so if somebody does want to buy it they can go there but some people
don’t and it comes up EVERYWHERE. second off- the community guidelines; i understand there are children on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor but if i say something besides “oh that’s cool” or “so are you” and don’t make it specific it says it violates community guidelines. i go back and try to change a few words i think could do it but it’s still violating. it doesn’t even tell me what to change or how i’m violating. it’s very annoying. maybe you could show what words or things are violating because i try to comment and i can’t because of all the violations. besides those- PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is great so far!
thank you for your time and i hope you can read this!

I adore this app, but the CRASHING!!!

Well, I’m just gonna say right off: I love PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. It has such a variety of everything for editing and you can seriously make some awesome creations on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. But the worst part is, once you’ve made something with multiple layers of stickers, filtering, drawings, photos, etc., it completely freezes and crashes. I’ve lost so, SO many projects because of PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor crashing. I love to edit photos and make wild aesthetic edits with them, but I also love to layer and continuously add things, which PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor can’t handle. After about later 25, if you hit the undo arrow, it’ll load for 15+ minutes and evidently most likely crash. My phone has lots of storage so I know that it’s PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor crashing. I’ve had to just start taking screenshots of my progress every once in awhile in case it crashes I still have a save point (I can’t save it because I’m still layering and moving things around).
Overall, I use the sticker feature more out of anything. I love how people can upload their own stickers and such and you can share yours. It’s a great way to share creativity and really helpful to make cool photos edits. But PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor just can’t handle the excessive layering that I’m trying to do. I haven’t heard of any other app that can do this much and NOT give me an annoying watermark on my photo. I’m not sure how fixable this issue is but if it is, I would be over the moon and definitely change my rating to five stars.
Thank you.

Amazing app but...

I got PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor because I just wanted to edit pictures and I didn’t realize that you could share pictures and that makes it better but I also didn’t realize that I would get bombarded with premium ads EVERY SINGLE TIME I ENTERED PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor and every time I tried to post something and that it would send me back home when I try to post a picture. Also, whenever I entered PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor it would want me to explore certain things, and I did that, but the next day, when I enter PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor , it pops up again and the next day again etc. I love the pictures I edited but it’s just so glitchy and it says that there is no connection when I have a data plan, WiFi, and connection. And when I was editing my very first picture of my BFF and I that I wanted to send to my BFF, it didn’t let me share it, it just went straight to home.
Look, I know you want money, but no one is going to do premium if it is $8.99 a month. That’s just straight up RIDICULOUS! I’m not paying that much just to edit some pictures. Instead, it should be $8.99 for the whole price, people shouldn’t have to pay $8.99 a month they should only have to pay $8.99 once. And besides, what’s the whole point of premium when it’s just a photo editing app?
Again, I love PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor but just too many premium ads and it just sends me home and it says I don’t have connection when I have a data plan, WiFi, and connection.

Used to be my No. 1 photo app

I don't know what happened to PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor... I have been using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor since it FIRST came out... That has to be at LEAST 10 years, but pretty sure much longer than that even. I loved that it was free, but I purchased sticker packs and other items here and there. Now I can barely use it. When I am trying to use it on my iPad, literally EVERY 30 seconds it launches Safari and some random window with spam... Including invitations to naked photo sharing (definitely not something I have looked up independently) and every other spam window possible. Not even just pop up ads, which are annoying enough, but kicking me OUT of PicsArt and into Safari (which is NOT my default browser) and then into some spam or virus link taking me to web page telling me I've won something, or want me to buy something completely unrelated to PicsArt. It's impossible to do a project because I am kicked out every 30 seconds; and there are plenty of other free apps out there that I can do the same work with... So... Sheesh... Unless that stops I can't use this again.

I just looked at Safari which I never use and in the few hours I just used PicsArt to try to do project, it opened more than 200 browser windows in Safari, one for each time it kicked me out...

I was actually thinking of getting the paid subscription but these ad links worry me so much that I am concerned with their information collection.


A lot of people are saying it should be more in the social media recommendation and I totally agree. In my opinion it’s a really good app and there are a lot of features that you can choose from. The only thing I have a problem with is it’s safety. There are a lot of ways people can bypass the filters on the comments and easily say nasty stuff. Also, when you’re editing a photo that you want to post you can add text to it. The add text feature does not having any filter whatsoever, so people can put a bunch of dirty things on there. It’s rated 12+ but with my experience kids even younger have been getting into PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor which is not okay. There are a lot of people on PicsArt who just try and be a creep for no reason whatsoever. I had to deleted my whole account just so I could get away from some of the garbage people posted on there. Despite my rough experience this with app, I would have to say there are still a lot of people on it that can make your day. When I had to delete my account I was so sad and disappointed. There were a lot of amazing people on it that would lift your spirit but those that were negative, inappropriate and rude really made it hard to like PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor as much as I wanted.

One of my favorites! But a few flaws..!

I’ve used PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for 1 or 2 years I’m pretty sure. Overall, it’s been a pretty great and trustworthy app. Is has TONS of options to edit your photos and it’s helpful! I loved creating my account and making so many friends! 💗 Me and my friends share many memories from Picsart! However, every good thing has a bad thing to go along with it.

I was always bothered on the price of the subscription. It’s expensive and I don’t think I would spend that much money on an app. And a lot of the features require needing a subscription. And I understand tons of apps have subscriptions, and I respect that some people enjoy to buy them! But I noticed there are very limited filters that are available to people without the subscription. So maybe, if Picsart possibly added some more features to be available for people without the subscription, that would be helpful!

Other than that, there isn’t much I would complain about! Picsart is a great app to spread your wings a little and have a touch of creativity. Actually, I was never interested in virtual design or virtual art until I discovered Picsart! So thank you for inspiring me and I’m sure many others will be inspired! Thank you for taking your time to read my review. I highly recommend Picsart to any age! Have a good rest of your day/night! 💖✨

Love Picsart but here are some suggestions

The first thing I wanna say is right off the bat Picsart is a amazing editing app and I use it for editing all my photos. But I do have a couple suggestions. I would like to start off with hashtags. I get that hashtags are going to make a Photos easier to find and better to sort in categories but I don’t like how I have to do a hashtag every single photo. I would also like to say that there is a ad right when you open PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor and you have to wait a couple seconds to exit out of it it’s kind of annoying. There’s ads every time you save or post a photo. The third thing I would like to say is that I don’t get why we need an email to follow people or write a comment because some people don’t have emails. I also like to make different accounts for different photos but I don’t have 1000 emails. It’s also very hard for people to find you without an email which I don’t like. I have one more thing to say I wish it was easier to get featured or on the discover page. I would also like if PicsArt could have a creator of the week or creator of the day. That would make it so much easier to get noticed by people. I also want Chat to come back because I had so many friends and now I can’t talk to them privately. In other words I love Picsart so much these are just suggestions. ❤️❤️❤️

I have a few problems if they get fixed I’ll give it a 5 star

So I’ve had this for a few months now and I’ve learned how to use it better but there’s a few things I need to talk about. Like how just today I was making a little anime edit for my sister and it was one of those pictures where there is multiple of the faces everywhere and it kept crashing, and I kept having to redo it but it just kept crashing so I stopped trying to make that. Then I was making this solar system thing or which I was going to, but then I look up “solar system” and all the doodle plants had to be paid for and I was going to do a doodle picture. So what I’m trying to say is there are to many times PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor crashes and to many things that I need have to be paid for. Oh and I even saw a review that asked to make it a bit less crashy but did that happen? Oh and with the crashing again I need it to be when it crashes for it to save my work. It takes me SO long and it doesn’t save it? And for the paying... please make just a bit less stuff not have to be paid for if you can’t fix that one I really understand 😅. But for the crashing you need to get to that. So I hope you fix these problems and I may make this a 5 star ⭐️.

Most features of any media editor I have seen!

PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor gets the job done. It has the best cutout tool I have seen, has a crap ton of stickers, frames, live generated music, video editing features, gives unlimited previews of Gold features without purchase (to check if those features are worth it), has tons of effects, green screen tools, color replacement, and much more. The layout when editing is flawless and there are no crashes. The $50 a year for Gold would 100% be worth it if I had the money, however the amount of great free tools makes it almost obsolete!

PicsArt is great! A request I have for the devs would be the addition of a heal tool (there is one similar called blemish) however this tool would be more similar to the “Spot Heal” tool from Adobe Photoshop Fix. Also, a great addition to PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor would be the Fill tool in the drawing tab (this fills empty space distinguished by color). Lastly, shapes are unable to be moved or changed after they have been drawn in with the shape drawing tool and then un-selected. It would be great if the ability to drag these shapes around was added.

Takes your favorite free tools away :((

Updated: As an artist trying to work on my skills to be in a place to make any financial support for my family, it’s extremely frustrating when free parts of PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor that you use regularly, are taken away & added to the the subscription price. It’s like they monitor which ones are used the most for free, then take them. They did a sale for memorial day, 80% off— but I can’t pay for it right now. So many of us live paycheck to paycheck as it is. I know hard work went into the making of PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor & you deserve to be paid too the same as I do for my work but don’t. So I get it... Hopefully you’ll do the 80% off again soon or extend it. I will try to purchase it when I can afford it, but can’t afford full price.

They monitor what you use the most on the free version, and then take it away after you get used to using it :/. The price is too expensive especially since a lot of the imagery on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is actually stolen from artists or used without their permission.. So since I won’t buy it as is, and since they took away my favorite free tools— guess its time to delete it!

Amazing! But PLEASE remove the social media.

Hi, my cousin told me about PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor long ago and immediately downloaded PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. The photo editing is GREAT! Awesome features, and it’s really cool. But one thing I HATE. SOICAL MEDIA! I am not a fan and how the fact that my mom is always wanting to look over at what app I’m on whenever I’m scrolling through people’s photos on PicsArt, and I have to cover it or click out. That’s why I finally decided, I should delete PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is still great though. But please, PLEASE remove the social media. PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor wasn’t even meant for social media anyways, was it? No. Maybe not. It was for editing photos, and making masterpieces. If you don’t wanna take away social media, at least only have PicsArt’s account and not let anyone make a account. Please. It’s all I’m asking. - Sophie | Update: I just wanted to say it’s not crashing and glitchy for me, maybe it’s just people’s old raggedy devices because everyone complains about how glitchy PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor is. It’s not! Again it’s just your old raggedy devices. Like bruh big deal. Update: I’m fine with social media, but no commenting would be good because I still wanna get inspired.

What a Joke

What happened to all the free options y’all had for the users who dont want to pay a $55 yearly subscription? You can’t even get the “free” three day trial without agreeing to the yearly subscription which you will be charged immediately after those three days. I use to use PicsArt for applying fonts to my edits, but I can’t even do that anymore because they’ve taken most of the free ones out and now made them to where you have to pay to use them. I can’t even save a picture anymore without getting pushed into a subscription that’s a waste of money in my opinion. Picsart even has ads so you tell me why they are charging $55 plus tax a year for editing pictures. It’s not like y’all are Adobe photoshop 🤷🏼‍♀️
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen apps with great concepts change from benefitting the people and creating a community to becoming money hungry. Quidd, being one of them.

I use to really love PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor, but it’s becoming more and more difficult to be able to edit pictures on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor without paying $55 a year to USE things that were ONCE FREE. Y’all aren’t getting a dime out a broke college student. Try again. If spending $55 for a subscription is a few pennies to you then go for it, but you might as well just download adobe photoshop.

Why would you do this to us???

I’ve been using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for years for free. I understand that they want to make money, which is why I didn’t complain that for the last year or so adds popped up constantly. That’s what happens when you have a free app. However, I just went to use it today, and to “Apply” anything or “Save” the picture to your phone you have to PAY a SUBSCRIPTION!!!!! Not even an option for a one time payment. A freaking subscription. And you can’t even use basic featires and pay to unlock some sort of premium features. Applying text and saving are impossible without paying. You’ve ruined a fantastic app by being greedy. Basically worthless to me now, no way I’m paying for it when there are countless other free apps. Uninstalling.
What a joke, did you even read my review? I dont care about the ads. I welcome them if I could still use PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor . You say “PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor ’s main features remain completely free” but I can’t apply text without paying. Applying text is pretty basic, my iphone does it. Iphone doesn’t have a bunch of cool fonts but there are other free apps that do. Can’t apply a picture onto another picture without paying, that seems pretty basic as well. Can’t even SAVE without paying, which seems like a critical step in the process. Like I’ve said, you ruined it. Most recent reviews agree. Stop trying to defend it.

Worked great until...

I have used PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor since it first began. I loved the features and the fact that it was free to use. It is unlike any other photo editing app. It offers so many filters, edits, and tools that you are unable to find elsewhere.
I used PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor to edit my Instagram photos, my own personal photos, and create other fancy projects for my blog. It worked amazing! Then, it began to try to make you pay for certain edits/filters. It wants you to pay each month for these to become accessible to you. That wasn’t too vexing because some of the other edits/filters were still free to use.
Now, it won’t even let you use your own photos to edit. You must use the ones that are “free to use” on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor . This new feature completely takes away the point of PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor in the first place. I feel it is fairly trivial that this was put into place. Why do that to your loyal users?
No, I do not want to pay 55$ every year to use PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. I understand that requiring users to subscribe to Picsart Gold in order to edit their own photos is beneficial to the creators in the financial sense, but it is also extremely inconvenient to those who have relied this on app for years.
I am sure there are many others that are displeased with these new accommodations, and I feel they will, myself included, move on to find another reliable editing app. Not cool, Picsart.

Something is “up” with this app SCAM

I used to love PicsArt but after my experience yesterday, I think it’s a scam. I re-downloaded it after missing the collage feature that I enjoyed so much. After doing some basic edits on photos from my own library, I tried to save and couldn’t go further until I hit a “Free Trial” button. I tried many times to avoid hitting any button at all costs...I had already done a free trial years ago and obviously didn’t want to pay for a subscription. As I am trying to exit out, I suddenly get a notification saying “Thank you for your purchase”!!! Are you f’ing kidding me? I immediately try going into my itunes account to see my activity and PicsArt charged me $59!!! Not only that, but my ipad started to freeze up suddenly. Not 2 mins. later I was on the phone with Apple Support and they cancelled the charge for me after I explained what happened...They were concerned about the ipad freezing (I gave the Rep access to my screen so she could see what was happening) and she advised me to file a claim against PicsArt with Apple and to delete PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor immediately.
I am shocked because this used to be a reputable app...I don’t know what happened to it...Greed? Did a new company take over? I never leave feedback, but I don’t want this to happen to someone else. Be warned...

Waaay too many pop ups now...shouldn’t have to disable WiFi

I used to love PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. When I tell you that the features are amazing, that I used it a lot, but now feel it’s truly not worth the headache.., that should tell you A LOT. With their last update it’s CONSTANT pop up ads that interrupt every single feature experience. What’s even worse is that I previously paid for their sticker packs, and was still seeing advertisements even though I was making effort support them. I don’t like the idea of paying a monthly charge for this kind of app when there are free alternatives, equally as good.

We shouldn’t have to disable WiFi and data, that is, again, too time consuming and annoying to do each time for a big time social network blogger and poster. There are much more savvy ways to get us to spend in app purchases, and frankly there are several other apps I use that also have unique amazing editing capabilities, and don’t overwhelm with in your face popups the way picsart does, and even better, don’t require a monthly charge. I think there monthly charging rate is too high for photo editing. I hope they fix this in the future, but for right now, it’s literally and “truly” not worth the headache and it will now take you waaaay to long to do even a simple edit. #nowitsbroke #youchanged

Recent updates

I’ve used PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for years, probably when it first came out..Android and now iPhone. It’s the only app that has never been replaced. I’ve added new apps but I always keep PicsArt. It’s a great app and it’s free. Except now it’s not. And it’s a great app, but I don’t know that it’s comparable to high quality paid apps. If I have to pay monthly or yearly to access what used to be free or 2.99 if and when I had it.. then you’re really no different than all the others. And at that price, I simply can’t afford it. If I could afford a monthly or yearly me I’d have photoshop and adobe apps, no offense. I’m disappointed that you guys have become money hungry, and all the ads that take you to PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor Store or that you can’t get out of. I understand everything costs money but that why you pay 2.99 for 8 clip art. 😳
Sorry, I’m just being honest. I’m disappointed.
Also, I continue to not want to save my images to the platform, just the gallery. There’s no easy way to edit and delete in PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor either so it’s just taking up valuable space. Could you please revise the options regarding saving and also an option to clear cache files without uninstalling and reinstalling?

Thank you

Good, but glitchy and pricy

i was so incredibly happy when i found PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor about a year ago. it is amazing and has endless opportunities. i have a lot of fun editing my pictures with PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. but about a year or two ago, the membership got more... intense. the prices were raised incredibly high, considering this is just a photo editing app, and about half of the things that i loved to use now cost money to use. i still manage without membership, there’s still plenty of options. it’s just upsetting because i would buy a membership if it didn’t cost so much. also, PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor crashes all the time. every other picture i edit it crashes and i lose my progress. i don’t know what’s with that. there is also an insane amount of ads. when you first open PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor , boom there’s an ad advertising the membership. once you click out of it, on the home screen, there’s and ad for membership. edit the picture, finish it, go to save it, there’s another membership ad. there also other ads to, but they really seem to be pushing this membership. all in all, a very good app, just a few strange things.

I wish it didn’t kick me out !

I used PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for a very long time, even longer . I loved it so much because even if I did get kick out it would still save my work in progress so I could most likely return . Now I don’t love it as I use to anyone, it kicks me and I could spend 2 hours on a project I was working on and soon as I get kick out , it’s gone and I’m starting back over ! It takes a long time for me to do my edits and make them perfect so believe me when I say I get very frustrated every time, I can’t use other apps since they always crash before I go into PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor so that is why I chose this one ! Also I can’t put any stickers or photos behind the picture now , which makes it extremely hard for me to make it look good and nice and also I can’t even cut part of a sticker anymore ! I love picsart with those features now I have to go to an eraser app just to eraser a spiral on my edit ! Mind you if the picture takes 2 hours (and the time I am getting kick out and starting back over) the eraser part takes even longer to do with time and effort.

Picsart if you kindly please bring this back , that would be definitely awesome for me! Until then I probably won’t use PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor for this stuff anymore

Amazing and Easy to use but..

So the 3 stars is 5 for the actual functionality of PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor . It is good, it does work. For all intensive purposes it is a photo editing app that works quite well. I was around before the premium membership and I enjoyed it far more. The ads are whatever I am used to it with free apps. What does bother me though is the new premium membership. Look I understand that you all worked hard on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor and that money is a thing people want. However this is a photo editing app, there is NO NEED to have to pay a MONTHLY membership for photo editing. You know what else charges monthly membership? Netflix, disney +, the ENTIRE adobe creative suite package, and many more services that offer way more than PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor. Pay $5.99 a MONTH just for a few filters and no advertisements? That’s ridiculous. I wont pay for it and being bombarded every 5 seconds by and ad telling me to “go premium” is starting to annoy me. I used to recommend PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor but now I can’t because I would feel like I am telling people to get the membership and I don’t think it’s worth it. Other apps have the exact same package of filters and editing tools with no ads for a ONE TIME payment. They do this for a reason because it’s a lot easier to convince 20 people to pay a $4.99 one time fee than a reoccurring payment every month. That’s my suggestion throw out this premium monthly plan and just make it a one time payment. I’d actually buy that.

How great n now I’m giving 3 stars used to b 5

Really? It used to be free editing for my boring pictures n make it fun but now there’s no way to editing for the pictures almost everything have to pay? Wow 😲 I just can’t believe it n now they’re make it so hard n even more boring pictures without editing them. Disappointing for PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor it’s not suppose to be paying for the picture editor. how sad they keep on changing around with everything. 🥺😑 Thanks for nothing n going to remove it PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor, anyway!😑 #greedywithmoney #whoisgoingtopay

PS. I came back bc they want me back n telling me about change they had. I was so happy about that bc I though they will never change it bc of the money they wanted.. N I understand they’re making money but not everyone has a job n getting paid n then buy something with APP. I don’t have a job but planning to go school instead. I just hopefully they don’t change it n then charged everything. I love creative photos n just hope they leave the free editing where it was. N also the fun backgrounds photo or icon photo too there is some cool free icon photo to chose.. Please don’t change it leave some free things! Added more free too! LOL Thanks 🙏🏽

A Ton of Fun

I was looking for an app to make cool Finn Wolfhard and Stranger Things edits, and I found PicsArt. I love PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor a lot. It allows me to be super creative and I love just how many features there are. I’m inspired by all the other users on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor and it makes me proud of my photo edits. There are only three cons. Firstly, about half of the people on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor are there to post selfies of themselves and it is now more just a form of social media (or a more unpopular Instagram) rather than an editing app. I wish more people were serious editors rather than girls looking for likes. Like, you can’t throw glitter on a Snapchat pic and consider it an edit. Secondly, PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor KILLS battery life like no one’s business. So make sure your charging your phone while editing. Lastly, and this is the most annoying, my bio doesn’t save. Whenever I write anything about myself it doesn’t save. I’ve seen everyone else’s bios like this as well and I really wish PicsArt would fix it 😒 Other than those cons, I love PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for an easy and fun editing app. Thanks guys! ❤️

Here’s a tip, and and my review 💖📸

Tip: Okay people, listen. If you are one to complain and complain and complain about ads, just simply turn off your wifi when using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor . If you have data, turn off your data for that game. See, it’s as simple as that! Also, it’ll keep the ratings up, because this is a great app! (besides the ads)

My Review: Okay, here’s my opinion of PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor . I honestly really like PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor! This is the best photoshop app I have ever got (and as a photographer, that means a lot of apps). I would highly suggest PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor to my fellow photographers or just people who are bored and want to fiddle around with some pictures. Although, there is a bug that I noticed. When I am using data for PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor, I get kicked off when I try to save my picture. I spend a very long time on them and the fact that I get kicked off kinda stresses me out. Although, knowing the brains behind PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor, I am sure you will find a way to fix this bug. Thank you for making PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor so good, and keep the updates coming!

SAME! Problems with app!

Please help! I have been using PicsArt since 2012. I enjoyed using PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor until your last update. I work on a photo, sometimes I spend a whole hour on one picture!! When I’m ready to save it to my camera roll the ad pops up about becoming a paid subscription member, I clicked out of it, tried to save picture again, & paid subscription advertisement pops up again!!! Now the subscription advertisement pops up before I’m even finished with my photo! I DO NOT want A paid subscription, I enjoy what I do with my photos with the free PicsArt. I always brag to others about how great your app is, but that is definitely going to stop unless you remove this ad that keeps popping up now B4 I’m even done fixing a photo!! which makes me then, have to delete it!!!!!! That is NOT RIGHT!!! I’m trying to enjoy your product and tell others how great it is. I guess I need to let my FB friends know what’s going on, unless you will please, fix this problem. Thank you!

This app is something Different!

I got PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor about 2 years ago, (I recently quit, but it is not their fault, I just got busy), and it has done so much for me. It taught me how to enhance my drawing and photography skills with all of the tips and photos all of the users share, it helped me make friends, and a variety of other things! It is Social Media and a drawing app, rolled up into one! There is no DM'ing, so you don't have to worry about creeps or anyone like that. You can post, like, comment, and share on PicsartAIPhotoVideoEditor in your account. It is relatively free, the only things you need to pay for are the sticker packs, and even those are cheap, maybe .99 cents for their basic ones, and maybe $1.99 or $2.99 for really nice ones! The also have competitions and contests where they choose a theme, and you work with it. Then the person with the most likes on their photo wins.

On another note, I had just *Very* recently emailed their help line, and the respondee was very nice! Their name was Lusine, and she helped me through.

This is definitely a one of a kind app, and you should definitely get it!


**I AM BRINGING TO YOUR ATTENTION, AN ISSUE WITH A USER ON PA** Okay, idk how many times someone needs to get reported to get banned, but it's too many times. There is someone on Picsart, who used to go by the name of devil_hazel, and a few other names. Her account got restricted, because she was posting gacha heat. But now she has ANOTHER account. (@h4zu, and @h4z3Ism1le) and On this account, she threatened to commit suicide, and keeps saying she's getting a lot of death threats in the comments (she's not, just btw) I'm not sure if there's much y'all can do about this, but she needs to kicked off PA permanently... Heat shouldn't be tolerated here. (Also, yes I reported her)

Stephanie Norvell

The blemish edit isn’t working.

Francis Algoet

This app is quite ok only if you want to save you should definitely not hit share with your editing history because then they will make a video with your edits with big logos of themselves and your edited photo is lost forever, and if there is one thing what an artist, or for that matter, does not want his hard work, which he was so satisfied with, is lost forever. Instead, you get your money's worth of advertising for this petty commercial business. Sorry but that's not my priority. Then at least make sure that the result of my hard work is also saved.

Is Picsart AI Photo Video Editor Safe? 🙏

Yes. Picsart AI Photo Video Editor is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,153,737 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Picsart AI Photo Video Editor Is 34.0/100.

Safety Analysis

84.5% of users say app is Safe 👍

10.6% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

4.9% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Picsart AI Photo Video Editor Legit? 💯

Yes. Picsart AI Photo Video Editor is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,153,737 Picsart AI Photo Video Editor User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Picsart AI Photo Video Editor Is 51.1/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Picsart AI Photo Video Editor collected the following data from you:

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    • Identifiers
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    • Purchases
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  • Data Not Linked to You:
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Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Picsart Gold - Annual $57.00
Picsart Gold - Monthly $12.99
Picsart Pro Annual $78.99
Picsart Gold Yearly $57.00
Picsart Pro Monthly $13.99
Picsart Gold Weekly $4.99
Picsart Plus - Annual $61.99
Picsart Plus - Monthly $11.99
Make Awesome Photos $12.49
Picsart Plus Annual $59.99

How was your experience with Picsart AI Photo Video Editor? Post a Review


- Photo Editor: Try trending filters and popular photo effects, use the Background Eraser to erase and replace backgrounds, remove unwanted objects with the Remove Object tool, add text to photos with 200+ designer fonts, retouch selfies with hair color changer, makeup stickers & more, blur backgrounds with the AI-powered smart selection tool, quickly flip & crop photos, and add stickers to pictures and create your own stickers.

- Video Editor: Create and edit videos with an easy-to-use video editor with music, add music to your videos using an extensive video editor music library, crop video clips to the perfect dimensions and ratios, try Glitch video effects and other trendy filters, trim videos or use smart video merger to blend videos, design using the slideshow maker with music, and add your best moments to a video collage.

- Collage Maker: Create on-trend photo collages with your favorite pictures, try photo grid collage, freestyle collage, scrapbook, and frames for pictures, go viral with the meme generator & share with friends, and use the Story Maker and level up your Instagram game with Story templates.

- Sticker Maker + Free Stickers: Discover over 60+ million Picsart stickers, add stickers to pictures to turn up the fun level on your edits, download any sticker for free and use it instantly, and make your own clipart and create unique custom stickers.

- Photo Effects & Filters: Outline selfies with the popular Sketch effects, turn portraits into artistic masterpieces with Canvas effects, make Drip Art with dripping effect stickers & customize the blend mode, and cartoon yourself in seconds with amazing Magic effects.

- Drawing Tool: Use Picsart Draw with customizable brushes, layers, & pro drawing tools, doodle on pictures and create a transparent clothes effect, start with a blank canvas to create art and illustrations from scratch, and play with Doodle Art and scribble away for hours.

- Replay: Recreate trending edits in a couple of taps, cut editing time in half with easy customizable steps, edit multiple pictures in the same style, and keep your IG feed on-trend and consistent by creating personal presets.

- Picsart Gold: The Picsart Gold subscription grants access to new exclusive content all the time, get all the top features with an ad-free editing experience.

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