ABC app not working? crashes or has problems?

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Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to ABC.

Summary of ABC Problems 🔥

- Preempts General Hospital for news

- Commercial break before the last 2 minutes of the show

- App stopped working on iPhone 8

📋 8 Reported Issues:

Deb Ostrander 2023-04-07

I can’t get the ABC app to finish loading. It starts to load but the freezes and all I get is the ABC logo.

DARLENE HART 2023-02-19

When I open app it just keeps scrolling abc sign in page..nothing!

Shellee A Jarvis 2023-01-08

My abc app won't open. It won't let me watch anything, because I click on the app and nothing happens. I have uninstalled it and re installed it and the same thing happens.

Gail Elliott 2022-11-10

app freezes every few seconds

Valerie Curry 2022-10-19

There is no arrow to get to next episode.

Karen Clark 2022-10-05

I just get a black screen when I try to open the abc app. Yesterday it just kept scrolling the abc logo

Jean Rhodes 2022-08-25

ABC app not working on Android tv

Steve Smart 2022-08-21

When I click on a story with the ABC mobile app it comes on for one second then a blank screen, I've trying reinstalled the app but not luck, please help

Showing 1-8 of 8 reported issues:

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