This morning saw an article tilted “Chinese-Made Smartphones Are Secretly Stealing Money From People Around the World” When I saw it I knew it was gonna upset me, but I clicked anyway. In the post, they are framing a Chinese-owned company that they’re stealing money from people. I read further in the post, and there was no actual evidence that they were stealing money. It upset me even more that the comments were agreeing with his racism. C’mon this app, why are you letting Craig Silverman, another white, racist Trump supporter write articles on your app. We get bullied enough by our eyes, what we eat, and even more so the coronavirus. A lot of your clothes, household items ,and cars were made, created, and manufactured in China, so are we gonna ban all of that too?! They’re never posts about White Russian spies. What are the White Russians stealing? They never talk about how white Hitler killed six million innocent Jews.
So this app, and Craig, shame on you, shame on you for doing all of this, when you don’t have actual proof of anything.