- Business News & Analysis: Latest stock market, finance, business, and investing news from MarketWatch. Article headlines and images are featured along with real-time market data for each relevant ticker. Personal finance, investing, technology, politics, energy, retail, and retirement planning news and insights. Top Stories bar is interactive and gives access to a fully customizable drop-down menu featuring other news channels (e.g. U.S. Markets, Investing, Personal Finance).
- Market Data: Market data center with access to stocks, commodities, rates, currencies — all updated in real time. Detailed stock quote pages with key trading information and interactive charts from across major global markets. Track stock market data over a variety of date ranges and regions (U.S., Europe, Asia) for a more comprehensive understanding of the markets.
- Watchlist: Track your stock picks and see related MarketWatch stories to stay up-to-date on your investments. Sync your Watchlist. The MarketWatch app syncs with MarketWatch.com, allowing registered MarketWatch users to track stocks on the go. You can add multiple personalized watchlists, which can be viewed at any time across devices and platforms.
- Article Sharing and Saving Capabilities: Save stories to read them at a time that is more convenient for you. Instantly share stories via social media, text message, and email or save them for later viewing.
- Privacy Policy: The app has a privacy policy that can be accessed through the link provided in the app description.
- Cookie Policy: The app has a cookie policy that can be accessed through the link provided in the app description.