ERROR143 Reviews

ERROR143 Reviews

Published by on 2023-08-08

About: A bickering and bantering rivals-to-lovers hacking game! Your rival just bested
you in a hacking competition. Were you going to be a sane person and let that
slide? NO WAY! You hack into his database and leave him a little message,
proving your superiority.

About ERROR143

Were you going to be a sane person and let that slide? NO WAY! You hack into his database and leave him a little message, proving your superiority.

Your rival just bested you in a hacking competition.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 3,802 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of ERROR143

- Unique features that keep players interested

- Cute art style

- Great voice acting

- Personal and relatable story

- Character development that goes beyond dating sim tropes

- Constant updates and improvements

860 ERROR143 Reviews

4.7 out of 5


TLDR: good game, but set boundaries first, extend the days, then fall in love.

Problematic things about Jenny aside, this is my honest rating. The character, the computer desktop-ish window/icons, the character’s appearance is very nice and well-made, Micah’s playful personality is well, my type. But the thing is, the relationship progress between the character we are controlling and Micah is pretty rushed, a week isn’t enough for developing any kind of ‘enemies to lovers’ trope thing at all, it just feels like we are forced to liking him. And even though I like cheesy guys, this man is a bit too cheesy, it kinda feels….off. The bad ending, where our character set boundaries, AND THE ONLY NORMAL ENDING, is the bad ending??? I’d rather let our character be straight up rude and Micah ended up losing interest considered as the bad ending, so the bad ending does not deserve to be the “bad ending.” I think it deserved to be in the beginning of the game already. Set up boundaries since we and Micah, ARE HACKER ENEMIES. Then we can try and make the relationship slow burning, I feel like extending the days for a bit, then it feels like actual “enemies to lovers”.


Surprisingly relatable and so cute

I thought the main love interest Micah was cute when I first ran across the game and creator on TikTok with a cute art style, great VA, and unique features that kept me interested to look into downloading at another time. When I heard it got released for mobile I rushed to get this thing on my phone! Now this game means so much to me as my hubby (a black nerd, so widely underrepresented as a love interest in media) and I are miles apart rn and Micah reminds me so much of how me and my hubby are. I even tell my husband “I hate you” and he knows I don’t mean it, just like Micah, and it makes me fall in love with them both even harder :’) hecka cheesy but this game is adorable. While the story is short, it’s in the works and I’m so looking forward to see how it fleshes itself out.
Now if only my hubby had a wallet like Micah 😂


LOVE!! (+ some bug)

I absolutely loved this. I remember seeing it on tiktok awhile ago but I forgot about it at some point. That was until I saw it was on mobile and I rushed on to download it lol. I love the art style and the voice actors did an amazing job! Thank you for bringing us this amazing and beautiful game of The Micah YUJIN Experience !!😸 I will have to say though that when he falls out of his chair, once he gets up it kinda glitches he is literally like floating? Besides that I think everything else is fine! I just hope your okay with everything going around TikTok. I’m glad it was false and I never really believed that. I feel like so many people just jumped to conclusions with no real proof. I mean at least respect them until you find out if it’s real y’know? Anyways thanks again!


Literally So Beautiful

In The Beginning when I downloaded this game I originally did it cause I liked how it looked. But when I started the game I instantly fell in love with the set up of the game. As I played the Game Micah’s character was amazing and I just love the story line, after every few minutes I found myself rolling on bed because my heart would melt from the cuteness. Also I found out that this game helped me out when I was stressed whenever I was stressed I would play a but instantly cheer up and calm myself. Although its a shame the game is a bit short, I honestly never get bored of it, and I hope the creator would make more and we appreciate your work!
Thank you!


The Micah Yujin Experience

Omg I love this game sooooo much!!! It’s such a masterpiece 🥹. My cousin posted a TikTok video on her Snapchat story about this game and got intrigued. She soon posted the name of the game and once it came out I downloaded it. I spent about an hour on the naming part alone because of how attractive the va sounded 😩. The voice acting was just spectacular and it made me feel like I was actually video chatting with him and not just an ai. The responses to the stuff he be saying is funny and actually realistic and his response are just too hilarious and cute. My only issue is that the game is too short 😭. We need more of the Micah Yujin Experience.

(No rush though, take as much time as you need ☺️)


And it not even finish

I first heard about it from the creator themselves. I saw a tt of there’s and thought is was interesting but didn’t really check it out until I saw 5 more tt from different account saying how great it was. It was the winter break so I could give like 20-30 min to this game. Day one I was not really hooked. Not because it was boring. Because of the way he acted. But then at day two and three. I honestly enjoy it. Like the way he act made me understand he’s way. It was fun and now I can’t stop making tt about him. Not gonna @ myself because this isn’t about me but god i love it.


Good at first..

This game was at first but then the more I was playing the more problems I start to see so I shall list them out 1. Micah acts like a 12 year old fortnite kid, he’s very immature and reminds me of nerd from the popular webcomic “boyfriends” (And nerd already had one too many problems) I felt as if I was talking to a child which is very unsettling seeing as how this is a dating sim. 2 When I got to pick the option “I’m uncomfortable” how come the game ends on a bad ending? Why is it a bad thing that I want boundaries? Why can’t we talk it out like grownups (except he’s to immature for that isn’t he?)3. Micah is a chronically online character,he named his cat skrunkly,he said “no cursing in my Christian server” which is very corny and he also said poggers…. Next time you make a dating sim at least make it seem like I’m talking to an adult and not a 12 year old minor. Thank you for reading.


ANOTHER ENDING?! (Player depressed ending and he comforts em :)

Ok. So it would play out as them chilling and talking like normal, until he realizes that something was wrong with the player. He asks the player if their ok, and they can respond yes or no or just yes. Or be dishonest and he could respond and say things or if they choose the yes or no option, yes: he can start asking if their ok, what’s wrong and comfort them, if no: he can say that he won’t push it but if they/we need someone to talk to he’ll he around!


-From a player who apparently falls inlove, me.


Short, Sweet, Just a bug or two

It’s a wonderful game! I love the fact that we can go back in the conversation and change what we said rather then having to start all over again. I do wish it was a bit longer, hopefully there’s more to come. The first Video Chat you do with him, he falls out his chair then when he gets back up, he’s floating in the air along with the chair. It’s like that for the rest of the call then it fixes itself during all the other ones. It also just decides to close on me mid game and I had to redo the story, but other then those I absolutely love the detail and time you all put to create this app! <3


The best dating sim I’ve ever played.

If I could hold everyone down and force them to play this game I would. I play romance novels often , but none have ever felt as personal and fun as this. On top of the video call experience, having so many names and pronouns makes it even more personal feeling. Every bit of Micah’s character feels like an actual developed standing character instead of just a dating sim troupe copy/paste. On top of all it is, the creator is constantly working to add more. I’m so excited for what I’ve seen so far and to keep seeing how it grows.


god I’m in love right now.

Okay so I just got the game today, I actually had it on my PC and let me tell you guys, when I was waiting for this to get on my iPhone I WAS WAIIITING. Literally I love the amazing artwork that they had put in, and not to mention Micah Yujin’s VA. It’s literally breathtaking!!! I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH, and I’m so excited to what is gonna be updated more in the future! :) I love Jenny’s hard work and dedication to this app! And literally this game is a whole ♾/10. I love the way we interact with Micah, and they have set names, pronouns, and everything. It makes me really really happy <3.


Favorite game I played this year

This game is really amazing. The first day it came out I played it and cried 3 times while doing so but, not because I felt lonely but because I felt like there was a chance for me out there. I'm not really the type of person to get crushes or to be in a relationship so it's hard seeing it around me all the time especially in high school and I'd feel like there's something wrong with me but, for some reason this game opened up a new vision for me and I'm so grateful it did.


I liked it but…

I love Micah’s character. I loved the idea behind the story. I loved the art/aesthetic. I DONT love how short it is( after looking further it looks like the creator is working on more) and I DONT love how rushed it is- AT ALL. The game is five days 1 or 2 of which there’s no interaction between MC and Micah. Maybe if/when the game is extended it will be better paced, but at its current stage- it’s unrealistic and kind of creepy lol…

If I looked at the ending I got as if MC knew Micah for like months or years even- I think the game would be perfect. I think labeling it to days is where it falls apart.

Hope the addition of new days helps, because I really DID like this game.


I really do love Micah <3

This has probably got to be the best dating sim I have ever played. The art is literally amazing, his voice is so hot, and how he interacts with y/n is beyond explanations. I am very sad that Micah isn’t like any guy I’ve met and I really REALLY want a man who can treat me just like this. Cause like reading his dialogue and seeing his facial expressions literally made me scream😂🤷‍♀️. I am really looking forward to more in the future and thank you so much for making this you’re literally the best <3



Ok so the game is fun and all I LOVE IT all. Making a game with only one character? That is creative! But there is only ONE, yes, one, thing that I’m upset about. SKRUNKLY, THE CAT. I want to see skrunkly the cat because the IDEA of a cat with a white stripe on their back is ADORABLE. The name got me Simping for this cat not even Micah yujin. You made Micah yujin say he was gonna show skeunkly, FAKE. Micah says he’s going to show a photo of skrunkly, FAKE! I feel like that is the only thing I’m disappointed in because I want to see skrunkly, which now lead me to the conclusion that he is dead. Deep right? Please, show skrunkly next episode >:<


Micah yujin is the coolest guy ever

I love him I love the game I love the art and I love how much work was put into this game!!
I love Micah and how his writing feels so real instead of the average dating sim perfect boyfriend but instead he feels more like a real person.
I just love how the art is in the game and there’s so many cool features and little secrets. I just am so happy it’s on ERROR143 Store now !!!
Micah is so cool god next can you make him real he’s just so awesome I wish I could say how much I love this game please make him real next 🙏


Amazing story telling game!

I usually never leave reviews, but this is such a charming game. I absolutely love how ERROR143 is formatted and how the texting features feel so real. I’ve caught myself smiling at Micah’s corny jokes so you know that this is the real deal LOL. Additionally, it has amazing voice acting and the love and attention put into this game is apparent! Thank you for putting your work out for free, it’s been super entertaining so far and I hope the developer continues to learn and grow.


Just Wonderful

Played this when it first came out in itchio and Micah quickly became a comfort character. Being a college student, things are stressful enough, but knowing I can easily access the game now, I’m really happy. Don’t have to constantly be opening my laptop and can now enjoy the comfort more personally when I’m laying in bed or outside doing social interactions I dread 😀 Everything works perfectly and the gameplay is very smooth.


I love this game!

I'm lovin 'it! I love him! I never thought in my life that I would ever love an RPG so much. Without a doubt I do not regret anything for having downloaded it. When I found out about it on TikTok I was crazy to see if it was for iPad. I waited as long as it took in the hope that one day I would be, and I don't regret having waited. i just love it. I hope and would love to see more in the future to which I will look forward to this game!


I love this game

I’ve been WAITING AND DYING to play this game! I’m so excited it’s finally out! Everything about this game is so special and fun. Even though the game itself isn’t long, it’s something so enjoyable that you can play again and again :3 (even though I get flustered by the same things again and again)

I’m so excited to see any future updates! And maybe the possibility of being able to buy the dlcs on mobile!


Not really Enemies/Rivals to Lovers

I love Micah’s personality so much. I love the concept of this game and I watched so many of your tiktoks advertising this game before this game came out but this game really isn’t rivals to lovers. They seem to be flirty arguing right out of the gate. The secret ending is them getting married after barely knowing each other and they have an instant connection and flirtation, the good ending ends up with Micah coming to visit our character after a week for a date, and the bad ending is the listener just setting boundaries with someone who they just met, who instantly starts flirting with them. While I recognize this is a kind of a dating sim, a week is not enough to make a enemies/rivals to lovers and there was no rivalry at all. The first few moments of their interaction is all we get and then it’s just a straight shot to lovers with no banter or rivalry to see. Again I do enjoy this game and I really like Micah but this game was advertised as rivals to lovers and it wasn’t that at all. Perhaps when you add more days, you can add days in between the days you already have to actually build the game to be what it’s advertised as.


Love it! Can’t wait to play the rest

Thank the devs for providing such a good game. Love the hacking setting🤩 What immersive dates! Can’t wait to play the rest of the game.

I played it on my iPad in the English version and PC in the Chinese version later. Maybe because my computer is old, I didn’t have a good gaming experience, which is obviously my bad. However, I think the text size is a bit small on PC (maybe I haven’t found the right place to adjust it😂), while the text size on iOS is really comfortable. Hope that you could improve it if you think it is necessary. Also, hope that there would be Chinese version on iOS too!


Wished it would never end

I was honestly looking for a dating sim to laugh at the cringe with my friends when I found error 143. I was not prepared for how unlike any other sim it is. This game is much more realistic than any other dating sim I’ve ever played, it feels like I’m talking to a real person. The build up to romance is pretty quick in the best way possible. It’s not overly cheesy and Micah is hot so why not try it. If you don’t like it (which I bout you will) then delete it. If you do like it you get to become like me and
(there is other stuff you can pay for like patreon, but I’m broke)


Let’s be real!!

Okay so I never leave reviews for apps EVER. But I will say this game was disappointing…I follow Jenny on tiktok and was highly anticipating the game coming to mobile but after all the hype and simply being excited because Micah is a cute and lovable character…the game is just lacking. It feels like I’m playing a demo. The build up happens WAY to fast and it’s not enough to the story. It’s pretty empty. It kinda just leaves you unsatisfied with the play through. I really think the idea of the game,the character, and the graphics are great but the overall execution is lacking a lot.


I don’t write comments usually

I’m that person who doesn’t write comments or reviews and ratings unless I am EXTREMELY MOVED. I was.
I’ve always been a 2d lover. Since I was in 7th grade, I’ve always had a tendency to get “too attached” especially to characters that don’t exist in our reality. I cried when I got the good end. It was like so unexpected, i thought it was going to be longer. I just cried like a baby. Like I really disconnected with a friend. Bottom line, I loved the game. I love Micah (beautiful name btw). He is an amazing character. Brava! This was a great game. Hopefully there’s mooooore! 🤧


Love this game!!

I remember this game coming up on my feed so I got it. It was left unplayed but I decided to give a try and wow truly a great game. Not like a boring NPC that is left as a reminder that yeah this isn’t a real person, or wow that’s really an inaccurate way to react to this situation. I felt like all of his reactions and comebacks were completely on point. He was a great mixture of flirty and loving.
I ended up showing my friends and they all became obsessed with this game.
We’re all desperately waiting for more! 🙏


Cute and Fun!

I clickef this game because the character was black, and as a black girl who enjoys dating stimulators/otome games/visual novels theres not many black love interests. The mobile game is very cute and comforting! The voice actor was amazing and having them being able to say your name is a nice innovative touch! I will definitely play the full game soon :) As for plot wise, the characters falling in love with eachother so fast felt very unnatural, because we do not know much about Micah as a character outside of his cat, nerdish charm n brief runoff of his dating history. Where does he work? What state does he live in? All the unanswered questions combined with the rate at which we start to fall for Micah makes the reader (cant find a better word) feel strange. This plot could definitely call for more slow burn/ resistance on both sides. I love the vision !


Oh my lord

Firstly AHH!!! Secondly, I don’t usually write reviews, but I LOVE this game, it’s such a great thing, only issues would be names I suppose but it has mine so I’m not complaining, and Oh My GOD. I’ve played this on my computer and I absolutely loved it, if you’re the type to like a semi-slow burn along with a hint of enemies to lovers trope. This is for you babes, and the voice!!! Oh my god thank you for existing to create this, I wish I could play it for the first time again, plus the different endings?? Love it


Absolutely in love with this

I remember first seeing this game going around on Tiktok and was really intrigued. The art looked great and the voice acting was even better. I followed the creator, but didn’t keep tabs on it too much. So when I was checking ERROR143 store today and saw a familiar name and character show up, I was surprised that it was already out! I was going to get it on Steam, but since I was already on my phone, I thought I might as well download it on here. And I’m so glad I did! This is probably the cutest dating sim I’ve played. Micah has quickly become one of my favorite love interests. The dialogue between him and the player character is just top notch entertaining, and I wish I had someone I could talk to like this. Not gonna lie, I was a bit sad at how short the game was, but after checking the creator’s Ko-Fi page, I’m hopeful that there’s more to come in the future. ☺️

Is ERROR143 Safe?

Yes. ERROR143 is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,802 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for ERROR143 Is 66.7/100.

Is ERROR143 Legit?

Yes. ERROR143 is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,802 ERROR143 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for ERROR143 Is 100/100..

Is ERROR143 not working?

ERROR143 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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