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addi2go Status

Published by on 2024-05-17

addi2go is the trendsetting app for everyone who is passionate about knitting
and crocheting or wants to get inspired. Tips and tricks, knitting and crochet
instructions and details on all needle types from addi can be found here.

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  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Gustav Selter GmbH & Co. KG, developers of addi2go.

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Developer: addi2go

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Visit addi2go Website

About this app

Tips and tricks, knitting and crochet instructions and details on all needle types from addi can be found here. this app also offers beginners valuable information and a constantly growing platform for basic patterns and helpful videos. this app also offers an ingenious electronic row counter with voice recognition function.  Do you have ideas or feedback about knitting and crocheting with addi needles or about addi2go ?  And a look behind the scenes at addi comes on top. this app stays alive with regular updates and your knowledge treasure is constantly growing.  For this purpose, addi has successful influencers and partners in the industry at its disposal. Stay excited.  You can create and manage your own knitting and crocheting projects directly within addi2go .  this app is the trendsetting app for everyone who is passionate about knitting and crocheting or wants to get inspired.  Decide now to download the this app app for free and be a part of the addi community.  Different helpful calculators assist you in your work.  Feel free to email us at addi@selter. com.  We are looking forward to it. 

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