I have been using this app for 3 years, throughout my high school and college career. I intend to keep using this amazing note-taking program into graduate school. I have even begun using this app to organize my non-school related thoughts and notes because the nested, tree-style structure documents that this app allows you to create are just so effective at organizing ideas.
However, at the time of this review, to me this app is only properly usable as a desktop app.
Whenever you scroll down or up on this app in the mobile app, whether it be you skimming over your notes or quickly trying to find a specific topic, a Rem almost ALWAYS gets accidentally indented or outdented, often ruining entire tree structures that were meticulously written.
This is so incredibly frustrating and happens so commonly in RemNote that it often has me wondering if the this app developer team has even tried to use the iOS app in any capacity.
I often find myself not using this app in certain cases, simply because I would rather have certain information to be also easily accessible on my phone, and not just my desktop.
An easy fix to this would be to include some sort of toggle in the settings that would disable this feature, something like “Disable swipe to indent” in RemNote .
I am BEGGING the developers to add something like this into RemNote so that I can begin to enjoy this wonderful program on my phone.