i really don’t understand the point of adding EtsySeller.. there’s a sliver of things that i can do easily on it that are maybe harder to find, or not features on the other app, but then just add it!! or make it easier to find!! redesign the old app or something, because they’re way way too similar to be two different things. im also noticing that on every page, & between the apps, there’s completely different numbers relating to my views, visits, link clicks, etc. i have no CLUE what’s going on in my shop at any given moment because everywhere i look, i’m being told something different. i usually look at the line graph because it seems to be the most accurate, but even then, it’s not updated consistently. maybe that’s the problem between all of them, that they update at different times, but all i know is i won’t know what my numbers look like until the next day most likely, then i can see what happened. once again though, even THEN sometimes the chart is lower than another number so i don’t know which to believe!!!! im really annoyed with that, mostly. any other minor bugs are sugar ants compared to the hornet of nothing being clear & accurate. also, once again, just take EtsySeller off the market. make the changes you want to make to the old app, add new features, whatever. im keeping them both for now to get a general consensus of what my numbers MIGHT look like, but seriously, do better etsy