Etsy Seller: Manage Your Shop Reviews

Etsy Seller Reviews

Published by on 2025-01-16

🏷️ About: Etsy Seller is the newest way to manage your shop on the go. It’s got everything you need to easily respond to customers, create and edit listings, see your shop stats, and manage your orders.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 27,826 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- The app allows for searching by SKUs, which is a helpful feature for sellers with many items.

- The app is intuitive and easy to use for some users.

- The app provides custom-made item options for sellers.

Read 57 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.5 out of 5
Not user friendly at all

I have had an Etsy store for many years and have appreciated the ease of the Sell on Etsy app. I don’t like how the new app is so stark nor how I have to click more times to get the same info. For example, when I clicked on “Orders” before, it would list all my recent orders chronologically, open and completed together. So easy! Now I have to click again to see my completed orders and remember whether it was in the last 7 days or 30, etc.. The most frustrating thing about EtsySeller is that I use it most often on my iPad, in landscape view. The new app only appears in portrait view and will not toggle back and forth. My iPad vase only has the landscape option in its stand. I looked in EtsySeller settings for an option to switch to landscape, but there was nothing there. So frustrating! Please fix.


Etsy… your sellers talk. Many of us know each other by the thousands on boards like Reddit, etc. MANY OF US have already started creating Shopify stores so we can leave your platform - THE PLATFORM THAT WOULD NOT EXIST WITHOUT US AND THE THINGS WE CREATE. we pay you ridiculous fees and watch our profits go down more and more every month, and now you go and force EtsySeller on us so we REALLY can’t work?? was someone drunk when they created this and thought it was a swell idea to release it?? Please. We are all walking away soon. You are drastically pushing your sellers away with how little you care about what we NEED. The same sellers that hold your company up and keep it standing! There are MANY ALTERNATIVES for us. You need us more than we need you. Please respectfully listen to the creators on your platform. We want the old app back.

UPDATE: because of your useless copy and paste that doesn’t work like normal, I had to switch to the normal Etsy app to grab a message and $50 worth of files were accidentally sent to someone else for free. WE WANT THE OLD APP BACK!! This is ridiculous now!

Etsy won’t listen

EtsySeller is unusable, takes forever to open and forever and a day to upload pictures if it works at all! It doesn’t matter if it is one picture or ten it takes multiple minutes. Slowing down the listing process will not make Etsy more money. I now have to use my browser. I have the pictures on my phone so I used to upload my pictures then save it as a draft and finish descriptions on my computer. Now with EtsySeller it will take 5 minutes to look like it’s loading the pictures then say sorry couldn’t upload contact Etsy support. Which I literally do not have time to sit all day trying to contact them. So back to 5+ years ago when I have to somehow get my pictures to my computer where I can upload them using the web browser. And now they are trying to change that format and so far my testing of that has been similar to EtsySeller , it works very infrequently and wastes my time! I guess their goal is to make listing slower therefore fewer sales and lower my profit because now I have many more hours into this process. If this continues I wonder how many people will look to other platforms. So disappointed! I used to enjoy selling on Etsy.

This is not it.

Some major flaws here making this new app pointless. **1) you can only print a single label at a time and one receipt at a time. This increases time and doubles waste and paper if you print 2 labels per page. **2) when you select “print”, it only takes you to your phone’s preselected print menu. In my case, I use a label printer with an app, so there is zero option to take my label to my label app like there is in the mobile site. It doesn’t even give you a preview of your shipping label in EtsySeller itself. Again, go have to click through to your own phones regular print menu to even see the label. **3) you can’t cancel an order. This is just basic Etsy, come on. **4) There is so much more scrolling and extra clicks to do the things it takes one click on the desktop or mobile site. **5) In editing, you can only select one photo. Why did you raise my fees for such a pointless crappy app. **6) I’m not even going to get into all the missing setting features. Why can’t there be just one sellers app with all the features combined? You are a multi-billion dollar company focused solely on online sales, let’s act like it and get with 2022 technology.

gets one star because you have to vote at least one

I have been a five star seller on Etsy for over six years. A small business intends to grow and this year I have finally reached that growth that allows me, or allowed me the ability to actually survive on my craft. Only to be caught up in the new Etsy restriction game. Where the company is withholding 75% of your sales for 90 days. withholding 75% of a small businesses sales will put that small business out of business. They are driving me under and it is breaking my heart. I fully understand the liability aspect. But your ratio of taking 75% of a small businesses sales for 90 days is only going to do detrimental home. Rework that number and maybe only take 30% for a liability cushion. I highly suggest to anyone wanting to sell some to create their own website and not use this platform that’s going to take all of your money as soon as you’re making money and drive you out of business. The fact of the matter is from day one this platform never really brought me a whole Lotta business. I drove all my traffic from social media outlets. So they did nothing for me and now are driving me under

App is awful - bring back old app

I never leave reviews but compelled on this. This new app is awful! Technology is supposed to make life easier, not more confusing and having to cavity search EtsySeller to find things. Etsy developers may have forgot that their main customer base of sellers are creatives and antique/vintage sellers who live a life like it’s 1962 and have to pull out their Victorian era magnifying glass to view the pictures of their listings thumbnails. The old was Awesome. It was easy to navigate and very intuitive to use. This new app is so confusing and so many buttons to click (like trying to find the renewal date of each item is now hidden and not even visible when you click “listing.” You have to click some dots after clicking listing to see it.). It already takes a long time to do listings and this new app takes even longer trying to navigate all these funny buttons and options.. It’s very rare a company creates an entirely new app and whoever designed this did a terrible job. You’re working with creatives, not tech designers. Bring back the geniuses who created the old app because they apparently understood their customer base.

Clunky and USELESS

I want to start by saying that I am someone who can adapt to change, especially something as measly as an app. I’ve had BOTH the older version and EtsySeller downloaded on my phone for about a YEAR now, and have been trying my very best to use both and get acquainted with the new one. By now, I should have learned all the ins and outs of the new app.

This new app is just awful. NOTHING for me has been made better with this new app. It’s confusing, hard to find the correct data (data also doesn’t update in real time.) I miss being able to open EtsySeller and see my views and visits. Also, now I cannot see how many orders a customer has had just by looking in the messages (I offer my customers a rewards program based on how many orders they have placed.) this can now only be done through a browser. Even the new editing tool to add new listings is very limited and I often get a message saying something along the lines of “cannot do that in EtsySeller yet.”

Please PLEASE bring back the old app or at least rearrange EtsySeller to make is easier to find what we are looking for. I don’t care if it’s prettier it’s completely useless.

Never Liked This New Blue App

Update: Just now I was forced to use the new blue Etsy App. It is totally unusable for me as there is no expiration date on the list of items that are about to expire. Bring back the original app as it worked perfectly for my needs. Many other features of the new app is harder to use than the old app.

Today, an update to EtsySeller occurred and I use it to renew my many items that are about to expire manually. I space them out so I don’t have too many to be renewed on one day. The expiration date was taken off the each item’s listing with the update as it displayed on each item before the update. Now I have to go through numerous steps to view each listing’s renewal date. It is basically useless at this time so I just downloaded the old app version. The blue version keeps getting much worse than the original old orange version as there are way too many bugs and incorrect information. Why upgrade an old version app that has been so dependable and easy to use with constant mistakes with the new version? A company of your size has an obligation to all of the shops to make a dependable app. Please fix.

Worst than ever before

Seriously EtsySeller has no credibility to function or give basic notifications of messages/reviews/purchases! How can we accommodate customers based on their stupid metrics that they measure for us to give prompt responses to customers or even know if we have sold anything to begin with! It’s absolute nonsense who ever developed EtsySeller really couldn’t do the job properly! We have been submitting issues with EtsySeller since January but instead of improving they are making it worst…many features aren’t available like the old app and we would have to use desktop but many people work from phones and can’t have desktop available everywhere…instead of upgrading they are degrading Etsy overall! Every now and then they have platform issues which causes many customers to steer to Amazon…or not purchase! I thought Etsy is for small business owners but it seems like they care more about their P&L statements for their investors than those sellers that are giving them hefty fees on every item they sell! Current CEO is making Etsy fall just like he did eBay - that’s the fact of the business and reality!


If I could give this new app zero stars, I would. I hate everything about this new app and agree with about 100% of what everyone else who left a one star review is saying. It looks like it was designed for desktop use, rather than mobile devices. Everything is smaller (it’s killing me!) - listing is painful and VERY slow to load. I hate the list format for listing now and it’s also aesthetically displeasing. When editing photos, it will not let you simply drag them where you’d like or even crop them properly/to my liking. VERY LIMITED. Where did the “REARRANGE” function go? I used it ALL THE TIME! The old app was near perfect and anything that may have needed fixing could’ve easily just happened by updating it, like every other app out there. As a longtime Etsy seller, I am exceptionally disappointed and will be adding this to the long list of reasons why I will likely be going elsewhere to sell within the year… And don’t even get me started on the disappointment and vast unpredictability of my lack of sales on Etsy this year, despite having the most inventory I’ve ever had. Do better Etsy!

Terrible UX, Lackluster features…

I have only been selling on Etsy this year, but I was easily acquainted with the original seller app. I appreciated the favorites notifications, especially as a new seller, and being able to click through to view profiles of those who engage with your shop. The dashboard view was excellent and having stats separate was fine too.

The new app is such a mess to me (as a designer it’s painful to use). The ONLY feature I like is the live shop preview and ability to add videos. Otherwise I don’t get it. Why remove favorites notifications? Why bury favorites and shop engagement in the middle of the 4th tab as if that’s not an important part of the shop? Why did you remove “views” from the dashboard? When editing listing photos you cannot rearrange them up or down bc EtsySeller thinks you’re still scrolling down the page. I’m going to add the original app back again and just hope Etsy doesn’t delete it. For ppl who use EtsySeller for shipping and love the new version, maybe Etsy should just make it “Etsy shipping” and give the old app back to everyone else.

Bring back the old app! Listen to us!

I’ve been using the new app since they forced us to use it solely over the old app. It’s terrible and Etsy is NOT listening to us sellers. What is going on with the thumbnail photos? No matter how much I edit and properly align my photos (on EtsySeller or even online), my thumbnail for my main photo listing is always wrong and blown up to where you can’t even see my full product. I use the “adjust my thumbnail” function. Also, when I’m creating a new listing it constantly freezes up while I’m doing the description and then I have to start all over which makes me SO mad! I’ve learned I have to go into my notepad on my phone and type the description there then copy and paste into EtsySeller . Nothing loads correctly so I’m constantly going out of EtsySeller , closing that window to “refresh”, then going back into EtsySeller . Every day it tells me how many views and visits. I can check it at 11:59pm at night then check it the next day with the yesterday tab and it’s vastly different. Are you telling me I received 150 visits in one minute Etsy when you said I only received 60 for the entire day? I sell internationally and can only create international labels through the online site. Why can I create US labels through EtsySeller but not international labels?
As you can see…. We are having a real TIME with EtsySeller. We are posting the same things in Etsy seller forums and we are ignored there as well.


I’m so frustrated that this is supposed to be the “new” app but I find myself having to go back and forth between this one and the old version every single day. It wastes a lot of my time and renders this new app moot. If you’re going to upgrade EtsySeller to a new one, please make sure you bring over all of the old app features and then ADD to them on the new app. Don’t take things away and make it confusing the way that it is. The new annoying thing that’s happening is I keep getting signed out whenever someone favorites an item and the notification comes through- I have to sign back in and I use two factor so it’s tedious and annoying. This new app is just not the vibe and it makes absolutely no sense to expect us to switch over to a new app that doesn’t even accommodate us as sellers in the way we were used to from the old one. It’s not an upgrade in the slightest- it’s a ridiculous downgrade! Using this new app has been SUCH a headache! I suggest doing a Q&A via email where we as sellers can actually communicate our issues and asking us what we want to be changed and going from there. Please don’t get rid of the old app until you fix this one! It needs a LOT of improvement before I would ever feel comfortable using EtsySeller by itself.

Glitchy and lacking

Every other second something will glitch, writing to customers, even scrolling through the message to read details, everything about EtsySeller is not only worse than the old one design wise, ironically enough, but also mechanic wise, its so glitchy it makes no sense, also putting into account how long it has been around already, such small bugs should have been fixed long ago and it’s making it insufferable to use and also makes it stressful to have a simple conversation. When writing a message it would glitch and not let you edit a word since it would keep on moving down or up, it’s like the all it’s l constantly forcing you to do something else, same with scrolling, you would scroll up and it would glitch and start pushing you down or you would scroll down and it would randomly, exactly at the same spot glitch and force you to go all the way down. And this will keep on happening no matter what. This has been a problem for a couple of months and I can’t believe there is not a single fix in any of this.


I now hate Etsy with everything they done there driving there sellers away for the new scanner method and there new policies they put they remove your listing for one word you put on the listing even on the description totally unbelievable. They make new police’s and they don’t us sellers and when we violate there police’s they just remove it and they don’t say specifically what terms and conditions you violated. I found my Etsy removed completely with orders I had to still do I had to contact everyone and let them know of the issue some wanted to continue with there orders eles where and some wanted there refund and others I can’t get a hold of which when they find out the shop isn’t available anymore, I know they will freak out and think I scammed them making me look bad I had to announce it on my business social media what happened and some where upset since all my buyers are repeated they recommend new ways for me as a seller because I heard from there side as buyers they are also having difficulty with Etsy it’s making it hard for sellers to sell there stuff and harder for buyers to find items they want. I’m totally done with Etsy and I won’t continue to sell on here my new route is start a TikTok shop! And sell individual through my social media


I’ve been with Etsy since the beginning. Back in the old days when Etsy actually cared about their sellers. Back when it was a community of supporting each other (remember treasuries? So much fun) Now it’s about print on demand, mass produced items and celebrity collaborations. No regard for the original handcrafted/REAL vintage items that EtsySeller was built on. I see A LOT of items bought off of Temu and sold as “handcrafted” and what gets me? They don’t even change the picture! But absolutely NO monitoring of the situation anymore. This new app is absolutely horrible and the UI isn’t user friendly at all. There have been thousands of complaints about it yet nothing is done. We want the old app back and again, nothing. Just new updates that make it harder to work with each update. We need a bulk renewal system like the old one instead of renewing each item individually. And this new share and save thing? Are you kidding me? JUST REDUCE OUR FEES! They are literally killing the small businesses you claim to support. I’ve already pulled one of my shops and can’t wait til I can pull the other. Etsy is all about the money, all about the big names and all about themselves. When the new regime came in they lost sight of what Etsy meant to small businesses. And what a shame that is.

Excrement Junk App

Update 10/20: well I got the standard we’ll help right away response and asking for feedback. I’ve sent numerous feedbacks, numerous bug reports, not a single one has been addressed or responded to. When it comes to tech support, Etsy gives nothing but lip service.

Every time I try to use the Listings process I cringe! Crashes every single time I try to upload more than one photo at a time it times out - the spinning wheel is the only thing that works well on this useless excuse for an app. Can’t filter by listing status within section, numerous clicks to do things we could do with one click in the old app such as copy or renew a listing or see stats for the listing - so inefficient! Still can’t use package presets on the shipping label process. Whoever designed this piece of s%*£><%t app should be fired! Oh - and don’t believe their developer responses that they’ll assist right away because they’re all lies - Etsy has known about these issues for months and have done nothing except ignore their sellers! Go back several months in the feedback - same issues now as then.

Needs chart for revenue

I like the old app better but unfortunately they have disabled it. This new one doesn’t even have a chart for revenue, which is the most important and exciting aspect of specs/insights, nor does it have last year’s comparison. Those were the two features I used most on the old app. Also, etsy needs to add pay dates so we can choose which specific days of the month to be paid. For instance, to be paid the first of the month or every other Friday, etc. They only have the options for daily, weekly (on Mondays), biweekly (every other Monday), and monthly (the 5th of each month.) Please listen to your customers, Etsy. Also, after 10 years of selling on Etsy, I received a warning that I wouldn’t be paid and my shop would be put in vacation mode if I didn’t provide my phone number. Seems a little extreme, don’t you think?
Also, the message response rate is ridiculous. It’s always saying I didn’t get enough messages responded to within 24 hours, when not all messages require a response. And when it says tracking wasn’t uploaded in time because it was a holiday weekend and the post office was closed, it shouldn’t count against us.

if you run a small business, DO NOT USE ETSY

this isn’t necessarily an issue with EtsySeller , but with etsy in general. it is no longer a secure platform for sellers, and it may be difficult to find a different marketplace, but it is worth avoiding etsy. the only issue used to be regarding its seller fees, but now etsy is randomly suspending new shops for multiple months or, in some cases, including mine, permanently for absolutely no reason. i was not given a single email to explain why i was suspended only a day after making my shop, but apparently etsy is notorious for doing this. i saw other people were let back in after a couple of months and was hopeful but for three months, they did not respond to my emails. then i tried to appeal and within five minutes (ironically) they sent me an email saying i have been permanently suspended and they could not repeal the decision. i’ve also heard other sellers say they have been randomly put on vacation mode (again without explanation) and ended up unable to sell for extended periods of time, which can be detrimental to someone whose only form of income is etsy. it is not worth the trouble.

Ruined the Holiday Season this year

HORRIBLE! EtsySeller has been awful, but what has happened during the busiest time of the year for me this year is probably the worst thing that could happen with an app. I was behind like I’ve never been before, losing money somehow, upset customers, it’s been awful. Anyway, come to find out, duplicate orders were showing up in my order log. Not only were they duplicate, but a different icon pic beside the order (if the order had more than one item) was showing beside each one, making it look like different orders in my log. I’m a one person shop, I don’t always open every individual order and read the name and address when I’m checking to see what needs made. I noticed back in Oct I had two order for the same person of the exact two same items- I reached out no response. I sent the two orders. I’ve only come to really notice this when I’m typing in a specific customer to check the status of their order. In the actual log, they aren’t showing up back to back like they would when I just type in the name. Customer service was zero help, told me to delete it, reinstall and just use the internet to check things. The damage has been done, I’ve lost so much money this year and who knows how many customers or even poor reviews. I’ve done everything I can to make it up to everyone but it’s been a nightmare for me. I’m finally going to make the switch to a different platform. Etsy does not help or protect its sellers.

App malfunctioning for months and affecting my sales

For the past couple months I have been trying to upload photos to my listings and have had problems non stop. I was able to get maybe 8 listings done before the past couple months, but i have a slew of draft listings just waiting for photos. App wont let me upload photos so for the busiest sales time of the year I havent been able to make my listings. I contacted etsy support and they said its my problem and they have no issues with their tech 🤥. I tried uploading photos on wifi and cellular, i reset my wifi several times, i took all new photos and made sure they followed all the etsy guidelines (which they were already following but i did it again just to make sure), i tried on phone and desktop computer, i tried taking photos within EtsySeller and nothing will upload, even taking photos within EtsySeller wont upload! Whats the point of this website if we cant even make listings?? This is a side business for me but if this was my main income I wouldn't have been able to pay bills for months! Etsy do better! You guys charge a ton of money to list, use some of that to improve your tech so it actually works. Im about to quit and use mercari or ebay or some other resale website.

Abandoned by Etsy

Old app was fine. This one is trash. Bugs, missing simple features like Shop Sections when creating new listings. You can only create a new shop section. That’s been that way, left half done and broken for almost a year now. It’s embarrassing. No support on call, don’t think anybody actually works at Etsy. Also, guess what? You all of those followers you gained over the years? They don’t get any notifications that your shop even has new inventory. Etsy turned that feature off forever ago. Why follow a shop if Etsy wont alert them of all your new items. 100 new unique items and Etsy pushed out a notification of only a few, one week later. The sellers handbook is not up to date. It’s like the company closed but accidentally left their app online. Totally abandoned. Had a nice 7 year run on Etsy but EtsySeller, specifically the muting of Shop Updates (yes we follow our own shops so we know this got muted around last year) with no answers from them truly is the end I think. All the awful reviews of EtsySeller from longtime sellers who need help and look what they get, an automated “Developer Response” thanking them for their “Valuable Feedback” instead of just fixing one single issue in almost an entire year. EtsySeller is actually broken enough that I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple removed it from EtsySeller Store.

Horrible platform

I bought several pngs from a business on Etsy that I used to make shirts with and sell on Etsy but every time I go to post it it automatically gets deleted I don’t understand how this is fair for one seller to sell LV printsBut as soon as I go to posted it they automatically remove it. I have reached out to Ashley multiple times about how I bought it from another Etsy seller but they don’t care at all. Bad business if you ask me but🤗they also have horrible customer service they don’t even understand anything that you’re saying. Also I have had multiple deposits that were supposed to be deposited on a certain day and instead end up getting deposited five days later and the Etsy support team had no idea why it was doing that nor were they helpful at all I talk to you at least 20 different people and they all told me something different but at that point there was no one else I could talk to to actually fix the problem or anyone that knew how to fix the problem. This platform is absolutely ridiculous I do not recommend using it also their fees are ridiculous. I made right at $1000 this month as a new Etsy seller and about $600 of that was considered profit the other $400 went to shipping and fees which is insane!!! Not to mention the price of sweatshirts and shirts and other stuff I have to buy an order to sell so I profited maybe $100 out of the $1000 please don’t make the same mistake I did❤️

DON’T make us switch to this app.

Please don’t remove access to the old Sell on Etsy app. I love the old app as it is and find the new app confusing, not logically organized, and lacking in features. I much prefer the functionality of the old app over the appearance of the new app. These are my top two complaints at this time:

I miss seeing my listings ranked by views on the Listings tab like they are on the Stats tab of the old app. I also miss the ability to choose the time period, “sort by” (views, orders, revenue), and listing type to sort my listings. It is frustrating that the new app is so limited in its sorting features on the listing tab since I rely on these features so often in the old app. With the “expiring soon” and “top selling” buttons, I wish they would at least show all the listings in the rankings rather than just the top ones.
For each individual listing, I miss the graphical representation that the old app showed for views, items sold, and revenue, as well as the graph for orders and revenue (with dollar amounts). The old app also showed a pie chart of traffic sources, several pages of search terms, and a line graph for favorites. The new app has NONE of that. These were all very helpful features that I relied on daily in the old app.

Etsy needs to try again

I hate EtsySeller. I dislike it so much that I’m deleting it and going back to just using the browser version.
First, if you have any sort of order progress steps set up EtsySeller doesn’t count those. I rely on EtsySeller to keep track of orders and when they are due. I mistakenly assumed EtsySeller would allow me to do that but because I moved two orders to another progress step and took a day off, EtsySeller doesn’t even display them.
Next, I am unbelievably annoyed with the constant “make a video” nonsense every platform insists on pushing. I have no time to make a video and don’t want to see the same woman on my screen every time I open EtsySeller looking like she’s doing something personal… which she’s not… but I am so sick of seeing it.
I also dislike that the notifications send me a profile photo of the person who ordered. I don’t need to know what my customer looks like. Just the Etsy logo would make due and be a lot my logical. I don’t need some random person popping up on my screen. The first few times this happened I wasn’t even sure what the notification was for!
Make some updates or let us customize what we want to see. Until then, deleted!

Leaving Etsy!

Every day: I wake up to multiple reviewed listings being removed by Etsy! I’ve been selling on Etsy for a very long time: I know how to make a listing. I have things being removed that were there for over a year and have multiple sales and zero prohibited content! Yet the algorithm keeps targeting my products! This is sinking my business and of course there’s no way to actually speak to someone about why your listings are being removed! You can’t even appeal their decision! I pay them a percentage of my sales and I can’t appeal a decision or speak to someone about my shop?! This is giving scammer vibes!

1yr later: DO NOT WASTE YOUR Money with ETSY! They’re only in it for the money and will snatch your business away from you at a moment’s notice. Their policies are not clear, there’s no customer service and they take money in multiples ways from every sale you make. They show favoritism to successful shops, they allow them to break copyright rules because it makes them more money! All they care about is lining their pockets, your business means nothing to them. Just get a Website, it’s cheaper in the long run and you have more control over your shop.

I hope this helps to prevent someone from making a huge mistake.

inaccurate, redundant, shall i go on?

i really don’t understand the point of adding EtsySeller.. there’s a sliver of things that i can do easily on it that are maybe harder to find, or not features on the other app, but then just add it!! or make it easier to find!! redesign the old app or something, because they’re way way too similar to be two different things. im also noticing that on every page, & between the apps, there’s completely different numbers relating to my views, visits, link clicks, etc. i have no CLUE what’s going on in my shop at any given moment because everywhere i look, i’m being told something different. i usually look at the line graph because it seems to be the most accurate, but even then, it’s not updated consistently. maybe that’s the problem between all of them, that they update at different times, but all i know is i won’t know what my numbers look like until the next day most likely, then i can see what happened. once again though, even THEN sometimes the chart is lower than another number so i don’t know which to believe!!!! im really annoyed with that, mostly. any other minor bugs are sugar ants compared to the hornet of nothing being clear & accurate. also, once again, just take EtsySeller off the market. make the changes you want to make to the old app, add new features, whatever. im keeping them both for now to get a general consensus of what my numbers MIGHT look like, but seriously, do better etsy

Doesn’t Feel Like A Business App

Update: Since Etsy discontinued the original app I have started using the browser but I constantly have to deal with the banner recommending the new app and the browser bouncing me back to EtsySeller . The only reason it’s still on my phone is for message notifications - I like to respond as soon as possible, but I’m about to delete it and just pick certain times of day to check messages.

We hate EtsySeller, why won’t you listen to us? I have had EtsySeller along with the original since the first week, possibly day it was available to try. While I do see some of my complaints have been fixed it’s still too painful to try to use. It’s easier to open the desktop version, which is what I will do when the original is discontinued. Let me also just say that I don’t expect to be able to run a business exclusively from an app. There are some things I actually prefer to do from the browser, but if you have a working app for the “on the go” things… why replace it with an inferior version? Tools that are actually useful were taken away for Explore and printing labels? Make an explore app. Make a shipping label app. Some of us are to busy to mess with explore and are printing multiple orders/labels in batches. As I’m writing this I’m realizing the new app feels unprofessional. It’s like an app for hobbyists who don’t have very many sales. Where as the original app is geared toward people who are running a serious business.


Not much about this new version of EtsySeller strikes me as an improvement. It’s fine, does what it says on the tin, but it feels a bit superfluous. I’m considering this a first pass and will keep using the old one until I can’t any more.

Won’t recognize my shop

EtsySeller had been working great a couple weeks ago. It ended up logging me out and now that I try to re-log in it says I don’t have an associated shop on my account which is clearly not the case

Not any better than Etsy Sell.

Still can’t make private listings from messages, and I’m not sure why sold out/expired listings are sorted alphabetically and not be date with no way to change.

I’m sure as I use EtsySeller more I’ll find more faults. But so far I’m not impressed.

Missing Needed Features

We still can’t process a cancellation from EtsySeller . And now they’ve taken way to be ability to leave seller notes in an order. This feels like a backwards step instead of a forward one. Also, in the old app I could be signed into all of my accounts at once and get alerts from all of them at the same time so I was always on top of customer messages and new sales. With this new app I can only be logged into one shop at a time which leaves me blind to what’s going on in my other shops.

Can’t tell what date listings expire

There was nothing wrong with the old app. I could find what I needed easily. There is no real added value /improved functionality of this so-called new and improved app. But there are many things that I can’t find or that are missing totally or that don’t work well. For instance, I can’t see anywhere on a listing the actual date when it when it expires. I can sort by expiration date, soonest or latest. But I can’t see the actual expiration date. So when I go renew listings, I have to do that from my home computer instead of my phone now. Like the so-called improvements on the Etsy that I use on my laptop, the new improved smartphone version is actually clunkier with more things to wade through. And there is a long lag time between clicking on something and when it pulls up, unlike on the old app where things pulled up instantaneously. I don’t know why Etsy keeps changing things to keep Etsy sellers confused and wasting time trying to get things to work or trying to find things that used to exist on the old app, rather than just updating and fixing the existing app. The functionality isn’t there. We are told to switch into the “old Etsy” to fix things because they haven’t gotten them working in the new platform. Sheesh.

White and yellow app for me is better

I differently like the white and yellow (Sell on Etsy) Etsy app better it seems whole lot more intuitive to me than EtsySeller here this is a whole lot harder to use and less intuitive. Hopefully you will not be removing “Sell on Etsy” app because I really like that one better than this one here.

It works, hopefully better, but…

So much swiping around on EtsySeller . I still can’t add a note to an order, which means if a customer messages me about something to add or such, I have to use the website to do it. I used to be able to do it on the old app. I use my phone to deal with customer service while I’m away from my work area, so I count on EtsySeller for that. But let’s pretend I am trying to process orders. Can print a shipping label but not a packing list, so I’m back at my computer anyway. Also, why does EtsySeller need so much access to my privacy data as opposed to what’s in my account?

You still can’t reorder photos in the app

If it’s not one thing it’s 10 others. EtsySeller is beyond frustrating. Why wasn’t this fixed in the last update? Or this update. Hopefully the item description and title only saving sometimes bug has been fixed. Boy, is it frustrating to list items with any version of the Etsy Seller App. The bugs always result in all the hard work you’ve done disappearing. I’m a seller who writes very descriptive item details with wit and humor. This isn’t easy and takes about 20 minutes for each one. I have over 230 listings. Many times I’ve had to redo my listings 3 times before I can get them to save correctly without the bugs making them disappear or not save what you’ve changed. With this latest bug. You can’t save your details. Well the save button makes you think you have. Then if you’re like me and doublecheck, because you know, ETSY, and all the changes you’ve just spent a long time updating aren’t there? Well that can be devastating for a business who has added, deleted, or changed important details for the buyers to know.
The issue in my review title. What an irritating bug. Why is it even an issue? It seems like it’s be a very simple aspect of EtsySeller to program, and if a developer has messed it up, to fix it. Apparently not. It’s still not allowing me to reorder photos.
Yes, I’ve restarted my phone, deleted and reinstalled EtsySeller . It just doesn’t work.

sigh. not good.

im really surprised etsy publicly announced the release of EtsySeller. its just not good. its difficult to find stats and theres so much scrolling. you still cant do half the stuff you can on the original seller app so this is basically just a “pretty” version of the original app with no substance. just add more features to EtsySeller we already have since this one isn’t that good. the only difference is now (and why it has 2 stars instead of 1) is because it doesn’t immediately crash when you try to open it. otherwise EtsySeller is just kinda useless especially if you have the original seller app that gives you easy to read in depth stats. again, why does everything have to be “modernized” if it doesnt work or add any value to user experience??

Really beginning to hate selling on Etsy

The Etsy seller experience has declined significantly over the past year. I sell natural cosmetic products and apparently Etsy changes it’s terms and conditions regularly and rather than communicating with sellers to notify them that their existing products violate the NEW terms, they simply remove your products from your shop. Keep in mind, the terms and conditions are generic and riddled with jargon and legalese. And this is coming from someone with a PhD. So you never really know how your product description or details violate the terms, just that they do. I’ve contacted support to inquire about how my descriptions are in violation so that I can amend it only to be told that they can’t tell me specifically. I went from 4 products listed, to 3, and then this morning found that they’d removed every item from my shop. I literally cried. Like what kind of practice is this? It’s so unprofessional. I already planned to sell on my own website in addition to Etsy but I think this is a sign that Etsy no longer meets my needs. To just completely remove all of my listings without an explanation and just expect me to be able to sift through your terms to figure it out is so illogical. Do better!!!

Where the heck is everything?

The new app is essentially the same as the old app in terms of available info, which is a shame because there really needs to be some robust insights for sellers. Essentially everything that was a “scroll down” is now a “scroll left/right.”

A step backwards compared to old Etsy app

There are too many things that you used to be able to do in the old app that you just cannot do in this new app. It’s like a completely new team designed EtsySeller without consulting the old app.

A couple of examples, you cannot bulk edit in EtsySeller, cannot select multiple listings to update inventory or change shop sections or shipping profiles. Also, you cannot select and copy any sort of text from order notes. This is a necessary feature. When messaging someone I often copy and paste back to them their order notes. Now I am expected to type them out manually?

EtsySeller is beautiful in presentation but they went for form over function. I would much rather have a less aesthetic app that has full functionality including all of the small details that the old app allowed. The new app designers aren’t taking actual shop owners into account when they designed this apps. They should have consulted shop owners and incorporated everything from the old app.

liked old app better

I tried to change this to two stars, but it won’t let me. I am not opposed to change, just wanted to make that clear so that anyone reading this knows that is not the issue. lol. I really dislike the new app. I do not like the icon color.. it is just the same color as so many of my other apps. The white and orange border was far more distinguishable. My bigger complaints though, are how slow EtsySeller is to open. There has not been one time where I have not received the little “loading circle” upon opening EtsySeller before the main page loads. I do not like the location of any of the tabs. Also, slow to update the notification number tab in the corner of the icon (that little red square.) I glance at that frequently, and noticed it will have the number 2 showing, when I really have 3 new orders. Updating this review because I had a notification on my phone for a sale earlier today. A couple hours later and I go to see the order so I can fulfill it, and it is not showing under the “orders” tab. Luckily, still had the notification on my phone home page, and it opened right to the order. Now, had I not SEEN that notification from my phone page, I would not have known that order existed from checking “orders” only in EtsySeller . Customer would have been delayed. Love Etsy, but not this seller app unfortunately.

The old one was better

I really wanted to like this but there are so many features that are missing or only half function. For example, I can barely find my own listings - sometimes I will type something like “necklace” trying to locate an existing listing to share with a customer or on social (or trying to copy an old listing) and it will tell me there are no listings at all with that term in them when there are dozens of necklaces in my shop. This happens with several different terms, making it difficult to locate most items from my vast inventory. I also don’t see anywhere to rearrange my shop listings either, which I love to do on the go as this function eventually malfunctions when editing it on a pc or laptop. Having to renew expired listings individually, one by one (and not being able to easily tell that I have expired listings from my dashboard) is a minor inconvenience that makes renewing listings a task for the computer now. I also wish I could search “all” of my current and previous inventory in one category instead of only being able to search my active, expired, sold categories one at a time. One positive thing is I like being able to see who is a repeat customer. I wish I could easily pull up their past orders though. I also like the option to add content via “Explore”. All in all it needs some work and I think we deserve the investment into making it more efficient!

Inventory, tracking, & Drafts

It is sooo frustrating when I’m trying to do inventory and I cannot find a piece! It is a bracelet for example and I search more in depth Pearl Bracelet nope nothing. Sometimes I don’t even see it in all the bracelets?? So I go back out go to my full shop and have to go through all the pages to find it!! Then I go into the listing and make sure I have it in the right section & IT IS!!! This is super frustrating & an inventory nightmare!!

My next frustration is tracking. I cannot believe Etsy has not come up with a way for us to put into the “tracking info” a number when selling in person??? I was just using a tracking number that was already used and it worked for years. But now I cannot do that and my rating for shipping has gone down. When the customer not only got the piece earlier than if it was shipped, then left me a 5 star review and wonderful message in my shop!!!

My last complaint is WHY did they change (Create Draft)when I am putting in a new piece of inventory into my shop I have to completely finish all fields of the description!!!! I cannot start it then save it as a draft??? Why even have this option if you have to finish it?? I LOVED the old one I could go in start a new listing then if I got busy I could save it then go back later & finish it then post.

Double shipping costs?

Thank you so much for updating your app I love it! However I am having trouble accessing my USPS label the buyer paid shipping costs and I cannot access a label without paying a second shipping cost is there another way to access the label I really need to get item to USPS to ship. And I just can’t afford to buy all the Etsy stuff to ship through Etsy quite yet..

Love the new direction: fix the bugs!

The good: EtsySeller is SO much easier to use than the old one. I LOVE that I can print my postage straight from EtsySeller . Also, the way your orders automatically connect to the buyers messages is such a great timesaver now!
I wish there was a way I could print multiple postage labels at a time like I could from a web browser—maybe a future update?

The bad: there is a significant loading time for messages and orders. I constantly have to refresh and often miss things because it just isn’t as speedy as my notifications.

There are glitches. I’ve gotten WAY more “Contact Etsy Support” messages with EtsySeller than I ever had before with the old app. Currently I cannot even access my orders nor my messages so my production is at a standstill while I wait for whatever glitch to be resolved.
What’s more frustrating is the lack of instant support for sellers. Not only are the sellers and buyers funneled through the same support hoops, but to try and contact support you have to wade through redundant questions and inaccurate answering bots only to have to wait days via email…and it still was a bots’ wrong solution.
For as much work as we the sellers on Etsy bring to the platform I’d like to see Etsy put that much in for supporting us. After all Etsy is selling service to us artisans.
I like the new direction of this updated app andI will update my review stars when Etsy fixes some of the problems.

Was working but not now

**UPDATED*** I sent a message to the Etsy Seller Preview team since I received an email asking for feedback. Gave this exact feedback (prob 2wks ago). Guess what??? Yup! Still no response & EtsySeller still intent working for me.
downloaded EtsySeller about a month or so ago. It was working wonderfully. I loved that I could add videos from my phone to my listings right from EtsySeller! Problem- I’m the past 3 days I have tried to open EtsySeller but it won’t. I have deleted and reinstalled it, nothing. It literally just sits on the blue opening screen. Can’t find out anywhere if there’s a problem and it’s down or if it’s a bug or whatever.

Repeat buyer feature

This feature needs an update - it’s counting two items in a single purchase as a repeat buyer, vs. someone who has come back and purchased on two separate occasions.

Frustrating, for now.

I’ve been using EtsySeller for a few months now and it has its ups and downs. I’m not sure what the point is in making an entire new seller app instead of updating the old one, but I’m giving it a chance.

Starting with the pros:
EtsySeller ’s UI is quite nice; Simple, visually appealing, easy to navigate. It runs smoothly, everything loads faster than the original app and the web version. The original app was a detailed learning curve, but it’s manageable with experience - This one is easy to pick up in only a few days.

The problems lie mainly in its lack of features. It has the basics, but I often run into roadblocks while listing items and find myself just giving up and opening the web version in the end anyway. I also have to open the website to edit any shop settings.

The private messages are also weird. When I try to go back and fix typos, the text box jumps around and the cursor just ends up somewhere random in the text, not at all where I tried to click. Talking to my customers is a huge pain because of this.

So far, EtsySeller is really only useful for quick on-the-go checkups on your shop, not entirely running it. It has potential, but desperately needs the complete features of the website’s shop manager and a fix for the private message problems.

I will happily update this review in the future if the situation changes.

It’s not that bad

EtsySeller in general is basically the same with an improved imagen, I like that and it easier to create another listing. The “share a video” feature is not the best, some times the audio for the videos is off even if I close EtsySeller and I re-open it. Overall, I believe with some little changes EtsySeller will do better. Thanks Etsy Team.

Work in progress

EtsySeller isn’t as bad as they say, but it is a work in progress. A lot of the editing options for listing are “coming soon.” I do like how the analytics are displayed. We can now view the Star Seller stats in EtsySeller . Plus it has dark mode!

New app is good!!

There are lots of negative reviews on the new Etsy seller app. I was reluctant to get it because I hate change in general but honestly it’s pretty cool. The layout is a lot more sleek and modern than the old “Sell on Etsy” app. There is an option to ‘copy’ a preexisting listing and make necessary edits (very helpful tool if listing multiple items that are similar but have a few different details and/or need different photos). You can now post public replies to you reviews which is a very nice feature that was not previously available. The only thing I don’t like is this new app doesn’t have the ‘Sell with Square’ tab which I actually used for craft fairs. Also the Etsy transaction fees are getting kind of insane but I guess that doesn’t have to do with app directly. Anyways, just wanted to say if you’re freaking out because the old app says it’s being shut down on May 23 - download the new one.

So far so good!

Loving EtsySeller so far. Easy to navigate, reply to messages, check listing stats, etc.

Now doing business with ease!

Love how easy it is to navigate through EtsySeller and do business on the go! It’s really frustrating when you have to open a computer while traveling and now I don’t have to.. all I need is right at my fingertips! Thanks for this!!

I like it!

I have to get used to it but I like it so far. I luv that u can print shipping labels straight from EtsySeller now cause that was very annoying. U could look up each listing & see exactly how many ppl viewed it, favorited it, bought it & how much in profit, u could go back from when u 1st made the listing down to a day. I luv that there’s a lot of stuff u could only do on a computer before u could now do on EtsySeller ! I’m happy with it!

So far, love!!!

Based on other reviews, I was nervous to open up the new app. But what a relief! I absolutely love it! It felt so intuitive to me, I found everything I wanted to find, it just works well for me. And Finally!!!! Repeat customers are shown. Been waiting for that for years! I guess this proves we all work and think differently because I just feel like the complaints on previous reviews aren’t justified. Or accurate in some cases. Thanks, Etsy. Feel really good about this one!

You can finally search by sku

Yes yes yesssssss!!!!

All of my items have skus and I hated that I couldn’t search by them before in my Etsy inventory (why allow the option when it doesn’t function???) but omg you can search by sku now! I am so happy! Also I like the updated format and that it remembered that I prefer dark mode.

If you are wondering where marketing went, it’s in insights and if you are lost, they have plenty of areas on each page to explain how to use the new app. I also see where it tracks your progress for the month on if you are a star seller where before it would just kind of randomly tell you yes or no.

There is a feedback button accessible on each page to immediately report bugs and what you like and don’t like so far which tells me that Etsy really wants the feedback to help improve as they go. I am really excited to use this for my shop!

Not app related but how bout developing is more than 2 drop down menus, in our Etsy shops.

Another Holiday season with out more easy drop down menus?!? You push custom made items. Ur nearest competitor “Handmade at Am….” Has provided near unlimited drop down menu selections since day one.
Etsy should be ashamed of themselves in this department. For over 12 years as a seller etsy’s lack of drop down menus has hindered, along with many things, the growth of my product offerings and development. Customers suffer too. Shame shame.

EtsySeller seems solid though. Thank you for EtsySeller. Should make a nice addition.

Is Etsy Seller Safe? 🙏

Yes. Etsy Seller: Manage Your Shop is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 27,826 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Etsy Seller Is 50.2/100.

Safety Analysis

81.3% of users say app is Safe 👍

12.2% of users say app is Risky 🚨

6.5% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

Is Etsy Seller Legit? 💯

Yes. Etsy Seller: Manage Your Shop is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 27,826 Etsy Seller: Manage Your Shop User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Etsy Seller Is 66/100..

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It’s got everything you need to easily respond to customers, create and edit listings, see your shop stats, and manage your orders.

Etsy Seller is the newest way to manage your shop on the go.

-- Easily manage orders with our updated design that shows you what to ship, and when.

-- Get key performance stats like views, sales, and revenue in a listing overview.

-- Seamlessly access order details within messages with a buyer.

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