Parking Heaven is a smartphone app that will alleviate some of the stress that drivers in crowded cities deal with every day by helping them find available public parking spaces.
Parking Heaven's great value is that it connects drivers who are in need of a parking space with a driver leaving a parking space.
(INRIX, 2017) When you download and create an account on Parking Heaven you will start off with tokens these tokens allows you to search for a parking space.
Parking Heaven saves drivers time and money in their search for parking spaces.
Parking Heaven will help drivers save significant time and money.
Some drivers are already using parking apps, but Parking Heaven goes beyond the capabilities of these apps.
Drivers spend hours circling around looking for parking spot, wasting lots of gas, and unfortunately picking up a lot of parking tickets along the way.
This is the incentive drivers will have to offer their parking space when they are leaving one.
Drivers on average spend 17 hours a year searching for parking.
In order to gain tokens, you must give up parking spaces, you cannot simply buy tokens with actual money.
When you get a parking space through the app, you will use up that token and in order for you to gain another token you will have to give up a parking space.
Americans are spending almost $73 billion dollars a year due to the difficulty of find a parking spot.
and struggle to find a parking space every day.
(Schmitt, 2017) Around 100 millions of those drivers are in major cities like NYC, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, etc.